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The last blog entry.
As a celebration of the end of this journey I ask everybody who reads this to order a big pizza, bakes a cake and follow up with any other god-like meals.
As a sign of our celebration I am going to write a super long entry for everybody to read for at least an hour. Just kidding. I am going to spare you this time. Today I am going to write fun facts because nobody really wants to read that much.
Here we go: - Did you know? Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour. - Did you know? A flock of crows is known as a murder. - Did you know? Billy goats urinate on their own heads to smell more atractive to females. - Did you know? The person who invented the frisbee was cremated and turned into one. - Did you know? Heart attacks are more likely to happen on a monday. *cough* *cough* school *cough* *cough* - Did you know? There is a specie of spiders called the hobo spider. - Did you know? You cannot snore and dream at the same time. - Did you know? Hitler’s mother considered abortion, but her doctor persuaded her in keeping him. - Did you know? Arab women can initiate a divorce if their husbands don’t pour coffee for them. - Did you know? Facebook, Skype and Twiter are all baned in china. - Did you know? The frech language has 17 diferent words for surrender. - Did you know? Nearly 3% of the glacier ice in the Antarctica is penguin urin. - Did you know? In Poole Pound world went out of business because of a store across the road called 99p Stores which was selling the exact same products, but one pence cheaper. - Did you know? Bin Laden’s death was anounced on 1st May 2011. Hitler’s death was anounced on 1st May 1945. Coincidence? I think not. 9.11 was an inside job. - Did you know? Los Angeles’s full name is: El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles des Porciuncula. - Did you know? If you leave everything to the last minute, it will only take a minute. - Did you know? Birds don’t urinate. - Did you know? Dying is illegal in the houses of parliaments. - Did you know? Slugs have four noses. - Did you know? Cats have 5 toes on the front paws, but only 4 on the back ones. - Did you know? The bible is the most shoplifted book in the world. - Did you know? California has issued 6 drivers licenses to people named Jesus Christ, - Did you know? Squirrels forget where they hid half of their nuts. - Did you know? Worms eat their own poo. - Did you know? Mel Blanc - the voice of Bugs Bunny is alergic to carrots. This was 25 facts. Half of the number of words allowed in this blog. The other half is going to be used for this entry:
I studied. I wrote a blog. I had squid legs for lunch. I played some piano. I played some video games. I went to sleep.
This was exactly 25 words. We achieved perfection.
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The brachistochrone.
Welcome to the most pointlesly long blog ever to be created. Today we will be learning about the brachistochrone. Put your helmet on, strap your seatbelt, eject the brakes, grab a slice of cake and get ready to learn.
What is a brachistochrone?
It’s a line drawn by a rolling circle if you pick one point on the edge of it. That is a cycloid. And what is a brachistochrone? It is basically the same thing.
What is so special about it?
Well if i showed you this picture, which one would be the fastest route for the ball?
The path that goes directly down and then forward has the fastest acceleration. The hypotenuse is the shortest path but has the slowest acceleration. The red line is the brachistochrone. It is the golden ration between acceleration and length.
As you can see it was the fastest route. Don’t believe me? Here is a real life version of the test:
Another bizare property it has, is that wherever you start your journey on the curve, it will always arrive at the same time. It is a tautochrone. For an easier representation I included a gif.
And now for the entry:
Today although it was the weekend I had to get up early. I had a hiking trip with my school in order to complete the compolsury number of hours for sports. As you imagine we had to take the least rational path to the top because our sport professor simply looooves climbing. Naturally I came home all swollen and decided to take a bath. My muscles still hurt after it. Nothing else happened that would be worthy of a mention. I studied and went to bed.
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Net neutrality.
Here we go again. Lets face it. You are reading this only because you have to. So why not read something not completely pointless? Well strap yourself in with doritos and mountian dew, because we are going to learn about net neutrality.
So what is net neutrality?
Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers and governments regulating the Internet must treat all data on the Internet the same.
Why are we talking about it?
Because recently the FCC in the USA is in the proces of abolishing net neutrality. And they are doing it under the most dishonestly named “restoring freedom” act. Which is the exact opposite of what it does.
Why do we need net neutrality?
Because it makes the internet a place where everyone is equal. The current law also defines internet as a utility like water and electricity, which means companies cannot charge you extra for what it is used for, just like you are not required to pay a premium if you want to pour the water you already payed for in a glass.
What would happen if net neutrality is destroyed?
Big internet companies and providers would gain a lot of benefits and rights. For example the providers could not only charge you extra, but they could also charge websites for them allowing more data transmision. For example: Comcast could say: “Dear Youtube. I am willing to not restrict the amount of data you can exchange with your customers if you pay me extra. What does this mean? Smaller companies will not be able to pay this fee and will imidietly (might have spelt that wrong) be at a disadvantege. This lets big companies eliminate their competition. This is anticompetitive, monopolistyc and it is against the principles of the free market. It is universaly bad for you - the consumer. There is absolutely no benefits for you. The right to slow down websites can be also used as a tool to supress free speech, manipulate public perception, to hamstring the criticism of corporate interests. The abolition of net neutrality can be used as a tool to undermine democracy. It is important we stop this now, because if this is changed in the USA, there will probably more countries to do so aswell.
