Raphael Ross
53K posts
If we are all going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, let that bomb when it comes find us doing sensible and human things-praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting to our friends over a pint and a game of darts—not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs. They may break our bodies (a microbe can do that) but they need not dominate our minds.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
scholarlypidgeot · 39 minutes ago
what if you were redder
orange you glad I’m not though
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scholarlypidgeot · 40 minutes ago
Anon Hate IS Illegal.
Guys, I’m not kidding.
Suicide-baiting, cyberharassmemt, cyberstalking, death/rape threats, and hate speech are illegal in all 50 states as well as Australia and the UK.
Some places include school suspension or expels. Some even include jail time for multiple years.
And yes, they can find someone by username or IP alone.
Also, yes. There are methods of catching someone’s IP. Even under a VPN.
Next time you get hit with anon hate?
Casually remind them you can very easily take this to the next level. And they can earn jail time while you lay back in your chair, having saved yourself and everyone else from a violent criminal.
Your online actions have real life consequences.
Make sure they learn that.
(Just in case there’s a “the police wouldn’t do that” - Yes. They absolutely would.
Or a “I can handle it.” No. That person will continue to harass others as well. And one of them may not be as strong as you. So do it for them and everyone else.
Or a “It’s not that severe.” Yes. It is. People have died because of this. It really is that severe.)
Take action. And make sure the lives of these bullies are truly wrecked.
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scholarlypidgeot · 13 hours ago
leitner of the slaughter that details every thought that went through the Roman senate's heads as they stabbed Cesar and why they chose to kill him. It fills the reader with the desire to stab politicians but only on March 15.
this seems appropriate for the date
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scholarlypidgeot · 13 hours ago
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scholarlypidgeot · 2 days ago
tips on what to say when someone says they have a seafood allergy:
if you care for them, you can say, "thank you for informing me--i won't have seafood near you"
if you hate them, you can say, "my shrimpathies"
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scholarlypidgeot · 2 days ago
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scholarlypidgeot · 2 days ago
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happy first friday in the month of march
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scholarlypidgeot · 2 days ago
sorry i cant hang out tomorrow im celebrating the death of a 2123 year old roman politician with a bunch of psychos on tumblr. yeah its gonna be all day
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scholarlypidgeot · 2 days ago
Entering my mink stole era. No one tell the Supreme Leader.
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scholarlypidgeot · 2 days ago
see when people try and nitpick me because i call my dog "my dog" when it's technically "the family dog".......well first of all i still call my brother "my brother" and not "the family boy". although maybe that should change. second of all sorry i'm still thinking about the family boy. btw i fell asleep while making this post last night and i think you can tell
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scholarlypidgeot · 2 days ago
I’m pretty sure that Australians don’t have more then maybe 30-50k MAX people on tumblr. Like American had some 30 million users in 2020 (aka basically probably peak over the last 7 2018-2025) while Australia only has 26-28million people depending on who you ask (27 to be safe) so I’m just genuinely curious how many of us there must be on here.
If you Currently live in OR were born / raised in Australia and ID as (born/raised + ID, as I know a lot of born/raised here don’t ID as Aussie) you are Australian in this poll!
Please reblog for bigger sample size
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scholarlypidgeot · 2 days ago
The majority of the Earth’s rodents: How do you survive environments with practically zero oxygen, feel no pain, and live for decades when none of the rest of us can???
Naked mole-rats:
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scholarlypidgeot · 2 days ago
2 Reasons Why That Hebrew/Greek Word Is Translated Using An English Word That Doesn't Mean Quite The Same Thing That Aren't "There Is A Grand Conspiracy About It"
There's just not an exact, one-to-one English word for this concept. This is the closest one.
The word in question USED to mean that in English, but years of linguistic evolution have added different linguistic baggage to it
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scholarlypidgeot · 2 days ago
Once again randomly remembered this story about a couple who had a small parrot - pretty sure it was a budgie - who didn't talk but learned to communicate with people in its own way. Once it figured out that people always turn to check their phones when the notification sound comes on, it started making the text message notification sound to request human attention. The parrot also liked to follow people to the door whenever guests were leaving, and would use its wings to pantomime the motions of a person putting their coat on. A very clever, charming bird.
And every once in a while it just randomly hated some people. Not for any real reason, or even reason to suspect bad vibes, but by deciding "fuck this person in particular" for shits and giggles alone. And one time when the owners had invited a new friend to their home, the bird decided that it Did Not Like Her.
So in the middle of polite conversation, the bird - who was free to roam around the apartment at the time - hopped onto the living room coffee table, right in front of the unwanted guest. And in that moment, the owners put two and two together and understood that whatever mischief the bird had decided to do, it was now too late to stop it.
But instead of unleashing the absolute hell that even the tiniest displeased parrot could be capable of, the little budgie made its little "may I have your attention please" cell phone notification sound, and once the guest was focused on the bird, looked at her dead in the eye while doing the putting-my-coat-on wing motion.
The guest did not recognise the pantomime for what it was, but she was nonetheless delighted that the parrot would do a little wing-roll dance for her. And the host couple were at first too stunned and then too polite to tell her how impressive that gesture truly was. Their bird had shown both remarkable restraint and cleverness by using its entire vocabulary of human communication just to say
"I have an important announcement: I think you should leave."
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scholarlypidgeot · 2 days ago
I genuinely can't stand pop psychology I'm not an expert on this stuff but the damage it has done to the general public's understanding of mental health and psychology must be notable. People with low empathy are evil. NPD is The Abuser Disorder. here's how your partner is subconsciously manipulating you. OCD is when you like cleaning. If you ask him a question and he looks away for one second he's lying to you and abusing you. Follow for more dark psychology tips. Letting my intrusive thoughts win and dyeing my hair. I thought this guy was into me I'm so delulu. Anyone who comes to you with their problems is traumadumping and abusive. Anyone who gives you gifts is lovebombing and abusive. Being neurodivergent means Liking Things. Neurotypicals don't like things. They are empty shells without feelings. Neurodivergent means ADHD or ASD. What, BPD? Schizophrenia?? That's not very quirky or fun. And that's what neurodivergent means. That's just weird. Being mentally ill isn't an excuse to be weird. Only Evil People manipulate and abuse. There are certain people who Are Evil by nature (people with NPD) and they Will abuse you. Loving someone means it's impossible to abuse them only Evil People Who Hate You are abusive. Have I mentioned that people with NPD are evil. I really want to drive that home
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scholarlypidgeot · 2 days ago
people will say "why cant the eldritch gods just be nice to humans :((" and then kill a bug for existing near them
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scholarlypidgeot · 2 days ago
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Happy pi day
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