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saulthaus-blog · 6 years ago
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no more hiding. speak up love. I see you. I want you to see me. what lights you up? what breaks your heart? what are you dreaming of? what keeps you up at night? there is nothing more radiant than your open heart and your spoken truth. that's how we see each other past all the noise. that's how we heal each other and the world. need some encouragement? watch Nanette by Hannah Gadsby. one women's truth. echoing out into the universe and healing us all... if we are willing to feel it. no one gets out alive. no one breathes pain free. try today. when you feel yourself try and hide. don't. breath and show yourself with love. you won't be disappointed in how the world opens in return. #saulthaus #tarot #tarotforhealing #energyforecast #energywork #healingarts #weeklyvibes #highvibehealing #highvibelife #healing #salttherapy #salt #alchemy #alchemistsofinstagram #au #makeartofitall #spiritart #meditation #gather #storytelling #seeyourstory #magic #tarotscopes #tarotreadersofinstagram #spirituality #spiritualart #slowdown #showme (at Sault Haus)
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saulthaus-blog · 7 years ago
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you may or may not be into retrogrades. you may or may not feel the effects of eclipse season. you may or may not track the energies of the moon. you may or may not believe in numerology or the tarot. and you may or may not want to listen to the message that the universe has been hammering into reluctant me over the past couple of weeks. but it's July. we all agree there... its summer and it goes too fast... and almost without qualification, I can tell you that it would behoove you to slow the f down a bit. no hiding in the woods necessary, tho would be lovely. just a pause here and there. a deeper breathe a little more faith that you are not the sole captain of this ship... and that a slightly slower tempo can offer you a chance to just enjoy it all a little bit more... more effectively, more consciously. remember. change is happening. ALL the time. slow down. however you can. I don't imagine you'll regret it at all. #saulthaus #tarot #tarotforhealing #energyforecast #energywork #healingarts #weeklyvibes #highvibehealing #highvibelife #healing #salttherapy #salt #alchemy #alchemistsofinstagram #au #makeartofitall #spiritart #motherpeacetarot #meditation #gather #community #storytelling #seeyourstory #magic #tarotscopes #tarotreadersofinstagram #spirituality #spiritualart #slowdown (at Sault Haus)
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saulthaus-blog · 7 years ago
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✨✨✨ patience vibes ✨✨✨ slow + steady getting closer. cannot wait to share this space with you all. ❤️❤️❤️ #saulthaus #saltcave #halotherapy #healing #beyourownguru
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saulthaus-blog · 7 years ago
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✨✨✨ feels ✨✨✨ we stand on the shoulders of GIANTS: for we are GLORIOUS. listen. oprah is right. our truth? it's terrifying... to be so seen. so RAW. no armor... all our scars and broken parts... (we are so so so SOFT in our vulnerability) and yet. here, in this MIGHTY SHAKY softness? this is where your GREATEST power rests. waiting for you. loving you. wanting a brave and beautiful life for you. wanting you to SHINE SHINE SHINE... like the glorious light you are. a thought... that we are all connected. and maybe my curves and edges fit right against someone else's, and yours do too... and when the day comes, when we are BRAVE enough to stand in our broken PERFECTION... when that day comes? all together? we will make something SO beautiful... a world BRIGHT in its own right... and we will see things differently then. that which once held you back? it was the MISSING piece the world needed most of all. so take a RISK. be BRAVE today. let the world LOVE you exactly as you are. let us see just how GLORIOUS your truth can really be. (this picture is of my adored grandmother... it reminds me everyday... we owe it to the men and women who came before us. the ones who couldn't show their true colors. the ones who bit their tongue to make a life for us. we know better now, so we do better ❤️ we stand on their shoulders and shine as brightly as we are able... to shed a light for those who need it. to show them they are not alone... after all, when all is said and done, we will rise or fall together. #truth) ps. greatest showman? two thumbs up. 👍👍 we should all be so brave and crazy... 🦁 #oprah #glorious #truthispower #saulthaus #takeariskandshowyourself #greatestshowman #dailyreminder #bebrave #youperfectjustlikethat
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saulthaus-blog · 7 years ago
