sciatth-blog ¡ 5 years
“Wheels often get stuck on slick or uneven surfaces. Imagine if they could just stand and walk out of trouble,” he chuckled. Indeed, the idea sounded silly, yet the concept did seem to work, at least theoretically.
The younger shield in training laughed at that comment, that would be just silly if automobiles could do that. “So they would just stand up? That’s a little silly your majesty.” Even though, he was laughing along side the King.
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sciatth-blog ¡ 5 years
Send “Are you waiting for someone?” for a starter where a mutual friend has set our muses up on a date
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sciatth-blog ¡ 6 years
“It seems it functioned like an automobile on both wheels and legs. Ingenious.” He trailed a finger down the page to a smaller version of the image on two pairs of mechanical legs. “Imagine it.”
Osiris tried to, humming as he put on his thinking face or at least that what he liked to call it when he was into a good book. “Hmmmm......I’m trying to but it looks silly in my mind.” The young brunet comment, taking a closer look at the picture once more, “Ah! Wait now I get it!”
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sciatth-blog ¡ 6 years
He wrapped an arm around the boy’s shoulders as he thumbed back a few pages in the book spread out on the desk. When he found the page, he pointed to a contraption, an invention diagram. “This vehicle was imagined over a thousand years ago.”
Glancing through the pages, Osiris felt his eyes widen in awe at all the pictures of different machines and gadgets that were made thousands of years ago, before he was even born. “Whoooa.....What did it do?” The small brunet asked, leaning closer to get a good look at the print. 
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sciatth-blog ¡ 6 years
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Things to love: Ardyn with blue eyes.
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sciatth-blog ¡ 6 years
@rexcviii || XX
Show him something? Osiris blinked and looked at the King’s lap, twiddling his fingers together before climbing up into it. Normally, he never got to do this with his own father and with his mother it was only for a short amount of time before she had to busy herself with other things. So, it was nice to be....taken care of in a way. “What did you want to show me?”
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sciatth-blog ¡ 6 years
For Munday, anonymously ask the mun something you want to know about them, their portrayal, or what they will/won’t write.
Especially if it’s something you’re too shy or afraid to ask off-anon. 
(Admin note: If you reblog this from someone, try to send them something, even if it’s just a basic question. The mun will really appreciate it.)
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sciatth-blog ¡ 6 years
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It felt like a lump was forming in her throat. There was a lot to take in and unpack from everything the noble laid out for her not-so-subtly and Osiris’ own admission of his condition. And it was then that Aqua realized just how out of place she is here. For as much as she enjoyed his company and the beautiful world itself, she had to remember that was an outsider.
As much as he trusted her to explain his situation, Aqua wasn’t sure she could do the same for him just yet, if ever. How would it sound? To say she was from another world entirely? And that she traveled to and from worlds constantly to maintain the balance and order of the universe?
For those not already in the know about such things, it’s a lot to swallow.
He’d been kind enough already not to press her on the vague details she had given him about her home and that he so willingly covered for her meant a lot.
“I’m… I’m sorry to hear about what happened to you. I know the feeling, though. Sacrificing your safety for someone else’s? Guess we have that in common…” She says it quietly, just enough for him to hear her.
No she couldn’t let this go on. If she planned to pull herself from the situation in the near future, at the very least she wanted him to enjoy this night as much as herself. Tugging on his hand, she started walking in the direction he was leading her earlier. 
“Come. You promised to show me the moon, didn’t you?”
There was a visible change in how Aqua looked and talked, almost as if she was pondering something deep and as much as the knight wanted to ask, it was not in his place to do so. A smile would do for now, seeing how quickly it was to change when she mentioned the spot he wanted to take her too. Yes, that would be a good idea for the two of them,
“Oh yes, how could I forget.” He laughed, allowing the bluent to lead them through the crowd of people and from there he took charge in showing her the way through the castle. It was dark in most places, only shown through with the light from the moon or even candles that were lit for those who needed it. They got to a door, which Osiris unlocked and opened offering for Aqua to go in first.
“It about to start and I want you to be the first one to see it.” Osiris smiled, looking up a head at the light of the moon as it was slowly covered over in a bit of red. Beautiful but that feeling came back, the one that sat in the pit of his stomach. Horrible but he chose to ignore it for Aqua’s sake.
