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🎉清木場俊介 White Rock lll 終演🎉 Shunsuke Kiyokiba's White Rock III final last night! お疲れ様でしたー! いやー今年も楽しかった! This year was fun too!! このメンバーでこのままツアー回りたいくらい!笑 I even want to carry on with this group on a tour! Haha 沢山の面白い新しい出会いに感謝! Loved meeting lots of new people too! そしてDaisuke とは初めてコーラス組んだんだけど、この相性は気持ちいい! またどっかでコーラスやろうね 😜 It was my first time doing back ground vocals with Daisuke, but we matched each other really well and it was so much fun! We must do it again!! 打ち上げ楽しすぎて3時間しか寝てないけどまだまだテンション高め!笑 After party was too much fun I've only slept for 3 hours but still pretty hyped up! Lol
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🎄Merry Christmas🎄 大阪で清木場俊介さんのクリコンリハ中! Rehearsing for Shunsuke Kiyokiba's Christmas concert in Osaka now. みんなにとって愛と喜びに溢れるクリスマスでありますように❤️😄❤️😄 I hope this Christmas is filled with love and joy for you all. GOD BLESS✨
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昨日沢山の愛をいただきましたー! みんな私のクリスマスをキラキラさせてくれてありがとう✨💝 Thanks for all the love yesterday! And for making my Christmas even more gorgeous!!
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Sayulee live @ Mojo coffee Harajuku 楽しかったー!来てくれてありがとう😍 大好きな人達ばかりと会えておしゃべりも沢山できて、心温まる幸せな時間でした! It was so much fun! Thanks for coming!! It was so nice to catch up with you all and have a chat too! Feeling so blessed. 長いブランク後、思い通りに歌えず悔しい日々だったけど、今日になってやっとまた気持ちよく歌い始める事ができた気がして嬉しかった🎤 これもみんなのおかげだ💕 After not singing on stage for a long time, I've been frustrated a lot recently not being able to sing like I used to. But today it felt like I was back on track again and it felt really good. Thanks to you all!!
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この可愛すぎるバイオリニストのAsukaさんといつかコラボしたいなー! I would love to collaborate with this beautiful violist Asuka Ochi sometime! 弾き語りとバイオリン、 きっと素敵だよね💕 I'm sure acoustic guitar, voice and violin would be nice!
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昨夜の国際フォーラム清木場ライブ、盛り上がってましたー!! Last night's show for Shun was going off at the international forum! Well done Shun! 一年ぶりに会えた仲間や新しい出会いに感謝! It was great meeting new people and reuniting with many after a year long! ライブってやっぱすごいね! 映像や音だけじゃ伝わらないものがあるからこそライブにはすごい価値があるんだね! っと改めて自分のライブのためにもパワーもらったよ! Live shows are awesome. Audio and visuals alone can't communicate everything about a live show. This has inspired me for my own shows too!! ってか金曜日ライブもうすぐじゃん! 全然準備が足りないよっ!笑 Can't believe the Friday gig is so soon now! So don't feel ready! Haha
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[English below] 清木場さんライブのコーラスで今日は国際フォーラム2日目! 彼の歌声と面白いMCは何年やってても飽きないなー(笑) 昨日は急性胃腸炎と熱だったけど、祈りとアドレナリンそしてお客さんからのパワーでなんとか無事ステージ終えました! 今日はおかゆもやっと少し食べれたのでステージも元気に楽しめそうなので楽しみ 素早い回復にマジで感謝! しかし毎日病気と闘っている人も大勢いるのに、こうやってお仕事できることってどれだけ幸せなんだろう?って考えさせらる時間だったことにも感謝です。 よし、頑張ろう!! Day 2 at Tokyo international forum today for Shunsuke Kiyokiba. I've been singing back ground vocals for him a few years now but I never get sick of his sweet yet powerful voice! I was sooo sick yesterday but managed to get through the show without vomiting or fainting! Haha. Thanks to many's prayers and support not to mention adrenaline!! (God made us well haha). I've been able to keep down some rice today so feeling soooo much better already and looking forward to the show tonight. Grateful for the super quick recovery. It made me think so much about how I am blessed to even be able to work like this when many are fighting an illness daily. Thank you god for my health.
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Checked out Mojo coffee Harajuku today as I'll be playing there next week🎤 来週Mojo原宿でライブがあるので今日見に行ってきましたー☕️ Nice vibes, great coffee and food! いい雰囲気、最高なコーヒーと食べ物! Took a rhubarb tart home for mum which she adored😊 母のお土産にルバーブタルトを持って帰ったら超喜んでくれた❤️ Can't wait to see some of you there and enjoy some Christmas songs and coffee together! クリスマスソングとコーヒーを楽しみながらみんなとまた会えるのが超楽しみ🎉 Come and hang out with me if you're free😍 空いてたら是非遊びに来てねー!
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昨夜のコーラスリハ。rehearsal last night PAさんが本人代わりに歌い初め、あまりの歌唱力にびっくりテンションマックスのDaisuke & Sayulee 笑 The sound guy starts singing, then we were blown away by how good he was that we got a little too excited. Haha. Daisuke とは初のコーラス隊だから超楽しみ! this is the first time to do background vocals with Daisuke so I'm rather excited!!
