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sasugasunny · 5 months ago
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L.U.V, rinami himesaki’s second single, translated by me!!!
ちゃんと見て この感覚をぜんぶ 一緒に覚えて
いたいでしょ いつ生まれ 変わっても間違いないように
you want to see and fully embrace this feeling, don’t you? so that no matter if we’re reborn, we’ll be sure
ちゃんと見ていてね どんなふうに愛したらいい? 望まれたようにしたい
please look closely, how shall i love you? i want to do just as you wish
きみがそう夢みるなら どこも ふたりだけの場所に作り替えるから
if it’s what you wish for, then i’ll turn anywhere into a place for just the two of us
けれど少し怖いんだ… 秘密だよ
but i’m little nervous… it’s a secret!
L.U.V 隠せないのも、伝えたいのも、 言い出せないのも 全部、全部本当のことなの
L.U.V the things i can’t hide, the things i want to tell you and the things i can’t say are all true
おかしいよね L.U.V 私がきみを守りたいんだって、 会いに行くから 好きって、 好きって、好きって 聞いてほしい 私はずっと "きみに伝えたいことがあるの" 呼びかけて
it’s funny, isn’t it? L.U.V
i want to protect you so i’ll come to see you!
i like you, i like you, i like you, please listen!
i’ve always wanted to call out to you—saying there’s something i want to tell you!
hey, let’s walk home together tomorrow, too
ちゃんと見て 目を見て 心を見てぜんぶ見て 私は見てるよ そうして好きになった ふたりのストーリーも そうして始まるの!
please look closely, at my eyes, at my heart, at my everything! i’ll be looking, and from there the story of two people who fell in love begins
小さな部屋に、簡単な言葉だけで 痛いほど繋がれると 気づくふたりだけの場所で ��じ息 吸うの 嘘もついていいよ きっとわかるから
in this small room, with simple words we realize how connected we are, so much so that it hurts
we breathe in the same air, it’s okay to lie, because i know you’ll understand
L.U.V まだ誰も知らないきみのこと 教えてほしいよ 全部、全部 頭に焼き付ける
L.U.V, i want to know things about you that no one knows yet, i want to burn everything, everything into my mind
おかしいかな L.U.V きみの目が私の目と触れて 笑い合う日を いつも、いつも いつも思っているの 私はずっと… ずっと、 言いたいんだ 私から 決めてるの 好きだよ、なんて… なんて言えない!言えないかも… でも (私はきみが好き…)
it’s funny, L.U.V
i always, always, always think of the day your eyes met mine and we’d laugh together
i always, always, want to say it
i made the decision myself, i can’t say i love you! i don’t think i can… but (i love you)
ねえ L.U.V 隠せないのも、伝えたいのも、 言い出せないのも 全部、全部本当のことなの おかしいんだ L.U.V 私がきみを守りたいから 会いに行くから 好きって、 好きって、好きって 言いたいんだ 私はずっと "きみに伝えたいことがあるの" 呼びかけて 「ねえ、明日もふたりで帰ろうね」
hey, L.U.V, the things i can’t hide, the things i want to tell you and the things i can’t say are all true. it’s funny, L.U.V
i want to protect you so i’ll come to see you!
i like you, i like you, i like you, please listen!
i’ve always wanted to call out to you—saying there’s something i want to tell you!
hey, can we walk home tomorrow too? ❤️
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sasugasunny · 2 years ago
It has been a while, everyone! I got a job as an assistant teaching introductory Japanese at the University of my province, which has been a challenge, but a lot of fun.
I’ve been listening to a lot of Jun Togawa and Yokoe Kurahashi of late—Yokoe is a new discovery for me, and I adore her music. I thought I’d give a crack at translating one of her songs from iroiro (2007). I’m sure I’ll be back with more soon. For now, please enjoy!
Dig In (いただきます) by Yoeko Kurahashi

Is it alright if I eat you?

The nameless news announces the coming of four-o-clock
Icicles drop down from the sun

I can’t say anything but horrid things

Could there be a right way to love?

