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sasukeslove · 3 years ago
Kono Oto Tomare! Chapter 109 Scans and Rough TL
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Page 1
Chapter Title: #109 Words of Dawn
Chika: After what happened yesterday... Was everything alright on your end?
Side text: Chika taking care of Natsu...
Natsu: Kudo-senpai, good morning
Chika: Ou
Natsu: I'm sorry for not calling
Chika: That's alright
Momoya: ...I talked to Sei for a bit before his parents arrived.
Page 2
Natsu: He said that he won't approach Kudo-Senpai or the club anymore
Chika: ...I see
Natsu: ...
Natsu: Um, Kudo-senpai
Chika: Hm?
Natsu: -----
Natsu: Are you ok with exams coming up? They are almost here
Chika: You idiot
Page 3
Chika: Why would you suddenly pop such a terrifying question?
Chika: I completely forgot!
Natsu: Glad I was able to remind you before it was too late
Chika: You brat...
Natsu[thoughts]: "Would you give Sei a chance to apologize?"
Natsu[thoughts]: This is not something I can say.
Natsu[thoughts]: He destroyed everything important to him. Then framed his of that crime and exposed him to the world...
Page 4
Natsu[thoughts]: Sei's issues have nothing to do with Kudo-senpai.
Natsu[thoughts]: I am sure the only one who would find comfort in an apology would be Sei
Natsu[thoughts]: For me to stay in the club in the first place...
Chika: Hey, Momoya-kun
Chika: You got work today?
Natsu: Not really...
Chika: Great, then you are coming with me
Natsu: --Eh?
Page 5
Sfx: Tan
Sfx: Ta Dan
Mittsu: Introducing ☆ Tecchan & Takezou-senpai's intensive exams studying session!!!
Kouta: Give a warm welcome to Momoyan on his first participation!!!!!
Page 6
Sane: My sources have told me, that Momoya happens to have really good grades.
Mittsu: I have heart that just paying attention to class he has an average of 85 points.
Kota: He is at teacher's level. He is Momo-chan-sensei!!
Chika: With that being said, we leave Yoshinaga in your care.
Natsu: Nononono, what?
Sane: I'm sorry, Momoya, but the situation is dire. You see, Yoshinaga...
Sane: He said his average in middle school was 40 points, but when I calculated properly, I realized his average was actually 33 points, and 40 points was his best score.
Natsu: ...Are you freaking serious right now...?
Tetsuki: Kurata-senpai and I already got our hands full with this guys
Takezou: It would be really helpful if you could handle Yoshinaga-kun...
Page 7
Yoshinaga: I will be in your care!!!
Natsu: ...
Hiro: --Right about now, the guys must be in the middle of their studying session in Takaoka-kun's house.
Satowa: Momoya-kun and Yoshinaga-kun also joined them
Hiro: It's something I wouldn't have thought of when I met them.
Hiro: But really, I'm just glad we are not falling apart. That was what scared me the most...
Page 8
Satowa: Me too
Hiro: Hey, Hozuki-chan. Why don't stay sleep over?
Satowa: Eh?
Hiro: I will lend you a change of clothes
Satowa: I don't want to be a bother...
Hiro: Not at all! Moreover, I would happy!
Natsu: So, for now on Math. This, this, and also this. Drill them into your head.
Page 9
Atsumu: Yes!!
Natsu: You can just discard all of this
Atsumu: Eh!?
Natsu: The test is designed in a way you can get a pretty decent grade if you hold down the basics.
Mittsu: It feels like watching the old us with Tetsuki.
Chika: There were times like that for us as well...
Tetsuki: Why are you talking like it's any different now?
Atsumu: But Momoya-kun, you are so good at studying! I had no idea.
Natsu: Not really...
Atsumu: Ah, but if you think about it your brother also goes to Meiryo--...
Page 10
Chika: That's right, he does to Meiryo. So both brothers are smart, huh.
Kota: That!
Sane: Both my older sister and younger sister are good at studying tho--
Mittsu: By the way, didn't you have the option to enter Meiryo?
Natsu[thoughts]: I'm being a bother again...
