xxvii. auror. slytherin alumnus.You were B U R N E D , you were about to B U R N, you’re still on fire.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Oh, it’s a lovely place. I haven’t been there in years, sadly. Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know. HR didn’t mention it, actually, they like to keep those things as covered up as possible. It apparently “decreases morale” to know people are having issues. I’m sorry about your mother.
Father too. It’s not something I bring up in casual bloody conversation, but - it’s what happened, all the same.
#death cw#parent death tw#death of a parent cw#❛ no one man should have all that power┊ replies: mafalda
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Yeah, good luck with that one. I came two seconds away from punching him last time I saw him, he was prying into an old case and wouldn’t leave me alone about it.
Oh? Alright, yes, Jonathan. I know you’ve been in love with him for forever. [ she bumps his shoulder ] Let me buy you a drink so you can drown your sorrows?
Merlin, you’re bloody wonderful. Have I told you that? This week has been absolute shite.
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I have a way of making people’s days feel not so bad, see? [ she shakes her head ] I snuck out of her bed like a coward and have been avoiding her ever since.
I - well, I’ve been bloody doing the same. Minus the bed, of course - but I’ve been a right cowardly lion these past weeks.
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I split up with the girl I thought was my soulmate since I was fifteen. Not exactly a shining moment in my life, but hey, go big or go home, right? What’s got you sporting the sour face?
Nothing quite that severe, Merlin. Was it amicable, or do I need to hex her to kingdom come for you?
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Certainly lifts my spirits, I’ll tell you that. I’ve actually had some interesting developments there. And some less fun developments dealing with your least favorite Bones. A hurdle I’m sure you’re familiar with, since you seem so keen on certain members of the family. If you see him, tell him to fuck off from me, will you?
Gladly. He’s used to my tastes enough by now; I might not even get hexed for doing so.
I’m going to pretend you mean Jonathan. Amelia’s...a bit of a sore spot. A man needs his pride.
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It’s a good place to take a break, I’m not questioning that. I grew up in Spain. Madrid, specifically. Where did you go?
Barcelona. It was my mother’s favorite place to vacation and - the anniversary of her death is near, as I’m sure you must’ve been told by HR. Apparently, I get a little ‘snippy’ around Imbolc.
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Mad or not, I’m having a great time.
I suppose you are, now that Atticus is back. If we could all be so lucky.
#❛ no one man should have all that power┊ replies: viola#he hasn't seen amelia since valentine's and he's petulant
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I would say wonky as hell, I’m not sure it’s gone mad. Thoroughly irritated. Stepped on a LEGO kind of grumpy.
What’s got you down?
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You went to Spain?
For a weekend, aye. I needed a break; what can I say?
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top five hottest ministry workers?
Hell yes, I love questions like this. John Dawlish, obviously. He’s a sour-faced fox. Rufus Scrimgeour, he can interrogate me anytime. Amelia Bones, she’s cute as a button, and unlike her brother, she’s got a brain too. Apolline Bonacieux, I don’t know how that girl does it, but she always looks flawless. If I could be jealous, I would be jealous of her. And… I hate to say it, but Ted Tonks. Annoying as hell, but adorable.
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A man visits Spain for a fortnight and when he returns the world’s gone stark raving mad.
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I’ll take him to bed.
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And when we fuck
you don’t mind my s c a r s
you trace them with your fingertips
and make me forget why they’re there
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