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sciatth-blog ¡ 6 years
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sciatth-blog ¡ 6 years
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“Why are we making fun of Somnus and his reading skills?”
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sciatth-blog ¡ 6 years
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“That sounds lovely.” Aqua never tired of watching the night sky with her friends. All the more since her return from the Realm of Darkness. The skies there had been so bleak and empty, a constant reminder of how alone she was. But not anymore. “I’d love to.” And with that she took his hand and let him lead her up.
❝Sir Osiris!❞
Of course, this being a party, they were bound to run into plenty who knew and wanted to talk to him. This particular noblewoman was known for her gossip and nosy personality. It was quite something that he was here at all given how quiet he was known to be, but with a date on his arm as well? Well how could she not ask?
❝Glad to see you could make it for once! And who’s this beautiful young woman? I’ve not seen her around the kingdom before.❞
Aqua was a bit startled by the woman nosing into their business, but she smiled politely all the same. “My name is Aqua. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
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Oh for the love of- “She is my date for the evening, from my home land off the coast of Insomnia.” He gently made a small gesture towards Aqua just so that she would catch on. No point in telling people where you’re really from especially if they don’t understand the magnitude of the situation.
         “Really now? You never come to these parties anymore, we all thought you were off on some mission like you normally are or even locked up in your room.” The woman laughed lightly, turning her gaze towards the bluenet. “He never comes to these kind of parties, even when the King asks him to. Such a anti social this one but when he does show up, all the girls swoon.”
Than the embarrassment started to settle in, Osiris feeling his face heat up a little at some of the compliments and blatant explanation for his absence. “There’s other reasons I don’t show up and they are my own business, ma’dam.” He spoke softly, shoving one of his hands into his pockets as a defensive stance.
                “Oh I know I know, not everyone can make it those events. Just happy to see a loyal knight here on this evening.” The woman smiled sweetly before noticing she was being waved off by some other nobles. “Well, I must be off. An absolute pleasure meeting you miss Aqua, please do enjoy this grand ball.”
And with that, the noble was off chatting away with others about whatever nobles talk about. Osiris on the other hand, wanted to leave for some peace and quiet but stayed still. This was a special night after all, he invited Aqua here to enjoy herself and yet he had a feeling he was being stared at, judged even by everyone who was there. Was it because he was ‘sick’?
“I never got a chance to tell you about my scars on my face. They aren’t really scars, its an infection that is plaguing the land. It infects people and turns them into monsters, they no longer have control over themselves and I was unfortunate to have it but...it was worth it.” His eyes glanced over the King, smiling and having a good time with friends and family. “If I hadn’t taken that blow, the King....my best friend would have suffered instead.” Osiris ended up smiling, turning his gaze back to Aqua.
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sciatth-blog ¡ 6 years
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“….Why?” He looked at his book before shaking his head. “Are they going to teach me anything? No. I can learn much from the various books I study.”
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“There is nothing wrong with reading other things Somnus, you never know what other books will teach you.”
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sciatth-blog ¡ 6 years
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“…I never really had the desire too. I liked reading picture books when I was a child but nothing more than that. As I got older, I began to prefer these.”
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“I mean, everyone has a preference but you should try reading something else. Just give it a shot and see how you like other books.”
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sciatth-blog ¡ 6 years
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“It’s just a book on various strategies to employ on the battlefield. A book on war, I suppose.”
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“Ever try reading something else?”
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sciatth-blog ¡ 6 years
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sciatth-blog ¡ 6 years
Mun talks about the Muse || @nymphatragicae⌨ What’s a situation you’ve always wanted to RP with the muse?
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[ I can see a death scene going through and later coming back as a zombie or something like that. IDK I’ve wanted to write completely starscourge Osiris for a while now and how much he changes. ]
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sciatth-blog ¡ 6 years
Mun talks about the Muse || @rexcviii💕Favorite ship for the muse?
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[ I love all ships but my absolute favorite right now is with @nymphatragicae because oh lord Aqua and Osiris just makes me so happy. Another fave is the one with @the-witch-matoya because we scream about them all the time on discord. ]
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