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public transport related chinese vocab (traditional characters/taiwanese mandarin)
#langblr#Chinese Vocabulary#chinese langblr#chinese vocab#traditional chinese#traditional chinese characters#language learning#chinese language learning
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How to Pull an All-Nighter (The RIGHT Way!)
Step 1: Have a Plan & Come Prepared - Know what you need to study and how you are going to study for it. Set a goal for yourself, a few good studying goals include:
Copying all important points from notes into a study guide / cram guide.
Re-reading one or several chapters of your textbook and taking notes as needed.
Creating a complete set of flash cards and going through the set a certain number of times.
If you have a project due, gather everything you need and don’t stop until it is done.
Make sure you have all of the study material and snackage that you need to keep you going all night long.
Drinks and snacks? Check.
Textbooks? Notes? Check, Check.
Index Cards, Highlighters, Sharpies, and Pens? Checkity Check!
Step 2: Take a Nap - No, not in the middle of your all nighter. But if it looks like you may have to pull an all-nighter, it will be beneficial if you can get 1-2 hours of sleep sometime during the day before. You will want to make sure to wake up before 9 p.m., or risk your body trying to put you to sleep for the rest of the night!
When you get out of bed, it is sometimes helpful to pile other things on the bed to prevent you from laying down *just for a second* the rest of the night.
Step 3: Set An Alarm - Not everyone can make it through every all nighter, and inevitably you will fall asleep during at least one of your midnight study attempts. There is no shame in this. However, there is shame in accidently sleeping through your final exam, or your big presentation. Set an alarm for about 30 minutes before you actually need to wake up. This gives you a little extra time to get your sleepy head going in the morning if you DO fall asleep, and allows you to get to a stopping point before you start your day if you have managed to make it through the night and are still going.
Step 4: Hydration, Hydration, Hydration! - If you stay properly hydrated it will be MUCH easier to stay awake. Not to mention it will be much easier on your body the next day. Aim to drink two 8oz glasses of water (or one standard 16oz bottle) every hour or two. It will keep you awake and alert, and help your body deal with lack of sleep stress.
Step 5: Snack Smart - Make sure your snacks aren’t pure sugar or all junk- Here are some excellent snacks for all nightersPizza - It has carbs in the crust and protein in the cheese, great for giving you energy all night long. Order a large when you’re starving and snack on it the rest of the night!Cheese & Crackers - Also has those carbs and protein. If you want more food, add cut up lunchmeats! Apples, Peaches, Bananas, and Pears - Fresh fruit is packed full of complex carbs and natural sugars! Dried fruit is tasty too.Sandwiches - Packed full of things to keep you awake and thinking, sandwiches are always a great choice for study sessions. Take a good 10 minute break and make yourself a sandwich.
Step 6: Lighting is Key! - Keep your study room brightly lit to avoid any dim-lighting drowsiness. A good desk lamp or two can make a world of difference in your attention span! If you find your eyelids getting heavy, stare at a dim spot in your room and slowly move your eyes toward the lights. This lighting motion will help simulate a sunrise and wake you up!
Step 7: Don’t Allow Distractions - Turn OFF your phone (and no, that doesn’t mean vibrate or silent.) and unless about absolutely need it, turn off your Internet connection. Music is fine in the background - some people study better to it - as long as it doesn’t distract you.
Step 8: No Procrastination, Just Get Started! - One of the hardest things is kicking off your all nighter. Truth-be-told, you just have to jump in and begin. You have your plan, your snacks, and you know what you must do. In the words of Yoda. Do, or do not. There is no try.
So friends go ahead, study hell out of books, and just work hard..
Best of luck for finals….!!!
Love…. xoxo
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HSK5 words + example sentences!
These are all words I’m trying to become more familiar with for my upcoming HSK exam. All translations are mine and very lazy; take them with a pinch of salt. As ever, please let me know if you spot any mistakes!