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✨✨✨ 2018 year ahead spread ✨✨✨ life moves pretty fast. if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it... (f. bueller on that famous day off) listen. a year. it's like EVERYTHING and NOTHING. so much time and also a blink. laying out a year of cards... (central theme and one for each month) it's like cute WITCHY stuff for sure. but it's also this beautiful TOUCHSTONE. because who you are when a year starts and who you are when a year ends... those are MILES apart. (you is you is you is you forever) but this human... growing, learning, striving, loving you? this little one makes some SERIOUS road in a year. so mark this moment. maybe you don't do cards... maybe you meditate on a word a month. maybe you draw colors. maybe you seek quotes. but look ahead. MARK it. because in 365 days, it's cool to look back. and it's nice, when the tough moments come to see where you are on a map. (am I LOST?) usually, you are EXACTLY right. but sometimes it's nice to see that reflected back at you... so cute and witchy, yes. but something more too. happy trails friend. may the sun shine warmly on your face this year. may you feel brave when you need it. may you have a hand to hold. may you live your year in such a way that the ending is a beautiful surprise and the journey brings a smile to your face. happy new year. ❤️
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saulthaus-blog · 7 years ago
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✨✨✨ resolution vibes ✨✨✨ the magician the POWER and seduction of a beginning... to imagine a clean page. a fresh START. the first breath of a new year, a new day. a CLEAR and calling horizon... no wonder we toast the new year. the power of ONE. first day, new year. but it's been on my heart to say this... this year, when you are thinking about how you hope to show up in this new year. be KIND to yourself. be LOVING. we live in a culture where we are always TOO much of one thing. (too sensitive, too stoic, too chubby, too slow, too old, too young, too stuck, too careless) and NEVER ENOUGH of something else. (not curvy enough, not rich enough, not spiritual enough, not beautiful enough, not smart enough, not enough time, not enough energy) but that's someone else's voice drowning out the TRUTH. you are human, so that's imperfect... but it's also DIVINE, and that's perfection. so make your resolutions (or not) (intentions might work too) but i ask you this... aim to speak to yourself the way you'd speak to the ones you love or a small child... with ACCEPTANCE... with KINDNESS... with FORGIVENESS imbedded in your heart. and mostly with LOVE. choose to go after the things that LIFT your HEART. see the effort you put in EVERY day. see how FAR you've come in a year. see all the lessons you've MASTERED. see all the ways your VISION has sharpened. you do AMAZING things every day. i think we should write ourselves a LOVE letter on the new year... (i feel your resistance from here 😉) ... naming all the ways we deserve LOVE and JOY and PLEASURE in this coming year... these things allow our hearts to SOFTEN. and as we soften, we grow STRONGER. and as we grow in strength, we CHANGE the world. ✨✨✨ with the magician, you will CREATE as you SPEAK. so choose loving words. choose to be kind. create a world you are grateful to live in. ✨✨✨ also, DRINK more water 😄. 
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saulthaus-blog · 7 years ago
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✨✨✨daily reminder 😏 ✨✨✨ eskavit-araktu-birchpa you are powerful beyond measure. the world is REMADE with every breath. truly. because you played a role with your last breath... or limited yourself with your last breath... does not mean you can't CHOOSE differently now. your INTEGRITY exists in the choice you make now. REGARDLESS of how the world shows up, we are ALWAYS in choice. we are all broken. we are all whole. your limitless LIGHT exists regardless of your limits. so do it imperfectly (truly the only way we can) but with your next breath... allow your heart to OPEN... allow your LIGHT to come through a little more BRIGHTLY... let your HEART determine the way you move through the world. (everything else is just noise)
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saulthaus-blog · 7 years ago
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✨✨✨ scorpio new moon ✨✨✨ the world veins of magic. the clearer you get, the brighter they become. there is this grid across the universe... veins running through the world... (potential and connection) of electric blue light... or magic or love... it's a pulse you can feel... (if you can be still and listen) the energy of laughter, falling in love, creativity, beauty, connection... bubbles up your spine and through you... ⚡magical ⚡ in these precious moments when you are open to flow... that's what you are tapping into. this grid... you are connected to everything... (your palm on the pulse) the clearer you are on your desires... the more open your heart... the more you are both grounded in the moment and open to the world... the stronger the pulse. the brighter the light. 🌑🌑🌑 and this scorpio new moon is offering a deep deep opening... a great potential for clarity and understanding... don't let it slip by... grab a pen and paper. find some quiet moment (even five minutes) sit still with your eyes closed. do it imperfectly (the only way) and think of what will make you come alive... and/or what do you need to be able to release your grip a little... and/or what will bring you closer to the magic... and/or what role have you played that no longer fits... there is something. small or big or many... write it down (please) read it back (slowly) let the energy behind your words or images soak through you. sit with that feeling. burn it, bury it, put it away... offer it to the moon, to the grid, to the light. 🙌 darling, let yourself flow and everything... I mean everything... is possible. 
