sbpr-rparchives · 11 years
Is it too much to hope for one of these so called great evils to do something interesting already?
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sbpr-rparchives · 11 years
No, Miss Oswald, the other Sherlock Holmes. Let me guess, my death is known in this London as well?
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Well this... is certainly new.
Clara Oswald 
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Wait.. Sherlock Holmes? Not the Sherlock Holmes. 
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sbpr-rparchives · 11 years
He doesn't scare me!
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Well this... is certainly new.
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So you’ve met Cas already? Did he scare you as bad as he scared my brother?
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sbpr-rparchives · 11 years
Sherlock Holmes. And you, Ms-?
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Well this... is certainly new.
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I can tell you about the box though. Who are you?
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sbpr-rparchives · 11 years
I was planning on my own resurrection, but why not? I've got nothing better on.
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Well this... is certainly new.
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I have faith in Dean and I have faith in Sam. Tell me, will you arise and rebuke the winds and the sea?
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sbpr-rparchives · 11 years
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Ye of little faith.
Well this... is certainly new.
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Which wont be for long, at this rate.
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sbpr-rparchives · 11 years
Mm hm. And this... Cas of yours. Dark hair, annoying prat?
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Well this... is certainly new.
Yeah, angels are real too. But instead of fluffy white wings and lutes, they just kinda threaten to wear you as a meat-suit and take over the world. At least in my experience.
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sbpr-rparchives · 11 years
I think I'll exercise free will while I still can, Castiel. 
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Well this... is certainly new.
It’s the end of the world. You don’t have much of a choice. 
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sbpr-rparchives · 11 years
No, I suppose we don't have time. It's fine, I'll manage. If the network's still connected, I'll spread word amongst them- hang on, angel?
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Well this... is certainly new.
A few things can kill them. My knife, angel blades. Angels can smite them, so we’re lucky we’ve got Cas. We like to exorcise them when we can.
But, uh, you’re gonna need to get one of these. Pronto.
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I’m sorry, I know this must be a lot to take in, but we don’t really have time to tiptoe around this sort of stuff.
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sbpr-rparchives · 11 years
 Arrogance, is that what you- Oh, well, forgive me, O mighty angel of the Lord, but despite your best efforts to earn it, I struggle to put faith in your hands. I recognize that there's a difference between acknowledging your existence and trusting you. 
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Well this... is certainly new.
You deemed our existence illogical. You assumed we were not there because we gave you no proof to think otherwise. And now that I have given you proof, you refuse to accept it. What is that, if not arrogance?
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sbpr-rparchives · 11 years
Demons. Right. Of course. 
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You wouldn't happen to know how these demons are killed? 
Well this... is certainly new.
The city? They whole city? We haven’t hit the field yet, I didn’t realize- God, this is- 
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Demons. It means demons. And if what you’re saying is true, it sounds like they’ve overrun London. 
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sbpr-rparchives · 11 years
Arrogance? Is that what gives me definition in your omnipresent eyes? Is arrogance what defines me when my lack of finding something didn't? You don't think I tried?
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Well this... is certainly new.
My Father made your science and he made angel and demons as well. Tell me, were you really so arrogant to think you were alone?
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sbpr-rparchives · 11 years
No, of course not. I am a man of science. A believer of truth. And angels, demons, it's...illogical.
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Well this... is certainly new.
I take it you’re not a man of faith. 
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sbpr-rparchives · 11 years
How? That doesn't make any sense. It's... it's impossible.
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Well this... is certainly new.
My name is Castiel. I’m an angel. 
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sbpr-rparchives · 11 years
What are you? 
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Well this... is certainly new.
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Try again.
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sbpr-rparchives · 11 years
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What the hell-
Well this... is certainly new.
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I assure you, I am more useful than any single human could possibly be. 
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sbpr-rparchives · 11 years
Oh look he's a comedian. You're honestly questioning my usefulness? What of you? What's the point of you? If this one being taking all of us wants someone useful, I'm quite certain that having the master of redundancy around negates the idea.
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Well this... is certainly new.
We were all brought here because something terrible is about to occur. The one who took you must have thought, for whatever reason, that you would be useful. 
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