sclacies · 7 years
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Happy Valentines Day 💕 [x]
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sclacies · 7 years
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LSW Stage Play Cast Appreciation:      Doi Kazumi (Munakata Reisi’s actor)
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sclacies · 7 years
then we can literally start haunting them again-- i hope the new stuff comes out  the only new stuff i have is literally seri in rok manga  --
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SAME i missed being reisi a lot. i like him and i want to rp with everyone again but. yeah
maybe when the new stuff comes out and we have new material for our muses
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sclacies · 7 years
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LSW Stage Play Cast Appreciation:      Marimura Kaoru (Born on February 20)      [Awashima Seri and Fushimi Kisa’s actress]
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sclacies · 7 years
indefinite hiatus
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apparently the piece of trash that i am -- well have been inactive for months.. and months and months and never bothered to make this status update-- and yeah indefinite hiatus ?? ( yay surprise-- no not really ) 
i only made this now because those months were spent thinking if i had really lost the muse for seri ( which i think i havent ) but perhaps i lost the urge to roleplay and that drafts were really tiring -- like i want to work out on them but it just wont write itself--!
( and also spent those months stu-dying ; because im still doing that and its incredibly tiring and stressful and a a aa )  anyways not meant a farewell but just -- a pause on things. 
id get back in this blog in a heartbeat once i regain seri back  ; until then if you wanna find me im just at my personal blog ( reblogging sht and is currently absorbed in the hell called hannibal ) or discord ( its Aisu ( sclacies ) #2580 ; please introduce yourself aaa ) 
i may still be on this blog just to reblog seri things ( cause im a piece of shit thats why )
ily all. thank you for putting up with me.  aisu x.
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sclacies · 7 years
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.ARCHER so it’s been a little over one year since I re-made my blog from the original (homrafighter) into this one AND I STILL SUCK AT GRAPHICS. 
okay I’ll be serious now:
I find it hard to believe that there are people following me here that were, in fact, following me for the two and a half years I had my first blog. It’s surreal, really, but even moreso than that is the fact there’s 400 of you following me now. For most people, 400 is achieved in the first month or something ridiculous like that, and it’s a number they scoff at like “wow it took you a year and a half to get 400? whew shit blog there m8″. typically I don’t care about a number but after so long (and meaning to make an ff when I was blown away by 300) I’ve got to acknowledge the fact people enjoyed Takehiko - my creation - enough to not only follow me, but stay following me over a long period of time, and/or through different blogs as their interests developed.
For somebody writing an OC - and not only that, a female OC - it means a lot that you all are here. The number of interactions I’ve gotten on this account is staggering, and thus the number of chances to see Takehiko develop in various ways through the number of verses I have set up for her has just as much potential - and no matter how different she may be in one verse compared to another, interacting with you in other verses let me see how Takehiko behaves with the presence or absence of different circumstances in her life…I enjoy that so much and appreciate you all helping me make it possible. It excites me, honestly. Every time somebody agrees to write with me I am floored because there’s little I enjoy more than putting my creativity to work and finding a way for characters to interact and push each other into new grounds they aren’t familiar with.
I cherish each and every one of my threads, and even if I don’t follow you back, I appreciate the fact you looked at my blog for more than 0.2 seconds in order to determine that you actually wanted to follow me.
I can only hope the plots I can think of and number of ideas I come up with continues to carry for as long as Takehiko exists, so that I don’t disappoint everybody that’s here. I can only hope Takehiko keeps growing and expanding the portrait of “Well-Developed Original Character” so many of you have told me she’s created.
– There’s only so many ways a person can say thank you. And in case my gushing didn’t get it across…thank you all so much.
Now that I’ve given you guys a relatively crappy, condensed version of all that’s in my heart and mind to say to you all (really, this pales in comparison. I suck.), I have a list of some special mentions…all the way from people that I’ve known as long as I’ve had Takehiko to people I’ve only recently begun to follow (p.s. if I mention you more than once and not with your blogs together or worst of all confuse somebody else’s blog for yours I’m so sorry because honestly I SUCK AT PAYING ATTENTION TO WHO RUNS WHAT BLOGS and sometimes I confuse people ;laksjdf;lsda).
OLDIES BUT GOLDIES…y’all have been following me since I was on Takehiko’s first blog and man. what a roller coaster that’s been, huh?
@fukuroukashi / @akagenki + @erikararara + @mothersins + @gamenu + @crownofsmiles + @euphorithe + @restless-arrogance (you’ve been inactive for months but I will NEVER unfollow you)
ENSNARED PARTICIPANTS…I mean my writing partners. even if we haven’t known each other for long, but we have a thread? man you should be here. even if you don’t see your name, know you deserve it. have we plotted but not yet threaded? boy you’re here too.
