sceneparkz · 4 years
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TWEEK: OHman,. OK....... his name is Craig and we've been together since , LIKE. FOURTH GRADE????
TWEEK: He's, uh, he's really cool man. He was at my place before I came over here! We traded kandi!
TWEEK: He made me the blue and green one, because, green's my favorite color and his is blue!!
TWEEK: IDON'T. Really like going to. Concerts so sometimes Craig goes for me and gets t-shirts for us and stuff.
TWEEK: He even records them on his cell phone! And it's really sweet because Craig hates loud noises too,
TWEEK: Um... and we have a pet guinea pig.. called Stripe! He's kind of old now so he stays at.Craig's house.Which is pretty good because, I like my house but Craig doesn't really like my parenst,
TWEEK: He's just, really sweet, and being around him makes me feel like, calm?
TWEEK: Thanks for asking.
TWEEK: >//W//>
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sceneparkz · 4 years
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(Best friend by toy box blasts) anyways sceneparkz am i right?
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sceneparkz · 4 years
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s. scene bunny???? 😳
(with @mystewion <3)
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sceneparkz · 4 years
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BUTTERS: this old thing??
BUTTERS: i made it! i drew the picture on my computer and then my dad printed it onto heat transfer paper 4 me at his work P:
BUTTERS: tbh itz kind of bad lulz... i was only lyk 12 and i didnt have a tablet yet OTL -_-;;
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sceneparkz · 5 years
HOLY FRICK DIS IS SO KEWL!!!!! looking at this makes me feel sooooo kyuuuute......... C'MERE AND LET ME GLOMP CHU RITE NAOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X'D
- butterz 💙
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@sceneparkz makes me happy
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sceneparkz · 5 years
I don’t kin. Fictional characters wish they were me.
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sceneparkz · 5 years
MYST: ok i dont usually comment on posts but......THIS.....THIS is epic O///_///O
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oh its she!! yeah baby!!! i love you myst!! @sceneparkz !
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sceneparkz · 5 years
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BUTTERS: they sure didnt like it at first...
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BUTTERS: but they dont like ANYTHING i do ANYWAY!!! so y should i even care????? lyk last week my dumb dad tried 2 ground me becuz i 4got 2 steam the carpet. but i was ALREADY grounded becuz i called my grandma a f-cking b-tch (which i SHOULDNT hav been grounded 4 btw becuz itz true). well how r u gonna ground me if im ALREADY GROUNDED??? parentz r SO FREAKIN STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sceneparkz · 5 years
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BUTTERS: im glad u asked X3!!! i have tonzzz of avis but these 2 are my favz...the first one iz a neko-oni vampire prince from HELL!!!!!! he covers hiz evil eye bcuz itll turn whoever it seez into a monster lyk him and he bleedz poison radiation that turnz u into blood and also he can never die O_< the chain on his neck iz a ghost chain dat binds him 2 tha spirit world where his soul iz trapped 4 eternity becuz of some evil stuffz he did wen he was alive. ya i know itz kind of random XD 
BUTTERS: um....the 1 on the right iz a rabbit angel doll who ran away from her owner and i havent rly figured out the rest of her story yet X”3 but she haz a magic bunny becuz i think its cute X””3
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TWEEK: THIS IS,,    COSMO. HEs blue and REALLY cool!!!!.  (i got the  items fromm butetrz  because im not allowes  to spend money onlien). uhh. 
BUTTERS: tell them his backstory O_O (its epic)
TWEEK:     UHH,,   well.. ........ he was made on like a, a  farm?? or something where they.. make lots fo  people,  who look like him. i dont know sdude, explaining it is  hard, i cant remmeber everything u said,,, 
BUTTERS: oh uhh. me either!
TWEEK: uhh.  well yeah- shit i dunno he’[s probably  liekn got a magic soul energy sword i think
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BUTTERS: (myst u should answer dis one at least, c'mon)
MYST: (ok ok)
MYST: um...im not showing you my main avis cuz youll just steal them -_- heres a rly plain one from my side account... i guess shes like a fox neko girl or something.........shes an alien too....../;. she has epic star magiks stored in her magic pendant that a king gave her so shes looking for him because actually its stealing her soul and idk shes kinda boring 
MYST: not important but shes got double Ds =q=
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sceneparkz · 5 years
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i love @sceneparkz
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sceneparkz · 5 years
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TWEEK: WHY  do you w ant to kwno??
BUTTERS: (tweek!!! be nice. they r just sayin hi!!! u sed u want 2 do this with me remember???)
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TWEEK: .... hhhrhhrhhmmmghmm...
BUTTERS: (theres a buddy!!)
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BUTTERS: we r having a sleepover!!! our friend myst iz here 2! we ate sooo much ice cream and now we r rly hyper >___<;;; so we r putting stickers on each others faces and listening 2 music!
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TWEEK: GAH!!!!!!!!
TWEEK: TURN IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MYST: (fuck sorry!!)
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sceneparkz · 5 years
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BUTTERS: hai tumblr !!!! my name iz butterz and im here 2 answer ur qs and as. my friend tweek is here 2 but he iz kind of shy. (say hello tweek)
TWEEK: (i think you can just say QUESTIONS dude !!!!)
BUTTERS: (huh??)
TWEEK: ('cuz the, 'cuz the a stands for answer?)
BUTTERS: (and?????)
TWEEK: (uhm... yeah never mind.)
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