おはようあなた お腹をさする
Good morning, dear, I’m rubbing my stomach

Once again, you’ll be mine alone today

Is it alright if I eat you?

I love you, after all, so it’s alright, isn’t it?

If you’re ever stolen away from me,

You’ll become my blood, become my flesh
The wafting smell of a five-o-clock stew is the call of the evening

The crows cry, and night comes

I can’t see anything other than bad dreams

Where does love end?

帰ろうあなた お腹をさする
Let’s go home, dear, I rub my stomach

Once again, I have you all to myself

Is it alright if I eat you?

I love you, after all, so it’s alright, isn’t it?

If you’re ever stolen away from me,

You’ll become my blood, become my bones

Is it alright if I eat you?

I love you, after all, so it’s fine, isn’t it?

Is it alright if I eat you?

I love you, after all, so it had to be done

Is it alright if I eat you?

I love you, after all, so it’s fine, isn’t it?

Is it alright if I eat you?

I love you, after all, so it’s fine, isn’t it?

If you’re ever stolen away from me,

You’ll become my blood, become my flesh
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sasugasunny · 4 years ago
Continuing along with posting translations, here is Lilith’s song, which is my favourite of the bunch! They’re all fantastic, but I adore cooking, which as you soon will see, is the theme of this song. You can view all of the songs from the Asteria event here.
Sweet Sweet Heart by Chie Sawaguchi
Good morning are the words I send to you, still in a dream
Opening the curtain, the sun rushes in, a new morning has begun!
With the feelings passed down through in this frying pan, I’ll make a delicious, exciting meal, that tastes just like mama’s!
Shall I make this?
Fluffy, fluffy eggs
Octopus wieners
Cramming together all my favourite things
Of course, all homemade!
Secretly being together with my bashful honey like this, my sweet sweet heart!
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sasugasunny · 4 years ago
Hello!! Tales Of isn’t really known for character songs, but strangely enough, the cast of Tales Of Destiny does in fact have character songs. They aren’t from the original game, but rather from an event from Tales Of Asteria, and aren’t very well known. They’re rather short songs that were used as background music for fights, and they’re very fun. As there aren’t any English translations of them, I’ve translated them, and will be posting them here today, starting with Johnny. You can listen to all of the songs and read the accompanying translations here.
Connecting the World by Koichi Yamadera (Johnny/Karyl)
Woah, woah, woah, woah…
Woah, woah, woah, woah…
I’m Johnny, with my guitar in hand, I’ll introduce everyone!
First is Stahn, with hair fluttering in the wind!
Holding his sword high, if he swings down
He’ll turn darkness to light, true strength.
He’ll teach you the meaning of bravery!
Black-haired, lovely Rutee,
Unyielding, courageous, Rutee
Ever-vigilant Rutee,
Always money-hungry Rutee!
Hey, I can hear you, singing that soothing lullaby!
“I hate audaciously laid-back, over-familiar brats like you!”
Leon Magnus!
That cold-looking face is a veil to cover the depth of his passionate love!
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sasugasunny · 4 years ago
Long time no see! Here’s a translation from Sakurano Mimito’s solo from Denonbu produced by Snail’s House, entitled Princess Memeism.
Princess Memeism
こっち向いて 逸らさないで
Come my way! Don’t turn away!
私だけ 見ていて
I want you to look at me!
誰より かわいい
私だけ 愛して
Cuter than anyone else,
I want you to love me alone!
かわいいも大好きも 全部が私のものよ
Praise and your love, they all belong to me!
I won’t hand ‘em over to anyone else!
キラキラ輝くフロアで 光を増すの
かわいい私を 見て
On the bright, sparkling floor, light gathers
Look upon the cute me!
かわいいって言われたい 当然じゃない
女の子だもん かわいい私を 見て
I want to be called cute, isn’t it natural?
I am a girl, after all! Look upon the cute me!
強がる日々 誰にも見せられない
I put on a brave front, day by day, never letting my feelings show
I hate my weak self the most of all
まだまだまだ足りない わかってる
あの子に届かない バカみたい
And yet, I’m never enough, it’s strange
I won’t lose to her, either, though it’s foolish
私は私だから 誰かと比べたりなんかしないでよ
Though I’m still self-conscious at times,
I’m myself, incomparable to anyone else!
