OMG my headcanon was right!!!!

This nerd dyes his natural purple hair to a slightly different shade of purple

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So you know how Vulcans have a hyper sensitive sense of smell and think humans have an “oily, often pungent aroma” to the point where we stink to them and they have to use nasal numbing sprays to cope when they’re on a mostly human ship.
It’s been shown that romulans have a similar sense of smell and since they’ve been described as; “Romulan people enjoy all aspects of life to the fullest, reveling in their experiences. Even seemingly unpleasant experiences like death, and war, are cherished for their intensity”.
What if they actually enjoy the way we smell, the same way someone might enjoy the smell of say onion, garlic or stinky cheese etc.
Only they’re incredibly embarrassed by this, and refuse to admit it to literally any other species.
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My official headcanon for brad boimlers hair is that it’s naturally a shade of mauve or lilac etc. basically it is still purple just not called purple officially.
Brad was made fun of a lot for this when he was younger so decided to start dying his hair when he got old enough.
Only the purple hair dye he uses is so close to his natural colour that literally no one but him can tell the difference.
Brad however thinks it’s a major change and the 2 colours are absolutely different and that his friends and family that knew him before he started dying it are just being nice by not bringing up his ‘obvious’ new hair style.
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I’ve changed something for what I’m now calling that augmented Brad au; instead of having one sick parent that was the reason for his augmentations before birth, I’ve decided that Brad instead now has 2 moms that were.
Both were desperate for a child of their own but there’s such a long wait list in hospitals for this kind of treatment (look I don’t care how far it is into the future, somethings don’t change) that when a seemingly nice scientist approached them offering a private alternative solution they agreed and asked very little questions.
The process wasn’t perfect however and the baby they got ended up with a lot of unforeseen health issues as well as just being small and undeveloped (the purple hair was deliberately added by one of his parents who thought it would be so cute to have a baby with hair the same colour as their beloved grapes/raisins).
Brad somehow did manage to make it to adulthood and even into starfleet, and while his moms are incredibly proud of him they’re extremely worried about their precious baby boy being hurt/killed or found out as an augmented human.
They’re constantly trying to get him to move back to the farm where it’s safe and they can watch over him, plus he could settle down with one of the farm hands and finally give them some grandkids.
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To go with my idea of Brad being an augmented human and his hiding it from star fleet;
So it’s pretty clear Williams going to be a villain this season and it got me thinking about a scenario where the days saved the rifts are closed etc and William is arrested for his crimes.
William who just like Brad is an augmented human and before had reason to keep this hidden but now it’s definitely something he’d tell Starfleet about to get Brad also discharged and arrested. Definitely a if I’m going down I’m taking you with me scenario.
Also I’m thinking about Brad celebrating with everyone of the Cerritos after everything when a bunch of high ranking starfleet members come up and immediately arrest Brad in front of everyone stating his crime as being an augmented human who hid his identity in order to join starfleet.
Everyone’s pretty much ready to riot and throw down then and there, except for Brad himself who while definitely upset also looks calm and resolute almost.
He tells it’s true that he’s an augmented human that hid it all these years and that he’s sorry he’s lied to everyone. He always figured he’d be found out one day and yeah no way was William gonna keep their secret after everything, still it was nice while it lasted.
Cue a whole drama where Brad has a trial, all sorts of people are brought in as character witnesses and the Cerritos fights tooth and nail to get Brad free and back into starfleet.
Also Mariner is 100% freaking out about the idea of Brad in jail by himself (the others are also freaked out but mariner extra so) and thinks he’s probably been sold for a pack of cigarettes already.
Brad is actually having an ok time though, like he’s definitely not thrilled but compared to some of the missions and alien jails they’ve been to earth prison is pretty chill.
So Brad gets released and is reinstated as a junior lieutenant and a the rule stating that augmented humans can’t join starfleet is removed.
Brad and the gang expect everything to just go back to normal on the ship, but there’s definitely some stigma around augmented humans and the fact he kept it hidden for so long that affects peoples opinions on him.