用功 - yong4gong1 - diligent, be studious
他是个用功的学生 - he’s a diligent student
他在教室里用功 - he’s working hard in the classroom
学习不用功 - not study diligently
总是读书很用功 - always read/study diligently
围绕 - wei2rao4 - around, revolve around, to centre on (topic)
故事的情节围绕着两个家庭之间的矛盾 - the plot of the story is centred on the conflict between two families
改革要围绕教学内容 - the reform should centre around teaching content
围绕着创意为核心 - centered around creativity
缩短 - suo1duan3 - to shorten, cut down
缩短差距 - shorten the gap
缩短工作时间 - shorten working hours
把发言缩短到20分钟 - shorten the speech to 20 minutes
把报告缩短一半 - shorten the report by half
陆地 - lu4di4 - mainland, land
陆地资源 - land resources
在海上航行12天后他们看到了陆地 - after sailing at sea for 12 days they caught sight of land
上当 - shang4dang4 - to be duped, conned
这次我绝不会上坏人的当 - this time I definitely won’t be duped (by bad people)
上当受骗 - common phrase ‘be duped and deceived’
他上当受骗把信用卡交给了他们 - he was conned into giving them his credit card
游览 - you2lan3 - to travel, tour, sightsee
游览长城 - to go sightseeing at the Great Wall
孩子们离校浏览了一天 - the children left school for a day (on a school trip)
我们到岛上去游览了一整天 - we spent the whole day touring/going around the island
次要 - ci4yao4 - secondary, ancillary.
(Incidentally 次 in this word (and some other modern ones) preserves the Classical Chinese meaning of ‘next’ ‘next best’, which later developed to mean ‘time’.)
主要,次要原因 - primary and secondary reasons
次要收益 - secondary income
重要的是经验 - 年龄是次要的 - experience is what counts most - age is of secondary concern
那只不过是次要的因素 - that’s just a secondary factor
往返 - wang3fan3 - a return trip. 返 on its own also means return.
往返要4个小时 - it takes 4 hours to go there and back
一张往返票 (比两张单程票便宜)- a return ticket (is cheaper than two single tickets)
我步行往返要花一个小时 - if I walk the return trip takes me an hour
遭到 - zao1dao4 - suffer, meet with, experience (+negative thing)
遭到反对 - meet with opposition
遭到断然拒绝 - receive a flat refusal
遭到迫害 - experience persecution
片面 - pian4mian4 - one-sided, unilateral (to the detriment of other things)
片面追求升学率 - to put undue emphasis on the amount of students admitted to higher education (compared to other things)
这篇文章对事情的看法显得有些片面 - the stance this article takes towards things seems a little one-sided
看问题要避免主观片面 - when looking at problems, you should avoid being subjective and one-sided
论坛 - lun4tan2 - forum
这是最近论坛上引起剧烈争论的问题 - this is a problem which has recently caused a lot of heated debate in forums
在一些论坛上,很多年轻母亲都发出类似的担忧 - in some forums, many young mothers are all expressing similar concerns
Thank you, and 加油!
- 梅晨曦
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how to learn new content and never forget it
save this for your next academic year and finals, and it’ll save your grades and time.
1. whenever you read a paragraph with new content, close the book/look away and ask yourself: “what have i just learned?” explaining the concept to yourself right away and asking follow-up questions will change the way you retain new material forever.
2. at first, it’ll be daunting, and it’ll be pretty hard to actually bring yourself to do this. trust me, it’ll be worth it - as this is scientifically proven one of the most effective study techniques.
3. to try this out, set yourself a timer for how long you estimate learning a concept might take. now take away 20% from that estimate. you won’t be able to reach this goal with basic highlighting and re-reading techniques - but with active recall, you will.
4. once you’ve understood the concept, use spaced repetition systems like anki flashcards to force yourself to retrieve this information in a set period of time. this way, your brain will always be reminded of this concept before it could possibly forget it.