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saulthaus-blog · 7 years ago
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✨✨✨ energy work ✨✨✨ you got wings, baby let's talk about your wings, shall we? lots of people talk about protecting your energy... your field... your SPACE... sealing your boundaries maybe? you can picture the color of your aura... my kids like the idea of a bubble... I know one hot mama who seals herself into a crystal when necessary... she-ra style...💎⚡ my guides gave me a warm pink shawl once, and I always come back to that... these are images of SEALING, PROTECTING and BINDING and they have their place when we feel it's necessary to COCOON a bit... find our safe place and wrap ourselves in the house of LOVE ❤️... BUT... they also carry the idea that the world is too much for us (frankly, yes, sometimes it sure feels that way)... and so there is another way... another tool I'd like to offer up into your spiritual belt... your mystical arsenal... your WINGS. as real as your energy field, your bubble, your guides, your feeling of personal space... and these are not delicate wings... they are long and POWERFUL, fierce and MAGNIFICENT to behold... ⚡⚡⚡ there are these solar winds that emerge from the sun... they FLOW constantly and powerfully... creating this balloon around our solar system that keeps anything foreign away. can't see 'em and yet they ENFOLD us completely... #true #science your wings can do the same. ENFOLDING you, yes... but, also... beating a mighty wind that both protects your field and AMPLIFIES it... you are delicate but you are also awesome in your power... you are BOTH of these things. as are we all. so keep your bubble. your shawl. your boundaries. but think of your wings TOO. your ability to move through the world in such a way that the beating of your wings (and your heart) is a POWER indeed... they offer you the ability to keep your space... offering integrity. (good word 😉) so close your eyes... feel them... feel the beat of your wings. the sacred integrity of your field. the divine winds of your spirit. FREE and FIERCE yes m'am.
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saulthaus-blog · 7 years ago
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✨✨✨ thinning veil vibes ✨✨✨ eight of cups (may your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, and leading to the most amazing views.... e. abbey) this WALK... journey. LIFE. we do it alone. 😨 on the best of days, we have WARMTH and LAUGHTER and friendship by our side... on lesser days, we WRAP the cloak TIGHTER, lean into the WIND and TRY for the next foot forward... in any light, it's ours alone. and as we walk... if we can keep our hearts OPEN... we slowly RIPEN. we gather the SWEETNESS of miles traveled... we TRUST our footing and the treasures gathered one by one... (trust ourselves maybe) life IS movement. not action simply... but FLOW. ripening... evolving... trusting your footing. trusting your INSTINCT to move. to CLIMB. to RISK. to TRY. trusting the movement within and without... poets speak of the SILENT woods. but have you been to the WOODS? they are a quiet RIOT indeed. move like the woods then... holding GENTLY to the earth reaching for the LIGHT and FLOWING at your own pace... you are the one who knows exactly what you need next... the world doesn't need to serve witness to your changes... you KNOW... and you are the witness that matters. so one foot at a time. ONWARD and UPWARD my friend. 😊 
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saulthaus-blog · 7 years ago
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✨✨✨ sunday vibes ✨✨✨ page of cups somewhere in your body you are HOLDING tension... some emotion... fear. anger. loss. disappointment. a MILLION shades of grey. but something UNWELCOME came through... and it HURT... so you LOCKED down. DEFCON five. full STOP. your beautiful body PROTECTING you from a thing that hurts... (the ways our body loves us 😊 our GREATEST love story) but the wave passed and you are STILL in lock down. HOLDING tight. HOLDING it all together. getting a HANDLE on this UNPREDICTABLE life and this TENDER heart... but here's an idea... we can HOLD ourselves in so many ways... so close your eyes. find your spot... the place you are locked down... (your body will tell you, maybe it's even screaming) FIRST: say simply (i see you)... I see you: hips or neck or jaw or shoulder or lungs or knee or back or head... i see how HARD you are working to keep me in BALANCE... SECOND: say thank you (thank you, beautiful bones for loving me... for keeping the pain manageable... for GUARDING my tender places...) third: EXPAND your grip. how do you want to be held... embraced. cradled encircled lightly connected... we can LET GO while we HOLD ON... both/and so release your GRIP darling. be GENTLE with your tender heart and ask your body for the same. there are so many ways to be HELD and to HOLD... you can do it. 😉
