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Me on a crazed hyperfixation reblogging spree: oh my god... my mutuals... they must hate me for clogging up their dashes... plz dont stop following me i promise i won't be this annoying ever again
Me when my mutuals go on crazed hyperfixation reblogging spree: you go girl!!! reblog those posts!!! those two should kiss!!! they are the bestest girl!!!! go girl go!!!!
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(to the tune of mary had a little lamb): mary had a little lamb
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happy death to america day to those who celebrate!
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tv shows (in particular sitcoms. i'm thinking about sitcoms) are really missing out on the comedic potential of an aroallo character in a sitcom. everyone's thinking about the comedic potential of awkward romance, but i'm thinking about the comedic potential of desperately trying to avoid romance. climbing out of windows to avoid family asking about a romantic partner. mission impossible-style escape following a one-night stand. spraying people with water from a spray bottle if they engage in pda. holding an anti-valentines day. hiding in impossible places to avoid someone who has expressed romantic feelings for them. two aroallos in a fwb relationship making exaggerated looks of disgust when someone implies they're dating. marriage for tax benefits. sitcoms are really limiting their true comedic potential by not including aroallo characters
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i dont think anything compares to the joy of getting asks on tumblr or getting comments on ao3
its like, wow. human communication thru the internet. except it feels personal. but yknow, in a nice way, not in an invasive way
its like, you CLICKED on MY account and read thru MY posts and cared enough to leave me a personal message. smth so cute abt that
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yo for the record if you put something in my inbox and i never respond it’s not that i didn’t like it or read it it’s that i very very often see messages and go ‘oh i should respond to that’ and then i fucking forget until it’s like. been enough time to be weird
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forum > help
>hey guys im experiencing this problem running my game
>same here
>same here
>same here
>same here
>same here
>same here
>same here
>same here
>same here
>same here
>same here
>same here
>same here
thread closed
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when i say that there's a disparity in how aromantics and asexuals are treated, what i mean is that romantic asexuality is allowed to exist, but sexual aromanticism is not. what i mean is that all sexual content is expected to be tagged appropriately, and sex-repulsed people can block those tags, but romantic content is almost never tagged as romantic, and romance-repulsed people are just expected to be alright with that. what i mean is that you cannot make a single post about aromanticism without someone tagging it as "ace" or "aroace" (even if you specifically make a banner that says not to do so). what i mean is that i have gotten several hate anons from other aspecs just because i talk openly about being a non-ace aro. what i mean is that all aromantic representation is aroace. what i mean is that the aspec community is incredibly sex-negative. what i mean is that popular aspec media openly spouts alloarophobia and still gets praised as good aspec representation. what i mean is that non-ace aros are expected to seperate our sexuality from our aromanticism entirely because it might make some aroace uncomfortable to acknowledge that sexual aromanticism can and does exist.
there is a fucking disparity, you're just not listening to us.
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One of the local political ads says repeatedly that the candidate is a "gold star father"
I forgot that's a phrase with wildly different meanings in different subgroups because i immediately went:
"I wonder why it's so important that he's a dad who only has sex with other dads."
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Вей Ин
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heyy can we do a sexy roleplay where im a prince from a fallen kingdom and youre the powerful warrior who has taken me for their own pleasure. yes? yipeeee ok so before we start first here's a google doc with the whole history of the fictional land we're both from and the intricate geopolitical workings of the- oh yeah and here's a supplementary doc on the agriculture and trade routes of said fictional land and stuff and yes this is important. the dirty talk has to be lore accurate
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Fun fact: ace people can wear clothing which can be interpreted as sexual despite being ace.
Just because someone has skin showing doesn’t mean they want to have sex. Thinking like that is…kinda just really weird
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keep liking my posts and we gonna end up in a mossy forest picking out cool rocks together
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"he would not fucking say that" but it's "they would not be having carefully negotiated bdsm manual sex"
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