sbert12dcp-blog · 8 years
Update, almost a year later.
So in one month, it will be one year since I left Disney. Soo here’s an update on my life;
I moved home in May 2015. I started working in auto financing about 2 weeks after I moved home. After about a month of working there I realized it wasn’t what I wanted to do so I applied at a special needs school and got the job on the spot. Since I applied in July and the school year didn’t start until August, I was able to finish one last month at the finance company and then have a week off before the first week of school. I have been working at my school for 9 months now and I adore it with all that is in me. It honestly has has taken over my life in the most amazing way.
In July I also got engaged to my high school sweetheart. We stuck through my whole 9 months of me living in Disney but unfortunately he started grad school out of state in August, so we have now been long distance for like a year and a half. :( We are still so strong though and I am excited to get married to him next year.
I still talk to some of my Dinoland friends. I have a big group chat with Robert, Shearley, Stefani, and Jordan and we talk in that often. I really miss them so much that it hurts. Especially Robert, he became my best friend down there. I also am friends with a lot of my old Dinoland coworkers on snapchat and they all hang out together still down in Orlando and I wish I were there! Other than that, I talk to my old roommate Adrianne from time to time. I kind of gave her hell when we lived together because she was the dirtiest roommate I had ever encountered and she has every reason to hate me but I genuinely miss her and wish we lived closer.
Honestly, I miss Disney, so much. Doing the college program was such a great decision, and I am so glad I extended even though I had reasons not to. I hope to visit Disney soon. I hope that maybe Robert, Shearley, Stefani, Jordan, and I can all meet up there. Robert is going on is second program in August and Stefani visits Disney all the time. Here’s to hoping that maybe we can find a way to get together.
Anyways, this is just a random update on where my life is now.
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sbert12dcp-blog · 9 years
Today marks one month since being home.
I miss the parks a lot. I actually still talk to my coworkers (the ones I got really close to) kind of often so it feels like we are still together but it makes me really sad to know I might not see them, ever again. I hate to say that but in all reality I will probably never see a single person from my program ever again. Unless I happen to go to Disney and they go too. It kills me because I really did love my Dinoland fam.
I am always with my group of friends here but it is weird that the question is always ‘what should we do?’ rather than ‘what park should we go to?’
I am happy to be here and to have such amazing friends here in Georgia but career wise, bring me back to Disney. I have a feeling I’ll be back.
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sbert12dcp-blog · 9 years
I miss you. :(
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sbert12dcp-blog · 9 years
Well, I'm home.
I moved home Friday. It feels like I don't live in my house. But I want to move out soon so maybe it's better that way. I have been trying to clean up this morning but it's very tiring. I have unpacked both suitcases though so I am happy about that. Actually I have pretty much unpacked everything but I am going through and throwing away and donating a whole bunch of old stuff so that's what is exhausting. I have a lot of stuff that I don't know where to put. I have also realized that I had a LOT of books and textbooks that don't fit in my bookshelf so I don't know what to do there. But I'll figure it out.
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sbert12dcp-blog · 9 years
I know I've said this a few times
but I have made some of the greatest freaking friends here in Dinoland and I am so so sad to say goodbye to them. I'm about to cry just thinking about it. :( I'm just glad we are all gonna make the most of our last few days together!
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sbert12dcp-blog · 9 years
15 days.
Tonight I was driving back to my apartment after visiting my grandma at Port Orleans and I decided to listen to the Wishes soundtrack. I started crying so so badly. Probably because these past two weeks I've watched Wishes like 5 times and each time it was with a different person and I realized I won't see these people after I leave. I love my Dinoland family. To the point where I feel like crying whenever I think about goodbye. I spend so much of my time with them. I am also going to miss my roommate more than anything. She is like my main bitch and we have been through so much since our first apartment in August and I am just so happy that I have so many great memories with her. I can't believe I leave in two weeks. I am so sad. I feel like I am about to cry. :(
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sbert12dcp-blog · 9 years
So it's been a while since I have posted.
