scrapbook-galaxies · 5 months
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scrapbook-galaxies · 5 months
"womanizer" is one of those words that should mean something other than what it does.
example "i'm a womanizer. i see a guy and i womanize him."
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scrapbook-galaxies · 5 months
i cant get over the king charles portrait. they made that thing to age in his place. that painting hangs in the house of a too-friendly family you find in the post apocalyptic wasteland who inexplicably has a ready supply of fresh meat. if mario jumped into that painting he wouldn't find a charming platformer he would be flayed and hanged like a medieval criminal by an unseeable force in a droning red void. that painting is a color blindness test for people who work in IT but believe in the divine right of kings. that painting is going to weep the sequel to blood. after he dies charles is gonna crawl outta that thing like sadako.
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scrapbook-galaxies · 5 months
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Youtube doing this while fully fucking enabling the alt right pipeline with dozens if not hundreds of racist/anti semitic grifters on their platform for well over a decade at this point is an insane double standard.
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scrapbook-galaxies · 5 months
Hey, remember like 10 years ago when many of us were in our teens and twenties? Remember how there were all those news articles making fun of “millennials and their avocado toast,” that they didn’t know certain skills that had stopped being taught in school, that they were ruining the economy by killing various industries?
Remember how we rightfully said that was bullshit and we would be the generation to end it, that we would be nice to the generation after us?
I’ve seen a couple posts shitting on gen alpha kids. Don’t do that. Remember that they’ve already been through climate disasters, political unrest, and a global pandemic in their young lives. Talk to them. If they’re being rude, it’s probably because they’re struggling, not because they’re evil. Treat them as we wanted to be treated when we were their age. Children are people.
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scrapbook-galaxies · 7 months
I could be your ibuprofriend :).....or your advillain >:)
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scrapbook-galaxies · 7 months
Reblog if you think concert tickets should be $20.
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scrapbook-galaxies · 8 months
the usa shouldn’t be the political and economic focal point of the entire fucking planet, actually
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scrapbook-galaxies · 9 months
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"We refused to give Israel money to build a more powerful army to oppress Palestinians. The Israeli army besieged our city for 40 days. They raided or demolished the homes of those who witheld tax"
- - George Rishmaw
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scrapbook-galaxies · 1 year
Newest zine!
every part of this one was carved and hand printed lino (because my printing press broke...) and it sold out! im super glad it was recieved well. i want to make more things like this... im gonna have to make some plans i think.
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scrapbook-galaxies · 1 year
So I went to read the Kids Online Safety Act, thinking that it couldn't possibly be as bad as what people are making it out to be, I mean I'm a lawyer and expert in statutory interpretation, it can't be that bad, right?
Oh no. KOSA IS that bad. It will literally eradicate queer people online.
The bill says that a "covered platform" - broadly defined as "anything on the internet a minor might use" which is literally the entire fucking internet- has a "duty" to protect minors from anything that might harm them, including "sexual exploitation" and other undefined terms
It also gives state attorneys general the ability to sue to enforce it.
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So here's exactly what's gonna happen:
Wacko republicans, as they've been doing with increasing force this year and last, are going to sue any and every website in existence, saying that the mere existence of LGBT people online constitutes sexual abuse of minors. And websites are gonna be so afraid of not doing the most that they'll just axe all LGBT everything.
Like. Republicans have been calling all LGBT people groomers and child molesters for years. The lead Republican literally admitted this bill will be used to attack trans people.
This bill is BAD bad. I'm appalled that democrats are lining up behind what is clearly a republican Trojan horse to eradicate LGBT people from the entire internet.
Call your senator
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scrapbook-galaxies · 1 year
What I WISH so badly people would understand about The Last of Us is that its not about zombies. Its about people. It has always been about people. When i see people being like “why are there ‘politics’ in my zombie show” I want to rip my fucking hair out. Neither the game nor the show are about the fucking zombies. Its about Joel and Ellie. Its about Sarah. Its about Bill and Frank. Its about Riley. Its about Tess. Its about Tommy. The zombies just happen to be there. Its about the human condition and its about how humans continue to love each other and fight for survival even after enormous tragedy. Its about learning to love and care again. Its about loving someone so much you would sacrifice the entire world for them. If you cannot grasp that concept then maybe consuming media isn’t for you.
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scrapbook-galaxies · 2 years
I'm just trying to boost this :>
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scrapbook-galaxies · 2 years
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scrapbook-galaxies · 2 years
The lady at the suicide hotline just said “gotcha girlie” after calming me down and it just made me smile so wide for some reason. Bless these people truly
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scrapbook-galaxies · 2 years
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The hearing to have her sentence reconsidered, is on Sept. 12.
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scrapbook-galaxies · 2 years
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i was really into painting these until i thought about that scene from Its Always Sunny and now i simply cannot go on 
Keep reading
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