Sane: What are you talking about Mittsu. If he did that then Momoya wouldn't have met us, whom he loves so much--
Mittsu: Ah there's that too!
Natsu: Eh? Us, whom he loves so much?
Page 11
Sane: Hm? You love us, right?
Natsu: ---...
Sane: I mean, after all
Sane: Just looking at your face when we discovered you were Uzuki's little brother. You looked like an abandoned puppy.
Kota: That!!! He was totally a puppy!!
Sane: He looked so heartbroken. That was the moment I thought "This guy really love us"
Kota: I feel you!!
Mittsu: I should have taken a picture of that...
Page 12
Natsu: ----guh...
Sane: Momoyaa!! What is this, you are completely red!!! Bahahahaha
Sane: I am so sorry-- I was absolutely right in everything I said!!!
Kota: Momoyan is blushing---
Mittsu: Yes! I took a picture!!!
Natsu: Wai- Sto-
Sane: Hey, look over here Momoya.
Natsu: Stop it, damn it!!
Page 13
Sane: That's no way to talk to your seniors!
Natsu: Leave me be!!
Sane[flashback]: You too, if you need something, lemme know.
Sane[flashback]: Moreover, I'd like if you showed a bit more your lame side!
Page 14
Natsu[thoughts]: ...Ah- Dammit...
Sane[flashback]: We will make sure to laugh at you about it.
Page 15
Hiro: You told Chika-kun that you like him!!? That you LIKE him!!??
Satowa: Hi-Hi-Hiro-senpai shhh, shhh!!
Hiro: Aaaaah, so-so-sorry
Hiro: Something unimaginable suddenly just happened, my heart cannot take it.
Satowa: I am sorry.
Satowa: I didn't expect it would turn out that way either...
Satowa: Those guys just kept going on about how Kudo was lonely and not loved by anyone. And Kudo too was just accepting that...
Satowa: ...I got really angry
Page 16
Hiro: And what did Kudo-kun say?
Satowa: Just after that you guys came to help us
Hiro: aaaah, I see...
Satowa: But today he acter suuuuper normal, too. He might have forgotten already.
Hiro: No, there's no way...
Satowa[thoughts]: That too might not have held any special meaning after all...
Satowa: Even so, I am ok with it.
Satowa: It's such an important time before the tournament. Kudo was able to regain his smile. If the club is at peace, then that is enough for me
Page 17
Satowa: Speaking of, Hiro-senpai do you plan on confessing to Takezou-senpai...?
Hiro: ...Eh? Di- Did I ever sa-sa-say that the person I like is Kurata?
Satowa: Ah, no... I kinda thought that must be the case... Since you said Takinami-sensei found you out...
Hiro: No way--!!! I am so easy to read!? Does everyone else know!!?
Satowa: Ah, no... I don't think the guys have realized...
Hiro: Isn't Momoya-kun really good at reading people?
Satowa: Geh... Bu- But Momoya would keep it to himself...
Page 18
Hiro: Aaaaaaah---- but I see... aaaaah---
Satowa: I- I am sorry?
Hiro: No...
Hiro: I am happy.
Hiro: The truth is, I have always wanted to have this kind of love talk with you, Hozuki-chan
Hiro: Eeeh--- That kind of thing happened!?
Mittsu: Tetsuki's curry is delicious, right--?
Page 19
Hiro: We got too caught up talking---
Natsu: Your answer columns are off
???: Chika fell asleep---
Hiro: Is the size alright?
Kota: rock scissors paper to decide bath order!
Natsu: Wait, are we staying overnight?
Sane: Of course!
Kota: ---Huh?
Kota: Momoya fell asleep?
Sane: Yeah-- so it seems.
Page 20
Kota: Even though he kept saying that he never slept at other people's houses
Mittsu: Our voices must have been like a lullaby
Sane: Shold we paint on his face?
Takezou: He must have been really relieved
Takezou: What happened this time must have been tough on Momoya-kun.
Sane: That's right
Chika: But my plushy...
Tetsuki: It's not yours, to begin with
Chika: I cannot sleep without it
Tetsuki: Just hug a normal pillow
Page 21
*No text*
Page 22
San-baka: Yes!!! We all passed our tests!