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saulthaus-blog · 7 years ago
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✨✨✨ october vibes ✨✨✨ judgement there are shifts that happen OUT in the world. and there are shifts that happen WITHIN. the ones outside... we can SEE them and NAME them... SHAKE them in our fists to show the world. look! see? see how things have CHANGED? see this thing that's HAPPENED to me? ...that's changed me? they aren't easier or harder, but they can be rapped on as PROOF... HERE is this thing. see it? and WITH it, I am CHANGING. the internal shifts... no one sees these. we can't hold these in our hand as they happen. it's like you've BLINKED and someone has replaced the LENS... how did I get here... why do I see things this way now... no STRAIGHT line... just a CROSSROADS. (I saw things one way before... now I see differently) and really... there is nothing to do but allow it. who you were/what you saw/the old skin these things are GONE. maybe there is great sadness. or maybe just a simple recognition. but the SHIFT has happened. the lens has changed. now the world begins to CLICK into place to MATCH our new sight... this is judgement. the wave has carried us. and now we LAND. the time has come to STAND UP and BEGIN (again). everything you need? you carry it with you. the lens only changes when we are ready. the universe only gives us what we can handle. and the ANGELS (call them what you will) surround you in these moments... calling you to your next steps. have FAITH. the journey has just begun and you, my friend, have everything you need to get there...
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saulthaus-blog · 7 years ago
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✨✨✨ just a thought ✨✨✨ (...anyone who ever blooms at all, ever...) do it. bloom. let the world see you. exactly as you are. perfection and mess and love and pain. all of it... exactly as it should be. the lightness of being. no cover... no filter... no mask... just you. exactly as it should be.
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saulthaus-blog · 7 years ago
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✨✨✨ new moon vibes ✨✨✨ four of cups allowing. all the time... at every moment... we are ALLOWING and we are EXPELLING. we take in air, we release it. we allow ourselves to SOFTEN or push ourselves to HARDEN. we allow love to REACH us or we DEFEND against it. all day. every day. our desires, our thoughts, our feelings... they are MAGNETIZED. and the universe (or god or goddess or spirit or whathaveyou)... it/he/she BENDS and FLEXES to deliver what you ask for... ACHES to bring you the world you need (even the world you desire). ✨✨✨ this is the hand offering the cup. (ask and you shall receive) this virgo new moon arms us with DISCRETION and CLEAR SIGHT... the right judgement. what appears before you... will you allow it or will you turn away? no judgement. SIMPLY a choice. close your eyes. BREATHE. and ask yourself... what do I ALLOW? the message (take it or leave it 😉) allow LOVE. (start with loving you) allow KINDNESS. (start with being kind to you) allow yourself to be OK. just now. just like this. and then... allow the things and feelings and relationships and adventures that speak to your HEART to join you. ✨✨✨ allow yourself to KNOW your heart... even if it's frightening. even if it changes. you are allowed to be... just as you are right NOW. exactly right like THIS. (what had held me inside all those years was the conviction that I needed to be the same person I’d always been... the same as those I loved. this, more than anything, was the iron bar across the exit door. -m. williamson) the world is changing. you are changing. it's ok. allowing helps. 😊
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