@shxujobrave + @excinere + @oduibhne + @accelxration / @ayamxchi + @cuhullin + @fenrirsrefrain + @vesselize + @smckinghabit + @seacrowned + @teryuujima + @treurspel + @jauneymistletoe + @rujiba + @ab-x + @sunwekan + @glyphbound + @cutthrxat + @onemxre + @kazenoheishi + @yokiina + @sclacies + @drcamcvtcher + @abysstrail / @dragonclawed + @iironhearted / @aqucphobia / @sschnsucht + @rosaxui + @nurturingflames + @gangleadiing + @powerserve  + @stompforward​ + @excinere
UNWITTING AUDIENCE…those of you I stay in contact with oocly rather than ic, for one reason or another. I appreciate y’all just as much.
@jsdro / @owlovd + @dvtto + @dereliquit + @tigerlibero + @wingaced + @ozpinosus / @hilarus + @shiracpt / @lysandi / @saltysetter + @deceitist / @akebara + @sweaterquccn + @pctukh
NEW BLOOD…we haven’t known each other for very long, but I enjoy your presence on my dashboard nonetheless. we haven’t threaded yet or maybe even talked, but man I appreciate you being there, and I hope you appreciate me on your dash just as much. 
@shoyous + @falsebeing + @bladedheels + @requiine + @ekkusumoi + @tadmean + @calamitouscyan + @hafuriyuki + @aeternuslunae + @geniuspianokid + @hyperionstar + @kcguya + @spctfcre / @ailourcs + @lockedfighter + @appurupii + @prometheansins + @sclbstmord + @caliburnus + @taintcdsorrow + @gxldenstreak + @lcstmemory + @nekobero + @hanabari + @rcnouveau + @ryusxnka + @kunshuu + @magiier + @chivalrybled + @witheredblossom + @sweetspiker + @vecchiafiamma + @kuroomata + @tebayai + @resindawn + @knighthound + @oceanpanic + @aslxn + @qrww + @hyperdetect
THE THEATRE…these are the blogs (in addition to others) I recommend people follow if the interests are suitable. keeping doing what you do, for reals. I can’t help but lean a little closer when you pop up on my dashboard.
@potensharu + @koutoux + @kxrei + @acebled + @kad0ta + @kingoftheembers + @briidunviing + @kaptain + @gcruden
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sclacies · 8 years
actual stages of shipping
stage 1: aww hey theyd be cute together mannn what if they kissed that would be so rad ///u///
stage 2: what if they..... maDE OUT. what if they FUCKED
stage 4: ok but what if they talked about their feelings? what if one of them got hurt and the other one got worried and THEN they fucked wouldn't that be grand
stage 5: aw shit can u imagine them getting married aw shit good shit gOOD SHIT
stage 6: kill them. kill one of them. kill the other one. give one of them permanent amnesia. make one have to kill the other. have them fuck and then feel horrible about it. have them ONLY fuck and nothing else. give one of them alzheimer's. muRD E R TH EM
stage 7: wouldnt *sniff* wouldnt it be nice to *snuffle* to see them *blows into a tissue* see them h a p p y
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sclacies · 8 years
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glacies ;; really thinking about some au for seri but then since im on the sherlock mood I suddenly remembered that one k official art and .. wait who is she supposed to be. Mrs. Hudson? If i had to choose ill go with Mrs. Hudson. you’ll get the most badass housekeeper (  tbh with that smirk though it screams irene adler but that means she’s gonna get killed off--!! )
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sclacies · 8 years
this is a psa to existing and future partners:
i am trash for multiple plots so if we have one and you want more, YELL AT ME. if we don’t have one yet, DON’T BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR MORE THAN ONE TO START OFF.
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sclacies · 8 years
Send me ‘Try’ and a character and I will write how I would play that character
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sclacies · 8 years
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32/x pictures → K Project
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sclacies · 8 years
“I should’ve been in bed two hours ago.”
