Need some extra helping hands for this year's Saxxy Awards? Want to chop off your hands to give to somebody else? Or maybe give them your vocal cords instead? Look no further than here! The Saxxy Services Tumblr is a bulletin board for those looking for Saxxy assistants, or those looking for a Saxxy to assist with! Simply submit your applications as well as your listings for your Saxxy entries here. Current Saxxy Status: The Saxxy Awards 2016 winners have been announced!The next Saxxy Awards is TBD.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Congratulations to the winners of the Seventh Annual Saxxy Awards! Part 1
March 15, 2018 - SFM Team
While we're saddened that the end of the Seventh Annual Saxxy Awards is here, we're thrilled to be handing out the golden Saxxy statuettes for the winners! We're also incredibly excited to be extending an invitation to the overall winners to visit us at Valve headquarters.
Go see which of your favorite entries won!
(NOTE: Because Tumblr only has a 5-video limit per post, we will be dividing this into 2 parts to make sure each video is embedded:
Part 1 | Part 2)
Best Action: Board Room by jigSFM
Best Comedy: Chicken Strike by Mori Animation
Best Drama: Legacy by Baron, Mouseholidays
Part 2 of the winners can be found here.
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Congratulations to the winners of the Seventh Annual Saxxy Awards! Part 2
March 15, 2018 - SFM Team
While we're saddened that the end of the Seventh Annual Saxxy Awards is here, we're thrilled to be handing out the golden Saxxy statuettes for the winners! We're also incredibly excited to be extending an invitation to the overall winners to visit us at Valve headquarters.
Go see which of your favorite entries won!
(NOTE: Because Tumblr only has a 5-video limit per post, we will be dividing this into 2 parts to make sure each video is embedded:
Part 1 | Part 2)
Best Short: Player’s Portrait by Crazyhalo, Mall, testinglol, SedimentarySocks, 2P, Hex
Best Extended: Leak! by Anomidae, Toyoka, Fames, Kostamoinen, ItalianNinja, EDJE, ttmr, Taco_, The Winglet, Woozlez, XB33, dekker, Sgt. Bash, Pumodi, Blade x64, Py-Bun, CoBalt
Best Overall: Agent Gunn: Vulkanite by Nonamesleft~, DatGmann, -'fuzzymellow'-, Colteh, void~, Populus, Bapaul, SedimentarySocks, donhonk, Callegos, Frying Dutchman, Harry, Zoey, Hypo, BADGERPIG, Square, UEAKCrash, five, NeoDement
Part 1 of the winners can be found here.
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Announcing The Seventh Annual Saxxy Awards Nominees!
March 14, 2018 - SFM Team
We're approaching the culmination of another Saxxy Awards filled with some really amazing Source Filmmaker videos! Today we're announcing the nominees for the Seventh Annual Saxxy Awards, and there are entries that had us laughing, crying, and shouting in surprise and excitement. So make some popcorn, grab a drink, and go watch the Seventh Annual Saxxy Award nominees!
Once you've watched the nominees, and rewatched your favorites, remember there are many more entries available that may still end up on your personal favorites list. And don't forget to come back March 15th and find out which of your favorite nominees were chosen as winners!
We'd like to thank all of the entrants for their hard work and creative vision, and as ever, there are a few specific entries that didn't make the cut, but are exceptional nonetheless:
Honorable Mention:
The Box Mann
Inside Surgery
Meet the Janitor
With that being said, here are the nominees under the cut...
Board Room
Operation: Snatch & Grab
Chicken Strike
Mountaineering Mercenaries
Whistle Alarm
End of the War
The Ice Cream Mann
Toy Fortress
Player’s Portrait
The Backcap
Agent Gunn: Vulkanite
The Art of Justice
Manned Up Mannequins
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Now Accepting Submissions for the Seventh Annual Saxxy Awards!
March 1, 2018 - TF2 Team
We look forward to this every year, and now the time has come! Submissions are now open for The Seventh Annual Saxxy Awards!
Final submissions are due Thursday, March 8th, at 3:00PM PST, but we highly recommend you submit versions earlier in the week to guard against unforeseen networking or computer problems. We want to see those submissions, so get them in! Check out the guidelines to learn more.
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Now available on the SFM Workshop - SAXTON HALE!
