"I don't like to wait and I don't like to keep others waiting. So let me make this quick and sweet."
Last active 3 hours ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
A new jutsu, naturally. A combination of several elements. I believe one of your latest creations would be a good vessel for it
Did you change your hair colour, brat?
Looks up from her puppets in surprise
"Oh, Sensei, you scared me. But to answer your question, yes, I did. But I changed it back to my more natural hair color"
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So you have time to spare for hair styling?
*chuckles* Well...I may have a better use for your time. A new project, if you will.
Did you change your hair colour, brat?
Looks up from her puppets in surprise
"Oh, Sensei, you scared me. But to answer your question, yes, I did. But I changed it back to my more natural hair color"
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Scorpions are superior in all things~ A good choice indeed
Mod: I must admit I know none of these (am uncultured xD)
Mine is and always will be BTS💜
Honorable mention: The Bosshoss
Thanks for tagging me!
@yu-huuuu @mackzsblog @itamis-multi-muses
Mine: Sleeping With Sirens
@eyelinerandmcr @that-weeb-in-ur-closet @emo-in-garbageland @dem0lition-lov3r @thankyouforthev3n0m
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what music reminds you of your partner?
this one reminds me of him
I assume you mean my idiot of a Teammate
This one came to mind first
But there are plenty more
Mod: Couldn't open the link unfortunately :/ I might make a Deidara playlist somewhen though ^-^
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bring back tumblr ask culture let me. bother you with questions and statements
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Why in the seven sands of Suna would I care?
I've discarded of the necessity to eat a long time ago. And I can't imagine them tasting too great, either. Not that I would know.
But by all means, if you want to stuff your face with venomous arachnids, knock yourself out.
What's your opinion on eating them, sir?
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What's your opinion on eating them, sir?
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What's your opinion on scorpions, good sir? Your namesake?
Scorpions you say?
They provide an excellent source of venom. One of the best, even. Excruciating pain and always effective.
They are also very robust, fast...and of course deadly~
Back when I was starting out, they inspired my second favourite creation Hiruko. I'd say they represent my name well~
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Hello Sasori, it's interesting to meet you.
I know this is an unusual question to ask you, as someone who used to live in the desert before joining the Akatsuki. Between those two, do you prefer the rain more or the snow more? As in, which weather is more tolerable to deal with or which one do you like in terms of their climate/atmosphere/aesthetics?
((To the mod who's reading this, I wish you and Sasori a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎄🎅❄️ Expect more asks from me soon!))
I wouldn't call it 'preferring'. I hate one less than the other. They're both annoying.
It took me a while to adapt my puppets to the climate of other regions. Rain can usually be dealt with by covering the finished product with polish, so the water doesn't get absorbed.
But there are places like Ame-Gakure where the sheer amount of it will ruin even the best of pieces. And for some stupid reason, that is where the leaders chose to found their main hideout. Once the wood is soaked you can throw it out for good. All the effort wasted. I've contemplated poisoning them for it.
Either way...snow isn't much different from rain. It ends up pearling off like rain does, if I have my preventive heating systems in place. It gets annoying when we spend days on end outside with no way of replacing the heating scrolls. That's when the snow stops melting. It gets everywhere. Including the joints, which then eventually start breaking when the damn water freezes. 💢
The rain is the lesser evil in that case. Slightly. Still...nothing I can't handle~
((Mod: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too!!))
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Mod// Thanks for the tag!
Hmm, I have so many songs stuck in my head at the moment. A lot of them are Soundtracks or from Karliene.
But if I had to choose, it's either 'Stand up' by Cynthia Erivo or 'APT' by Rosé.
With IWTV in mind, I'm also very fond of 'Self Control' by Laura Flanigan and 'Take me as I am' by October Project.
I tag:
@itamis-multi-muses @yu-huuuu @mackzsblog @nishayuro @ladyszarr @felink-bloody-chrysanthemum @velvolktra
If you see this you are OBLIGATED to reblog w/ the song currently stuck in your head :)
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#Positivity Protocooooool! 😄💖☀️ Send this to rp-blogs who you think portray their muses so damn well and are just generally awesome!
Mod// Omg!
Thank you so much 😭
I have no idea recently if anyone is still interested in this little blog of mine. It really feels good to hear that some people do appreciate it. I try my hardest to stay in character and make it a fun experience for everyone.
Thank you, kind stranger🩷
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It is far from boring.
It's art. I am a creation of eternal beauty, never withering or decaying. I am stronger than I ever was.
And besides~ Who says I don't enjoy ravaging villages for new supplies? It's as fun as it ever was...just now without adrenaline
Kisame looked at Sasori from a distance. He had a question for the puppet master since day one. He decided to finally approach Sasori.
"Sasori, I do apologize if I'm prying, but what does if feel like to be a puppet?"
*The red head looks at the man unblinking*
It doesn't feel like anything.
There is no pain, no excitement, no sorrow. I discarded all of that when I made this eternal body. I am no longer affected by these nonsensical limitations.
As for what it is like...it's liberating. *smirks*
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Kisame looked at Sasori from a distance. He had a question for the puppet master since day one. He decided to finally approach Sasori.
"Sasori, I do apologize if I'm prying, but what does if feel like to be a puppet?"
*The red head looks at the man unblinking*
It doesn't feel like anything.
There is no pain, no excitement, no sorrow. I discarded all of that when I made this eternal body. I am no longer affected by these nonsensical limitations.
As for what it is like...it's liberating. *smirks*
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I have your nose, I have your nose 👃🏻👌🏼!!
Give it back.💢
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#Positivity Protocol! 😄💙☀️ Send this to ten muns who you think portray their muses so damn well and are just generally awesome!
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