Some of its mild like Jack Ransom asking him if he has any cool augmented stuff like extra strength, endurance and brain power (he doesn’t). He even makes a few comments on missions about Brad being built differently and using those augmented abilities to help them (it’s annoying at best and offensive at worst)
Doctor T’ana now that she has access to brads actual genetic code and health is kinda horrified by what she finds, since his DNA is constantly falling apart and fixing itself resulting in all kind of health problems. She starts him a strict regime of supplements and vitamins etc and asks him all sorts of questions about past health stuff and doctors (she looked ready to kill someone when Brad mentioned he didn’t really ever go to the doctor as a kid since his parents where worried about his illegal augment status being found out).
There’s also a number of starfleet officers who almost seem to be scared of Brad, whispering about how you can’t trust augmented humans that Brad must be hiding his true self like William was and that one day he’ll just snap.
There’s also a more vocal angry group who spew all sorts of hateful things about how brads an unnatural freak and that he and other augmented humans don’t belong in starfleet to anyone that will listen.
#brad boimler#star trek lower decks#headcanon#beckett mariner#star fleet#star trek#lower decks#uss cerritos#d'vana tendi#sam rutherford
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So I’ve been on kinda a Star Trek lower decks kick lately and one idea I’ve come across that won’t leave me alone is that Brad Boimlers is an augmented human.
Like maybe one or more of his parents had health issues/problems that they really didn’t want passed down to their child/ would make it so that child wouldn’t survive to adulthood.
But they were still desperate for a biological child of their own so ended up going to some shady doctor/scientist who said that they would rewrite the baby’s genetic code enough so that it wouldn’t have the health issues but still be there’s genetically.
In order to do this they basically had to create DNA that self replicated and healed as the baby lived so that none of the health conditions would kill him. It was partly successful, while Brad is very frail and displays a lot of the health issues and allergies of his parent/s he’s still able to mostly be healthy.
An unforeseen side effect of this was purple hair and that when enough adrenaline is pumping and the body feels like it has to go into survival mode the self healing DNA kicks into overdrive and he’s somehow able to survive experiences that would kill most others.
Seriously he’s come back from death/near death like 3 times and off the top of my head survived falling off a mountain with a local stating he’s the first she’s seen live afterwards in a current episode.
Also this is absolutely me looking way to deeply into a joke but I’m on a roll so hear we go: Mariner makes a comment that no Brad isn’t aging in reverse he just doesn’t get enough vitamins, what if due to his DNA constantly having to repair itself it basically leaches important vitamins and minerals from his body resulting in Brad being underweight and scrawny he also has problem digesting certain foods so has a hard time getting nutrients from that. He definitely should be on some kind of medical grade supplements but he’s delt with it his entire life and to him it’s normal (his parents were not risking taking him to a doctor more than they had to in fear they might find something out).
The whole but about him dying his hair could be him being paranoid about Starfleet listening to logs and him trying to cover his tracks if his hairs ever brought up. Also another person mentioned his admiration of Una to me and watching the episode it honestly felt deliberate with how clearly he hero worships her along with mentioning how he joined star fleet because of her, Una who’s Illyrian species known for it’s genetic modifications.
I’m thinking that Brad is a genetically modified human and starfleet as a strict no augmented humans allowed rule due to past experiences and worries they have about their unstable DNA.
Brad however has always dreamed of being in starfleet so despite the risks joins claiming to be just a regular human who some less than great genetics.
Honestly I think it could also be a really interesting way to show the not so nice and downright prejudice aspects of starfleet as a whole.
Especially if Brad is ever found out, since not only would he be kicked out he’d most likely be arrested for lying to starfleet about being an augmented human.
Starfleet is in no way prepared for the fury that is mariner, Tendi and Rutherford along with the entire cerritos crew coming for them.
#star trek lower decks#Star Trek#lower decks#brad boimler#headcanon#beckett mariner#d'vana tendi#sam rutherford#au#spoilers
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I have a rather dark idea that's been brewing in my mind for a while now (warning will contain child abuse) about the sun and moon anime.