5. teach it to others as much as you can. as with the old wisdom “see one, do one, teach one”, one of the only guarantees you’ve really gotten something is when you can effectively teach it.
hope these are helpful for you!!
more content like this on my instagram, @softmedstudent
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hey i saw you're learning chinese, do you have an online link or pdf for the "New Practical Chinese Reader" book ? it's a bit expensive for me :/
Hey! I found a link to a pdf of the textbook here and a link to the workbook here. Hope this helps, and good luck with your studies :)
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do you have any learning materials for learning chinese?
Are you learning Mandarin or Cantonese or another Chinese dialect/language cuz I’m not sure which resources you want? I can give you some resources for both Canto and Mandarin but I don’t have any resources for other Chinese dialects / Chinese languages
Mandarin Resources
PDF’s (it contains PDF files to learn Mandarine.)
Mandarin Resources / Rec Post
Free Resources For Learning Mandarin Chinese
Chinese Grammar Wiki
Tips on learning Mandarin Tones (Check this post for tips on learning Mandarin Tones. I learnt Chinese tone naturally so I don’t have anything to recommend so I just link you this blog post.)
Chinese Pronouns
Learn Chinese Now Language Lessons
Vocabulary Videos
How to Speak With Numbers in (Mandarin) Chinese (In the West, we use acronyms for online chatting and texting such as BRB and LOL. For the Chinese, we use numbers! This video will help you learn how to speak with numbers in Chinese.)
Chinese Family Tree
11 Crucial Chinese Phrases
How to Curse in Mandarin Chinese
Integrated Chinese 中文听说读写
Links to watch Chinese (Mandarin) Dramas
Cantonese Resources
My first language is Cantonese so I’m not learning it from any materials but I’ve found a few site that looks quite interesting and looked quite helpful that you could try.
PDF’s (it contains PDF files to learn Cantonese.)
Apps Rec
Teach Yourself Cantonese
Cantonese Dictionaries
Cantonese Grammar
Cantonese Pronouns
Cantonese Tone
Cantonese Bad Swear Words
Vocabulary Videos
How to Speak with Numbers in Chinese - Cantonese Version
Chinese Family Tree - Cantonese Version
CarlosDouh (This is helpful to learn some slang and how and when they are used in Hong Kong.)Cantonese Slang (Another clip with a list of some commonly used Cantonese slang)
Sites to watch Hong Kong / TVB Dramas
newasiantv (with subs)
icdrama (without subs)
Watching dramas/films/shows will definitely help you learn and improve your Cantonese.
Chinese Reading & Writing / Character Resources
Chineasy (They also have books you can buy on amazon or on here)
3000hanzi (A site dedicated to help people learn to read Chinese)
Chinese Poems
To improve or learn Chinese characters, try to watch some Chinese dramas and/or shows with Chinese subtitles, it will help you learn and improve your Chinese reading.
Some Info about Chinese Languages / Culture
Cantonese Vs Mandarin (This video tells you the difference between the two.) There is another link you can try here)
Chinese Culture Topic Videos (You should check out their channel, they talk about many other things about Chinese Culture / China.)
The Chen Dynasty
Taiwan vs. Mainland Mandarin Chinese
Blogs / Blog Posts
Chinese resources
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what textbooks are you using for french and chinese?
