school-of-disney · 7 years
Sorry about my lack of activity. I’ve been sick but I’m better now! Hoping to get this rp up and running again! We would love more members!
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school-of-disney · 7 years
Activity Check
These rpers has 24 hours to make a post or send a message to the main or the role will be reopened:
Anita Dearly
Roger Radcliffe
Rapunzel Gothel
Eric Perseus
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school-of-disney · 7 years
Wade Fields
Belle Desrosiers
The role is now reopened. Message the main if you’re still interested in the role.
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school-of-disney · 7 years
Marcel Hare
Attina Portokalos
These roles have been reopened due to the rpers deleting their accounts.
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school-of-disney · 7 years
Activity Check
These rpers has 24 hours to make a post or send a message to the main or the role will be reopened:
Wade Fields
Lady Dearing
Trace Roberts
Belle Desrosiers
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school-of-disney · 7 years
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school-of-disney · 7 years
how many characters are there?
I haven't counted them but there's a whole lot! Over fifty for sure! Come join us!
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school-of-disney · 7 years
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school-of-disney · 7 years
Wade Fields - Accepted!
Please send your account in within 24 hours along with tracking the tags here and following other accounts here! Welcome to the rp!
~~OOC: Alias: Sour Age: 23 Time Zone: EST (typically on after 10pm) Activity Level: 6/10 In advance sorry I wrote all of this on my phone.
~~IC: Character: Wade Fields
~Bio: Self isolation came to end for Wade thanks to the help of his friends Kim and Ron. He never actually attended a class with the duo but slowly began joining them for Ron’s favorite food, movies, family meals, and even attended a few games to support Kim and Ron.
When not assisting his friends with their adventures Wade had begun to pursue a second college degree. College, like high school, came easy for Wade. At least in terms of his academics. His first degree had only taken 8 months to acquire.
By the time Kim and Ron were heading to college Wade had finished his degree in Electrical Engineering and created one of the most bought apps. With his friends in school Wade thought it would be good to finish out his degree base before starting on more advanced educational pursuits. The first few years of college with his friends helped Wade bust out of his shell a bit more. Eventually he even moved in with Ron instead of keeping to himself in his small 1 bedroom apartment that had been located off campus.
Approaching the completion of his third and forth degree in Bioengineering and Computer Science at a slower rate allowed Wade to experience his college life a bit more and develop a few more social skills. Direct human interaction with anyone other than his two close friends tended to leave him exhausted resulting in his advisor suggestion he become involved in a few extracurricular activities.
~Any changes to the bio?
Yes, as noted in the bio above I feel as though Wade would either be working on his masters or several degrees at once. In KP he had already finished college upon working with her (in 8 months). Besides the degree choices being fleshed out and number of degrees everything looks chill.
~~~RP Sample:
Class was canceled after someone had shorted out the computer lab by crossing wires with one of their lab partners. Wade had no complaints with a class being cancelled as he was usually a week ahead in all of his classes. And Ron’s classes, and sometimes when she was overbooked he was even ahead in Kim’s classes. He figured by the time he graduated he could easily acquire his friends degrees with a few term papers.
Packing his bag one book at a time he waited until everyone left the room. His friends teased him about carrying around actual books but they provided security when Kim and Ron weren’t in sight. As the final student left he moved swiftly to where the incident had occurred. Pulling out a Swiss Army knife he had the two computers apart in moments and had begun to rewire the pair. Once both were safely wired he sealed them back up and left the room.
Mostly he kept his head down. He wasn’t super popular on campus but he also wasn’t unknown. Being unknown was a bit of a dream for the hacker but wasn’t possible with Kim and Ron. He let out a huff of air as he bumped into another student who had also been hurrying through the quad. “Oh uh…” he stuttered as he bent down to pick up his phone and the phone of the other.
He was thankful that his complexion was darker than that of the duo he worked with for the stranger he had ran into brought a blush to Wade’s face. “H…h…here” he stuttered out as he offered the strangers cellphone to them. His hand trembled visibly as he waited for the other to respond.
Wade had crushed on a few people in high school but college had opened the door to new experiences and new thoughts. He had always pegged himself as asexual after his defeats with high school crushes but recently he had started to notice his very attractive classmates. All of them were older of course so Wade figured no girl or guy would ever bat an eye at him.
“I should. I uh.” He uttered nervously. He bit his lip and shifted his weight on his feet his eyes looking everywhere but the others face. “Go…” he finished as he attempted to walk past his peer
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school-of-disney · 7 years
I’m going to have another round of acceptances tonight! Get your apps in!
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school-of-disney · 7 years
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school-of-disney · 7 years
I would love to apply for Cindy If she is still open? When do you do acceptances?
Yes she is still open! I usually accept when I get a few apps. I make a post before letting people know when I’ll accept so they can get their apps in.