I’m the cutest girl in the world, after all!
かわいいも大好きも 全部が私のものよ
Praise and your love, they all belong to me!
I won’t hand ‘em over to anyone else!
キラキラ輝くフロアで 光を増すの
かわいい私を 見て
I want to be called cute, isn’t it natural?
I am a girl, after all! Look upon the cute me!
かわいいって言われたい 当然じゃない
女の子だもん 今すぐ言ってよ!
I want to be called cute, isn’t it natural?
I am a girl, after all! Look upon the cute me!
誰よりも煌めく 世界が釘付けになる
Shining more than anyone else, I’ll captivate the whole world!
I’ll put on an enchanting play!
“Kawaii”を奏でる 世界が私で染まる
I’ll dye the world in my cuteness,
From this glittering stage!
こっち向いて 逸らさないで
私だけ 見ていて
Come my way! Don’t turn away!
I want you to look at me alone!
誰より かわいい
私だけ 愛して
Cuter than anyone else,
I want you to love me alone!
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sasugasunny · 4 years ago
Performer Praline's Grand Ship, God Arrange
Hello! This is extremely far past the original release of Bravely Second, but the only translation I could find was stated to be done with Google Translate and is riddled with errors, so I thought I'd quickly translate the lyrics of Praline's song in Bravely Second, which is her drinking song.
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If you fall in love, you’re going to lose, big brother!
Today’s panties are strawberry patterned!
Here I go!
If you decide to drink,
Tonight’ll be a party!
Let’s make a racket!
Lying on the floor, yelling “you idiot!”
I’ll be takin’ all of your alcohol, puddin’!
If you fall in love, you’ve already lost, big brother!
Hurry up and take my hand!!
One, two, show me your best call!
Let’s go crazy together!! Ei!!!
As a sidenote, call refers to an idol’s call and response during live concerts, where the idol calls out a prompt and the audience responds.
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sasugasunny · 4 years ago
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Hello, everyone! This is a bit delayed as I’ve been quite busy with schoolwork, but I translated Aoi Mukou’s ending theme from Totono: A Love Story. I’ve seen this song’s title translated as Galactic Merry-Go-Round within the game itself, but I’d entitle it Merry-Go-Round of the Stars. I may upload a hardsubbed version onto YouTube at a later point or contribute to another upload of the song, but for now, here are the lyrics! I hope you enjoy. Even if you haven’t played the game, I recommend listening to the song here.
Merry-Go-Round of the Stars/Galatic Merry-Go-Round/星のメリーゴーランド
空は晴れて まぶしいくらい このセカイの真ん中で
The sky is spectacularly clear
In the centre of this world
Looking at a fickle kitty
ハッピーエンドはおあずけね サヨナラセカイ  また会いましょ
Our Happy End is on hold
Farewell to this world
Let’s meet again somewhere else
To my one and only lover
待ってるよキミこと かならず迎えに来て
呼んでるよ カミサマの声がきこえる
I’ll be waiting for you
You’ll surely come to see me
Calling out
I can hear the voice of God
忘れられない思い出は 連れて行くね どこまでも
離れたくない だけど
Unforgettable memories will lead me to you, no matter where you are
Though I don't want to be separated
いつでもつながってる かならず会えるから
巡る星たちみたい 回るメリーゴーランド
We’ll always be connected
I know we’ll meet again, as I continue
Spinning around like the stars on this
Circling Merry-Go-Round
キミに届け デンパ飛ばすの
たぐりよせて 願いこめて
Sending to you
My electro-magnetic waves
Reeling you in
いつでもつながってる かならず会えるから
巡る星たちみたい 回るメリーゴーランド
We’ll always be connected
I know we’ll meet again, as I continue
Spinning around like the stars on this
Circling Merry-Go-Round
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sasugasunny · 5 years ago
Tales of Homeroom episode 3 with English subtitles is now available on YouTube! We’re taking a poll for your preferred style of subtitles in the description of the video, so please take a look and pass your feedback along to us! Thanks so much for watching and for the kind comments.
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sasugasunny · 5 years ago
The second episode of Tales of Homeroom is now available! I’m very pleased by the response to the first episode. Taking some feedback into consideration I’ve changed the subtitle style and made them a little bit larger to improve readability so everyone can enjoy easily. As I mentioned before, we’ll be releasing these as a batch later, but for now, we hope you enjoy watching on YouTube!