Saxton Hale is a daring Australian, President and CEO of Mann Co., and the star of many comics series. Saxton Hale appears in the Jungle Inferno update with his own unique model.
This is not the Valve’s original Saxton Hale model, It’s an imitation. Features: - HWM / Wrinklemaps. - Presentgroups (SFM only): Face / Fingers - High resolution textures / normals. - Lots of hair and abs. - Skins. (Normal / Blue / Saxxy) - Bodygroups: Belt, Hat Model Credit: Maxxy - Modelling, Promo art: ½ + showcases. JPRAS - Mayann Hale body reference, Feedback. Valve - Saxton Hale from Team Fortress 2 / Jungle Inferno[]. Video Credit: Hex - Lead video producer / animator. Musetrigger - Voice actor. Magnus - Composer. Maxxy - Lighting / scene build. Special thanks: Sync - Model testing / Promo art: ¾. Badgerpig - Feedback / body shape guideline. Velly - VSH coversion basics (comming soon).
Click here to view an album of work in progress pictures!
You can download the model HERE!
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The Seventh Annual Saxxy Awards!
December 5, 2017 - TF2 Team
It's time to announce the Saxxy Awards for 2017, and we couldn't be more excited!
We can't wait to see what variety of amazing videos you create! Don't forget that all Valve universes are available for use, and SFM shorts that were submitted to the Dota Short Film Contest are also eligible for this year's Saxxy Awards. The submission deadline is March 8th, 2018, but as always, we'd like to remind you that you can upload non-final versions up to a week in advance of the final deadline, to guard against last-minute computer failures, internet outages, YouTube login problems, etc.
Check out the guidelines for details on the rules and deadlines, and get your entries ready!
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Saxxy Award 2016 Winner Destroys Saxxy
On November 26, shortly after the recipients of the Saxxy Awards 2016 were crowned winners and given out their golden trophies for Team Fortress 2, the winner of this year’s Saxxy Awards 2016 for Best Action has destroyed their Saxxy for their entry, feeling it should not have been theirs to win.
TTMR, who created The Pybro one year ago, has accumulated over 2 million views on the original video, but was not satisfied with the attention it received. “While I dislike resubmissions, I felt this was necessary,” TTMR states in the remaster’s description. “I never felt as if the original video deserved the views it got.” He then explains several things he was not happy with in the old version, as well as what the new, resubmitted version improved on.
The reactions to the Saxxy being destroyed were noticed immediately. “...I didn't want to win,” TTMR explained in a Reddit thread highlighting the announcement. “Dastardly deserved it more...if the bastard [Saxxy in-game item] was tradeable I would have given it to a more deserving owner.” He adds in his Youtube description, “this was a tremendous mistake and it is nobody's fault but mine.”
Dastardly was one of four finalists for this year’s Saxxy Awards Action category next to TTMR’s remaster of The Pybro. Dastardly submitted Double-Edged Defense, a short about two Engineers working together. “After 2 months of animating, not counting a 2 year hiatus, I am here to bring my contribution to this year's saxxy awards,” Dastardly states in the Youtube description.
TTMR, like many others, noted resubmissions did not normally perform well in past Saxxy seasons. However, when he won Best Action against his wishes, a wave of realization had spread throughout those who kept up with the Saxxy Awards that the old rules may no longer apply.
The additional goal for resubmission was also the Saxxy Awards’ consolation prize. “I wanted to get to the nominees and win a Memory Maker. I did not want to win the section with a goddamn remaster,” TTMR says in response to a Reddit comment. “I still have my Timeless Thief one though, that one I think I actually deserve.”
This is not the first time a Saxxy has been destroyed. A Saxxy was once destroyed for “Most Inventive Kill” due to the owner receiving unwanted attention, while another Saxxy was also destroyed for what people predict was the same reason.
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Timeless Thief by The Winglet, TTMR, SedimentarySocks, Tacoman_, Pumodi, Andy Thybo, Woozlez, Blade x64, XB33
Congratulations to this year’s winners!
Your 2016 Saxxy Award Winners
November 18, 2016 - SFM Team
Remember how in 2015 Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials came out, and we all agreed as a planet that we’d basically solved movies forever and never had to watch or make another one again? Well, it might finally be time to re-open the debate. Presenting your 2016 Saxxy Award winners!