How can we fight this?
Well because you are not a US citizen you have no power, but try to persuave big companies to support you. Many have already joined the fight. Nearly every website is fighting. Even pornhub.
To sum it all up here is a picture represantion of what does net neutrality mean.
And now for the blog entry.
Today I had school. Nothing really special happened. I wanted to study at the programing class, but it starts in two weeks. When I came home I played the piano and played some video games. Basically it was just a normal generic day.
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The world maturity and common sense.
Here we are... Yet again. As you know we now have a tradition where you must consume something while reading this blog. Last time we had cookies. Wine before that. Tonight we shall experiment with a sandwich. Why? Because it is a genius invention. 2 pieces of bread with sausages, cheese, letuce and occasionally butter. Why? Because when sandwiches were first invented people probably thought it was stupid. It probably took time as any other invention does for it to become acceptable to the public. Sandwiches for example, are currently one of the most common dishes for students. For instance when I have a snack, I will probably buy myself a sandwich. Why? Its cheap and not ramen, so there is no danger of poisoning yourself.
There are many instances of things only now being acceptable for the public. For example:
- the idea of women voting used to be ridiculous
- gay marriage
I could go on forever. All of these things are now part of our everyday lives. We take them for granted. But there has always been one thing that was never really accepted by the public. It never reached its potential. That thing is video games.
Now I know what you are thinking. “Oh come on. You listed all of those important things and now you are talking about something that is just for kids. Everybody knows videogames make you violent (maybe I spelt that wrong).”
Videogames are an art. It takes many years to develop them. They are a mixture of all other arts put into one. For a game to be good you need: - a good storyline - excellent audio effects - have beautifull graphics. Those are just some of the things you need. Found any similarities to other arts? The storyline is usually written in books. The audio effects come from music. The graphics come from drawing. And on top of all that you need to make sure the gameplay is good. Now you see it takes a lot more then you might think to make a good game.
So why do videogames have such bad reputation?
Many say they make you violent and then they list all the school shootings ever to happen. Some even mention how some kids were able to shoot perfectly, when they never had a gun in their hand beforehand (see what i did there? Oh ok.) That is simply an effect we call ..... I totall forgot the name. Let me grab a sandwich before I explain it to you. Ok. The effect I am talking about occurs anywhere. It is when you learn something by simply watching somebody else do it. You could say they knew how to shoot because of movies. Heck. News even. But no. It is the videogame’s fault (that apostrophee is a bit missplaced). The violent part is totally not true. Sure there are games like gta or call of duty where you bassicaly comit crimes or kill people, but you have to be a really special idiot of a parent to buy your 9 year old son a game which was rated to be for people by the age of 16 and up. Also. Not all games are about shooting. There are no bad guys. There is just - the player and an objective. Even the fps games (first person shooters) do not make you violent more over they make your anger management better. Why? Well sometimes there are players who purposely tease you and try to get you mad. Playing with them makes you learn to control yourself and focus. To a lot of people games are a place where they can relax, hang out with friends and just have fun.
Even if all of these things would be accepted by the public, games would still not be treated right. If I tell you there are actual profesional players who make a living out of playing games and have milions of fans, you are probably going to burst out laughing. It is true. Tournaments do exist. In the year 2012 a whole football stadium was filled for a tournament. And the tournaments are growing every year. To gamers these things arent just games. They are a part of their life. They cherish them. Often times tournaments are a lot more interactive then any other sports tournaments and the people who watch them are from 10 years old to over 50, heck there is a 70 year old playing games.
Why am I writing this?
Because I am worried. Though videogames are growing bigger every year, they are not growing at the rate they can. I believe this can become part of our daily lives just like football. But when will this happen? It might even happen I will not be there for it.
Well that is the end of our daily discusion. Sorry it wasnt amusing as the previous ones.
So here is the entry in 50 words more or less.
I went to school, had classes and came home.
Grabed myself a sanwich and did my homework.
Procrastinated and played piano.
At last I showered and wrote this blog.
This was 29 words. Damn, I must be hungry. I am going to go grab myself a sanwich and go to sleep. So should you.
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(school day number 4) The great art of bodge and the cookie equivalent of Oprah Winfrey.
