Deborah Beltran
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savethebeesdeb · 5 years ago
Annotated Bibliography
Andrew, Scottie. “Seven Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Bees on National Honeybee Day.” CNN, Cable News Network, 17 Aug. 2019,
The author discusses how important bees’ are to humans and gives tips on how we can all help save the bees. Bees’ around the world are dealing with poor nutrition issues. Some tips include plating variety of flowers, letting overgrown roots, and unwanted plants grow out.I used this information to state that we can all contribute and do our part in order to save the bees. Most tips listed are fairly easy and don’t cost anything.
Colla , Sheila  R, et al. “Figure 2f from: Irimia R, Gottschling M (2016) Taxonomic Revision of Rochefortia Sw. (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales). Biodiversity Data Journal 4: e7720. Https://” Biological Conservation, vol. 129, no. 4, 3 Jan. 2006, pp. 461–467., doi:10.3897/bdj.4.e7720.figure2f.
The authors in this journal discuss how pathogens can spread to other bees through contact. The researchers demonstrated an experiment where they tested two sets of bees, one set were wild bees and the other were bees that were kept in a greenhouse. The researchers tested if wild bees that are located near greenhouses would have diseases, and their data concluded that they do. They tested this a different locations and their results were that wild bees do have diseases such as Nosema bombi or crithidia bombi, but data at various locations vary.  Researchers did not find a consistent pattern at every location where they tested wild bees and greenhouse bees. Researchers say that these diseases spread through pollinating the same plants, feces or decaying bees. 
Cox-Foster, Diana, and Dennis vanEngelsdorp. “Saving the HONEYBEE.” Scientific American, vol. 300, no. 4, Apr. 2009, pp. 40–47. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0409-40.
This article discusses Colony Collapse Disorder and researchers also do an experiment on Isaereli acute paralysis virus. It’s been reported that multiple counties have also noticed empty colonies. There were no dead bees near the empty colony, so it was hard to test those bees. Scientist believe pathogens, pesticides  and recently discovered viruses are linked to bees declining, but these are secondary factors. I used this information by showing that viruses are just another contributing factor, but are not the main factor.
Givetash, Linda. “Bees Are Dying at an Alarming Rate. Amsterdam May Have the Answer.”, NBCUniversal News Group, 9 Sept. 2018,
This news article states that while scientists around the world are alarmed over the bees declining, wild bees and honey bees in Dutch Capital have increased by 45 percent since 2000. The city has let their sidewalks and weeds overgrow. They have also stopped using pesticides in order to create a bee friendly environment and improve the ecosystem. They believe this is really important since insects are the start of our food chain. Amsterdams government has made a big investment in rebuilding their ecosystem and helping the bees. I used this source in my paper by stating how there are helpful solutions that wouldn't only benefit bees but also the ecosystem. Bees’ are declining and there are ways we can help. 
“Natural Resources Conservation Service.” NRCS, May 2015,
This news article addresses how important bees are because that one out of every bite that we take depends on bee pollination. Bees help bring in $15 billion dollars into the United States. Bees help pollinate over 120 fruits and crops that we eat. Unfortunately, during the last 50 years, bees have been declining . NRCS is working with agricultural production in order to implement conservation practices in order to help pollinating insects. This article talks about how conservation efforts works, how it benefits producers, and also the public.I used the amount of money that is brought into the United States simply with the help of  pollinators. Without them, we wouldn't just have very few food selection, but the United States will also suffer in revenue. 
Press, The Canadian. “Pesticides Linked to Bee Deaths Will Be Phased out in Canada, CP Sources Say.” CTVNews, CTV News, 14 Aug. 2018,
This news article states that the Canadian government is going to ban the use of neonicotinoid pesticides in the beginning of 20201. It has brought to their concern that bees are mysteriously dying and they do not know the primary factor. What they do know is that studies have linked  neonicotinoid pesticides and mites. This chemical make bees more susceptible to diseases and bad weather. More than 1,100 peer review studies were reviewed and it was no doubt that neonicotinoid harm bees. The loss of bees represent a significant issue in human food source since bees pollinate one third of our fruits and vegetables. I used this information to help support that this is a contributing factor to bees declining worldwide. This chemical is used by farmers and gardeners, however, certain countries are becoming aware of this toxic issue and are willing to ban this pesticide in order to help save the bees. 
Rupp, Rebecca. “Dying Bees Spell Trouble for U.S. Agriculture.” National Geographic, 12 Jan. 2015,
The author discusses some background history on honeybees such as, how honey is made, and how bees control our food supply. It states that bees pollinate plants that account for over one third of our intake. Bees pollinate a majority of our fruits and vegetables. Without bees, we would not be able to eat a lot of our favorite dishes or desserts. Data has been recorded from winter 2012-2013 and about 45 percent of bee hives are gone in the United States.One thing we can do for the bees is plant more flowers.I used this article to help support how important this issue is and how long this problem has been going on for. 
Zimmer, Carl. “2 Studies Point to Common Pesticide as a Culprit in Declining Bee Colonies.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 29 Mar. 2012,
This article addresses how two experiments performed by two different scientists have led them to suspect that pesticides are contributing to bees declining, but their results are a little ambiguous and conflicting. Two researchers published studies suggesting that low levels of pesticides can have an effect on bee colonies. One researcher indicates that the toxic chemical fog honey bees brains, making them harder to get back home. The second scientist suggest that they keep bees from supplying their hives with enough food to produce new queens. Both scientists agreed that it raised alarms of the use of pesticides, known as neonicotinoids. They state that they would prefer for this chemical to not be used until more studies are done. However, pesticides are just one of the several factors that scientists have linked to bees declining.  
