sciart · 4 years
“you are always so strong for others. but you’ve forgotten that there is strength in crumbling. in allowing your eyes to water. in relaxing your shoulders and bowing your head. you are always so strong for others, but it’s okay to be strong for yourself.”
— shelby leigh
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sciart · 4 years
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I can’t escape my own thoughts...
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sciart · 4 years
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•please like or reblog if you use
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sciart · 4 years
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decided to paint more plants today!
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sciart · 4 years
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Some photo studies!
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sciart · 4 years
The Genius of Marie Curie
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Growing up in Warsaw in Russian-occupied Poland, the young Marie Curie, originally named Maria Sklodowska, was a brilliant student, but she faced some challenging barriers. As a woman, she was barred from pursuing higher education, so in an act of defiance, Marie enrolled in the Floating University, a secret institution that provided clandestine education to Polish youth. By saving money and working as a governess and tutor, she eventually was able to move to Paris to study at the reputed Sorbonne. here, Marie earned both a physics and mathematics degree surviving largely on bread and tea, and sometimes fainting from near starvation. 
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In 1896, Henri Becquerel discovered that uranium spontaneously emitted a mysterious X-ray-like radiation that could interact with photographic film. Curie soon found that the element thorium emitted similar radiation. Most importantly, the strength of the radiation depended solely on the element’s quantity, and was not affected by physical or chemical changes. This led her to conclude that radiation was coming from something fundamental within the atoms of each element. The idea was radical and helped to disprove the long-standing model of atoms as indivisible objects. Next, by focusing on a super radioactive ore called pitchblende, the Curies realized that uranium alone couldn’t be creating all the radiation. So, were there other radioactive elements that might be responsible?
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In 1898, they reported two new elements, polonium, named for Marie’s native Poland, and radium, the Latin word for ray. They also coined the term radioactivity along the way. By 1902, the Curies had extracted a tenth of a gram of pure radium chloride salt from several tons of pitchblende, an incredible feat at the time. Later that year, Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel were nominated for the Nobel Prize in physics, but Marie was overlooked. Pierre took a stand in support of his wife’s well-earned recognition. And so both of the Curies and Becquerel shared the 1903 Nobel Prize, making Marie Curie the first female Nobel Laureate.
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In 1911, she won yet another Nobel, this time in chemistry for her earlier discovery of radium and polonium, and her extraction and analysis of pure radium and its compounds. This made her the first, and to this date, only person to win Nobel Prizes in two different sciences. Professor Curie put her discoveries to work, changing the landscape of medical research and treatments. She opened mobile radiology units during World War I, and investigated radiation’s effects on tumors.
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However, these benefits to humanity may have come at a high personal cost. Curie died in 1934 of a bone marrow disease, which many today think was caused by her radiation exposure. Marie Curie’s revolutionary research laid the groundwork for our understanding of physics and chemistry, blazing trails in oncology, technology, medicine, and nuclear physics, to name a few. For good or ill, her discoveries in radiation launched a new era, unearthing some of science’s greatest secrets.
From the TED-Ed Lesson The genius of Marie Curie - Shohini Ghose
Animation by Anna Nowakowska
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sciart · 4 years
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sciart · 4 years
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a finitude das coisas belas me faz querer permanecer mais tardes a admirar o balançar das folhas, verdes os acordes suaves e melodias calmas cheiros característicos capítulos e parágrafos reações e vidrarias tudo aquilo que é perecível que passa despercebido e variável como a própria essência da matéria o aprender conhecer e desvendar o solene poder louvável de admirar e emocionar a cada passo que contempla o ir e poder voltar tudo aquilo que é instável que é efêmero como a própria essência do ser.
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sciart · 4 years
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*inhales satisfaction*
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sciart · 4 years
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258K notes · View notes
sciart · 4 years
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sciart · 4 years
“Atoms come first, but atoms break down into protons, neutrons and electrons. Recent experimental work probes further, and has found beyond the basic particles sub-agendas; leptons and quarks that have ‘up’ and ‘down’ properties and ‘charm’ and ‘spin’. These ephemerals are more like shifting jigsaw pieces behind the masks of the fundamental particles. It looks as if the discrete is sliding into a series of partials; uncomfortably, category is denied. The irrational overrides.”
— Cecil Balmond, Crossover
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sciart · 4 years
“On the journey to myself I’ve been so many people.”
— Indigo Williams (via quotemadness)
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sciart · 4 years
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— excerpt from “portrait of fryderyk in shifting light” by richard siken
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sciart · 4 years
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sciart · 4 years
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sciart · 4 years
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