Best Action 2016: The Pybro (Resubmission) by TTMR*
*By TTMR’s wishes, we recommend watching Double-Edged Defense by Dastardly as well, which he feels should have won Best Action over his entry.
Best Comedy 2016: Healirious by Mall, Spunky Animations, Fatpiepro, Raxxo, Kellar max, Hex, Thoopje, LightWeaponsGuy
Best Drama 2016: Living in Obscurity by Konstantine*
*This was submitted under Comedy and Drama with the “Comedy” category in the title. Kon explains lengthily in the description that there is a thinly veiled drama present that all content creators of a video kind experience in terms of hardship and reception.
Best Short 2016: Power of Art by wieziesz
Best Extended 2016: Reinstated: The Arrival by KEGIC, Katya Richardson
And the Best Overall 2016 goes to…
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Now Accepting Submissions For The Sixth Annual Saxxy Awards!
November 4, 2016 - SFM Team
It's time to start submitting your entries to The Sixth Annual Saxxy Awards! You have until Friday, November 11th, 3:00PM PST for your final submission, but we highly recommend you submit versions earlier in the week so that if unforeseen networking or computer problems occur, you still have a version submitted.
After submitting your video, remember to tag entries over three minutes as Extended, and all other entries as Action, Comedy and/or Drama. Entries up to one minute should also be tagged as Short. (in addition to the genre tags)
Don't forget to provide links to any music or other IP that your entry uses, and add your co-authors as contributors. Lastly, make sure that your submitted video is publicly visible, allows embedding, and is free of advertisements, YouTube annotations or cards.
The guidelines contain more details on all of these requirements, so check there first if you have any questions.
The SFM Steam Community is filled with many experienced SFM users and Saxxy contributors, and can be a good resource for questions as well.
We're looking forward to your submissions, so get those entries in!
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Voice Acting - Jerma's "Shpee" Character
Hi, I’m JC also known as Badaba.
I’ve been told many times that I do a spot on “Shpee” voice, which is the voice Jerma985 created for a few videos he’s created.
Here’s a few audio clips of me doing the voice, includes edited and unedited versions
My schedule on weekends is always open, Monday through Friday normally are not open
Email: [email protected]
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Heyo, I'm GoldenPickaxe, or Magnus on Steam and Soundcloud. I've been writing music for eight years, and have played TF2 nearly as long. I've just recently gotten more into computerized music. I've had a lot of fun trying to replicate the TF2 music style, and I personally believe I'm coming rather close. I can do other styles, too. Don't be afraid to ask!
Current examples of my work in SFM include the music from the first scene in Blu Team's Day Off by Viking Skirts as well as the D&B remix of that song for the Red Team's trailer. (MP3 of the Red Team's music is in the "Other" folder in the drive link.) My steam is if anybody's interested. Good luck to everybody this year!
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Scout Voice Actor , Not limited to Saxxies
I'm The Biological Machine, most people just call me Bio. I'm a Scout Voice actor, and , from what people tell me, easil one of the best. My experience/Credentials include dubbing over an entire Mr.Paladin Video ( How a Scout thinks ) , Dubbing some things in a siN/NILST Video ( How to Be Drunk) As well as the scout lines in KritzKast podcasts and other things. The Quickest way to get ahold of me is Via Twitter ( @TBMentertains) Now, I do have Rates set , But at the same time, it's more likely you'll get the work done for free, or , if you insist on it," A Pay what you Feel " sort of thing. Thanks , And I look forward to hearing from some of you !
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Will do anything for good memes. (3D Genralist)
Rohan “BlueFuze” Henry
This year I would like to work on Animation, Video Editing and 3d Modelling. I’m up for anything but those are areas i have experience in.
Not a lot of SFM experience, I have a lot of experience in animation and vfx, So i think i could pick it up quite quickly.
Got a site with some of my work on. My most recent work was animation in this 7 day challange. Haven’t had a project to use any new techniques I have been learning.
Schedule (UK/GMT)
Unable to work:Weekends daytime (quitting 28th aug).
Starting uni. Don’t know the work load yet but i will make time.
email: [email protected]
Honestly im interested in all aspects of filmmaking however i strongly reccommend keeping me away from any aspect sound.
