scentedloveletters · 4 months
meeting friends from school who weren't your closest friends but more so in the "good friends" bracket is always bittersweet....it's maybe because you were only 'good friends' and couldn't keep in touch through college or it was maybe your fault or theirs ...or maybe there were faulty circumstances, but after you meet up after lets say 5 to 6 years and it always feels like you're getting to know a friendly stranger other than someone you've known since you were 10 and someone who would draw butterflies in your hand during a boring math class....it always "oh I didn't know you smoked" and "when did you quit your job ?" or "CONGRATS !! on getting engaged yeah i saw on Facebook " now since you both don't know the person sitting in front of you all you can talk about is past memories...."remember our Sikkim trip?..." "remember...when we were mountain climbing and Rehan's shoes just slipped from hit foot and hit Soham in the head "...."OMG YEAH....and anytime someone would start climbing Soham would tease them just so he could catch their shoes"......"yeah those were the days...." "yeah..." after this very sweet interaction what follows is an uncomfortable silence and some small talk about the weather and your work-life .....its time to pay the bill.....one awkward side/front-hug later you both part ways ...you feel a little sad that the person you used to know pretty well is now completely different...and you feel like you just missed it somehow...but you feel comfort knowing that even though you don't know this person , they still laugh the same as they did when they were 10...still try to avoid paying and run away like they used to do....
- on meeting friends and passing time
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scentedloveletters · 2 years
// I've always felt that my father was a very beautiful shade of blue. Quiet, calming, pristine, perfect. He once told me the story of how when he was 20 his father retired and he had to take the 'reigns of the family' from his father and he told me that I'd have to do that too, one day. It scared me a little honestly, knowing that one day I'd have to grow up and take the responsibility of this seemingly endless family. what could you expect from a six-year-old? Back when I was little, I used to think very highly of my father [I still do] little me used to think of him as the pinnacle of success, the 'ideal man' like everyone else around him. But the older i got, this perfect man's image started to break and decompose in front of me. I saw the real human behind the mask, tired, overworked, lonely. All my life I've never seen him shed a tear or succumb to a moment of vulnerability because he needed to be strong and calm. Just like the color blue. When this revelation occurred to me, I was scared, scared of growing older and turning out like my him. But as more time passes the more i find out a specific habit or way of speaking of mine that's similar to his. Mybe it's a good thing after all. Mybe I'll become as successful as he is one day. Maybe the older I get my sentences would become shorter and my smiles fainter. Mybe I'll fall in love with gardening or napping or cooking. Maybe I'll finally be able to help my dad heal from all of his pain and ease his burden. He is a man of a very few words and so am I. Just like the color blue. // - on fathers and daughters
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scentedloveletters · 2 years
hiii so this is linh and this is my new writeblr..... i wanted to start fresh and write some stuff <33 tagging some mutuals : @buriedheart , @mirrorvideo , @girlfishie , @jugn00 , @onlythebravegf all my work will be under either #blurbs , #headcannons , #linh gets poetic
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