A year has passed its another pokemon league ash has revisited alola to enter, burnett and kukui baby been born and everyones ready for anothergo. Including team skull with guzma taking kukui offer to take part even if there not on speaking terms.
Its getting down to the final with guzma vs gladion and its golispod vs zoroark. It's a tough battle but golispod does seem to be winning causing gladion to use the z move black hole eclipse. Golispod blocks it but something strange happened the move still came into contact with golispod and instead of making him dazed and scared along with dealing damage like it should all the z move energy tainted by golispod forms a black hole above them and shows golispod greatest fear.
We see through the eyes of a wimpod into a childs bedroom. Hes being held by an upset child over his shoulder in a desperate hug who tells him "that'll be ok dads just angry that we lost again but no matter how load and scary it gets you have have to stay under the bed were its safe" wimpod makes a noise of uncertainty and fear before hes pulled away revealing a young guzma who gently lowers his wimpod to the ground who scrambles under the bed.
By know both golispod and guzma have gotten over the shock and realized what memory is about to play out for all to see. They begin fighting in absolute desperation both aware that if zoroark unconscious the z move gone wrong cant continue and determined to stop it before it gets to the really bad part. But zoroark fast and golispod panick makes it sloppy but unrelenting.
The memory continues the door slams open and all wimpod can see is a pair of shoes in the doorway, before the end of a golf club drops to the floor. Guzmas dad starts raving about how could he have? He should be better than this and just was is wrong with you guzma?! All the while slamming the golf club in to the floor, walls and occasionally bed. Young Guzma doesn't answer and finally his father attacks, wimpod still cant see anything but he can hear it the sound of hair being pulling, repeated slaps and punches against skin all the while guzma begging him to stop telling him he'll do better, theyll get stronger and he wont lose anymore.
Everyone watches in morbid shock, even zoroark is distracted by the scene above them, finally giving golispod the opportunity he use poison jab hard enough to break the skin and stab directly into his opponent before throwing them aside and returning to his trainer, his boy.
Without a word golispod returns to his poke ball and guzma silently walks off his body hunched over defensively the full weight of the situation refusing to hit him. Then he see plumeria standig in the hallway waiting for him, the one person that no matter what always stood by and supported him.
He slowly falls into her gripping onto skinny shoulders and he cries. It starts small at first but slowly a lifetime of repressed trauma and abuse come out in tears and screams.
I've got more to add if your interested including the grunts being cuties who love their boss, plumeria being supportive and everyone facing what they ignored for so long
#pokemon#sun and moon#anime#guzma#golispod#plumeria#team skull#skull grunts#kukui#hala#abuse#prompt#headcanon#fanfic#fanfiction
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Part 2 of the ducktales au (I’m thinking about calling it the parental della au), so Donald gets a call of della saying the triplets are hatching (both silently agree the triplets being hatched is more important than their fight) and high tails it there as quickly as possible in his boat. He arrives just in time to see Louie hatch, and cries for like an hour after saying how beautiful they are and refusing to let his nephews out his sight.
He stays and no one even mentions the fight instead waaay to focused on the chicks. But even after a few days Donald notices things, scrooge is great with the chicks gently holding them and looking at them with more love than Donald seen in anything that’s not money related, however della just seems… not quite right around them. She clearly loves them and is excited having them triplets hatch but she’s just not maternal at all, e.g instead of cradling them she seems to hold them under her arm almost like a package, scrooge and Donald can almost instinctively tell them apart but della can’t and honestly doesn’t seem bothered. Instead of being excited for things like their first words or the cute matching outfits she could get them seemingly almost skipping ahead talking to them like they can understand her about the fun adventures and places they’ll explore, and she’s seems perfectly fine letting the housekeeper do things like change their diapers, rock them to sleep and remind her it’s feeding time for her instead. She’s not a mom, and Donald knows it.
