screamingflowers56 · 5 years
“Because in 2 minutes, The junk food will be gone, The taste will be over, And all that will be left, Is the feeling of regret, Just. Like. Last. Time.”
— C'est moi (via angelsrlife)
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screamingflowers56 · 5 years
dear me: you already tasted it. you know what it tastes like. you don’t need to keep eating what you’ve already tasted. it will only make you fat. are you really trying to come back from summer break and say to yourself “i kept eating (re-tasting) brownies, peanut butter, and other junk even tho i already know what it tastes like”? or do you want to say to yourself “i tasted it once, savored it, had self control, and actually lost weight”? you can say you want the second one all you want, but i won’t believe it till you prove it.
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screamingflowers56 · 5 years
👿Meanspo #1👿
Tsk, tsk, tsk. Look at you. You sit there and tell yourself over and over, "I'll be so skinny," "I'll do better tomorrow," and even the occasional "I'll get back on track tomorrow." Now look at yourself. Do you see those thighs? That stomach? Jiggling like a bowl of gelatin? Bulging like they want to bust right out of your clothes? If only you had kept at it. You could have been so thin by now. So dainty, so fragile, so doll-like. You could have had thighs that don't touch, that don't swish and jiggle when you walk. You could have had a flat tummy that looks gorgeous at all angles and shows off those pretty ribs of yours. But I guess food is better, no? Pizza and cupcakes and chocolate and bread? I guess you didn't want to be thin badly enough, after all.
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screamingflowers56 · 5 years
LMAOO all the christmas thinspo i’ve seen is like “imagine being tiny wrapped in a huge blanket as you sit by the roaring fire with your delicate fingers wrapped around a mug of cocoa” bitch i live in A U S T R A L I A it is currently a hundred fucking degrees so imagine the pressure of christmas day tied in with the pressure of wearing summer clothes its the shittiest time of year hfajsdhfaladsfa
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screamingflowers56 · 5 years
LMAOO all the christmas thinspo i’ve seen is like “imagine being tiny wrapped in a huge blanket as you sit by the roaring fire with your delicate fingers wrapped around a mug of cocoa” bitch i live in A U S T R A L I A it is currently a hundred fucking degrees so imagine the pressure of christmas day tied in with the pressure of wearing summer clothes its the shittiest time of year hfajsdhfaladsfa
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screamingflowers56 · 5 years
I just fucking threw up from looking at myself too long after I got out of the shower
I’m fucking disgusted with what I’ve become
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screamingflowers56 · 5 years
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screamingflowers56 · 5 years
You have let yourself become this fat, so now you have to lose it yourself too.
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screamingflowers56 · 5 years
Nobody :
Ana : you are too fat to be anorexic
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screamingflowers56 · 5 years
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screamingflowers56 · 5 years
Me at work: wow I can’t wait to go home and take a shower and make some food and wash my clothes and learn advanced biology and apply for NASA and make a breakthrough in modern physics Me: *Gets home and falls asleep on the door handle*
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screamingflowers56 · 5 years
Fell off
So I’ve brought my calorie intake down significantly, and was only drinking water. I was really proud today I only had water, no food at all but then I was taking my sister to applebees to meet up with some friends after her graduation it HIT ME like my organs were so pissed off at me. I felt like I was dying, I think my blood sugar dropped badly. I drank pop to try and get some sugar going (that was prolly dumb but i was desperate) and I ate some of my appetizer. Ended up throwing that up but after I felt good enough to eat a meal so I did. I’m mad I fell off but I can always hop back on the water fast
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screamingflowers56 · 5 years
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🌸skinnier than u baby🌸
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screamingflowers56 · 5 years
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Me after I eat literally anything
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screamingflowers56 · 5 years
Les Mis till the DAY I die. I came here for the revolution imma die with the revolution
sidenote: I’m curious what everyone’s first fandom on tumblr was? cause that really is the truest you. deep down, it’s who you are as a blogger.
so like I said mine was Marianas Trench, what about y’all?
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screamingflowers56 · 5 years
what my scale sees everytime i weigh myself:
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screamingflowers56 · 5 years
If only it would be that easy…
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