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マジシャン、スティーブが降らせた雪を浴びながらの演奏、気持ちよかった😊 Singing in the snow! Thanks to the magician Steve!! @TAC
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今日は超久しぶりの仲間とまた会えて本当に幸せな気分😍そして新たな出会いも!! みんないい人ばかり😄 I got to catchup with friends I haven't seen in a long time today and feeling so blessed. And met some new amazing people too! They are all so awesome!!!!
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今日はヴァンガードの歌を歌っている中ノ森文子さん @ayakoman0404 のレコーディングをお手伝いしてきました〜!超パワフルな歌声を聴けて良い刺激を受けた!キャラも好き♡ 文子さんお疲れさまでしたー! Today I helped out with Ayako Nakanomori's recording, who sings for the anime Vanguard. Her powerful voice was so inspiring! Great personality too! Well done Ayako🎶
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Girl's day! Yay 最近は作詞、歌詞の英訳、レコーディングなどのお仕事でバタバタしてたので今日は久しぶりのガールズデーが最高に楽しかった💕 I've been pretty busy with work like lyric writing, lyric translation and recording lately, so it was so nice to have a girls' day today for a change! ケンタッキーとアイス食べてずーっとおしゃべり😁 We ate KFC and ice cream and did what women are all good at - talking for hours. みんな大好き😘 I love you girls!!
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My new working style! 新らしい仕事スタイル! Lyric translation work at home with the baby! Slowing easing back in to music work from a couple of weeks ago 😉 While singing lots to my boy in the meantime! Lol 自宅で歌詞の英訳のお仕事をベビーと一緒に! 2週間前から少しずつ仕事復帰しながら、 とりあえず今はマイボーイに沢山歌ってます♡ I've finally started being able to get some sleep so I'm feeling soooo much more energetic now!! Lol やーっと睡眠もとれるようになってきたのでかなり元気です!!笑
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【出産発表 Birth Announcement】 5月8日土曜日の朝に3328gで元気な男の子が生まれましたー! 水曜の夜中から定期的な陣痛が始まり、今夜生まれる!と思いきや急に数時間止まってからまた陣痛が始まり木曜日には今日だ!って感じの繰り返しで、最終的に病院に行ったのは土曜の午前4時(笑) その4時間後の午前8:15に自然分娩で無事生まれてくれました! すでにホントにいい子で感謝の気持ちと愛に溢れている毎日です! この子を授かれて幸せ♡ 5/8 Saturday morning a boy weighing 3328g was born! I had regular contractions beginning Wednesday night so I thought he was coming that day, only to have contractions stop for a few hours the next day, then they would begin again and this carried on for a few days until finally on Saturday morning we went in to hospital at 4am lol. And 4 hours later at 8:15 he was born! So thankful do a 100% natural birth! He's already such an amazing kid filling my days up love and gratitude. So blessed to have been given him. そして以前の発表のコメントで、まさかあんなにも暖かい、心強いメッセージをみなさんから頂けるとは!マジ泣けてきました(笑) みんなからもらえた元気のおかげで心強く出産を望めました!心からありがとう♡ And as for my last big announcement, I never thought I would get such huge warm encouraging support from you all! You gave me tears! Your encouragement totally helped me to get through the delivery! Thank you all sooooo much♡
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ご無沙汰でーす!long time no see 😁 【English below】 たくさんのバースデーメッセージありがとうございました❤️ 超嬉しかった😄 とりあえず私は、急性気管支炎と咳喘息で寝たきり生活がもう何日も続いちゃってるけど😷はちみつ大根🐝が良いって聞いたので毎日これ飲んでてもう1kg以上のはちみつ消費しちゃった!!笑 効果あるんだか、、、?笑 とりあえずたくさんのお薬ももらって少しずつ回復してきてるので昨夜は久しぶりに眠れた!完治まであと少しかな?? 声帯はボロボロだけど、、、笑 みんなもこうならないように日々の体調管理頑張ってねー💪 らびゅー💕 Thanks for all your wonderful birthday messages! It made me so happy ❤️😄 Well I've been spending days in bed with acute bronchitis and cough asthma! I heard this daikon and honey 🐝drink is good for it so I've been drinking this everyday and now used up over 1kg of honey!! Lol not sure if it's working though.... 🤔Haha Anyways I'm seriously drugged up and seem to be getting better slowly but surely. I even managed to sleep last night! Amazing! Perhaps complete healing is not too far off now although my vocal chords are a mess. Haha. Everyone please take care of your selves daily so you don't get sick like this 😉 luv u 😘
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友達のバーガー屋さん!激ウマ! ニュージーに行く際には是非 Burger Burger食べてみてね!人口が少ないニュージーにも関わらずいつも並んでるなんてホントにすごい! しかし美味しかったー♡ My mate's burger shop in NZ! Crazy yummy! If you're in NZ make sure you go to Burger Burger! Even though Auckland population is not like Tokyo, there are always people lined up waiting here which is a big deal!!! The taste proves it all though ;)
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