A few weeks pass just enough time for them to get into some sort of routine with 3 babies and dellas behaviour continuous, so Donald rather than just confront her about it like last time tries to almost bring out her parental attitude e.g:
“ya know I read that changing a babies diaper actually reinforces a parental bond since it helps the chicks see you as a caregiver” “have you smelt their diapers donald”
“why don’t we get them different coloured same outfits, they’d look so cute and the material on this ones so soft I bet they’d be really comfy” “oh my gosh Donald look at this one it’s got planes on it! I’ll have little baby pilots :)”
“DELLA WHAT THE HELL WHY IS THEIR AN ANCIENT AZTEC AMULET IN THEIR GRIB!” “relax Donald scrooge says it’s not cursed and they loved how shiny it was”
Enough is enough and Donald finally confronts her, she’s confused at first, then angry thinking they’d both gotten over that silly argument and Donald had come to his senses and stopped worrying much. Donald doesn’t exactly accuse her of being a bad parent, more a neglectful one. Dellas not used to being told she’s bad at anything scrooge clearly has a soft spot for her and she’s naturally talented and hardworking at most things, plus she’s pretty deep in denial about being a parent and just can’t understand where Donalds coming from.
They fight, worse than last time Donald desperately trying to explain how he doesn’t want what happened to him for the boys and how they should have a chance to grow up normal and happy. And della not having any off it pointing out all the things she’s done for her kids (rather basic stuff like cleaning, dressing and putting to sleep etc) and how much fun they had on their adventures with uncle scrooge and what a great experience it was for her, and how she wants it for her kids.
Uncle scrooge manages to catch them in the middle of the fight, and takes della side. How dare Donald call her a bad parent sure the housekeeper helps out sometimes but she’s a new single parent of course she needs help and she obviously loves them like any mother. Also how ungrateful can he get, scrooge took them in and let explore the world with him, and all he can focus on is the dangerous parts!
Donald actually second guesses himself seeing scrooge and della react like that. They were some (rare) fun parts their adventures and della has only been a parent a few weeks maybe it’ll just takes her a little longer to really become a mom? One of the babies starts crying, then of course the other 2. Both scrooge and della are blocking the door in order to face him and he waits for at least one of them to go to the crying triplets. They remain standing their staring or glaring in scrooge’ s case waiting for a response, and instead he hears the housekeeper gently shushing them.
He looks them completely earnestly and says “please, please just keep them safe” before pushing his way past them, out the mansion and to his house boat, where he sails away with tears in his eyes. Knowing that’s there’s no way he’ll change della and scrooge s minds and that he just abandoned his nephews to a similar fate as his.
Part 3: we learn how a different upbringing has affected the triplets personality and their relationships :)
#ducktales 2017#donald duck#ducktales#parental della au#della duck#scrooge mcduck#hewey dewey and louie#hewey#dewey#louie#au#headcanon
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Ducktales au I’ve been thinking about: ok so what if the spear of selene thing never happened, as in della never went missing, scrooge and Donald never fell out and the triplets were raised by della in the mansion with scrooge.
Now the thing is there’d still be some underlying issues, based on what little we’ve seen on della she honestly to me doesn’t seem like the mom type, she’s caring enough but not in that protective nurturing way a child needs to develop, and scrooge does tends to assume della can do no wrong so thinks she’d make a great mother, after all the adventures she’s proven herself on raising a few kids shouldn’t be that hard, right?
The thing is Donald knows them both, knows how despite how much they care they both can be uncaring, unreliable and hurtful. He really wants to believe the kids will grow up fine with her, but well how many times has he been dragged on an adventure, left in a dangerous situation or hurt or even almost killed only to be completely ignored, or worse laughed at. He tries to gently bring this up to della, but she’s a head strong women who’s mostly been raised by a man who can’t seem to notice her faults.
She doesn’t understand where Donald coming from, of course she’ll be a great mom, she’ll make sure to give them all sorts of fun adventures together, teach them all sorts of interesting stuff and let them explore the world and of course they’ll be fine, they’re a family after all. Now Donald grows even more worried about the idea of 3 little duckling on these ‘fun’ adventures and all the ways they could get hurt like he did.