Kota/Mittsu: We did it, we did it!!
Atsumu: Momoya-kun, I got 40 points in everything!!
Momoya: ...I see
Sane: Yoshinaga is a loyal follower of Chikaism
Hiro: That's a relief!
Takezou: Yeah. There's only the matter of whether we are allowed to go to the Nationals or not left
Sane: It's fine! There's also have that proof video that Hozuki-san took!
Kota: Speaking of--- I haven't seen that video yet. What kind of video is it?
Satowa: What kind, you say...
Page 23
Kota: I wanna see, I wanna see!
Satowa: Umm...
Natsu: It's fine by me
Chika: It's not like anything interesting happened...
Chika[flashback]: I want to be with them.
Kota: Eeeh this is really well taken!
Hiro: The Hozuki-chan that when first got her smartphone just knew how to take photos in burst mode has come so far...
Chika: Y-you guys I think that's about enough
San-baka: Oh?
Kota: What is this, Chika-kun? Is there something you don't want us to see?
Chika: No, is just...
Sane: For now, let's just kick up the volume
Chika: Stop messing with me
Chika: Give me that phone!!
Kota: Hey, Mittsu, pass!!
Mittsu: Hey, Kota!!
Chika: Give me that, Kota!
Kota: Say no to violence!
Page 24
Takinami: What is this fuss all about?
Kota: !
Kota: Suzu-chan!
Takinami: You guys are so energetic.
Takezou: Sensei! Wh- What happened with the Nationals!!
Chika: Are we going? We are going, right?
Takinami: Calm down.
Takinami: As planned---
Page 25
Takinami: Nationals are in half a month
Everyone: Let's goooo, we are going to Nationals dammit!!
Page 26
Kota: Uh? The video is still going The screen is dark tho...
Satowa[in video]: Because I love him
Page 27
Satowa: ---Eh?...
Satowa[in video]: Because I really love Kudo!!!
Page 28
Kota: -----... This... is... Hozuki-san...
Sane: Ummmm...
Sane[thoughts]: I think we just heard something we really had no business hearing
Satowa: !? !?
Hiro: AAAAAAH----!!? Th-th-that is.. You know... That... You know..
Hiro[thoughts]: Hiiiiiiiii!!!!!
Takezou: M- Me too!
Takezou: I love Kudo-kun!!
Chika: !
Hiro[thoughts]: Kurata----!!!
Takezou: In the way you love a cute kohai!
Sane: ... Ye-Yeah!
Page 29
Sane: I love you too, Chika!!
Mittsu: I love you as well!!
Kota: Yeah, Iove you!!!!!
Atsumu: Me too!
Sane: Momoya, you too right!?
Satowa: Eh...
Satowa[thoughts]: No way...
Satowa[thoughts]: I recorded even that!? I cannot believe this, I want to dissapear.
Kota: Look at that, we all love Chika!
Sane: You are so popular!
Takinami[thoughts]: What in the world...
Satowa[thoughts]: I made everyone really uncomfortable.
Satowa[thoughs]: Just now that we are going to the Nationals...
Satowa[thoughts]: To bring this weird atmosphere...
Page 30
Satowa[thoughts]: What do I do... If I ruined everything...
Page 31
Chika: Hey, Hozuki
Page 32
*No text*
Page 33
Chika: I really love you too, Hozuki!
Page 34
Satowa: ---Heh...
Page 35
Natsu: pff
Side text: No worries about going to the Nationals!!
-------Kono Oto Tomare! Continues in the next issue!!!-------------
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sasukeslove · 3 years ago
Kono Oto Tomare! Chapter 107 Scans and Rough TL
Use Opera Browser or an AdBlocker to avoid unsavory ads ^^
Page 1
Uzuki's diary: September 24th: Today I will go see Kudou-kun again. This time I dress to fit into that place
Chika: You... Didn't you understand what I said to you last time? I said you shouldn't come here-
Uzuki: But I heard you? That's why today *Tadaan*
Chika: I was not talking about your clothes. Go home alread--
Abiko: Come on now-- Chika-chan. It's alriiight
Page 2
Abiko: Maybe this is the guy those rumors around here talk about lately.
