Carry on and write Fanfiction
13K posts
Fan of many fandoms, writer for some.
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scifiromance7 · 14 hours ago
honestly insane 2 me how many takes i’ll see a week about how dean hates it when sam makes friends and kills all of sam’s friends when a) it’s historically SAM who does that to dean (it’s so funny of him btw) and b) dean literally almost died once wingmaning sam with eileen. dean has offered to stop hunting so sam could date people and is generally really happy to see sam make friends who ARENT manipulating sam into killing ppl
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scifiromance7 · 22 hours ago
We don’t talk enough about how fanfiction writers love to give character large amounts of non-specific paperwork they hate doing
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scifiromance7 · 22 hours ago
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scifiromance7 · 22 hours ago
i think the reason why the assassination of Julius Caesar is one of the funniest political assassinations is for this very simple reason:
1 guy stabs 1 guy: not funny. that's murder.
2 guys stab 1 guy: even less funny. that's two against one.
60 guys stab 1 guy: uproariously funny. why do you need so many guys.
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scifiromance7 · 22 hours ago
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scifiromance7 · 22 hours ago
I think I found my new favorite rabbit hole. This voice actor does Shakespeare scenes in a southern accent and I need to see the whole damn play. Absolutely beautiful
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scifiromance7 · 2 days ago
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scifiromance7 · 2 days ago
the thing about 5x03/5x04 is that we're shown dean comparing him and cas the thelma and louise, and then we're shown the quick bam bam bam bam sequence of dean saying "there's only two things i know for certain, one, bert and ernie are gay, and two, you are not gonna die a virgin, not on my watch," and THEN taking cas to a brothel where cas is clearly uncomfortable and uninterested and THEN when cas fucks it up them going on their merry way with dean's promise unfulfilled and THEN a cut to the next day. and then in 5x04 we're shown a future in which cas, in the process of following dean to the ends of the earth (literally), has become a distinctly limp-wristed practitioner of deviant sexual acts whose first line is "i thought you'd gotten over trying to label me," while dean of this future has proved himself incapable of stable normative heterosexual coupling, and cas is clearly still, despite his fall and his drug habit and everything else, clearly dean's most trusted, the only person whose criticism dean will take, and when dean's apparent girlfriend-of-the-month gets pissed at dean for cheating on her, cas looks down and laughs bitterly. as though he can relate. demented
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scifiromance7 · 2 days ago
Friendly reminder that fan-made content (fanart, fanfic, fanvids, etc) are:
extremely time consuming. Remember someone actually took time out of their life to create that, time they could’ve used to, idk, sleep, for example
entertainment you’re consuming for free. I can’t stress this enough: you’re enjoying someone else’s craft for free. You paid exactly zero money to look at/read/watch it.
S H A R E D  with you, not made for you. This is the most important point: someone created that, put it online and you found it. No one forced you to consume that fanwork, you C H O S E  to do it. 
Whenever you feel like leaving a mean comment, anonymous hate or make a ~clever post about how ‘lol look at all of these overused tropes every fic writer crams into their fics’ remember you’re being a dick to someone who shared their work with you. You’re not being funny, you’re not being edgy, you’re not being brave for calling something out - you’re being a dick.
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scifiromance7 · 2 days ago
A recent interview with the cast of Supernatural where the writers are questioned about Destiel: AND THEY CONFIRM IT
There you go antis
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scifiromance7 · 2 days ago
hiii formerly homeless finally housed! still job hunting with bills coming up!
i’m black trans disabled autistic and just done with 6+ month homeless stint with ptsd and am trying to give myself the healthiest reintegration possible. please help support my:
k0fi | vnm | pypl | cshpp | gfm
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scifiromance7 · 2 days ago
teen wolves are hoping the outcome of cas and derek in a room together is derek dead. real outcome is them sitting there quietly and afterwards when a teen wolf inevitably says derek you loser you dont even have friends he goes well my best friend is castiel. cas would not say this because his best friend is dean and sam is second on the list due to cas knows he has to reserve this spot for his husband's brother so his husband doesn't get tiffy. but he WOULD say i enjoyed our time together. i'd like to sit quietly with you again. the point im trying to get around to. well there's 2. one. this dynamic only a little different when we get around to dadstiel and single father derek. sit quietly in a room every ten minutes going "and this is jack playing minecraft." "this is eli playing lacrosse." lovely. lovely. point B. which is the actual point im getting around to. dean would never ever let cas be locked in a room with another man ever. he'd be like tyler hoechlin's sultry lascivious floozy abs are clearly a threat to cas's life and i think we should kill this guy.
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scifiromance7 · 2 days ago
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By saudade | @entropic-saudade Art by onowey | @onowey
Coming to Ao3 on 04-17-25
Rated Mature | 10,000 words | No Archive Warnings Apply
While everyone else eagerly ate up the land looking westward, Dean had a hard time envisioning much of anything for himself on the horizon. Dad was dead. Sam had left for the stability of Californian settlements. Loneliness was Dean’s steadiest partner now as he carried on the torch of the family business. That is, until a simple ghost hunt in the railway town of Ashland, Oregon turns into a tangle with a god, leaving Dean thinking he should’ve been looking skyward instead.  ‘Cause sometimes, the sky looks back–and it wants.
[Keep reading for a sneak preview!]
The weight of the last few days weighed more heavily on Dean than expected. He’d meant to stay up and stand guard, but the freshly caught hare in his stomach, and the warmth and crackle of the fire lured him to sleep. 
He dreamt. 
A man he’d seen on a train platform once with his wife and daughter, down in Illinois plains, stood a few feet ahead of him. Dean was back there, watching the coach cars with envy as he prepared to hop the boxcars once again and move on to the next hunt. This hunt hadn’t brought much prosperity: instead, he was graced with a bruised body, an empty stomach, and an aching heart. He watched the family, and the man’s handsome face, yearning for just an ounce of connection. 
Yet when the man looked up, it wasn’t with the piercing blue eyes he’d held in his memories—it was with the effervescent glow of Castiel’s eyes. 
Dean jolted awake, freezing when those same eyes glowed directly above him, closer and more massive than they had ever been. He held his breath, unbidden tears streaming down his face as he stared into their bright glory, standing stark against the drapery of night. 
He held his breath until his lungs burned, until the eyes finally faded from his vision, leaving only the afterimage burned on his retinas as proof they were ever there. He gasped, sitting up and taking a swig from his flask. 
It appeared as though Garth’s theory was right—Castiel was interested in him. 
What it wanted, though, was a mystery. 
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scifiromance7 · 2 days ago
Hey did you know there's a tell all book about the behind the scenes of Meta and the author is forbidden from promoting it?
The good news is however that it's already published and can't be stifled and whoever didn't sign the NDA can promote it as much as they want.
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scifiromance7 · 2 days ago
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scifiromance7 · 2 days ago
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scifiromance7 · 2 days ago
ah yes, my favourite foreign language feel, “I know what all of those words mean individually but not together like that”
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