He’s panicked now and tells della directly his concerns and her reply is basically he shouldn’t worry about that, after all all their her kids! Not him, besides he never really got like seriously hurt on those adventures (headcanon that whenever one of the twins rarely got seriously hurt, normally Donald, scrooge would hide how bad it was trying to not worry the other and della always fell for it, but not Donald). He snaps, tempers clash, they have a huge argument with della accusing Donald of calling her a bad parent and Donald accusing her of thinking he’s useless and that his opinions don’t matter. Scrooge tries to break it up once he hears the yelling but doesn’t really understand what the fights about and mostly yells himself to tell them to stop.
Donald storms off, takes his little house boat that he proudly (and now gratefully) bought with his own money and sails off. He isn’t seen again till the triplets our due to hatch.
(I’ll post a part 2 about the triplets if anyone’s interested)
#ducktales 2017#donald duck#della duck#scrooge mcduck#hewey dewey and louie#headcanon#au#part#parental della au#?#? maybe
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Ya know what I think could be interesting for the new ducktales if jose and panchito are ever in an episode: scrooge hating them. Ok but listen here’s why, they stand for almost everything scrooge is against his greatest enemy and threat magica de spell uses magic to fight which is something he’s at least vunurable to, and here’s these 2 strangers using “black magic” to make instruments out of anything, make pictures from books real etc in order to have fun around his family!
Not only that but their views on life completely contradict his own, there’s an old comic where the three caballeros go looking for silver and instead find mercury, do they get upset, annoyed or even continue on a new adventure looking for another treasure: no they laugh about, joke about the universe playing a joke on them then go into town to perform with jose never once showing remorse. Panchito even claims despite it being his idea that since they helped him find the silver and that there his friends that’ll they’ll split it evenly three ways, u think someone literally called scrooge is going to understand or approve of that.
Also they find adventure wherever they are, as long as their together, they don’t need to travel the world as long as the three caballeros are together it’s always an adventure, singing, dancing and laughing the night away just having fun with no end incentive, something I’m pretty sure scrooge would consider useless and idiotic when they could be out there on a ‘real’ adventure.
This isn’t even counting the change in his newphew Donald who while used to enjoy at least part of their adventures was not this relaxed, carefree and affection, it’s like he’s seeing a different side to Donald all together. And for a duck who is adimtly arrogant seeing this positive change in his nephew that he had no part of and is caused by these 2 birds that incorporate so much he hates and yet clearly care so much for donald would probably really get to him.
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Ok so I've been on a bit of a ducktales hype lately especially around Donald s character and this ended up leading to the caballeros. And I came up with an idea/ headcanon thing about how jose and panchito could fit in:
So before the triplets were born and fell went missing, Donald as in fact living in Mexico with jose and panchito, whether this was romantic or just strong friendship, or perhaps a mix of both I can't decide. Like in the films he was about as happy and carefree as Donald could get: spending his time dancing and singing, while still getting in to (less dangerous than his usual scrooge and della) adventures and just generally living his own life. Then he gets the call about della going missing, the triplets being orphaned and how he's classed as next of kin for the boys. He knows he has to go back to America and protect and raise his sister's children, alone. There's no way jose and panchito with him, there to carefree and their hearts are in Mexico now not in America they'd never cope away from their home trying to raise three children. They don't see it that way they're the three caballeros they stay together no matter what and there's no way there letting Donald give up basically his current life to raise three children, by himself! They get into an argument with lots of shouting and hurtful things said to each and by the time they calm down, Donald s already left for America and they have no way to contact or even find him and Donald s so busy with the babies and his sister's disappearance to apologize and make up :(
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Hi, sorry if I'm annoying but I wanted to know: in your arranged marriage AU, I know this is an old one, who would fell first for the other; Poppy or Branch. Can I asks you how? Thanks, have a nice day!
It's alright and I'm not really sure I think they would both fell for each about the same time without really realizing it also if u like this au @tipolover22 has made a brilliant fanfic about it on archive of our own called betrothed :)
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Ok but ya know that line in the captain underpants movie “this where the magic happens” “though not real magic, we are not studying the dark arts” (I think that’s how it goes I havnt seen the movie yet but I remember seeing this around), got me thinking about a dark magic au.