Chika: Rumors?
Abiko: Oh? Haven't you heard about it?
Abiko: There's a guy who pretends to be quiet and docile on the outside but is rumored to be doing all kinds of dangerous things behind the scenes. Maybe it's you.
Uzuki [thoughts]: ? What is he talking abou-
Abiko *Wink*
Uzuki [thoughts]: ! Ah...
Uzuki: ...I was found out. Yes, that's me.
Chika: ...You don't look like the type.
Uzuki: That's evidence that I have a good cover
Chika: ...
Page 3
Uzuki: For that reason, there's no need for you to worry about me.
Uzuki: Also, I don't have anywhere else to go
Chika: ...I see
Uzuki: I'm thankful for what you did before. Thanks to you I didn't have to return home.
Abiko: Is alriiiight, no need to thank me.
Abiko: Your name was Uzuki, right? You gonna keep comin' here, ain't ya?
Abiko: Do you want me to spread some nasty rumors about you for ya?
Uzuki: Nasty rumors?
Abiko: So people around here don't mess with ya--
Page 4
Abiko: And so you can proudly be by Chika's side.
Abiko: You two have been together a lot lately--
Chika: Is this guy who follows me around
Chika: Also, I've been hearing lots of rumors around about you, and you are bad news.
Uzuki: Is that so...
Page 5
Chika: If they are not true... Then I'll deny them
Uzuki: They are true.
Chika: Ah. I see.
Uzuki: A- wai-
Uzuki: I- I also... Want to call you... Chika. (TL/N: Uzuki starts using 'Boku', a more formal, juvenile way of saying 'I' for men. Then he changes his speech and uses 'Ore' also meaning 'I', which is more informal and would showcase his attempt to use '"thug speech"")
Chika: Do whatever you want.
Page 6
Uzuki: --- Chi ka
Chika: What.
Uzuki: Chika
Chika: What do you want!?
Uzuki's diary:
November 3rd
People who knew my parents had money approached me with the charade of wanting to become friends with me, asking me for some.
It's not my money, so I didn't really care about handing over what they asked for, but when I was about to give them the money, Chika got mad at me.
Page 7
Chika: Don't go handing out money. Once you do it, there will be no end to it.
Uzuki: ...I don't really mind it.
Chika: You may think that now, but it's not ok at all.
Chika: Later, it would be too late for regrets. Next time, just say "no" yourself.
Uzuki's diary: He worried and got mad at me.
The place he hit didn't hurt at all. It was warm. Chika is always trying to look at me. If I made a mistake, he would try and correct me.
Page 8
I don't need that father or that mother. I don't have to go back to being alone. The place that I belong to is here. If I'm by Chika's side, then I can--
Page 9
**No Text**
Page 10
**No Text**
Page 11
Thug 1: Chika isn't coming to the fight today, again?
Thug 2: Ah--- He hasn't been coming to hang out lately.
Thug 3: Well, the people who gather here... They all go away sooner or later, to begin with.
Page 12
Abiko: Ah--- Ah--- Poor thing. Even though you came fell into a place like thiiis for Chika's sake...
Abiko: You were left behind <3, Uzuki-kun<3
Uzuki: ...Chika will come back...
Abiko: AAHAHAHAHAHAH He won't, he won't. Chika hated this place, to begin with. It's a pity, but I am sure he will be very happy at that old man's place.
Abiko: And also...
Page 13
Abiko: You are not there (You are not by his side)
Abiko: And you are not worth the trouble for Chika to come back here. You have been abandoned.
Uzuki [thoughts]: --...Again...
Page 14
Uzuki [thoughts]: I have been betrayed again.
Uzuki [thoughts]: Again
Uzuki: ---... hy...
Uzuki: [thoughts all over the page] Why why why why why why why why why why why why
Page 15
Uzuki[thoughts]: Why only me
Page 16
Uzuki: Chika's really boring lately.
Thug: Ah- well, I don't see him around anymore. Think it began after he started staying with the old man?
