sardiusko · 3 years
Is there any Loki falling on Hogwarts fanfic?
Or maybe Loki attends Hogwarts as punishment after the Avengers 1
Or maybe Loki reborn as someone in the Harry Potter movie after he died
Pls give links or names and which site they r from
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sardiusko · 3 years
any recs dealing with J's jealousy over Irene? maybe finding out S saved her? xxxxxx
Hi Nonny!
AHHH, sadly I don’t really… the closest ones I have are on my Irene the Matchmaker fic recs list!
Otherwise, I do have some Jealous John Fic rec lists that you can read in the meantime:
Jealous John
Jealous John Pt. 2 and Jealous Sherlock Pt 2
Jealous John Pt 3 and Jealous Sherlock Pt 3
Jealous John and Sherlock Pt. 4
Any of my followers know of any good fics they can rec for John Jealous Over Irene? Thanks!!
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sardiusko · 3 years
Was John jealous of Jeanine or he was just surprised that his best friend had a girlfriend?
Hi Nonny!
He was absolutely jealous, Lovely!
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sardiusko · 3 years
Hey hi ho. Do you know any Dr. Strange Sherlock crossover? Have a great day!
Oh yes, friend, I’ve got a few fics to rec for that!!!
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Sherlock/Doctor Strange Crossovers & Fusions
SomethingStrange by Luna218, 1.5 k, teen. What would happen ifSherlock ever got to meet Doctor Strange?
AStrange Affairby thescienceofsherlolly, 4 k,teen. Sherlolly. Molly Hooper falls for visitingneurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange, unaware of the effect it has on a certainSherlock Holmes.
Loveis Strange seriesby MizJoely, 2 part series, Sherlolly. A post-Reichenbach mashup of DoctorStrange/Sherlock: What if Sherlock had spent those two years after the Fall inTibet, studying at the feet of the Ancient One?
Whenyou eliminate the impossiblebyTooManyChoices, 4 k, explicit. Johnlock. Perhaps Sherlock didn’t only take downMoriarty’s network while he was away. Perhaps he came back, different.
TheAffairs of Wizards by janto321 (FaceofMer), 1 k,explicit. Sherlock Holmes/Stephen Strange. Sherlock wanted, and got, DoctorStrange’s attention.
let’s do some living after we dieby kimbiablue, 3 k, explicit. Sherlock is dead, and John meets Stephen Strangeon the streets of London. He takes him home to patch up the cuts on his face.Things proceed from there …
Five times John andSherlock watch a film and one time they don’t get to see the credits by alexaprilgarden, 9 k,explicit. John and Sherlock watch Dr Strange. John finds that actor strangelyhandsome. Of course, he realizes quite quickly that he bears a strikingresemblance to Sherlock.
In Another Life, I WouldMake You Stay by SlashyUnicorn, 4 k, gen. (Sherlock/Doctor Strange.)  “Do I know you?” He never seen that man, letalone meet him before. He was sure of it. But as he turned, it was as ifEverett’s breath was taken away from him.
A Strange Occurrence by Ford_Ye_Fiji, 2k, gen. Doctor Steven Strange has somehow crossed over into a parallel world,and it’s confusing everyone.
Prison cell by Hotaru_Tomoe, 8 k,explicit. When Sherlock dies, this time for real, John leaves his old lifebehind and assumes the identity of Everett Ross, but Destiny put Doctor Strangeon his path.
A Tale of Two Doctors by charlottesweb, 42k, mature. This is a story about Doctor Strange and Doctor Watson. DoctorWatson comes to Doctor Strange for help after he is injured in Afghanistan. Thetwo are drawn towards each other in ways that neither understands.
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sardiusko · 3 years
Soooo, any fanfic similar to these ideas:
1. Doctor strange went to sherlock’s world accidentally
Or with agent Ross
2. Above but other way round
3. Marvel people, doctor strange n agent Ross must be included, watch Sherlock
4. Above other way round
Please post the links in the comments if u saw some before, and please come back to this and tell me if u see some after this.
Also, similar ideas will also work
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sardiusko · 3 years
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So, this is a promotional picture of TSOT. This scene is filmed in a different camera angle in the episode, but they used this quite telling angle as a promo pic. There is a reason why this image exists, even if outside of the show.
Here, we can see Sherlock and John behind a military man. As this episode introduces Sholto, a military man from John’s past, I believe we have the message Johnlock after Jolto. There was a military man in John’s heart before, and now it’s Sherlock’s turn to be loved by our favourite army doctor.
However, we are also shown John and Sherlock being separated by a military man. John’s past is keeping them apart, or a figure of John’s past, maybe? We know John has a chaotic relationship with his past, more precisely figures of authority from his past. These figures of authority are always associated with the Army. We see how John craves their approval, only to be rebuffed.
We also know how defensive John is about his sexuality. He is always hyper aware of people suspecting he’s gay and immediately assumes he has to defend himself. “I am not gay!”. He prevents any attack others would aim at him because of his sexuality.
I’m not saying John struggles with his sexuality, I’m saying he struggles with the others’ perception of his sexuality. He always assumes the worst, like people wouldn’t understand him and his sexuality.
John is traumatized. My guess is that he’s been attacked because of his sexuality before. A figure of authority from John’s past has taught him how dangerous it would be to have his sexuality exposed. Well, we can safely assume one of them is John’s father! John has a gay sister, Harry, and they apparently are the only family they have for each other.
