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Run Down Friday
How was your week this week? A little better than last week? If not, let’s work on that.
Of course, it is not as easy to make your life a little more positive as it would to just flip a switch it takes time.
What everyone needs to understand is that your life does not change over night. Instead, with hard work it can change for the better.
For example, trying to make the best out of every situation is very important in order to really make a change in your life. When you look at things so negatively, as I did, it is hard to create any change.
The attempts that have to be made is really trying to be positive, finding things that make you happy, and really make you feel at your best.
People love things such as makeup, collecting items, doing their hair, playing video games, absolutely anything that brings you joy.
We know it’s so hard to go through a hard time, but there is always light at the end of the tunnel because it’s only temporary.
In order to get better, it starts with you and you wanting an actual change. Change doesn’t happen on it’s on, it always begins with you and you putting your foot down because you are officially deciding that this is enough.
For example, it is no way to live being in a bad mental state because life is precious. It’s our time to enjoy every single moment that’s possible. It’s not fair to yourself if you aren’t living every single moment out.
Be patient and kind to yourself. Remember that change, once again, does not happen over night. It is possible to have a change though, and it all begins with you. You have full control, take it and run!
This life was not supposed to be easy, but we can make it easier by just taking care of ourselves and loving what we do in each of our lives.
You can get through this, don’t you worry. This weekend, really reflect and take control of your life. This is your time.
See you next week, and have a phenomenal weekend!
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Therapy Thursday!
Once again... it’s Therapy Thursday! What a great day to really speak about the pro’s about going to therapy.
As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve gone to therapy. I was VERY skeptical before going. But turns out, it is really nice to have someone to speak to and pour your heart out. They are really there to help you, you know.
There are many great reasons why you should consider going to therapy, so here’s some!
1. Like I said, you have someone to speak to.
Often times people say that they do not want to speak to a “stranger” about their issues which is completely understandable. But, that stranger is actually very willing to help you and actually wants to hear what you have to say. I know that I felt annoying or as if I was bothering someone if I went to them for advice. Once I started going to therapy, I was scared to be open. Then I began to be open, and I felt so comfortable speaking to my therapist. In all honesty, I liked speaking to her even more because I’d rather speak to her than anyone close to me at the time. She really made my experience great. If you find a therapist and you find it truly hard to speak to them, consider finding a new one. But you really do get a great little session in when you pour all your feelings out.
2. You begin to look forward to session.
For me, I appreciated going to sessions because it took me out of reality for a bit. I was in her small office every Thursday, and it became a routine to always go and see her. What was great about that was that even though I felt like the world was crashing onto me, being in her office made me feel like I was away from the world and I could really get the help I need. Going to those sessions felt great because I really did have a moment where I felt that I was in my safe space. No one could judge me there and I could be the real me. That’s why I think if you’re thinking about therapy, really try it out. It takes you out of your current situation for possibly an hour but it is so refreshing.
3. It’s not good to bottle things up.
Without having anyone to speak to, having someone to really express your feelings to is crucial for your own mental state. When I bottle my feelings up, I tend to lash out at people with attitude. Therapy gives you the opportunity to speak about your day, your issues, what the good in your day was, what the bad in your day was, the floor is actually yours. What is so great about therapy is that you really have the chance to just speak your mind. You don’t have to be scared to say one thing or worry if something will be leaked because everything is confidential and stays in the therapy room. Having that opportunity through therapy is such a life changer, and I think it’s something very helpful that everyone could benefit from.
4. You’re helping yourself.
A lot of the time people say therapy is for crazy people or therapy is a bad thing to go to. Um, no! It is definitely not a bad thing to go to. Going to therapy means you are attempting to be a better version of yourself. Through therapy, you are trying to find help in order to help your mental state. A lot of people do not even dare to go to therapy because of the way others may look at them, but they’re wrong. Therapy is such an amazing time for individuals who really need professional help. This is not a waste of time or making you or anyone crazy. Therapy is there to help, not make you worse. It takes a lot of guts to go to therapy, so I’m trying to really emphasize the importance of therapy so that if you feel like you need to go, GO! It is nothing to be ashamed of. It is an honor to the therapist to have you come in.
There you have it! Therapy Thursday, it isn’t such a bad thing right? Enjoy your day and remember, therapy is not a bad thing.
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Wind down Wednesday
Hi everyone! Another post for wind down Wednesday. Today, let’s talk about what makes you happy.
For me, I found it very hard to find things that actually make me happy. But for instance, I noticed that being around my boyfriend makes me happy and watching 90 Day Fiancé, but there’s so much more than just two things!
Remember what has made you feel at your happiest. Was it hanging with friends, painting, drawing, singing, etc?
Even if they didn’t make you exactly happy, why not try them out and see what it does? It’s important to experiment with activities that you normally would not do to begin with. It’s worth a shot though!