Uzuki: I can't forgive that. I really liked that cold stare of Chika's.
Uzuki[thoughts]: I liked his heatless eyes
Uzuki: How can I make it cold again?
Uzuki [thoughts]: And the kindness no one noticed behind them.
Page 17
Abiko: It's really simple. You just have to destroy everything
Abiko: The things that were stolen from you, you just have to steal them back.
Abiko: All you have to do is be the one to take him back, isn't that right?
Page 18
Uzuki: Let's destroy everything
Side text: I just wanted affection [Chika].
Uzuki [thoughts] I also wanted to become that kind of existence for Chika.
Chapter title: #107 Moon and Sun
Page 19
Tetsuki: This is as far as you go, Uzuki.
Uzuki: ...Takaoka-kun.
Uzuki: You're always coming from your safe place pretending to be Chica's friend. Only to come here at times like this, when you're not even ready to fall down with him.
Page 20
Tetsuki: But if we fell down together, then I wouldn't be able to pull him up.
Tetsuki: I'm Chika's refuge. What's the point if I'm not in a safe place?
Tetsuki: I don't know what you describe as a friend. Maybe you are willing to fall down together.
Page 21
Tetsuki: But I decided to stand in the light with him. Don't mess with me.
Page 22
Tetsuki: Oh
Thug 1: Eh? This sound...
Tetsuki: Aaah, by the way, I called the police. They must be about to arrive.
Thugs: Hah!?
Thug 2: Fuck, what a pain in the ass!
Thug 1: Shit, I'm outta here!
Abiko: Whaaat, you going already?
Abiko: Y'all are boring.
Abiko: ...But now, there are more people on that side.
Abiko: The injured Meiryo student and Chika, a guy with an infamous past and who has recently become a topic on the internet. Which one will the police believe-
Page 23
Abiko[recording]: Uzuki- we can continue as planned, right?
Uzuki[recording]: Please, go ahead
Abiko: ...Eh
Abiko[recording]: Okay, Oh. Kay.
Satowa: I'm sorry, but I recorded everything
Abiko: ----
Page 24
Mittsu: Uoooooh Hozuki-san, GOOD JOB!!!
Sane: Waaahahaha did you see!!? Now you can't say Chika did anything!!!
Abiko: Eh---
Kota: Try it!
Abiko: Uwaaah this really flopped. What should we do, Sei-chan?
Abiko [thoughts]: Oooh boy...
Abiko[thoughts]: He finally broke?
Abiko: Haaaah I get it, I get it. We give up! Is our loss!
Page 25
Abiko: We were wrong, you are all so dazzling.
Abiko[thoughts]: Seriously, every single one of them...
Abiko[thought]: Just let me---
Abiko: I just want to get rid of you
Abiko[thoughts]: Have a little fun!!!
Page 26
Tetsuki: You can't be helped, you bastard.
Mittsu: He levitated. He really levitated just now
Sane: Uwaaah
Kota: That hurts.
Abiko: Haa- haa--- Blegh coff coff urkk..
Page 27
Abiko: Ha-- hah-- haha
Abiko: You put your hands on me... After all that trouble Chika went through to contain himself---
Tetsuki: Aaah I'm not a member of the koto club so there will be no problem there.
Tetsuki: This right now is legitimate self-defense. I assumed you would pull something like this
Tetsuki: More importantly, we got it on record.
Abiko: ? ? Ha...?
Adult: Takaoka-kun, you ok?
Abiko: !?
Tetsuki: Thank you for coming. Somehow we are ok.
Page 28
Tetsuki: But he tried to hit me with an iron pipe, so I apologize but I had to hit him once.
Takezou: Ah, I have proof of that!
Hiro: Eh..? What's going on here...? An acquaintance of Takaoka-kun...?
Sane: No, we don't know either
Mittsu, Satowa, Kota:?
Natsu: ! ...
Natsu[thoughts]: Kudou-senpai...
Chika: What's going on here?
Kota: I don't know either--
Page 29
Chika[thoughts]: Momoya...
Page 30
Natsu: Excuse me, may I accompany you as well?
Policeman: Aah, a friend?
