scaffoldbutcooler · 3 years
It took four years for him to finish, FOUR YEARS OF STINKY FEETS! Anyways it lasted from 1508 - 1512 for all the new people reading this. Jeeze, four years to tolerate the disgusting smell of his feet. At least the roof looks nice now. And I am ready to paint a masterpiece myself. I will keep you guys my dear followers updated!
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scaffoldbutcooler · 3 years
Skills pog
Quick Update! The ceiling also seems to be centered around some scenes from the old testaments. From the creation of the world to its end. Michelangelo started by painting Noah Fresco, in my opinion the figures were too small. He noticed too and changed it so the figures are bigger and have more expressive movements. I think my art skills have gotten better by watching him painting, I am going to become the first scaffold to ever paint! 
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scaffoldbutcooler · 3 years
Enternally screaming
So originally the pope planned the ceiling to just revolve around a depiction of the 12 apostles, but Michelangelo’s plan is he would paint several scenes featuring over 300 figures. WHICH MEANS, he would stay on me for longer.
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scaffoldbutcooler · 3 years
Please plan workkkk
I learned that Michelangelo is not known for his painting skills, as he is more known as a sculptor. Then why is he the one commissioned to paint the roof of this chapel? I overheard Vasari the other day, they said the reason why he got this task is because of two artistic rivals of MIchelangelo’s. Raphael and Bramante, the two hoped Michelangelo would fail as he is not skilled with the brush. Which in my words is a pretty smart plan, please succeed and get this person off me.
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scaffoldbutcooler · 3 years
I have learned his name is Michelangelo di lodovico buonarroti simoni, I’m just going to call him Michelangelo, because this guy’s name is way too long for me to type it out every time. He is a sculptor who is commissioned to paint the roof of the chapel we are in. As he stands on me, I can feel his pain and cramps in his back, legs and arms from looking up too much. And I know that he acknowledges the situation of his health, but he is neglecting them because he wrote a poem about the pain of it. Michel needs some help with his health.
Oh by the way the chapel’s name is the Sistine chapel. It is located at the Vatican's Apostolic Palace.  One of the building’s functions is to be a gathering place for all the cardinals of the catholic church to elect a new pope. Oh, fun fact, it is named after Pope Sixtus IV who oversaw its restoration in the late 15 century.
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scaffoldbutcooler · 3 years
painting dude
I have watched him work for a while. He started to paint of the roof. He used a fresco technique. He applied washes of paint to wet plaster and to create depth he would scrape off some of the wet medium prior to painting. And that would create visible outlines around figures. The pastors dry quickly. And he would work in sections and apply planes of new plasters. The art is pretty good for a person with such smelly feet. Please, change your shoes.
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scaffoldbutcooler · 3 years
This man’s feet stink. A new person arrived and talked to the pope for a while. He has not changed his clothes and his shoes for days. Send help, I am clearly supposed to do something else other than this person standing on me.
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scaffoldbutcooler · 3 years
Hello new followers! This is my first post and I think I should introduce myself. First, I am a very special scaffold, I was built by installing a wooden platform held up by brackets which are inserted into holes in the walls. Second, I was designed to move across the buildings. Clearly, I am designed to do something great, as I am special and the newest design around here.
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