For example, I am very skeptical about the way I look. So I made a vow by the end of February that I would consistently go to the gym. Guess what?! I’ve been doing just that.
Even though sometimes I absolutely hate going, I push myself because I know it’s going to help me be healthier and almost every time I’m done with my workout I feel more relaxed and ready for the day.
The gym is my somewhat of a happy place. I look forward to going every time now. Even when I do not feel like going, I push myself to because I know I’ll be happy with the outcome.
The important thing here is that you find things that make you happy and even if they do not make you exactly EXTREMELY happy, that’s okay. Keep it going though because that may change as it did for me at the gym.
Stay strong, and think today. What makes YOU happy?
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Stressful Tuesday
Stress Tuesday everybody. How are you this evening? Why is it that stress seems to keep on happening to you?
There are many reasons why stress could be rising upon you. Let’s think about it for a second, when do you feel the most stress?
For me, a lot of the time I feel stress when it comes to school. Only because I work so hard and I do not want my hard work to be unnoticed. But I need to understand that stress is normal, but beating myself up for it is not normal.
When you realize that something is causing you stress, it’s normal because it may be something very important to you. But be kind to yourself because it is not your fault, the stress can come from all different angles.
The reason why you need to be kind to yourself is because if you beat yourself up for it, it may only cause the situation to become way worse than it already is. There is no need to actually make the situation worse, so let’s take it step by step.
Understand why you are stressed is the first step. Then, see where you go from there. Honestly, things may become easier once you take full control of what’s bothering you.
Remember, this life is YOURS. It’s only a one time thing! Take control and live your best life! It’s okay to not be okay, but let’s not take our stresses and make it ruin our days.
I say that today we should all try to really think about what truly stresses us, but take control of it after we know.
We owe it to ourselves to attempt to try to make things easier for us. I think we’ve got this!
Let me know how it goes!
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Anxiety Monday.
Good morning everyone! Or good afternoon....almost. I wanted to come on here and talk about our little “friend” anxiety.
Anxiety can come from so many different things, and it happens to most people on this Earth. Many people accept the fact that they have anxiety, while many may not accept the fact that they have anxiety. But what’s important for EVERYONE to know is that it is very much okay.
Of course, anxiety is not technically a good thing. No one wants to have that anxiety making your chest tight. That’s why there are plenty of ways to help get through it all, but let’s talk about what causes you anxiety and what you can do to get through it.
Example #1 - School.
Is it school giving you anxiety? Boy, do I understand that. Anxiety due to school is one of the worst anxieties I have ever felt. Back as a freshman in college in 2018, I used to cry almost everyday because I was so worried I would not be able to pass or please my professors. My boyfriend would be a HUGE support system and helped me get through that anxiety. How? I’ll list one MAJOR reason.
1. I’m a great student, I need to accept that. I work so hard and do my homework ahead of time. Sometimes even weeks ahead of time! My professors ALWAYS praise me and it really reassures me. But somehow, I always felt like it wasn’t enough and I would beat myself up for it. Now, I do my homework ahead of time and turn it in, and I assure myself that I did the best I could. I make sure I ask my professors if I am confused, and I get my work done. No need to feel anxiety. I work hard, that’s the best I could do. There’s nothing more that I can do when I already am doing the most I could. So, as students. Do your best. Talk to your professors if you need to. You’re doing the best you can and you need to understand that no not great student would work as hard as you. Take it easy, give yourself time, and work hard.
Example #2 - Family.
Family issues have given me major anxiety. Just because it’s my family, but let’s understand that we all go through it. No one’s family is perfect, but they’re our family so that’s what makes all families unique and special. Now, I understand some people have it way worse but let’s think of reasons on how to help family issues. Sit down and talk to them is one way. If that isn’t an option for you and your family, maybe consider speaking to someone you feel most comfortable with and express your concerns. They could possibly help you in the sense that they are closer to you, and if anything ever happened you could reach out to them. If something is extremely bad where you are in a domestic violence situation or anything of that matter, consider calling the authorities. Just because they are your family, doesn’t make it okay. You should be happy to see your family.
Example #3 - Friends
Having friends is not always as great as it sounds. Friends change and they are no longer the person you had that certain bond with. But that is not an issue that cannot be fixed! Talk to your friend about the friendship, and decide from there if something should be changed or if this should continue. If this is a toxic friendship, it may be best to take some time apart. Remember that there is a whole world of friends. You can be friends with people at school, work, gym, absolutely it anywhere. I’m sure that there are plenty of people out there who would love to be friends with you. Just do your part!
Example #4 - Work.
