savage-patch-kids · 3 years
okay i made another quiz but this time it’s which monster you’ll get to hook up with. reblog with your result!!
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savage-patch-kids · 4 years
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savage-patch-kids · 4 years
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..may this joke land with y’all the same way it did for my sister and I lol
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savage-patch-kids · 4 years
Zuko: There’s something off about her. I can’t explain it but she’s slipping. 
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savage-patch-kids · 4 years
Zuko was born a pacifist prince who only firebended to impress his father and grandfather. He just wanted to play with turtleducks and Ozai’s ugly ass made him into a warrior. He ruined a perfectly good firebender is what he did. Look at it, it’s got anxiety
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savage-patch-kids · 4 years
toph fucks around and makes pangea a thing again
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savage-patch-kids · 4 years
ever notice how men criticize games like animal crossing and stardew valley on the basis of “the entire game is just doing tasks” without recognizing that “kill bad guy” is also just a task but violent?
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savage-patch-kids · 4 years
She-Ra scene redraw but make it a comic ✨
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savage-patch-kids · 4 years
Shadow Weaver in a nutshell
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savage-patch-kids · 4 years
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y’all heard her
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savage-patch-kids · 4 years
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The Blue Spirit putting out firebending with a bucket of water is the absolute funniest thing ever done in avatar combat. It just is.
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savage-patch-kids · 4 years
jet, bursting into the tea shop and pulling a weapon on zuko and iroh: these two are FIREBENDERS they’re here to DESTROY THE CITY FROM THE INSIDE we have to STOP THEM
zuko, putting down his teapot to draw his swords, not even going to argue with jet: finally, a reason to beat up a customer
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savage-patch-kids · 4 years
Fun headcanon that can go with either zutara OR zukka is that Hakoda is really hesitant to see his child dating a fire nation prince, MUCH less one who’s going to become the fire lord, and so he’s grilling the shit out of Zuko asking him a million questions about his history and his plans for the fire nation and whether he’s truly changed and finally he’s ike “where’d you get that scar, kid? A bit reckless with your bending maybe?” And zuko’s like “oh actually my dad lit my face on fire” and Hakoda is like “cool cool. So actually, on second thought, after much deliberation, are you perhaps in the market for a new dad”
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savage-patch-kids · 4 years
I enjoy the fact that aang refuses to kill is more rooted in "im 12 and a monk" and less to do with "if i kill im just as bad"
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savage-patch-kids · 4 years
Imagine a karen in ba sing se demanding to see the manager of a local tea shop and she turns around and the fucking firelord says “i’m the manager on duty”
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savage-patch-kids · 4 years
No one:
Not even God:
Me when someone doesn’t include Suki in their “Gaang” post:
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savage-patch-kids · 4 years
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they are finally happy
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