&& icebreaker |   New year’s / new year’s eve starters
      this man had been on the bench, near the shrine ( where she prayed for the next year and thanked whoever god was watching over her ) , looking rather sulky. for a new year. she wasn’t too oblivious not to notice. and if she couldn’t much note, he was mumbling to himself and then decided to talk to her. out of the blue. it was odd at first for someone to strike a conversation with her but she entertains it ( ? ? ? )
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      “ I have my high bets that we all should’ve been. „ awashima smiles. because it was a good way to start the year ( ? ). and she feels a bit light-headed from this night’s celebration.a therapy of water somehow subsided the alcohol from her system though.
      the lieutenant hopes she doesn’t get giggly, once she goes back, after a couple of drinks. that’s the last thing she needed in fact. and to trouble a stranger--? oh a stranger-- she must’ve miscalculated how much glasses she downed. her phone’s been vibrating rather violently, so she shuffles through her pouch and answers the call, 
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      “--I got it. Ah-- Happy New Year sir. „
      surely he hasn’t heard the words being said through the phone but she did and once she heard the words  Fushimi, Captain and trouble in one sentence-- a chill went up her spine and suddenly her inhibitions who have been lowered had risen up all of the sudden at the string of words. she almost immediately sobered up,and knew it was time to rush out of the shrine and not think about passing by the festival downtown. 
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sclacies · 8 years
"Y'know staying up until midnight kinda loses its touch when you're up until like 2 in the morning, anyway . . . " // idk if seri would visit a shrine but takehiko would, like in that one radio drama LOL
&& icebreaker |  New year’s / new year’s eve starters
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    the lieutenant always made a yearly tradition to visit the shrine which was walking distance from the dorms. its a that she should never miss and would love to do often, if only responsibilities and troubles didn’t bite off that notion for the past years. if she was being honest, she felt melancholy at the thought of being here, by herself as she usually came here with two of her best friends. 
    ( they both said they couldn’t make it because they both were in separate vacations somewhere and instead will get her a souvenir to compensate for it; so she merely smiles at the message she got earlier that day ) 
     so she expected herself to be alone and not know anyone else other than the people who works at the shrine whom she’s very well acquainted with. though it is a small world after all; the balance of probability. 
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     “ It truly is but I don’t think anyone would like to hit the hay when another chapter of the book opens. „
    the young red had a point. well it was not meant to be an ill thought and if she had expressed it out loud it would definitely be misunderstood. then again, her response didn’t feel like she was speaking the words--it seemed like how her King might respond. ( maybe he’s rubbing off on her too much ? kusanagi-kun might be making the right observations after all and not silly ones.. )
    “ --Happy New Year.„ which was immediately followed by a prompt nod. it was formal and polite to do so and awashima was never one to fully antagonize people, save for those who try and harm whoever is important and dear to her. 
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sclacies · 8 years
“I should’ve been in bed two hours ago.”
&& icebreaker |   New year’s / new year’s eve starters
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    it wasn’t particularly noisy-- ( besides the ones at the karaoke, trying to outdo one another ) as it was just everyone chattering with each other, including herself with kusanagi, which was earlier. and drinking, certainly. she had high tolerance but that doesn’t mean she’ll end bottoms up the glass, the only reason she went somewhere quiet was because she needed fresh air. 
( to be honest, it was more of a notion to keep herself away from the drinks kusanagi was gladly presenting to her ) 
    though when she opted to seat outside and get fresh air, she found someone else had done it first--and it was anna who sat there in silence until she took a seat beside her.
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  “ --Indeed, I should’ve been too. In fact everyone should’ve but there they are. They even happened to scribble something on the Captain’s face.. „ how had that happened, awashima did not want to divulge further. she wasn’t tipsy yet and even if she was, she would’ve noticed that it seemed like anna had something on her mind besides what she said. 
    the lieutenant never considered herself an expert on cheering people up--or straying their minds away from their worries unlike a certain bartender. well, she does try her best, most of the time. 
    so she raises a hand and hesitantly pats the young one’s head gently. “ That aside, your guardian’s good as getting a hangover tomorrow,„ awashima looks back for a spare moment at the others inside and she wasn’t that exaggerating, someone had been terribly good at sneaking drinks. “--On another note, Happy New Year, Red King.„ she remarked, smiling; the alcohol could do things to her, as much as she disproves the thought. 
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sclacies · 8 years
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glacies ;; im gonna try and face the sht ton of drafts ( includes the asks hahaha im guilty as charged ) I have tonight -- also if you wanna hmu im .. at discord and skype ;; for discord ( Aisu/sclacies #2580) skype is chiichan2405 
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sclacies · 8 years
My muse's phone has been off for three days. What sort of text messages or voice messages does your muse leave for them?
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sclacies · 8 years
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“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” - Mark Twain.
                          Penned by J. Post-game Revived Persona 3 Protagonist.                           Since June 2012; Rebooted June 2016.                           Indie. Semi-open.Semi-active. Spoiler-heavy.  Crossover-ready.
Promo graphic credit: @sclacies
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