saucy-storyteller · 1 year
Ha Ivver
Haa Ivver, was a lost child, and I mean that both metaphorically and literally. Haa was abandoned at an orphanage as a new born because of silver skin, grey long horns, and her bright gold eyes. Her luck did not fare any better at the orphanage where she was ostracized and bullied by the other orphans and discriminated by the nuns of the orphanage cause of appearance. View upon as the spawn of the devil, she punished every single day just for her existence. She was tortured with the question of why was she even born in the first place. Resulting in the beginning pf her cutting herself to feel just a sense that she was still alive and that she still holds a certain power in her life, she still have a choice, an ability to choose on whether she’d leave this world.
On her 14th birthday (or her 14th year of existence since she is not even sure herself of when her birthday is). It was just another hot summer day in the orphanage. She was once again running away from her bullies, by this point she know better than to scream for her her best chance was to find a place to hide till they get tired of bored of looking for her.
Unfortunately, she wasn’t so lucky this time (what’s new?). She ran into the chapel, she usually hide under the candle lit stage but this time one of the bullies was waiting for her there. They cornered her and hold her down as one of them grab a candle a drip it onto her face. Haa fight back to the best of her ability she smack one of them with her tail and began to fight back, punching and kicking, she’s no longer willing to take this. As she was punched one of her bullies they ram into the candle causing a fire in the chapel. As they were all running out Haa stayed behind to try to put put the fire but to no avail. In a last minute effort to survive she ran out of the chapel covering in smoke and ash. Leading the nuns and the other orphans to think that she was the one that started the fire.
Fear for her life of what the town and the people at the orphanage will do to her she ran away with nothing on her back but the clothes she’s wearing (should I mention that she was not even wearing her shoes).
She ran so far that she lost them all and also herself. Without any other way to survive she started stealing, but she never had much skill in that matter, what she had was her ability to run away at any trouble that came her way, so that’s how she survived.
But eventually, she couldn’t runway from herself, her self hatred of her tiefling self. If only she wasn’t born this way, maybe she wouldn’t be abandoned by her parents, she wouldn’t be bullied, she wouldn’t have to run, she could have had a better life. All of this self loath made her do the unthinkable. She saw pff her horns so that she could stop being reminded of what she is, but even that wasn’t enough, she could still see her reflection and her silver skin so decided to do the second unthinkable, she blinded herself.
Most people would be dead by this point, but not Haa, she wouldn’t be so lucky. She survived it all, her existence is her curse. She ended up on the street, just sitting there existing, waiting for the day she could stop existing, no food, no water, if she could stop breathing she would have stop that too.
That was when Iroh founded her. He was a human, or at least she think he is. She is not quite sure what he looks like, all she knows is that he was quite big 6’5 maybe 6’6, chubby and smell like tea.
He was the first person that showed her kindness, which of course made her trust him even less. She would not take food nor water from him, she refuse, in her mind this will be how she chose to go, just weathering away slowly in this dark alley.
Fortunately, Iroh would not allow that, he carried her kicking and screaming to where he lives. She’s not quite sure where it is, all she knows was that it was very far, smell like incense, and there was a-lot pf people there, but these guys were different from the people she was used to, they never judge, harm, or treated her unfairly.
She was laying a room for several days, people come in and out tending to her wounds. Iroh never left her side, making her eat and drink, even though she try to fight him at first he just wouldn’t give in.
“What is this place and who are you?”
She asked him
Iroh told her that this is his monastery, where he teach his students the way of the lotus, the balance of the forever changing and chaotic world, and he could teach her too, if she wants, but if only if she wants. He promised not to kick her out even if she refuse and that she could stay here as long as she, she could even live here if she wants.
Through time she began learning the way of the lotus, practicing both the teaching of the lotus which teach balance, and martial arts taught at the monastery. Within 5 years she became one of Iroh most trusted student and advisor. She have finally found her way, now all she wants to do is to safe people like her, and so with Iroh acknowledgment she journey out into the world to try to help where she can, to bring balance to this chaotic world.
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saucy-storyteller · 1 year
Pluviam Hyacinthi
Pluviam Hyacinthi came from a well to do family, well they were well to do until his birth.
His father Sol Tenebris, a young merchant turned nobleman after marrying into his mother's family, the Hyacinthi. Unbeknownst to the Hyacinthi, how this young man came to stole the heart of their young and only daughter is the through the means of demonic magic. He wishes for riches, title and position in society, as well as the most beautiful maiden in the land.
However the Hyacinthi will soon come to realize what Sol have done to win over his daughter heart and their fortune and title.
During the afternoon of Pluviam's birth, a rainy afternoon. Pluviam did not come out of his mother crying like most new born but rather silent and calm, it was as if the sky was crying in his stead. Pluviam was born with a Hyacinth skin color as if to mock the family's name and an even darker indigo hair color with two small horns similar to a newborn ram.
Despite his looks and despite the Hyacinthi finally realizing what their son-in-law had done, Pluviam never lack love, his mother and father love him dearly, and so does his grandparents. However he was kept from public eyes, every servants in the mansion was told to never mention a word of this and was paid a handsome salary along with a promise to not do so.
Overall Pluviam had a warm and loving childhood, despite the servants gossip along the halls and corners and the loneliness that comes with being an only child. That is until, one day he decided to sneak out of the mansion and into town, his appearance stunned the townspeople, and soon they learn that this young Hyacinth Tiefling is the Heir to the Hyacinthi family. The family was immediately shunned and strip of all their status and land.
Pluviam grandparents passed away a few days after this, some say due to stress, his father left the family estate with anything valuable he can carry, leaving him and his mother behind. His mother though never leaving his side was banished by the townspeople out of their manor and into a small cabin at the edge of town, but even through all this, she never once complain. Even though she was shunned by the townspeople everytime she goes into town and treated like an outsider or trash or the devil himself, she never once complain, she was always smiling as bright as the sun.
At the age of 18 and a few days after his mother's untimely death he decided to burn down the cabin with his mother as a sort of make shift funeral ceremony. He grabbed things that are valuable to him, his mother's family ring which he now wear around his neck as a necklace so he will always remember where he came from and who he is and his Mother's Tarot Cards, her favorite past time and to remember the stories she would tell him using these cards.
He begin his journeys with a little bitterness in his heart to saying goodbye to the woman who always loved him and a deep hidden resentment towards the townspeople who shunned his mother and family to the buttom of society, and his father, the cowardly man who ran away.
He step forward onto the road beginning his journey to explore the world? To gain power? For revenge?
#dnd characters #tiefling rogue #rogue #tiefling #backstory
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saucy-storyteller · 3 years
This is the type of energy i wanna give off
Merlin: I’m having fruit salad for dinner. Actually, it’s mostly grapes. All grapes, really. Fermented grapes. Wine. I’m having wine for dinner.
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