Well here we go again. Apparently my teacher liked it. So.. I guess I should just keep going. Last time we strugled to make a 50 words entry. Tonight we are going to show a middle finger to that rule (metaphorically of course) as we are going to teach all of the readers about a word rarely used in english language. The bodge or as I like to call it: the art of bodge. Last time we had wine as our little helper of maintaing sanity while reading this pointlessly long blog. This time lets try something a little less depresing while still mainting that property of slowly killing you. Lets say... Oh a cookie. A nice round chocolate chip cookie. So before you start reading this entry, get yourself a big box of chocalate chip cookies. You know which boxes I am refering to. The once you have memorries of dissapointmeant of. The ones your mother or grandma uses for sewing tools. Found it? Ok then lets get started.
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So what is a bodge? The dictionary version is: To do a clumsy or inelegant job, usually as a temporary repair; mend, patch up, repair.
The practical verstion is: a solution that needs constant supervision so it doesn’t break completely.
A bodge is clumsy. Inellegant. A most of the time reliable but will eventually break. BUT. It will work. And it will keep working as long there is someone to bodge it again when it breaks. Did you know: in the apollo 13 there is a part where an austranout (too lazy to think about spelling) had to fit a square peg in a round hole. THAT was a bodge. Maybe even the greatest known to mankind. You have probably bodged something, I have probably bodged something but neither of us knew the right term for it. Well now you know it. Good job. Get a cookie,
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you deserve it. You know what? Grab another one because you also learned what was the greatest bodge. Hell you know what? This whole part of the blog was a bodge. I have literally seen a youtube video last month, which in other things a man talked about the art of bodging. Go on. Check it. Hell here is even the link to the video:
On a serious note though, I really wanted cookies and this was the only way I wouldn’t feel bad eating them. Yay a cookie for me for being Sooooooooo original. Anyway, here is the actual entry I shed blood and tear and possibly some chocolate cookies to put it into 50 words. You know what? I am gonna make sentences like a caveman to see if it is even possible to write it in 50 words. Let me just get one more cookie. I sugest you do the same. Here we go:
I wake up.
Me go to school.
Me have class.
Me die inside because 2 hour Slovenian in morning.
Me finish school.
Me discover fire.
Me eat cookie.
Me move some more wood.
Me write blog.
Me play piano.
Me eat dinner ( i mean supper).
Me watch tv with family.
Me go to sleep.
There. That was 51 words. Oh for f... sake. I give up.
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The first vlog but third day of school.
Dear teacher. I apologise if you had to create an account to view this blog. I posted it to tumblr because in my opinion this is the site you go to to read blogs. Excuse my poor use of commas.I also extremely recommend you to pour yourself a glass of red wine and prepare for the most sophisticated yet modest entry in a blog. I also advise you start counting my 50 words in the next collumn. Thank you. SO.. Without further a do... Shall we? We shall.
Disclaimer: the real blog entry is on the bottom of the page, but I highly recommend you read all of my post.
Although this was my third day of school i still felt a little alienated from my class. Though things werent so lonely because I managed to find a few friends which I like. Some might be a little disturbed by me- a boy having mostly friends who are girls. And often they would try to compare me to the gay stereotype. I can assure youIdo not like people of my gender. I am mostly friends with women because they are usually more mature. Well... If that didn’t make my vlog inapropriate then I will be damned. I am also quite frightened I might need to writeerything again because I wrote twice the amount of words I am supposed to. OK. Focus.. Lets start again... Teacher please don’t make me write everything again. Here is the real entry now: Today on my third day of school I was quite excited because I would finnaly meet my geography professor. My first impresions were quite good. (40 words allready. How in the name of the lord was I supposed to wright this in 50 words??? moving on...) The rest of the class went pretty smoothly. I was a bit worried I would get a little bored in English class, because there were two casses put together, which meant an hour and a half of English. I actually enjoyed the class so much, that the hour and a half just flew bye. After school I had badminton. When I came home I had to transport wood because for some god forsaken reason we have a fireplace which to me just feels like another fire hazard. It’s like my parents thing floor heating wasn’t enough. Anyway where was I? Oh right the chore. After it I showered and here we are... Its eight’ o clock and I am thinking if I wrote too many words. Good thing I you have that wine glass isn’t it? Well if this hasn’t completely bored you yet, I am now going to try to actually make an entry in 50 words. Are you ready? You should probably refill the glass because there are still 4 or so days left. I apologise for your agony. Anyway...
Today I had school. I was really excited because I was going to meet my new geography proffesor who turned out OK. (22 words damn. This is hard) I was also a little afraid I would get bored in my English class because it was a two hour class. It turned out to be quite contrary. (50 words. And this was only the first half of the day... I give up.)
After school I hanged out a little with my friends and then went to badminton training. It wasn’t anything special. The only thing I did after that was transporting wood for our fireplace.
There... This was 83 words. I guess this was some kind of compromise. Hey... Look on the bright side. You drank two glasses of red wine now doesn’t that make you feel a little posh and sophisticated. UUUU. For extra sophistication you should read my blogs in posh accent. Go on. Pour yourself another glass of wine. You deserve it.
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