scarlettskkies · 12 days
I have to be honest if you’re still team Paxton even after he became a teacher at the school you’re weird idc. Like he was a teacher at the school and she was a student. (I was always team Ben tho)
I posted this in Twitter too and I plan on making a post going more in depth with this tomorrow but for now you get this because I’m about to go sleep
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scarlettskkies · 16 days
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yall ever think about how mike probably felt like he was getting left behind by his friends because they were interested in girls (except for will but he didn't know that) and that's why he attached himself so much to el?
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did you agree to this? her. joining our party. she's ruining the best night of the year (about max)
sound familiar?
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you're ruining our party... you're destroying everything and for what? so you can swap spit with some stupid girl (about el)
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it's not my fault you don't like girls
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and then he does the face he does when he's gonna lie about something
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and he says
i mean what'd you think, really? that we were never gonna get girlfriends? that we were just gonna sit in my basement and play games for the rest of our lives?
PROJECTING AGAIN because mike, who even mentioned that? you've thought about it, haven't you, michael?
he was fully expecting will to say no. but NO will says YEAH I GUESS I DID. I REALLY DID
and mike is fucking flabbergasted because that's what he wants too, but he didn't let himself have it because he thought he wasn't allowed to want that
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and that's the look of mike realizing he was wrong and he fucked up
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scarlettskkies · 25 days
Although I do always wonder if Julie knew that he was gay. Like if he came out to her out not?
I will die on the hill that Julie and the phantoms went about the act of creating a gay character so flawlessly. When you first found out he was gay it was just acknowledged and then left alone until he was given a love interest. His sexuality wasn’t made to be a big deal or constantly talked about but rather something normal (which it is). And they didn’t try to make him based off of a stereotype. They created the character and then added him simply liking boys. I feel like in lists of shows they make being gay like it’s own personality so characters don’t have a fully formed personality with likes or dislikes but Alex does.
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scarlettskkies · 26 days
They hate when you serve gay with an attitude 😒
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scarlettskkies · 26 days
I will die on the hill that Julie and the phantoms went about the act of creating a gay character so flawlessly. When you first found out he was gay it was just acknowledged and then left alone until he was given a love interest. His sexuality wasn’t made to be a big deal or constantly talked about but rather something normal (which it is). And they didn’t try to make him based off of a stereotype. They created the character and then added him simply liking boys. I feel like in lots of shows they make being gay like it’s own personality so characters don’t have a fully formed personality with likes or dislikes but Alex does.
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scarlettskkies · 26 days
hear me out, we joke about the 118 having bets on when buddie is getting together, mainly hen, chimney, bobby + extended family. but what if b-shift is in on it. they somehow have a whiteboard at the firehouse. a-shift writes normal memos on it. as soon as they all leave, someone dramatically flips it and bam! there's a whole detailed timeline trying to figure out what buck and eddie are to each other, red string and everything. there's multiple theories, some right, some wrong. at the start of each shift they brainstorm. ravi has the task of arriving early to see if buck and eddie leave together or not. someone knows lena bosko and they call her for details. she tells them about the grocery store fight. they move up the divorced theory on the board. at the end of the shift they flip it back around and nobody ever notices even though there's obviously red string hanging from the bottom.
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scarlettskkies · 26 days
OK, this is a different fandom than what I usually post about but I just couldn’t stop thinking about this so in the show young Royals if you haven’t watched it by the way, please do but don’t read this. It contains spoilers, but I was trying to say is in the show, obviously we all know that August is a horrible person who deserves what he got in the end, but I see a lot of people online and on YouTube videos and on fanfiction portray August as a homophobe and I can understand how you could interpret that, but I also think for me at least it’s very clear that Augustus doesn’t hate gay people. He was just mad and jealous of Willie and Simon.ïżŒ in the show August leaks the video out of anger, but we never see him specifically say anything close to “I hate gay people” we see him say that he’s jealous and that he’s angry, and it kind of makes me angry or annoyed when people say that August is homophobic . Because I feel like that is a big misinterpret of his character and what the show was trying to do for him. I would also like to say I hate August. This is in no way supporting him.ïżŒïżŒ
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scarlettskkies · 26 days
I don’t care if Mike has a specific labeled sexuality or not as long as they acknowledge that will byers is gay and they love each otherïżŒ
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scarlettskkies · 2 months
Yall hate Mike for having the most normal teenage reaction and also if will did the shit mike does yall wouldn’t even care.
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scarlettskkies · 2 months
Will Byers is not a baby and yall need to stop acting like he’s helpless tbh.
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scarlettskkies · 2 months
one of buck’s love interests called him needy and one of eddie’s love interests said eddie thinks he has too much to give for anyone to be able to take. even their baggage complements each other what else is there
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scarlettskkies · 2 months
If you hate Mike wheeler I don’t trust you. I’ve realized that people hate Mike just don’t understand that he is a teenager that has been through unimaginable trauma(even if it isn’t as “bad” as the others) and he’s acting the way someone his age would act after everything that happened to him. Yall act like he’s the devil because he was mean sometimes. He is a KID who has no way to cope. Sure he can’t just go around being a mean person but he isn’t nearly as mean as yall make him out to be.
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scarlettskkies · 2 months
I love stranger things because it's one of the only shows I've seen where the teenage characters have objectively terrible fashion sense. Like some of the outfits are good don't get me wrong but like A LOT of the stuff they wear is so appropriately stupid for their age I love it. Don't even get me started on the haircuts
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scarlettskkies · 2 months
I could talk about the unnecessary hate that Mike wheeler gets for hours (and how the fandom treats will like a baby) without a single stutter.
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scarlettskkies · 1 year
How y’all gonna tell me you love me when Crowley stopped the whole word for aziraphale. Y’all liars fr.😒
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