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school-of-disney · 7 years
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school-of-disney · 7 years
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school-of-disney · 7 years
Lacey ‘Lady’ Dearing - Accepted!
Please send your account in within 24 hours along with tracking the tags here and following other accounts here! Welcome to the rp!
~~OOC:  Alias: CC. Age: 29. Time Zone: CST. Activity Level: 7/10. ~~IC: Character: Lady Dearing. ~Bio:
Lady’s name is fitting for her to a T. Having come from a wealthy upbringing, she is the epitome of grace and gentility. Unfortunately, being raised in such an environment has also lent a hand in her becoming a little spoiled; instead of her parents being around as much as she preferred, it was a nanny around to keep her company. Lady didn’t mind too much, as she kept herself busy in school with activities, though she often wished her parents were available more. As time went by, she and her nanny grew pretty close; she celebrated the holidays with the Dearing family, and started to become an honorary member.
However, her senior year of high school, things took a turn. Lady started to noticed things missing. It began with jewelry– some of them precious heirlooms that had been passed down. Initially she considered it her own misplacement, but then her mother’s things were disappearing as well. Due to her strict upbringing only certain people were allowed in and out of their home, so Lady speculated it was the nanny taking things. She didn’t feel comfortable accusing until she caught the caretaker in the act, with her great-grandmother’s pearls in her apron pocket. Unfortunately, the nanny feigned innocence to her parents, and Lady had no proof. Her parents assumed it was a charade for more attention from them, and dismissed the entire thing without a second glance.
After Lady’s accusations, there was a huge shift in their dynamic. Lady still tried to be polite and friendly, attempting to pretend nothing ever happened. Unfortunately, her nanny didn’t take any of it lightly. She began calling the girl harsh names– ones that were far from lady-like (pun intended), but that was just the start. If Lady’s friends ever came by, her nanny would shoo them away, commenting that the girl didn’t want to see them again, regardless of who they were. She lost many of her friends because of that awful woman, and eventually, she wouldn’t even allow Lady to leave the house except to go to school. She was trapped in her bedroom, afraid of what the paid help might try next. Eventually the only meals she had were ones she prepared, although at that point Lady didn’t trust that anything else wouldn’t be poisoned. However, after being struck more than a few times (particularly to the face), she could no longer take the cruelty or tension, and ran away. She assumed no one would miss her anyway.
A year and a half later Lady, while having to adjust to everything, is alright. She dealt with homelessness pretty well considering she’d mostly always had herself catered too, although it helped that she ran into a guy that was willing to take her under her wing. He’s the opposite of someone she would have surrounded herself with in the past; rough, mysterious, and a little rebellious, but he’s also handsome and charming… and seems to care about her. At least enough to help her off the street, which is more than she can say for anyone else. Still, his name is Tramp for a reason. She’s enjoying college life and excited about her nursing studies. It’s a career that seems suited for her, and no longer under anyone’s rule, she’s basking in the freedom. That being said, she does miss the luxuries and even her parents from time to time.
~Any changes to the bio? I really love what you have set up for her already! I’d love to change the FC to Melissa Benoist though! ~~~RP Sample: 
Sadie knew her cheeks were fuming as Scott appreciated her look and complimented that she always managed to outdo herself. The truth was that he did as well; he certainly had style and always looked amazing every time she saw him - whether he chose to go more casual or dressier in work attire. “Thank you. I’m not the only one though,” she grinned, hoping he caught the hint, and when Scott drew her into his arms, Sadie really didn’t want to pull away. She had to though so they could get their night started, and the promise of an extended evening with hot chocolate after already had her buzzing. Scott was such a a gentleman, helping her out to his car and into the passenger side with care. She was thrilled to hear that he’d been waiting for tonight just as she had; Sadie’s smile grew even more if that were possible, and she settled comfortably into her seat. There was a little bounce within her, eager to open presents and to see Scott unwrap his; she really hoped she’d chosen well with his gift– they were on that cusp of knowing one another fairly well, but not completely yet. “You have? So have I.” Her cheeks were blushing again, but Sadie’s expression softened as she handed over the wrapped box for Scott and received her own. “I hope you like it. If not I have the receipt,” Sadie assured, blue eyes glittering as she intently watched him unwrap it. The way his handsome smile kept brightening upon reveal of the tie had the nerves in her stomach calming, and Sadie relaxed a little. Scott seemed excited and pleased with her choice, and as he pulled her into another hug Sadie giggled and glowed, reciprocating. “I’m so glad you like it! It just spoke to me, and I knew the color would make your gorgeous eyes pop even more. You’re so welcome, Scott.”
