This design feels very modern. I️t is very subtle and to the point. Simple text and logo for readability. Feels very homey.
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This Qdoba bag feels very post modern to me. The logo and the somewhat abstract art gives this piece a very hipster feel that I️ think they are trying to market.
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while I️ don’t have any other kirkland brand products on hand. one thing i️ have noticed is that branding they do on all their products, the font is always very similar.
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I️ found this graph that was put out by the Republican party. At first glance it looks like this graph has a correlation, but if you look closely you can see that there is no y axis increments, as 289,750 looks to be larger than 935,573
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This is a page taken out of the Michigan State VIM magazine. Contrast- You can easily read the white title text and also the subtext as it is on a dark background Rhythm- The title uses this and it is effective in leading the readers eyes from place to place.
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This page out of a skiing magazine uses hierarchy and contrast for easy reading. Hierarchy - Each different pair of skis is ordered, and the important text is bolder so that you read and compare the important elements. Contrast - The images and the black text are both on a white background and it helps make it pop.
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