Imagine homophobic Father Watson discovering his daughter was a freacking lesbian! That must have been pretty bad, especially if you consider John’s father was probably abusive and violent (trouble with alcohol runs in the family, alcoholic sister, adrenalin-junkie brother, trust issues no mention to John’s family except for Harry…).
John’s protests about his sexuality are usually a bit childish/whiny, but maybe it seems so because he is too quick to defend himself? Anyway, the fact that this defense is automatic is telling, it is a reflex learned long ago, possibly from adolescence.
Thorough the show, we have two military men, both major, acting as foils for John’s father: Barrymore (THOB) and Reed (TSOT). Both men are obtuse, refuse to listen to John. Barrymore is a conservative, in love with Thatcher ; most likely homophobic, then. Reed clearly despises John, finds his association with Sherlock distainful and blatantly rejects him, allowing his men to manhandle him away (violence against John).
So basically, the show tells us John’s father is a delightful person! Father Watson was probably a military man, a major perhaps (another reason why John wouldn’t have accepted the rank!), obtuse, distant, unloving, refusing to give his approval to his children, untolerant, homophobic. With a gay daughter and a bi son, I’m sure Father Watson would have been a dangerous man, at least verbally, but arguably also physically. And he quite succeded in breaking his children, I must say: Harry is a sad alcoholic who can’t keep the woman she loves close and John is full of self-hatred and sense of guilt.
The ghost of John’s father lies between John and Sherlock. I believe John cannot safely consider any romantic and sexual attachment to a man because of his father’s abuse. I’m sure John wants to fight it and does it with all he has. But just like his self-hatred, there is this fear deep inside of him.
And it’s amazing, because this fear works with two complementary components: fear of never being loved/not being enough to be loved ; fear of letting himself act on his homosexuality/fully comitting himself to a man. Well done, Father Watson!
Of course, John makes moves on men, he makes moves on Sherlock. I’m sure he wanks at the idea of homosexual relationships. He acts on his homoerotic desires. Yet, there is always something that flinches in him, a part of him always thinks he will be judged, attacked. John always assumes others think homosexuality is bad.
So of course this figure, firmly placed between John and Sherlock, represents the homophobic father, the person who taught John that acting on his homosexuality might be dangerous.
I also believe this military figure represents the Army, as well, or a bad experience John had in the Army in relation to his homosexual desires. Again, when we associate Army - John - John’s past homosexual interests, we end up with Sholto.
I think there is a point in John’s military life where he acted on his homosexual desire. And my opinion is that it ended up badly. I don’t think it was because of the love interest himself, but because of “the Army”, may it be the men’s superiors, the administration, or the company.
I’m not saying John had a full homosexual experience. But I believe there is a love story here, possibly a kiss, possibly men rubbing their front together frantically in the desert… let’s not get distracted, you see what I mean! Somehow, others heard about the relationship, and bad things started to happen. I don’t know, fights, official repercussions?
Sholto obviously has a lot of respect for his uniform and his function. He fully accepts the burden of his responsiblity. He is noble. Imagine how he would react if threatened to loose the respect of his men, the respect of his hierarchy? I believe Sholto would totally give up on John and make the “responsible” choice. He would accept to sacrifice John’s love for the sake of the company.
… Breaking John’s heart in the process and confirming that bad things happen when you act on your homosexual desires. Seriously, John has a sister who is miserable and drunk and sees her struggle with her love life. Plus daddy issues.
If something bad has happened in the Army, it would also have confirmed John’s perception of the world’s untolerance for homosexual relationship. John would be like “Oh, okay, so it’s not just my dad, actually, a lot of people frowns upon it!”.  On John’s mind, love is something you loose and homosexuality is dangerous to expose. (nice work again, father watson!)
Plus, the fact that John basically has almost no contacts with friends from the Army hints something was off there…
So the military man separating John and Sherlock could be a symbol of the Army, who confirmed to John that homosexuality was badly seen. Bonus: the soldiers turns their backs at John and Sherlock: symbol of John’s company taking their distance from John after discovering he has homosexual tendencies? Or a metaphor of: don’t ask, don’t tell, a preference to stay blind and not acknowledge such a situation
Back into civilian world, John becomes more defensive than ever about his sexuality. “I am not gay!" is a motto, an automatic mechanism of defense. John will make a move on men, yes, he’ll look at them appreciatively. But as long as he isn’t confident about the world’s perception of homosexuality and hasn’t a loved one to safely stay at his side and protect him, John will stay in the closet.
John has a lot of obstacles to overcome so he can be able to enter an healthy relationship with Sherlock. Most importantly, there is this ghost, a disapproving ghost John has to fight against. The ghost of the person who taught him to hide, that he couldn’t be loved, couldn’t be accepted as he is.
Seriously, I’m convinced John’s father is dead (and I like to think that John and Harry totally skipped the funeral, even if Harry probably struggles with her addiction badly after that). But I hope the man has suffered. Because, all the pain he inflicted to his children! A pain that is still here today and eats them alive…
Sherlock will have a lot of work to do, to convince John he can be loved, that he can feel safe and confident in the embrace of this love. But Sherlock is John’s saviour, he is the one who will save John Watson’s heart.
And God knows how badly John needs to be loved…
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