For French I’m using Édito B2 3e édition by Didier
For Chinese I’m using the Integrated Chinese textbook and workbook (3rd edition)
Level 1 Part 1 Textbook PDF
Level 1 Part 2 Textbook PDF
Sorry I can’t find a workbook PDF, but I hope this helps you out :)
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Human Body | 人体
Body 身体 shēntǐ
Head 头部 tóubù
Neck 颈部 jǐngbù
Face 脸 liǎn
Forehead 额头 étóu
Eye 眼睛 yǎnjīng
Eyelash 睫毛 jiémao
Eyebrow 眉毛 méimao
Cheek 脸颊 liǎnjiá
Ear 耳朵 ěrduǒ
Ear lobe 耳垂 ěrchuí
Nose 鼻子 bízi
Nostril 鼻孔 bíkǒng
Mouth 嘴巴 zuǐbā
Lips 嘴唇 zuǐchún
Chin 下巴 xiàba
Tongue 舌头 shétou
Tooth 牙齿 yáchǐ
Hair 头发 tóufǎ
Skin 皮肤 pífū
Muscle 肌肉 jīròu
Bone 骨骼 gǔgé
Articulation 关节 guānjié
Arm 手臂 shǒubì
Shoulder 肩膀 jiānbǎng
Pulse 手腕 shǒuwàn
Belly 腹部 fùbù
Belly button 肚脐 dùqí
Leg 腿 tuǐ
Thigh 大腿 dàtuǐ
Knee 膝盖 xígài
Foot 脚 jiǎo
Ankle 脚踝 jiǎohuái
Elbow 肘部 zhǒubù
Back 背部 bèibù
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Spoken Latin
Latin is traditionally learned through translation because it’s really only used as a literary language, but spoken Latin has become more popular recently and here are some resources for practicing listening comprehension
Catherine Reed and Justin Bailey’s youtube channels. There is a tag on youtube called the latin listening challenge and some people might have maybe one or two videos but they both have a good amount of videos
Gregory Stringer (magister optimus!) has 80 short videos where he basically just talks about what’s around him and they range in difficulty
Quodiversus Abis has a few videos and she speaks really well
Scott Meadows has almost 375 videos in latin where he goes through the different pieces of latin literature as well as the lingua latina series with his teacher and others. Most videos are about an hour long so definitely check out his channel
Hope this helps!
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Back to school guide!
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Self Care
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week at a glance
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my Etsy shop (lots more printables! use ‘student10′ for 10% off any purchase)
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recent bujo spread ft. fortunes from a shrine and snaps from my trip to the tate ✨ ig: studylustre
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Popular apps perfect for students
Staying on top of all your to-dos, errands, tasks and due dates can get complicated but luckily there is an app for everything! If you’re looking for app to wake you up in a morning, manage your priorities or soothe your anxiety, you’ve come to the right place. Here is a list of all the top apps that students are using:
Planner Pro
Remember The Milk
Google Calendar
Pocket Schedule - Class Schedule, Homework Planner
AwesomeNote2 - All in One Organiser
The Homework App - Your Class Assignment & Timetable Schedule Planner
My Study Life
Calendars by Readdle - Event and Task Manager
Class Timetable
Due - Reminders, Countdown Timers
Do! - The Best of Simple To Do Lists
Workflow: Powerful Automation Made Simple
Glass Planner
Day One Journal
iStudiez Pro
Awesome Note 2
Tide - Stay focused, be peaceful
Focus Keeper
Productive habits and daily goal tracker
HabitBull (recommend by @ravn-studies)
BrainFocus (recommend by @ravn-studies)
Toggle Time Tracker (recommend by @ravn-studies)
Self Control
Jot - Notes Widget
Swipes - To Do List
ClearFocus: Productivity Timer
Binaural beats
Note taking
Microsoft OneNote
Boximize - Structured notetaking, personal database, form builder, manager and organiser
INKredible (recommend by @lottestudiesphysics)
RefME - Referencing Made Easy
Bear (recommended by @revisionsandcoffee)
InkFlow Visual Notebook
Khan Academy
Hemingway Editor
Coggle mindmaps
Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock
Sleep Genius
Rain Rain
Pillow: The sleep cycle alarm clock for sleep tracking
Sleepytime Sleep Scheduler
Mental health and self care
Stop, Breathe & Think: Meditation and Mindfulness
Pacifica - Anxiety, Stress, & Depression relief
Calm: Meditation techniques for stress reduction
Moodnotes - Thought Journal/Mood Diary
7 Cups Anxiety, Stress & Depression Chat & Therapy
Smiling Mind
Circle of 6
Health and fitness
Sweat with Kayla - Fitness & Bikini Body Workouts
Yoga Work Out
7-minutes workout
Waterlogged - Drink More Water, Daily Water Intake Tracker and Hydration Reminders
Sworkit (recommend by @leviosa-studies)
Medisafe pill reminder
Plant Nanny Water Reminder
Pocketbook Personal Finance Expense Tracker
Splitwise - Split bills and expenses the easy way
Pocket Expense - Personal Finance Assistant
Daily Budget Original Pro - Saving Is Fun!