I had a bad experience one time. I got a job at a nursing home and I hated it. Oddly enough, I somehow lasted for three months working there but I would cry before going or cry afterwards. I would dread going. At last, I decided to quit that job because it was making me depressed. If a job is making you as upset as it made me for example, it is now a toxic environment for your mental health. There are so many jobs out there, but I also understand that there may come concerns if leaving your current job. This is why it is very important that you find a job you can love and not mind going. I had a hard time finding a job after that, it took almost 5 months for me to find a job. I finally got one, I have been there for almost 2 years now. Do I love it? Maybe not exactly, but I’m content and I’m okay there. I don’t feel miserable nor do I hate it. I’m just comfortable there and I no longer feel the need to cry or stress about going.
The point is, leave toxic environments if you need to. Remember the opportunities in our lives are endless! Keep searching, keep working hard, and don’t stop until you are content. It’s hard, but it’s something worth fighting for until you reached where you are supposed to be. Nothing in this life is impossible. Keep trying, and let me know how it goes!
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Run Down Friday -
So how was your week? Did you try your best to find ways that make you feel at your happiest?
If you did great! If you didn’t, we’ll work on that. No worries.
This week for me was pretty long, but it was also pretty fun!! I had my uncle over this week, and he is always a blast. It has been tough trying to spend time with him and manage my never ending homework.
I realized this week how time management is SO important!
Being able to make time for yourself, family, friends, school, and work, is definitely pretty draining. But we have 24 hours in a day, we can make it work!!
Sometimes setting a schedule for yourself or having an agenda can really come in handy. Although, I have to be honest, and I always buy planners and never use them for more than a month. My habit is going to my notes and writing down all the important things I have to do for the week.
I make sure I make the time to do my homework mostly on Mondays. I always do a big chunk of work on Mondays because I find that on Mondays I feel focused and I have a lot of time. Then throughout the week I can focus on homework of course, but other things as well.
Now I also work at a retail store, and I always seem to be put on the schedule every day that I am not in school. It’s tough, but I made sure to talk to my boss about it to see if I can get at least a day off.
If you don’t like something, take the action to change it! Just like I did with my boss. You have nothing to lose by just asking. You are in control of the situation at that moment, and it’s very mature of you to fight for what you want.
Remember this life is YOURS!! Make the most out of everything you do. Life is temporary, not forever. Enjoy it to the fullest extent all day, everyday!!
Let’s have an even better week next week. Check in with you soon. Have a great weekend!
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Therapy Thursdays -
Today is a little different from previous days. The point of therapy Thursday’s is to give readers the comfort that therapy brings. Especially to those who are skeptical about them.
I realized I was depressed for years and never did much about it. I thought I could fix myself and I did for the most part, but I needed something more because I still found myself depressed just dealing with the days as if they don’t matter.
I decided to take therapy sessions at my university. I was skeptical, I didn’t think talking to someone meant anything. Boy, was I wrong!
Therapy was a wonderful experience! Why? Because I had the opportunity to speak to someone and let all my feelings out, and the help from someone to give me advice on how to fix that.
My former therapist was always so helpful when I would see her. Although she was my therapist, I built such a strong trust on her because I was never able to speak to someone like I did with her before. She was a Heaven sent!
My point is that sometimes speaking to someone who is a therapist is helpful because this is their job. They are here to help and could really show anyone who is struggling some ways to get better. Even if you just need someone to talk to, they are GREAT listeners.
Therapy is not a bad thing, it does not mean your crazy, and it does not mean that you are officially weak.
Going to therapy is a strong act from anyone who decides to go because it is not easy to confide in someone you never met and believe that they could help. Therapy helps people become stronger, and I think that it taught me so much from when I was struggling bad.
I was once a negative believer with therapy, but I learned that it is something a lot of people should consider if they need any sort of help with their mental health. It’s not a bad thing, I promise.
Just going once a week is extremely helpful for your mental state. It begins to become sessions that you cannot wait for. I remember feeling a sense of relief knowing I was going to let out all my struggles for the week and see what I can do to help myself.
Take it into consideration, go if you need to, and remember that therapy is a GREAT act of bravery.
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Wind Down Mind Wednesday
It’s the middle of the week, has it been a long week already? Can’t wait for it to be over? Well, maybe you just need to wind down and take a breather.
No matter what you’re going through, remember to collect yourself today and take things step by step. It’s the middle of the week, you’re so close to being done with it! Just think, a couple more days and you’re done. It will be a fresh, brand new week.
Remember that even though you are going through a hard time, your mental health is important too and you need to ease your mind as well. It’s not easy, trust me, I get it. Take a load off, you deserve it.
Read a book possibly. Get lost in the words, and forget about the world for a minute. Maybe go for a walk around your neighborhood. Embrace the scenery and the sounds nature offers.
You could also meet up with a close friend. Go out for ice cream, go shopping, go on a walk, or do what make you guys happiest. Listen to music from your favorite artist, or binge watch a new or favorite show.