Biting her lip gently in anticipation as she awaited permission, once Scott gave it to her the brunette began tidily unwrapping her gift. She’d always been one to take her time with those things, and usually saved at least a scrap or ribbon from each she received for her scrapbooks. She’d always been made fun of for that, but Sadie didn’t care. Neatly setting aside the folded paper, Sadie’s eyes met Scott’s and she grinned at the guy before finally opening the box. Inside were a pair of warm, soft ear muffs, decorated with ice cream cones, which was totally fitting for her. “Oh my gosh– I lovethem!” she squealed, beaming at Scott across the seat. “These are amazing, and just the other day I was thinking I needed something for my ears. How did you know? These are absolutely perfect. I love them.” Letting her eyes meet his, the girl’s smile softened and she leaned in for a third hug that evening. This one was tighter, and without thinking really, Sadie let her lips brush against Scott’s cheek as she squeezed him. “Thank you, Scottie. They’re my favorite gift ever.” Drawing back slowly, she grew a little shy in realization that she had kissed his cheek, but Scott didn’t seem to mind. With a bashful smile, Sadie placed the muffs carefully over her ears, exhaling a little giggle as she buckled her seat-belt finally. “How do they look? They’re sooo warm. I am totally ready to go light gazing.”
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school-of-disney · 7 years
Trace "Tramp" Roberts - Accepted!
Please send your account in within 24 hours along with tracking the tags here and following other accounts here! Welcome to the rp!
Alias: Mike Age: 30+ Time Zone: EST Activity Level: 7/10
Character: Trace “Tramp” Roberts
Bio: Trace Roberts never had the best family life; neglectful parents who never seemed to want him around, it was obvious by the age of twelve that if he wanted to do anything more than fall into the same deadbeat pattern that they did he’d have to do something drastic. Which is just what Trace did, he ran away from home before he was officially a teenager. It was still hard to fend for himself, at least until he met Dodger. His first real friend, Trace was brought into a gang of sorts. Learning the ropes quickly, he was given the nickname Tramp and for a while things seemed to get better with his adoptive new family.
Or at least until he got caught during a job, and found himself tossed into juvie. Life on the streets had hardened Tramp a little bit, and juvie was no picnic either. Apparently he’d caught the eye of Hades, a club owner in town, who managed to spring him only to make it clear that Tramp was now indebted to the old man. To Tramp, it wasn’t like he had many better options and decided to go along with it, doing whatever odd job Hades asked of him, no matter what side of legal it was on.
Now eighteen, Tramp isn’t doing too badly for himself. He’s working as a mechanic at a car shop thanks to Hades, has his own apartment (and who cares if it’s a dump, at least it’s his dump) and is trying to make something of himself. Of course there’s another reason why… Lady Dearing. It wasn’t often you run into someone so cute, but out of her depth on the streets. After showing her the ropes a little, Tramp found himself thinking about her more and more. He knows she’s going to Disney University now, and wants to try and impress her and perhaps win her over.
~Any changes to the bio? I love the bio like it is, but would it be possible to change the FC for Tramp to Grant Gustin? ~~~RP Sample:
Scott smiled brightly at her answer, it made him feel special to know she’d dressed up special for her. In truth he’d done the same for her too, making sure when he’d gotten ready that he looked especially presentable. “Well there’s really no way you couldn’t look your best, Sadie, but somehow you managed to outdo yourself anyways.” Happily giving her a big hug, one that lingered a little bit, they decided to go out and check out the lights around town and save getting a hot chocolate for afterwards. “That’s perfect, I think that’s a great idea and I’m all for getting in even more time.” Escorting her to the waiting car with an arm around her lightly, Scott helped Sadie to climb into the passenger seat. When he joined her he shared in her excitement, nodding and grinning. “Me too, I’ve been waiting for tonight.” Happy that she’d opted to exchange gifts now, he turned to face her. “That sounds great actually, let’s do it.” He was excited to see her reaction to the gift he’d picked out for her. Handing over the wrapped package he’d brought for her, he took the one in her hands and smiled as he examined it. “I can’t wait to see what it is,” he mused.
Carefully unwrapping his gift first when he realized Sadie was going to wait on him, Scott tore into the wrapping paper and peeled it back to reveal a box. The smile on his face grew wider as he opened it to see that inside she’d given him a tie chosen especially for him- adorned in constellations. “Oh my god, this is awesome! I love it, and I’m going to wear it my first day back from break! Thank you so much, Sadie!” Leaning over, Scott gave her another hug. “Now it’s your turn, open your gift!” He couldn’t help the excitement in his voice, hoping very much that she’d like the earmuffs he’d gotten for her. As he watched her begin to unwrap his present to her now, Scott studied the way her face crinkled adorably as she inspected it, dutifully trying to keep the package neat. If she didn’t like it he’d be happy to return it for her to get her something else she did like, but with any luck it wouldn’t come to that. Scott was somewhat confident she’d like his choice. “So… what do you think?”
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school-of-disney · 7 years
I’m doing another round of acceptances tonight! Get your apps is if you would like to be considered!
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