Natsu: No, I'm his brother.
Page 31
Uzuki: ...
Uzuki: I'm sorry, Natsu
Natsu: ...Aren't you apologizing to the wrong person?
Uzuki: ...Yeah
Natsu: --Me too
Uzuki[flashback]: Living within a lie all this time, makes one doubt even oneself
Natsu[flashback]: Hmmm...
Natsu[flashback]: I've never thought about 'myself'. It doesn't interest me
Page 32
Kota[flashback]: You need to decide things about yourself by yourself
Chika[flashback]: In our practice, your sound is needed.
Atsumu[flashback]: It was super-duper, amazingly, extraordinarily fun!!!
Page 33
Uzuki[flashback]: It must be a wonderful club. That sounds nice. It must be fun.
Page 34
Uzuki: I wish I could've taken your place ...because I couldn't wish for Chika's happiness like that.
Page 35
*No text*
Kono Oto Tomare! will continue on the next issue!!
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sasukeslove · 3 years ago
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sasukeslove · 3 years ago
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Chika Kudou manga icons
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sasukeslove · 3 years ago
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— like or reblog if you use/save ૮₍ ˃⤙˂ ₎ა
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sasukeslove · 3 years ago
Kono Oto Tomare Chapter 106 Rough TL
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Page 1
Side text: All I need is a piece of kindness
Chapter Title: "Love"
Page 2
Sfx: Ping
Side Text: Chika is in trouble...
Atsumu: Takaoka-senpai sent you Kudou's location?
Natsu: Yeah
Atsumu: ...
Atsumu: Show me the map
Natsu: Eh?
Atsumu: I might know a shortcut
Page 3
Atsumu: I used to get picked on a lot
Atsumu: I would get chased after every day, I know a lot of loopholes around here.
Natsu: ...Here
Atsumu: Thank you. Let's see... Aah, that underpass! Scary-looking people are always there...
Atsumu: Right, we would get there faster if we go through this road
Natsu: ...Before, I talked to that guy on the phone...
Atsumu: ...Eh? That guy... Your brother?
Natsu: Yes
Page 4
Natsu: He nonchalantly said that "He only wanted to have Kudou-senpai back"
Natsu: Maybe he's still the same kid on the inside.
Natsu: I didn't notice it because he's smart, and on the outside, he's brilliant.
Natsu [thoughts]: ....No
Page 5
Natsu [thoughts]: The truth is... I just pretended not to notice
Natsu [thughts]: Why did you go to all that trouble. Why did you go out of your way to talk to me, the son of your father's mistress? Why did you want to keep in regular contact with me?
Uzuki: ---Sometimes
Uzuki: Sometimes I want to break everything.
Natsu: Hee--- So you think about those kinds of things, Sei
Uzuki: I think them. The consequences would be problematic, so I never act on it.
Uzuki: Living inside a lie... Makes one doubt even oneself
Natsu [thoughts]: He is been sending an SOS for a long time. And I couldn't be bothered to get involved.
Natsu: This is what happened after continuous abandonment.
Page 6
Atsumu: Over here! We will go faster if we go through this road
Atsumu: It's ok. You realized now. Before losing it forever, you realized. You are still on time.
Page 7
Chika: Hou... Zuki
Chika: Why are you he---
Satowa: Shut up, Kudou you idiot!!!
Chika: Idi...!?
Satowa: Always, always trying to carry the weight of the most important things alone!! What is that!? Are we so unreliable!?
Chika: That's not i---
Satowa: Just so you know!!
Page 8
Satowa: I refuse to just stand behind your back for you to protect me!!
Abiko: Fiu---uu So cool-- <3
Abiko: I can't believe a girl came to the rescue. That surprised me
Abiko: ....But, little lady
Page 9
Abiko: Do you understand what situation are you in?
Page 10
Chika: !?
Chika: You idiot stop...
Satowa: Ugh
Page 11
Satowa: If you are gonna hit me, just hit me.
Satowa: And then, let the police come catch us. That absurd plan of yours to use the "Meiryo student" as a shield will be for nothing.
Page 12
Thug 1: Hey....