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savethebeesdeb · 5 years ago
Bee Conservation
Bees are crucial to us human in order to sustain living on Earth.They pollinate our plants, which provide oxygen to humans and animals here on Earth.  They also pollinate plants that provide homes to insects. When bees go on the search for food, they look for pollen and nectar. In return, we get beautiful flowers, nuts, fruits and vegetables! Without bees, we would not be able to feed animals that are used in the meat industry. We also wouldn't be able to produce dairy products, desserts or even eat a yummy steak! 
It’s clear that we would not be able to eat our favorite foods! 
Oh no!
What will the vegans eat???
Oh... and for those who like wine... wine either!
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                                      How Can I help?
I hope you learned a few things about the importance of bees. It’s no joke how important they are to our food chain, so we need to take care of them.
1.We can help collaborate with bee conservation organization  
2. Stop using  Neonicotinoids ( Fun fact: This harmful pesticide has been banned in certain European countries )
3. Start planting more flowers
4. Allow weeds to grow
5. Buy organic soil 
6. DON’T KILL BEES (They are not out to get you, they just want pollen and nectar. If they do so happen to sting you then the bee will die right after. )
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savethebeesdeb · 5 years ago
Bee Conservation
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Did you know that a commonly  used pesticide is causing our fellow bees to die?
Neonicotinoids is a toxic chemical that is used to maintain our garden and crops.
Now you may think to yourself, “How does this affect the bees?”
This chemical is used to help protect our crops from insects and mites who eat crops. It’s also used to keep weeds from overgrowing.  This pesticide is used by farmers, gardeners or even homeowners in order to keep insects from eating plants and flowers.
This chemical is is sprayed onto crops and it gets absorbed by the plant.
Once the plant fully grows, a bee will pollinate the plant and intake the toxic chemical as well.This chemical is present in pollen and nectar, making it harmful for bees.
Another way it can harm bees is when farmers spray this toxic chemical onto crops, a bee may fly into a dusk of neonicotinoids and intake the chemical.
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                                        Israeli Acute Virus 
Scientist also believe that viruses are another contributing factor to Colony Collapse Disorder. 
One example would be Israeli acute paralysis virus.
Now you may think to yourself, “What is this virus exactly?”
This virus spread among honey bees and has been linked to colony losses around the world. This virus causes the wings of bees to shiver and darkened hairless abdomen, progressing into paralysis and then death. Researchers have performed a few studies by examining a healthy hive and fed the bees sugary water laden with Israeli acute paralysis virus in order for the bees to mimic some symptoms of Colony Collapse Disorder.
And the results were...Yes! The bees did mimic symptoms
But additional sampling was done and it was seen that some bees who had this virus were able to naturally get rid of the virus. This concludes that this virus is just a contributing factor. 
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Nosema Bombi
Another contributing factor to Colony Collapse Disorder is Nosema Bombi. This  is a unicellular parasite that affects bumble bees.  The parasite can be found in the gut lumen and Malpighian tubules of the infected bees’. It’s released into the environment through feces and decaying bee.
How can this parasite spread to other bees?
Scientist believe that commercial bees, which are bees who are strictly used to pollinate crops in a green house somehow find a way out and pollinate the same plant as wild bees.
Another way this parasite can spread is though feces, which is basically bee poop and a decaying bee, 
Fun fact: Did you know that bees are clean insects! They don’t use the bathroom inside their hive, instead they go outside!
So lets sum of some of the many contributing factors to Colony Collapse Disorder.
1. Parasite
Remember, there are MANY other contributing factors, but scientist have NOT found the primary factor!
 The link below will explain more how pesticide is harmful to our fellow pollinators!
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savethebeesdeb · 5 years ago
“If the bee disappeared off the face of the Earth, man would only have four years left to live.
Albert Einstein 
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savethebeesdeb · 5 years ago
Bee Conservation
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Did you know that a bee hive can consist to about 30,000 or more bees … Sounds crazy, right?
Who would've thought a hive can hold so many bees!!
Queen bees are the only bees who can lay eggs and has the power of producing either a female or male bee. 
A female bee is called a worker bee.
A male bee is called a drone.
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Fun fact: The bees that you see outside are female bees. Female bees are the ones who pollinate our flowers...they’re known as the worker bees! They do the pollinating work while the drones protect and build the hive. 
                     But there’s a problem...bees are declining
Scientist and beekeepers have found many bee colonies without the worker bees, leaving behind immature bees at the queen bees without a dead bees body near by to study. Scientists call the abandon bee hive Colony Collapse Disorder.                                                                         
 You may ask yourself, “Why should I care about bees?
 Well, this is why...
Many people don’t like insects, and that’s totally understandable. But what they don’t know is that bees pollinate one third of the food we eat. They bring in about $15 billion dollars into the United States. They also help bring in billions of dollars around the world . So, next time you buy groceries, just knows bees help pollinate your fruits and vegetables! Without the help of bees, well...we wouldn't have too many options of food to eat.  Bees don’t just help us with our food supply, but they also play a role in our ecosystem. They help pollinate plants, which create homes for insects. However, bees are declining worldwide. 
When did people started to notice bees declining?
Researchers noticed this mysterious decline in bees in 2006 and since then the percent of bees declining over the years have only gotten worse. The numbers are rising each year.  
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