While there are many options and many different ways to take a load off, the most important part is that you take care of yourself and do something for yourself.
So this Wednesday, take it as a mental health day. It does not have to be the whole day, but it could be in the afternoon or at night when you go to bed. Make YOU a priority because this life was chosen especially for you.
Take care, and let me know what you did this Wednesday!
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Stress Advice -
Being stressed out is normal, you know. Everyday there are a constant amount of people who struggle with stress. The first step of understanding how stress works is figuring out what makes you get to that point. It could come from homework, school in general, work, finding a job, family issues, relationship issues, and the list goes on. I hope you know that there are ways to cope with stress, end that it is definitely not the end of the world. Throughout this blog post I will gives ideas on what to do when you find yourself in a situation where you feel stress the most.
1. Understand that this stress is only temporary.
- I know you may hear that often, but it’s true. Hey, look at me. College has stressed me out, especially this week in particular. But I keep telling myself “Only a few more weeks.” Because I’m graduating in May. Trust me, I used to cry almost EVERYDAY due to school. I now realize it truly is temporary. I’m almost done, soon this stress will only be a memory. Remember that what you are going through will find it’s end eventually. This is not your forever.
2. Take it easy.
- Dealing with stress is never easy, but there are ways to make it easier. As I said before, remember it’s temporary. But remember to take things one step at a time. No need to rush, take it slow. This helps ease the stress once you handle things one by one. Don’t feel the need to rush and get it done. Use your time management wisely so things do not have to be rushed and you can take it easy. It’s not simple to deal with certain things that worry us, but we can make it easier.
3. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
- Feeling able to ask for help is very important. Many times, we all can’t do things on our own. Maybe you just need someone to vent to, so find that someone who you can trust and just let your feelings out. If you need help with what you’re going through, ask someone and see if they can help make things easier. Life in general can be stressful, so a helping hand is always a great way to make it a bit better.
4. Count your blessings!
- Even through times are hard, remember the things you are grateful for. Remember the good times, the roof you have over your head, your phone, whatever makes YOU happy. That doesn’t mean you can’t be stressed, but remember there are many reasons to be happy with the life you have. Life for everyone is a challenge, but we all can find one thing to be grateful for. Cherish it and keep it close to your heart because times can be rough, but once you remember the factors that make life great can really be helpful.
Let me know what you thought and if any of these ideas helped you out! See you next time. :)
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Anxiety - Advice
When you are experiencing some sort of anxiety, what do you do? Do you allow the anxiety to build up, or do you help yourself to try ease your way back down to not feel that anxiety anymore? Some helpful ways you can help yourself will be listed down below. Remember, you are not alone. Anxiety will not take over your life.
1. Take deep breaths.
- Taking deep breaths is more helpful than you think. When you feel yourself having a moment, try to breathe and relax. One recommended way is to make sure you are sitting or laying down. That way, you could close your eyes and count each breath, and really be in the zone. For example, try to count to five when you breathe in slowly, then try to count to five breathing out slowly. Do this as many times as needed. That way you can come back to reality with more of an eased mind.
2. Think about things that make you feel happy.
- Even though anxiety could be for a slight moment or could last a while, filling your mind with positive thoughts versus negative thoughts is much more helpful. Positive thoughts can definitely help with feeling more positive, and it could help the anxiety to ease down because you are no longer focused on what was giving you anxiety. Therefore, help yourself by helping your mind with thoughts that make you feel happy.
3. Remember that this anxiety will pass on.
- While it is understandable that at some moments you may feel anxiety, tell yourself that this will pass on. Once you are able to convince yourself that this anxiety will pass on, it may help you get through what was stressing you out in order to get it over with. It is sort of like you are trying to convince your mind to work past it to be at peace with yourself.
4. Talk to someone who you trust.
- Being able to talk to someone is always very helpful. Of course, allow this person to be someone you can trust. Being able to let your feelings out and just being able to vent is always extremely helpful. This way you can air out what has been causing you all this anxiety, and maybe this person could help you get through it for the time being. Getting yourself comfortable with talking to people about what is going on is a huge weight off of your shoulders because sometimes you need to air things out in order to feel better.
With that being said, try these tips out and let me know how it went! Remember, you are not alone.
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Introduction - Goal
Hello Everyone!
My name is Veronica Izquierdo, and I am currently a senior at William Paterson University. I have created this blog with a goal to help people who may struggle with mental health. Through this blog, I will be providing advice and first hand experiences I have gone through myself. Everyday it is a constant struggle when dealing with mental health, and we all need ways to get better and to feel better. Remember, there are ways to get better. Through this blog I will post many ideas and thoughts to make sure you all get the advice you need to hear in order to feel at your best. Do not give up, we will get through this together.
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