screeching-in-da-void · 2 days
Kristen Bell and Adam Brody reminding the girls what real chemistry looks like. I should be blushing. There should be banter and lingering looks. Thank you to them.
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screeching-in-da-void · 2 months
its not until odysseus starts talking about penelope that diomedes realizes his marriage might actually not be that good
diomedes: yeah aegialia is cool. she’s pretty smart… helps me be a better king since i don’t really know what i’m doing lol.
odysseus: penelope… my sun, my stars… the only reason i bring breath into my lungs is because it pleases her…
diomedes: …i’m doing something wrong
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screeching-in-da-void · 2 months
365 party girl !! (reading in bed at 9pm)
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screeching-in-da-void · 3 months
im so lonely that my favourite thing to do is pretend i relate to taylor swifts love songs when really i relate to the prophecy…anyway
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screeching-in-da-void · 3 months
Was just thinking about how different the rollout for TTPD has been, like how there’s been next to no promo other thank sparing social media and how (at least so far) the only single they’ve pushed is Fortnight and how the records they’re chasing seem to be album focuzed, and it strikes me again how it really was crafted as An Album Experience. It was one story, as messy and chaotic and heartbreaking and euphoric as it was, and it just kinda feels to me like that was the whole point.
She could have started pushing more singles and videos (and who knows, maybe she will) but my guess is that this is how TTPD is going to be left in the record books. She needed to write it and she needed to release it and she thus became this anthology — a collection of works about a period of her life — and it’s kind of standing on its own. It’s just super interesting both creatively and from a business perspective.
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screeching-in-da-void · 3 months
thinking long and hard about the transition from “and you’ll save all your dirtiest jokes for me” to “were you making fun of me with some esoteric joke?”
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screeching-in-da-void · 3 months
progress can come in so many forms.
forming a routine. getting more sleep. showering more often. eating more than one meal a day. finishing an assignment on time. allowing yourself to take breaks when you need them. drinking more water. going outside more. spending more time socializing. not going to events that are draining. cleaning the dishes before they pile up.
some things seem like little steps that we barely acknowledge, but every one of them is a part of progress.
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screeching-in-da-void · 4 months
“I will train these new teen superheroes like the nation wanted, make sure they will survive and win. But I promise you General, someday I will drag you to hell for conscripting these kids into child soldiers.”
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screeching-in-da-void · 4 months
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"To forget, to forget ...", Vahan Teryan (translated by Tathev Simonyan)
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screeching-in-da-void · 4 months
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stop flirting!!
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screeching-in-da-void · 4 months
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You and me probably end up going for all the same parts together.
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screeching-in-da-void · 4 months
The answer to your problems is self-discipline
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screeching-in-da-void · 4 months
“Just the tip” I say before burying my knife in you
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screeching-in-da-void · 4 months
“I have found more comfort in isolation than I have ever found in society.”
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screeching-in-da-void · 4 months
You are an immortal, having to deal with the rather troublesome rumour that your blood grants immortal life. However, what those after your blood don’t know is that since you can’t die, you are an excellent host to several deadly bacteria and viruses-all existing peacefully in your blood.
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screeching-in-da-void · 4 months
ur purpose on this earth isn’t to be liked by everyone why would u waste ur time trying to live such a restrictive existence trying to impress everyone like who really gives a fuck
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screeching-in-da-void · 4 months
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afterall, feeling understood is the greatest form of love.
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