To make a long story short; I love my job and I love my coworkers and I hate my roommates. I miss Joey and have come to terms with my departure date. And that is literally my life in a nutshell. 26 more days until I leave my kingdom.
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sbert12dcp-blog · 10 years
I think the saddest and weirdest thing about this program
is that I will probably never ever see any of these people again. There is not one single person that I have met down here that I feel like I might eventually see again except for the full timers who will always be here and for the ones who might actually stay in orlando forever and I will see them when I visit disney. Other than that, even people i am friends with and hang out with... I know I never see them again. Ever. That is so so strange to me.
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sbert12dcp-blog · 10 years
Life at Disney is the best thing ever.
Leaving in 7 weeks is going to be so so hard. How do people survive after leaving disney? :( especially after spending 9 months here.
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sbert12dcp-blog · 10 years
The Disney College Program is great.
I feel like my first program was ok but not the greatest but this time it's so great. I feel so happy. And I don't feel so alone all the time. I love living with my best friend and sharing an apartment with people who actually want to hang out. I love working with people who I actually get along well with and hang out with outside of work. I love my location and sometimes I don't even mind working the games. Dinoland is great.
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sbert12dcp-blog · 10 years
I never update this blog.
I love my location so much. I have such a great family at Dinoland and it's awesome. We found out who our crazy roommate is and she has stolen so much food from us so we were going to go report her because last night we found proof it was her and when we asked her SHE LIED TO OUR FUCKING FACE. Not just like one or two things have been stolen, multiple things from everyone (except Zoë. For some reason nothing has been stolen from Zoë. Lol). Anyways, last night she made a post about self terming but she is always wanting sympathy from everyone for her life so we can't tell if she made that post so that people will be there for her or if she really is leaving. Guess we will find out.
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sbert12dcp-blog · 10 years
In the four months that I worked at Flame Tree,
I got 4 four keys cards. I have worked at Dinoland a total of 15 shifts and have gotten 4 four keys cards. Did I mention I love working in Dinoland...? Apparently my leaders can see how happy I am there.
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sbert12dcp-blog · 10 years
After working at Disney for 6 months,
I finally picked up an EHH. And it's at World of Disney. Oh god. Help me.
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sbert12dcp-blog · 10 years
1. the meaning behind my url 2. a picture of me 3. tattoos i have 4. last time i cried and why 5. piercings i have 6. favorite band 7. biggest turn off(s) 8. top 5 (insert subject) 9. tattoos i want 10. biggest turn on(s) 11. age 12. ideas of a perfect date 13. life goal(s) 14. piercings i want 15. relationship status 16. favorite movie 17. a fact about my life 18. phobia 19. middle name 20. anything you want to ask
let me introduce myself
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sbert12dcp-blog · 10 years
With all that being said,
I miss my old living situation. The people in this apartment fill up the sink and leave it there. The trash will be filled for days. There is trash all over the dining room and living room table. A big pot has been left on the stove for two days now. It hasn't even been two weeks since I've moved here and I'm already wondering who did the cleaning here before we moved. I may not be the cleanest person but this is ridiculous.
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sbert12dcp-blog · 10 years
I am so much happier this program than I was last.
Merch is like a vacation compared to Quick Service. I don't feel so tired all the time now, even after really long days. I have already made friends at work that are more like me than the CPs at my old location. I am now completely done with all of my training which is cool because as much as working midway games sucks, once you are in the game and doing your own thing it's not that bad. I went to Boma this past week with my roommates and next week Patricia and I are going to Trails End. I booked a Wild Africa Trek tour for my parents and i for next month. I am just so happy. Not to mention I've been working more Hours so getting good pay checks. I think once a month I need to aim to pick up at least one shift. I am going to try to extend my shift on Tuesday because I get off at 1:45. Anyways I am just typing this because my body naturally wakes up at 7:30am and I don't have to be up until like 9:30 so I'm just laying in bed. I might try to go back to sleep for a bit.
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sbert12dcp-blog · 10 years
If anyone wants a work out buddy,
especially if you want to work out at Patterson, let me know. I need to get back in shape and don’t like going to new gyms alone. Lol.
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