So krupps still krupp, the boys are still prankster, and the schools still miserable. But one day after hiding from krupp in the library after a prank they find a weird book hidden away and looking like it hasn’t been touched in years. It’s a book on true dark magic: sacrifices, curses, summoning etc and full of instructions.
Now being ten years old at the most they don’t fully understand what the book is, but Harold loves the designs and pictures and George finds the dramatic and new words really fascinating. So they take it back to there there tree house and when there not working on comics kinda mess around with it: doodling symbols and trying to copy monsters, reading out lines in over the top voices etc.
When Harold chooses to draw the wrong symbol and george also says the wrong phrase in a long dead language. The room begins spinning Harold’ s symbol glow and a dark hole opens up where the boys comics (and nearly themselves) are sucked in. Suddenly the room stops and a dark figure appears and slowly takes the form of, captain underpants.
The boys had somehow managed to find and reinact a spell that not only summons a demon, but creates one in the image it’s creaters decide and since so many of their comics where about they got captain underpants. So the boys have to deal with a demon who thinks he’s a superhero running around, that when splashed with water takes on a much demonic appearance and personality while still completely obeying his ‘masters’ (Harold and George) and turns back to captain underpants when he hears fingers being snapped.
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Ok but what about if the 2 do end up on a date and Harold takes him to one those stereotypical kids pizza places. And George being the good friend he is decides he better make sure Harold is ok and billys not like a new supervillian or trying get secrets for his school etc also captain underpants comes along for help and support, plus edith who’s unwilling to let them go alone and possibly ruin Harold first attempt at romance and Melvin somehow tagged along cause he had no plans that night and this probably the closet he’s gonna get to romance. Also they’re disguises solely consist of they’re normal outfits and fake moustaches, including edith.
Then a load of kids from their school notice them and finally work up the courage to ask what the hell the 4 of them are doing together wearing fake moustaches. They quickly explain everything and about 10 more kids join their spy group. Both Billy and Harold notice this but are just so smitten with each other they don’t care instead just focusing on the other. Billys just enthralled with everything about Harold he’s so messy, creative and fun everything billy doesn’t have in his upper class life, plus he loves hearing him talk about dolphins. And Harold just dumbstruck cause he’s so pretty, and his voice is so pretty and he laughs at all the jokes he makes and smiles at him like no one except possibly George does and he makes him feel like he’s got butterflies in his tummy but in a good way (their still 10).
How they should introduce Billy (Harold’s future husband) in a sequel
So what if Billy’s from a prestigious performing arts school and is part of an a cappella group that comes to Jerome Horwitz Elementary for a performance
George is like “Ugh this is going to be so lame” and Harold agrees but when the group starting singing and dancing for the Jerome Horwitz students in the auditorium, his attention gets snagged by one boy in particular, a really good-looking boy with glasses with a really good singing voice
And then Harold goes into a fantasy spot where the rest of the audience disappears and Billy’s singing for him alone, but much more flirtatiously
Once it’s over he’s blushing up a storm and his mouth’s hanging open and George is like, “Dude, where did you go just now?”
And Harold’s like, “I don’t know…but I want to go back.”
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Corgi only listens to owner when he talks like The Beatles
> I like how the guy in video talked with other accents to give more proof.
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Oh God I didint even notice that! But it's so cute little river taking after her dad Creek and trying boop trolls :)
Could you draw Gradient smooching my oc, River. She's under the tag "river" in my blog. She's just a baby, by the way. PLEASE AND THANK YOU! 😊
Gradi loves babies!!! And he’s a great babysitter ♡✧( ु•⌄• )
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Aww little sweetie I love the colours shades u used for her :)
Could you draw Gradient smooching my oc, River. She's under the tag "river" in my blog. She's just a baby, by the way. PLEASE AND THANK YOU! 😊
Gradi loves babies!!! And he’s a great babysitter ♡✧( ु•⌄• )
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