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Application: Animation, Post-Processing
Yo yo, I’m using my old Tumblr account because I don’t use Tumblr so I don’t wanna make a new Tumblr if I don’t have too lol. My name is Mediic, but you can just call me by my real name, Shawn. I’d like to help animate for your Saxxy team, although I can do other things. Like Photoshop, video editing (Sony Vegas), helping you find models, all that good stuff. I do little 10 second animations for either: GIFS for my Steam profile, animations for friends, doing it just to learn, and for something called “Coub.” I can send links to you so you can check them out, once you add me. I’m free like, all the time. But school is starting soon (15th of this month), but that won’t stop me from doing whatever on your team, after school and homework is done. Here’s my Steam, theres some animations there. And once you send a request, I’ll most likely accept it fast. Thanks!
#hire me for your saxxy#saxxy animation#saxxy video editing#saxxy scenebuilding#submission#himanplaysgames
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Scriptwriter looking for projects
Ahoy TF2 fellows!
I’m rockyroadtolondon, but you can call me Zabolac as per my Steam ID. I’ve been playing TF2 for around a year now, though not as regularly as I’d like (busy student life has kept me away from videogames for a while), but I just love the universe around the game, and of course the creative community behind all the videos, workshops and stories all over the Internet. I spend way too much time watching old Saxxy entries and other fan-made films.
As a film student I’ve always been really interested in screenwriting (I’ve stopped counting the number of feature-film scripts I’ve read) and I would love to write a story (or several) for Saxxy entries, or help fellow scriptwriters with their ideas. I don’t know how to use SFM (that’s a challenge I’ll take up for next year) but I would be really keen on helping out with the writing. Comedy, drama, extended, doesn’t matter, I like all the categories.
I don’t really have any experience per se, just had a screenwriting course during my BA. I do write fanfictions though, shoot me a message if you’d like to read them! They’re very different from writing scripts obviously, but they’ll give you an idea of my approach to the characters I suppose. I’m thinking about writing a couple of scripts as samples, so if you’d like to read one just let me know and I’ll send it to you!
I’m submitting my final project next week, and will be free as a bee after that. I need projects. I don’t like to be bored, and holidays are boring if I don’t have anything creative to do. Could be worth mentioning that I live in Europe, for time constraints.
My Steam ID is Zabolac, you can also shoot me a message on Tumblr. I don’t have a Skype account anymore, but can create one for the Saxxy Awards.
Hoping to hear from you soon!
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This just in: Incredibly amateur Environment Artist applies for the Saxxy Awards!
Hyello filmmakers, I go by CatsMeatsMan. Y'know, Cats for short.
As the title suggests, I’m signing up for Setbuilding for one of your fine animations. I know my moderate way around Maya, and have been building my own shots in Hammer for about 2 ½ years now, plus I can string together a quick back-and-forth workflow between them to get you fellas an atleast somewhat original set for your projects.
In my past work that I’ve put up on my profile, In order of Oldest to Newest, “Melody Meadow”, “Sandvich Eating Contest”, and “Joke Book” All feature my own mapping and setbuilding. Unfortunately, I have nothing to show here from Maya. Sorry!
Here’s the link:
My schedule… I don’t have a consistent schedule. My timezone is UTC-06:00, and assuming I don’t ever go outside (I do), I’ll usually be on from 1 PM to 11 PM. That’s about it.
I go by CatsMeatsMan just about anywhere. Steam and Skype are what I’ll check most often, so try there.
Lastly, Here are a couple reasons to NOT hire me:
I am NOT a character artist. Yet. Right now I’m ultra inexperienced with rigging and skin weights, plus HWM is totally off-limits in my toolset right now.
I’m quite often a lazy bitch.
Alright, that’ll do it, I’m pretty excited to see what I can do for you folks, and I’m excited to see how long it takes before I get fired. Cheers!
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Pumodi - Music Composer :O
I’m Pumodi, or Jeff you know whatever. I don’t want you to feel restricted
I would like to write music for your short! (MUSIC AH)
Maybe you know me from Turbulence, or Rivalry Rush, or Dota 2? If not, here’s some stuff:
I’m free on and off, as I do music full time, but am generally free weekdays.
Email me at [email protected] or message me on steam. (Pumodi, i’m the one with a triangle)
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