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sasugasunny · 5 years ago
I’m happy to announce that I’ve been translating and encoding Tales of Homeroom with a lovely translator named Kyu! If you’re interested in the Tales of series, this skit is a fun AU where the characters are in school together. If you love the Tales of series characters, I highly recommend checking it out! We’ll be releasing all the episodes later in a batch of softsubs for you to download for the highest quality experience, but for now you can stream the first episode on YouTube! Please enjoy!
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sasugasunny · 5 years ago
My translation of Makina’s character song has now been uploaded on Youtube! Please take a look, Macross fans! I’ll upload the plain text of the lyrics later today, but for now, here’s a link to the video!
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sasugasunny · 5 years ago
My Angel (HoneyWorks)
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Hello, everyone! This is my first song translation of My Angel (私の天使) by HoneyWorks, and while it’s rough I hope everyone can enjoy it! Hopefully it can tide you over until a more official translation releases later on Youtube. You can expect more translations from me at a later date of HoneyWorks and various other J-POP groups. Feel free to send any song translation requests my way (Japanese to English exclusively), as I need some practice! Thanks so much, I hope you enjoy.
My little sister, I love you
My little angel, very very cute
My little sister, I love you
Do you know what I mean?
Listen, listen, I’m your big sis!
Let’s play, let’s play, you can’t even speak yet, can you?
I didn’t think you’d want hand-me-downs, but instead you gratefully put them on
I have to play the part of perfection, the ideal sister
My weaknesses are things you can’t see, that’s why they’re weaknesses
When there’s equal opportunity, I won’t lose!
With your dreams on the right, and my dreams on the left
Swinging side by side, we’re the type that won’t give up even if we lose our way
When you want to cry, cry as much as you’d like
When you want to smile, smile as much as you’d like
When you’re tired, let’s rest
When you’re troubled, let’s consult together, because
You’re my angel
My little sister, I love you
My little angel, very very cute
My little sister, I love you
Do you know what I mean?
Turning around, glancing at you, I don’t know what to say
Am I worrying too much? I’m sure there’s things you can’t talk about, too
I’m bad at being myself, forgetting something is absolutely a no-go
I have to play the part of perfection, the ideal sister
I spare no effort, triumphantly raising my level
God is certainly watching… let’s give him a show!
Not your made-up smile, I like the real you
When anxieties pile up, let’s eat sweets
When you’re frustrated, we’ll sleep it off
On rainy days, let’s rest instead
If you get wet, I’ll dry you off
The reason? You’re my angel
Since I’ve first seen you make that expression, you’ve been adorable
Looking proud, you carry yourself with confidence
Look at her, world!
SENA (spoken): She’s always followed closely behind me, and before I knew it, she began to walk towards her own dreams, too. Um… everyone, please support her too!
My little angel, I love you! One, two, I love you!
My little angel, I love you! One, two, I love you!
You shouldn’t be bothered by things such as rumours
When there’s equal opportunity, I won’t lose!
The dreams you’ve described, the dreams I’ve described
I promise you I’ll grant them, okay! Cross my fingers!
With your dreams on the right, and my dreams on the left
Swinging side by side, we’ll be connected wherever we go
When you want to cry, cry as much as you’d like
When you want to smile, smile as much as you’d like
When you’re tired, let’s rest
When you’re troubled, let’s consult together, because
You’re my angel
My little sister, I love you
My little angel, very very cute
My little sister, I love you
Do you know what I mean?
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sasugasunny · 5 years ago
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可愛くなりたい/HoneyWorks feat.鎖那
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