ooc: Ok so I abandoned this blog for awhile after not really doing anything with it, but I’m back in a Moira mood and I’m totally down to start doing some threads/ask memes.   If anybody wants to humor this semi new, still getting used to muse, send something my way!
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Moicy gives me life. This is based on an interaction I had with a very sweet Mercy, this screenshot in particular was too cute to pass up drawing. We kept trying to just sit together, despite all odds. It was like some kind of strange Romeo and Juliet situation. Her teammates kept killing me, I kept coming back, and eventually they accepted me.  And later we ended up on the same team anyway, so it all turned out.
[*cough cough* I didn’t even try to draw the actual background *cough cough*]
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Mistletoe Meme
Our muses are caught under the mistletoe, send me 💋 for my muse to kiss yours. 
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Guest meme by @bubbleblowingbot
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Hi. I'd like to RP it's @ow-deadly-nightshade
I’d be open to this, but I can’t seem to find your blog? I’ve looked, but nothing shows up under that name. 
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hurt meme.
“ i got you. it’s gonna be okay, you’re going to be okay.”
“i feel like everyone’s miles away from me.”
“my mind is a dark place. you don’t want to be there.”
“i know this hurts, but you have to stay awake.”
“don’t close your eyes, please don’t close your eyes!”
“i just want to be numb, i don’t want to feel anything.”
“please don’t do this, don’t act like you care.”
“you don’t care, nobody cares, just leave.”
“you’re my friend, of course i fucking care.”
“i can’t give up on you, so please don’t give up on yourself.”
“i love you so much, i forgot what hating myself felt like.”
“i fucked up, why do you not care?”
“i can’t walk, just go on without me.”
“you have broken ribs, take it easy.”
“i have no idea how to do cpr.”
“whose blood is that?”
“apply pressure to the wound, don’t let go.”
“don’t you dare fucking let go!” 
“what the hell happened to you?” 
“are they dead? did you kill them?” 
“do you know what you’ve done?” 
“you’re either with me or against me.” 
“who the hell did this to you?” 
“are you alright? you hit your head pretty hard…” 
“i can’t see!! what’s happening to me?” 
“when was the last time you ate?” 
“what do you mean you’re fine? you are not fine!” 
 “i’m fine, it’s just a flesh wound, i’ll be okay.” 
“for how long? how long were you bottling this up?“ 
“there’s so much blood, you won’t last.” 
“are you… throwing up in there?” 
“why aren’t you eating?” 
“just breathe… you’re okay, i promise, just breathe.” 
“i can’t breathe, i can’t –” 
“i woke up, & you were gone.” 
“just tell me something, was it really worth it?” 
“it’s okay to hurt & breakdown. you don’t have to be strong all the time.”
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Like or reblog if you’d be interested in interacting? I’m an independent Moira Role-Player looking for other Overwatch muses to interact with. I have 2+ years of Role-Play experience on tumblr, but this is my first time writing an Overwatch character, so I’m excited to get started and meet other Overwatch muses.
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* question starters
‘ how could you? ’
‘ where were you? ’
‘ what are you running from? ’
‘ what’s wrong? ’
‘ do you want a blanket? ’
‘ did you throw a rock through my fucking window? ’
‘ are you even listening? ’
‘ oh, is that the story? ’
‘ are you drunk? ’
‘ are you lost? ’
‘ are you trying to hug me? ’
‘ what are you staring at? ’
‘ is this your idea of a sick joke? ’
‘ do you still care about me? ’
‘ forget something? ’
‘ leaving so soon? ’
‘ will you cut it out? ’
‘ who did this? ’
‘ does it look like i’m laughing? ’
‘ were you singing? ’
‘ is that a bruise? ’
‘ is that blood? ’
‘ are you trying to get us killed? ’
‘ was that an apology? ’ 
‘ did you hang up on me just now? ’
‘ can we leave? ’
‘ well, did you? ’
‘ you started those rumors? ’
‘ are you in trouble? ’
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“Your strength is mine.”
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Touch Starved Meme
My muse is touch starved, send one for your muse to-
❤️ - Hug my muse from behind 👏 - Ruffle my muse’s hair ✋️ - Hold my muse’s hand 💪 - Pick my muse up 👆- playfully poke my muse ✍️ - Write something on my muse 💋 - Kiss my muse on the cheek 😏 - Playfully headbutt my muse 😝 - Lick my muse 😙 - Cover my muse in multiple kisses 🖐 - Give my muse a backrub 💤 - Cuddle up to my muse 😶 - Quietly lean against my muse 👃- Boop my muse on the nose ✊️- Playfully punch my muse 🙌 - Playfully shove my muse 😖 - Bury their face in my muse’s chest
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BRAND NEW revamped canon divergent roleplay blog for Overwatch’s medical prodigy Angela ‘ Mercy ‘ Ziegler !! Give this post a like or reblog if you’re interested in interacting ♥
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Hey there, I decided to finally get on the bandwagon and make my own RP blog for the OW verse! I’ve been RPing Angela a lot lately on other sites and decided I may as well continue it here since I’m on Tumblr more than anything else. I hope you’ll decide to stop by and RP with me! Please like & reblog so that this can get around!
• 9+ years RP experience • Detailed RPer *Note: I write paragraphs worth of info • AUs & OCs allowed • All ships welcome
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Please reblog if you're an Overwatch RP Blog
We’re an OW resource blog and are compiling a directory of all OW rpers.
***In order to help make updating the directory easier, be sure to list your muse(s) name in the tags.
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touch starved rp starters
“you are the worst case of touch starvation i’ve ever seen.”
“you made a mistake hugging me because i’m so touch starved i’m not letting go of you now.”
“i’m sorry but can you give a hug i need to remember what human contact feels like.”
“man you know you’re really starved for affection when someone gives you a friendly pat on the back and your knees get all wobbly.”
“so i looked it up and it’s called skin hunger, also known as touch starvation. so i’m going to hug you now and you aren’t going to complain because this has actually been affecting your mental health.”
“no one’s hugged me in years. do you mind if we stay like this a little longer?”
“keep scratching my head. it feels nice and i don’t know the last time someone did that for me.”
“the reason i am acting like a cat right now and why i’m sprawled across your lap is because i can’t remember the last time someone held me like this.”
“my video game spouse called me dear and i started crying please send help.”
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                         SCIENCE WILL REVEAL THE TRUTH                   
[OOC]: Independent Moira O’Deorain Roleplay Blog, open for interactions, RPs, and asks
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