Fudget: Budget planner and personal finance tracker
MoneyBrilliant - Personal Finance
The Coupons App
Hope this helps! x
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In connection to this post about only needing 200 words
Feel free to contact me and help me edit this post! There are definitely things on here that can’t be explained in a straight-forward way. Mandarin can’t be translated so directly compared to other Indo-European languages!
1st tone (high neutral): mā 2nd tone (rising): má 3rd tone (falling rising): mǎ 4th tone (falling): mà 5th tone (neutral): ma
*When there are two 3rd tones together, the first one becomes a 2nd tone.
suǒ yǐ -> suó yǐ
be - 是 shì
there is - 有 yǒu
have - 有 yǒu
do-做 zuò
create (aka “make”) -創造/造(创造) chuàng zào/zào
cause (aka “make”)-讓(让)ràng
go-去 qù
say-講(more casual) (讲)jiǎng
speak -說(说)shuō
know-知道 (only for knowledge)(知道)zhīdào
think-想 xiǎng
want-想要 xiǎngyào
can-可以 kě yǐ
need-要 yào
should-應該 (应该)yīnggāi
feel-感覺(感觉) gǎnjué
work (also as a noun) -工作 gōng zuò
understand-懂/明白 dǒng/míng bái
get (meaning “obtain”)-得 dé
use-用 yòng
start-開始(开始)kāi shǐ
eat-吃 chī
see-看 kàn
sleep-睡覺(睡觉)shuì jiào
decide-決定 jué dìng
find-找 zhǎo
meet (meaning to meet someone for the first time)-認識(认识)rèn shi
meet (meaning “meet up with”)-見面(见面)jiàn miàn
take-拿 nǎ
hello-你好 nǐ hǎo
goodbye-再見(再见)zài jiàn
My name is… - 我的名字是… wo de míng zi shì
“Nice to meet you.” -(Not said often in Chinese) 我很高興認識你(我很高兴认识你)wǒ hěn gāo xìng rèn shì nǐ
yes-(no direct translation, closest is the word “to be”) 是 shì
no-不是 bú shì
okay-好 hǎo
please-(no direct translation) 請- qǐng
thank you-謝謝(谢谢)xiè xiè
you’re welcome-不客氣(不客气)bú kè qì
sorry-對不起(对不起)duì bù qi
excuse me (to catch someone’s attention)-欸 èi
well (as in “Well, I think that…”)-那 nà
Really?-真的嗎?(真的吗?)zhēn de ma
that (as in “I think that…” or “the woman that…”) (doesn’t exist in Chinese)
and-和/而且/跟 hé/ěr qiě/gēn
or-或 huò
but-但是 dàn shì
though-可是 kē shì
because-因為(因为)yīn wèi
therefore-所以 suǒ yǐ
if-如果 rú guǒ
before (also as a conjunction)-以前 yǐ qián after (also as a conjunction)-後來(后来)hòu lái
from-從 (从)cóng to-到 dào
in-在(like “in a house”, 在家里面) zài
at (place)-在 zài
at (time)-在 zài
with-跟 gēn
about (approximately)-大概/大約(大约)dà gài/dà yuè
like (meaning “similar to”)-像 xiàng
for (warning, this one has several meanings that you need to take care of)
for (give to) you-給你(给你)gěi nǐ
Adjectives and adverbs
Know both the adjective and adverb forms of these words.
