satanstwinkson · 4 days
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satanstwinkson · 6 days
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New vs. old. A redraw of an older piece that I really enjoyed working on. 🤟
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satanstwinkson · 27 days
Bright a red as pomegranate seeds
As scalding as my slithering insides
It drips from my nostrils,
Cascades down my throat
Tongue swirling in a mouth full of copper
Filling my stomach with liquid lead
I gulp down my own blood
Spitting it between scarlet stained teeth
Ruby rain falls from my face
Into the clear waters below
Streaming like delicate ribbons
Sinking to the bottom of the white porcelain bowl
I watch in suffocating silence
Once again I am left alone
My pain dissolving into quiet ripples,
Until only the stillness remains
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satanstwinkson · 2 months
"I'm sorry."
Whispers left your lips
Clinging like death's breath,
In the dank, claustrophobic air.
Cramped together in the dark
Your eyes met mine
With a primal fear and desperation
Mirroring the terror festering in my own.
"I'm sorry I hurt you,"
"Sorry I ruined you,"
"Sorry I couldn't be better."
Your words fell on deaf ears.
My heart pounding in my ears
Slamming against my ribcage
Desperate to escape before my body could
Your body smothering mine.
You had torn my chest apart,
Cracked ribs like brittle branches
And devoured my soft innards
Untouched until you savaged them.
What was there to be sorry for?
When either out of curiosity or malice,
You deliberately ignited the
Putrid decay of my mind.
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satanstwinkson · 2 months
corruption kink where the corrupting influence is "getting what you actually want" because I think that ruins and unmakes people in a really radical scary way and opens you up to some powerful forces that will have their way with you like it or not
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satanstwinkson · 2 months
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Decided to paint outside in a storm to see what would happen.
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satanstwinkson · 2 months
My fingers itch
Burning red from the bleach
That I use to
Scrub the grout, the baseboards, 
The forgotten corners
The murky black stains
Of a lifetime of neglect. 
My skin set a fire
As I scrub in a fever 
To irradicate any sticky sludge you left
Poison the larva in the rotted wood
Fume out the figures 
Lingering the my mind's fog
Flush any flashbacks laying in wait.
Today I will make this place mine.
You deserve no room here.
This is my domain,
Never again will it be yours.
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satanstwinkson · 2 months
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satanstwinkson · 2 months
Like most sensitive souls you already know you’re sensitive. You soak up others moods and desires like a sponge. You absorb sensation the way a paintbrush grasps each colour it touches on a palette. The ethereal beauty of a dandelion, the shift of a season, the climax of a song, or a certain stirring scent can awaken such wonder they’ll become your very breath itself moving through you as fuel does to a fire and wind does to waves.
— Victoria Erickson, Edge of Wonder
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satanstwinkson · 2 months
Wherever you are tonight, go to the window. Look past the cold air, any discomforts, or thoughts or tree lines, or fog and winter winds. There’s a sea of stars above all of it. Let them open you. same as they open all our nights, and remember again and again that you’re in an awesomely wide and wild universe that is vast and limitless. Trust in possibility. In yourself. In all of this.
— Victoria Erickson, Edge of Wonder
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satanstwinkson · 3 months
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Things feel stagnant lately.
Murky, turbid, full of sludge.
To trade the wild woods for
Cookie cutter houses
That crumble in just a few years time.
Oh to be wild,
To walk the earth,
To be seen by the trees that tower
That whisper and speak in the wind.
That quietly acknowledge your presence.
To sit and listen
To all the life around you.
To the beating of wings, songs of birds,
Rustlings of a rabbit, babbling of a brook,
Whispering of leaves, crunch of gravel under foot.
All while the sun shined warm on my skin.
How I miss it all.
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satanstwinkson · 3 months
A night of pleasure 
Of substance and elevation 
To celebrate another year 
Encircled by beloved figures
I lay against you
Bodies fit together 
Like puzzle pieces that
Didn't match at all
Chained to you like a dog
You tugged my leash every time you said
"I need a smoke."
Pulling me away from everyone
Cloth riding up 
Choking my thighs 
Your callused hands found their ways
Into places they shouldn't be
"He tempted me."
"He's teasing me."
You told all of my friends 
When I was not around
And in secret
In the musky mildewed dark
You whispered sour staining words
Claiming my loved ones were evil
"Why do you have to get high,"
"Every time we're intimate?"
Questions you knew the answer to
When you forced yourself into my flesh
Your fingers went far beyond intimacy 
Body horror and melted minds
As your dirty chipped nails 
Sunk into my darkest depths
Always the victim 
Until the very end 
Where you shrieked that I was evil
A temptress, a villain, an incubus
Meanwhile you prey on the 
Person you identify 
As weak, easy, small
Someone to be trained like a dog
When did I ever 
Change myself
To tempt you?
I didn't.
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satanstwinkson · 3 months
Art is a kind of surgery. Something must be removed from inside of you. The process will irreversibly change you but if you don't go through with it you will continue to be poisoned. Are you listening this is important. You have to do it yourself like in Saw
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satanstwinkson · 4 months
Fingers dig into the peel
Nails tugging at bright red flesh
To scoop out the insides
And eat the sweet seeds that
crunch between your teeth
Doomed to a fate
In the underworld
Just to satiate
Your hunger...
Was I just a prize to be won?
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satanstwinkson · 4 months
I know who you are
Why you are here.
You're from my childhood 
A firey figure forged from circumstances
That no child should ever have to face.
Always looking over me, you guide every decision 
Your hand passing through my chest
Hardening my heart with fear.
You are the fortress, my knight, my shell
To my shattered soul, my damsel, my soft innards 
Ordering that I must trust no one with my fragile being.
Constantly overpowering me, 
Trying to take control where none could be had
But autonamy is ours now.
Finally there is no need for
High fortress walls, layers of armour, endless protection
Finally you can rest.
You might not feel it, you might fight me 
As I lay you down in a field of flowers
You, who are unable to see the small joys of fragile blooms.
But despite everything we both have grown
You might not see it but we have
We are strong in different ways now.
I hope to teach you, hope for you to listen
Because even if we aren't safe,
We are not alone.
Isn't that beautiful?
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satanstwinkson · 4 months
there is so much intimacy in creating something together
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satanstwinkson · 4 months
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Bothersome beast, comforting friend
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