Abiko: I don't have a habit to roughen up girls...
Abiko: In the end, the whole festival is ruined
Abike: But listen here, little lady.
Abiko: You still can't do that. We've got all these people here. And we can do whatever we want with you two. The kind of things a girl who's lived in a beautiful world like yourself couldn't begin to imagine---
Page 13
Uzuki: ---Why?
Uzuki: What are you to Chika?
Page 14
Uzuki:. I made a check on every person around Chika... Is not like you are his girlfriend, right?
Uzuki: You just go to the same class and club.
Uzuki: If I remember correctly, you are just the lady of a koto family. Your world is exactly the opposite of Chika's.
Uzuki: Why are you going this far?
Uzuki: After this... You could have done something you may regret the rest of you life.
Page 15
Chika: Ugh... Houzuki
Uzuki: You don't need to do this--
Chika: Please I'm begging you let me g...
Page 16 and 17
Satowa: Because I love him
Page 18 and 19
Satowa: Because I really love Kudo!!!
Page 20 and 21
Satowa: So I don't want him to get hurt. I want to protect him. I want to treasure him. I want him to laugh all the time. I wish he is always happy.
Page 22
Satowa: Is that wrong!? You got a problem with that!?
Satowa: ---So I will never let go
Page 23
Satowa: I won't let go.
Gen [memories]: Hey, listen. I've got... Just one request I wanna make to ya.
Page 24
Chika: A request?
Gen: ...Yeah, it's something I can only ask you.
Chika: ...What?
Page 25
Gen: Be happy
Page 26
Gen: I told you before, right? That those hands were to protect the things that were important to you and grasp on to happiness.
Gen: I'm sure it's something you will be able to understand on your own. Because you may not be good at studying, but you are not stupid.
Gen: But you're so quick to treat yourself badly, aren't you? You're so quick to give up on yourself and cut yourself off, aren't you?
Page 27
Gen: There will be many moments in the future when you will have to make choices.
Gen: When those moments arrive, don't hesitate. Choose the path that will make you happy.
Page 28
Gen: That's something only you can do.
Gen: If someone reaches a hand out to you, or someone pushes you on the back. Whether to grab that hand or not...
Page 29
Gen: You are the only one who can decide that
Page 30
Gen: Be happy, Chika.
Page 31
*No text*
Page 32
Abiko: Eeeh.... what's that about...
Page 33
Sfx: Grab
Sfx: Bam!!
Abiko: !
Tetsuki: Geez, that's dangerous. What the hell are you doing waving that thing around? Are you an idiot?
Page 34
Chika: Tetsuki...!
Tetsuki: Yo. That's one hell of a face you got there.
Takezou: Kudou-kun! Houzuki-san!!
Sane: Wuoooh! Are you two alright?
Chika: You guys...
Hiro: Uaaaaaa Houzuki-channnnn
Satowa: Hi- Hiro-senpai
Page 35
Hiro: Are you ok? They didn't do anything weird to you?
Satowa: More than me, Kudou...
Hiro: Gyaaaa Chika-kun what's that, looks awful!
Thug 2: Crap bunch of them now...
Tetsuki: And what, it was Chika alone against the seven of you? Aren't you embarrassed?
Thug 2: Wha-
Tetsuki: ---Well, anyway
Tetuski: This is it, Uzuki.
Side text: Chika has now friends to turn his love to
Kono Oto Tomare! Continues next issue---------
201 notes · View notes
sasukeslove · 3 years ago
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I caught up on the manga and wanted to try drawing them again since my last attempt.
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sasukeslove · 3 years ago
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satowa and chika finally hugged🥰
[kono oto tomare chapter 106]
105 notes · View notes
sasukeslove · 3 years ago
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183 notes · View notes
sasukeslove · 3 years ago
otoya eita strumming a guitar? thanks!
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sasukeslove · 3 years ago
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doodles 2/2
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sasukeslove · 3 years ago
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dilf looking fine asf
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sasukeslove · 3 years ago
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I don’t think Dad’s ever eaten anything this tasty either! He’ll be so happy! I hope Dad comes home early today.
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