a lot-很多 hěn duō a little-很少/一點(一点)hěn shǎo/yī dian
good / well-好/很好 hǎo/hěn hǎo bad / badly-不好/差 bù hǎo/chā
more (know how to say “more … than”)-比(A)(verb) bǐ better (often irregular and not just “more good”)-更好 gèng hǎo
most-最 zuì
right-對(对)duì wrong-錯(错)cuò
the, a (technically articles) - no definite articles in Chinese
this (also as a noun) 這(这)zhè that (also as a noun) 那 nà
all-所有 suǒ yǒu some-一些 yī xiē no-沒有/無 méi yǒu/wú
other-別的 bié de
any-所有 suǒ yǒu
easy-容易/簡單(简单)róng yì hard-難(难)nán
early-早 zǎo late-晚 wǎn
important-重要 zhòng yào
cool (as in “that’s cool”)-酷 kù
same-一樣(一样)yí yàng
different-不同 bù tóng
beautiful-美麗/漂亮(美丽) měi lì/piào liàng
very-很 hěn
too (as in “too much”)-太 tài
also-還有(还有)hái yǒu
only-只 zhǐ
now-現在(现在)xiàn zài
here-這裡(这里)zhè li
maybe-可能 kě néng
always-永遠(永远)yǒng yuán often-常常/時常(时常)cháng cháng/ shí cháng sometimes-有時(有时)yǒu shí never-從來/從不(从来/从不)cóng bù
today (also as a noun)-今天 jīn tiān yesterday-昨天 zuó tiān tomorrow-明天 míng tiān
almost-快要/快會(快会)kuài yào/kuài huì
already-已經(已经)yǐ jīng
even-都 dōu
Chinese has “measure words”, which is like “a/an” in English.
一个 is used for most objects (people, some objects)
一杯 is used for cups and bottles [of liquid]
thing-東西(东西) dōng xi
person-人 rén
place-地方 dì fāng
everything-所有的東西(所有的东西)suǒ yǒu de dōng xī something-一些東西(一些东西)yì xiē dōng xī nothing-沒有(没有)méi yǒu
time (as in “a long time”)-時間(时间)shí jiān
time (as in “I did it 3 times”)-次 cì
friend-朋友 péng yǒu
mother, father, parent-媽媽/母親,爸爸/父親,父母(妈妈/母亲,爸爸/父亲)mā ma/mǔ qīn, bà ba/fù qīn, fù mǔ
daughter, son, child-女兒,兒子,孩子 nǚ ér, ér zi, hái zi
wife, husband-妻子/老婆/太太,先生/老公/丈夫 qì zi/lǎo pó/tài tai, xiān shēng/lǎo gōng/zhàng fu
girlfriend, boyfriend-女朋友,男朋友 nǚ péng yǒu, nán péng yǒu
breakfast-早餐 zǎo cān
lunch-午餐 wǔ cān
dinner-晚餐 wǎn cān
day-日/天 rì/tiān
year-年 nián
hour-小時(小时)xiao shí
week-星期 xīng qī
country-國家(国家)guó jiā
city-��市 chéng shì
language-語言(语言)yu yán
word-字 zì
Internet-網路(网路)wǎng lù
house-家/房子/屋子 jiā/fáng zi/wu zi
office-辦公室(办公室)bàn gōng shì
company-公司 gōng sī
Question Words
what-什麼(什么)shén me
where-哪裡(哪里)ná lǐ
when-什麼時候(什么时候)shén me shí hòu
why-為什麼(为什么)wèi shén me
how-怎麼(怎么)zěn me
how much-多少 duō shǎo
Know them in the subject (“I”), direct object (“me”), indirect object (“to me”), and possessive (“my”) forms.
I-我 wǒ
you-你 nǐ
she, he-她,他 tā
it-它/他 tā
we-我們 wǒ men
you (plural)-你們(你们)nǐ men
they-他們/她們(他们/她们)tā men
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My French teacher gave us these tips for studying a new language, so I typed them up for you guys! You can check out the original doc he gave us here
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