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On the nature of yuvans, kuva, and continuity
to explain continuity we need to understand the 4 parts that are essential to its ceremony
kuva,yuvan,yuvan theaters, and the process
kuva is a sacred liquid that, in general, can mold the essence of the being that it is objected to
Examples of it being used are
1-kuva liches are made by remolding a diseased and decaying grineer subject into a powerful kuva-infused semi-immortal elite soldier
2-in continuity which we will discuss further in this thread
3-voruna's usage of kuva to fuse the bodies of her frame and her 4 dead loyal companions
4-the revival of ordan karris and his subsequent glassing into ordis
It is to be noted that according to grandmother, there are 2 types of kuva, those being blue and red kuva
Blue being a temporary takeover (lasting a few hours to a day with the orokin that consumed going back to their original body)
and red being a permanent one
Yuvans are the few chosen to have their essence taken over by the orokin; it is considered a great honor in orokin society to be selected as one, a well-known source for yuvans are colonies of Mars where children are taken (unwillingly, clearly) from their families to be paraded in front of dying orokin and selected as an orokin's next body
We should also note that the grey skin color an orokin presents isn't natural but is probably a result of further body modifications (similar to the extension of one arm)
The Yuvan Theater is where most of the yuvan ceremonies are committed
Some well-known theaters are the two theaters on Lua (yuvarium and Circulus) and the one atop a mountain on Earth (seen in The War Within), with the theaters on Lua being the most suitable as they are closest to the void's influence (judged by the void mirror at the center of voruna hall)
We must address that continuity doesn't require a specific location to occur, just the place itself must have a strong void connection
Now, the process itself isn't as complicated as it may seem
First, an orokin consumes the sacred kuva, then begins to connect to the mind of the chosen yuvan, bit by bit, they begin to weaken the resolve of the host's mind until they can simply eradicate it and replace their innocent essence with theirs
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MitW: Conceptual embodiment, eternalism, and the handshake
to explain what happened on the zariman to the operator we need to first go over two things
eternalism in essence; is the idea that everything that could happen will happen and has already happened
a good example is Schrodinger's cat
unless examined the cat remains in both states of being alive and not alive
in eternalism's version, the two choices are equally real, our choices only give way to one of them to happen in our current timestream
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then we go to the second concept
conceptual embodiment is the idea that intense emotions take form in the void
examples in the warframe universe:
1-the tunnel between Belric and Rania is a result of their love for each other, opening an eternal void gateway to have them always be together
2-skitter girl in the void flood missions is the result of Archimedean Yonta's anxiety
3-the plains of Duviri
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now we go to the handshake itself
the indifference collapsed all possible timelines into two timelines
1-all the children (including us) are rescued ((we will call this the operator's path)
2-all the children (except us) get rescued ((we will call this drifter's path))
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the drifter, being lost and alone in the void has created the plains of Duviri out of the book Euleria Entrati has created (based on tales Euleria was told in her childhood by Albrecht) as a way to control the wild emotions of the children
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Otak, the energetic side of loid and otak
Was an archimedian well known for his studies on argon crystals
Archimedians were the scientific caste under the orokin rule
A point has to be made that some orokin had enough knowledge to conduct their own fields of research (e.g albrecht's void research
Some other known castes were
Grineer (slaves and builders) ((synthesis imprint))
Commoners (e.g:parvos granum who later founded the corpus) ((deadlock protocol and parvos tenets))
Dax (elite warriors under direct orokin command) (war within)
The orokin caste themselves who were the nobility of the orokin empire
The orokin rarely gave the chance their most elite servants the ability to ascend and become one of them by drinking the sacred kuva ((cephalon fragments))
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