scream-box · 3 years
You understand why I'm upset though right. God I shouldn't have said anything. Other sentences that make your skin crawl.
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scream-box · 3 years
I cant even fucking workout in private. Its 10 minutes is it really this hard to get 10 minutes to myself
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scream-box · 3 years
God I need to get laid
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scream-box · 4 years
Its not my fucking fault ur moms a bitch when she's drunk! Stop drinking around her if it sucks so bad but dont blame me
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scream-box · 4 years
Oh ok im evil
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scream-box · 4 years
"I love you baby but actually you're not allowed to be horny and I will tell you that but I will get upset if you are upset by me telling you that I "can't deal with" the fact that you're horny when I literally know that you're hypersexual and have no control" 🙄🙄
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scream-box · 4 years
Me trying to not come off as insane "I mean yea if u wanna u can bit like you dont HAVE to" while I'm sitting there like do it do it do it do it or ill cry
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scream-box · 4 years
How the fuck are you gonna be mad at me for saying that it hurt me when you told me i acted annoying to control ppl and told me like 3 times in one night was being too much.
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scream-box · 4 years
"I wasn't saying you're annoying I just meant loud and outgoing and couldn't think of another word" so. Ur not saying im annoying ur saying im things that have made ppl say im annpying for years. Cool. Thanks. That changes literally nothing
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scream-box · 4 years
I dont know how to ecplain that me being outgoing and loud sometimes isn't an act ive just been told constantly since I was a child that doing that made annoying
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scream-box · 4 years
Bitches will really say they thinknypu act annoying to control other people and then tell you you're being too mucha nd then tell u not to look at them and then be like 🥺are u upset? Like. Yeah I fucking am you think im trying to be annoying on purpose? You think I want people to dislike me? Really?? No im juat fucking like this sorry you think im annoying ig.....
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scream-box · 4 years
Am so horny and I want whataburger soo bad I think I'm gonna die...
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scream-box · 5 years
I hate how badly I need to have sex and even more than that I hate that I cant masturbate when i think that other people will know and I hate how I just shut down and cant function when I get like that
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scream-box · 5 years
Crying while masturbating in a bathroom with your fiance in the next room sure is an experience. Anyway I just want to go to bed bc I'm Still horny and dont want to fucking deal with this anymore I'm so tired of being hypersexual it fucking sucks
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scream-box · 5 years
Dumb bitches will get so so turned on they can barely think and then cant do ANYTHING about it bc their fiance isnt in the mood and they have problems with masturbating when other people are aware of it I am about to start sobbing I'm so fucking horny why am I like this and why cant I just be fucking normal!! That's all I fucking want is to feel like the only thing that will make me a person is to get fucked right now.
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scream-box · 5 years
I just want you to want me. To show me that you want me so I can show up that I'm yours
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scream-box · 5 years
I dont know how to not feel like shit when you cant touch me and I know it's not your fault and I'm not upset with you but I dont know how to explain how gross I feel without sounding like I'm guilting you into sleeping with me and I'm NOT trying to do that but you're gonna ask why I look like I'm about to cry and I dont have anything to say
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