sarcasticstudyblr · 7 years
good female anthro design: 
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bad female anthro design: 
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sarcasticstudyblr · 7 years
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I would rather die than read this bastard of a post
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sarcasticstudyblr · 7 years
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sarcasticstudyblr · 7 years
if you’re going to talk shit about people working certain professions you shouldn’t get to benefit from their work.
talk shit about cashiers? go to the self checkout or get out.
talk shit about fast food workers? make your own damn food at home.
talk shit about janitors + cleaning staff? live in filth.
talk shit about garbage collectors? drag your bags to the dump yourself.
talk shit about plumbers, electricians, + construction workers? fix your own damn house.
you shouldn’t be able to devalue the work that certain people do and degrade them for doing it while still benefiting from that work on a daily basis.
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sarcasticstudyblr · 7 years
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HOW TO APPROACH CLASSES A guide to getting the most out of your classes and lectures
By Eintsein
Design inspired by this post by @journalsanctuary
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sarcasticstudyblr · 7 years
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Hey everyone!
As a first post I decided to share with you some inspirational quotes that you could use in your bullet journals, planners, and studyblrs!
I personally believe the more you look at these the more motivated you can get. It works with me and I hope it works with you guys. If you have any requests feel free to message me J
·        “Do something today that your future self will thank you for.” -Sean Patrick Flanery
·        “Let your smile change the world but don’t let the world change your smile.”
·        “She remembered who she was and the game changed.” -Lalah Deliah
·        “The best project you’ll ever work on is you.”
·        “No one is you and that is your super power.”
·        “Make it happen. Shock everyone.”
·        “Life is tough but so are you.”
·        “Be a voice not an echo.”
·        “Just because my path is different doesn’t mean I’m lost.”
·        “Happiness looks gorgeous on you.”
·        “Rule your mind or it will rule you.” –Buddha
·        “Do good for others. It will come back in unexpected ways.” –Buddha
·        “Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations”
·        “You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anyone.” –Maya Angelou
·        “Drive for progress no perfection.”
·        “You never fail until you stop trying.” –Albert Einstein
·        “Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think about what could go right.”
·        “If it makes you happy no one else’s opinion should matter.”
·        “You are amazing. Remember that.”
·        “You can.”
·        “Mistakes are proof that you’re trying.”
·        “1 year = 365 opportunities”
·        “It’s the little things in life.”
·        “Don’t stop until you’re proud.”
·        “I can and I will.”
·        “Never stop looking up.”
·        “Better an oops than a what if.”
·        “If you stumble make it part of the dance.”
·        “You can totally do this.”
·        “Be happy, it drives people crazy.”
·        “Don’t look back you’re not going that way.”
·        “Chin up princess or the crown slips.”
·        “Be the girl who decided to go for it.”
·        “Inhale confidence. Exhale doubt.”
·        “You have to be odd to be number one.” –Dr. Seuss
·        “Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable.”
·        “A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.”
·        “Actually, I can.”
·        “Be silly. Be honest. Be kind.”
·        “Do what they think you can’t do.”
·        “You’re mad. Bonkers. Off your head…but I’ll tell you a secret…all the best people are.” –Alice in wonderland
·        “Your speed doesn’t matter. Forward is forward.”
·        “Just breathe.”
·        “Be happy with your beautiful life.”
·        “Smile more worry less.”
·        “Positive mind. Positive vibes. Positive life.”
·        “the best way to get things done is to simply begin.”
·        “If you don’t like where you are move. You are not a tree.”
·        “What feels like the end is often the begging.”
Well that’s it for today. I’ll be back soon with some more quotes and maybe some lyrics.
See you then! *Waves*
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sarcasticstudyblr · 7 years
Those Studyblrs: my favorite pen is this $420 amethyst-gold-plated-crusted-ruby angel pen that only writes in platinum ink straight from heaven
Me, a Poor College Student: my favorite pen is that one free pen someone gave me at campus fest freshman year that I have lost about 7 times, and yet it somehow miraculously always turns up again in my bookbag
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sarcasticstudyblr · 7 years
legally blonde is directly and specifically responsible for women becoming the majority of law students which in turn will literally have a material positive impact on modern society and i’m not being hyperbolic in any way… i hope reese witherspoon knows this
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sarcasticstudyblr · 7 years
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I was asked by an anon for calligraphy tips, and I decided to make a full on tutorial about how I make (the fanciest version of) my headers! Please tag me with #yoanxue to let me know you’ve used this, and have fun ☺
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sarcasticstudyblr · 7 years
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Resume Cheat Sheet.
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sarcasticstudyblr · 8 years
It’s around that time of year when kids start getting letters of being waitlisted, rejection and deferment. Just wanted to say hang in there– not everyone’s collegiate path is a strict linear progression. Taking gap years, transferring, going to your ‘B’or ‘C’ school, etc– they’re all completely valid ways to self-discovery and getting to where you want to be. From my own experience, things have a way of working out in the weirdest ways. Just keep your head up & mind open and don’t give up. 
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sarcasticstudyblr · 8 years
It wasn’t meant to be. You’re not missing out. Your life has different plans for you.
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sarcasticstudyblr · 8 years
Realistic Study Moods
the “i accomplished something” mood: you decided to be productive that day but at night you realise you haven’t accomplished a single thing from your to-do-list. stressed you get yourself a cup off coffee and sit next to your desk really unmotivated and exhausted. half an hour later you’ve solved one math problem. you smile, you have done something.
the “i’m so fucking motivated” mood: early morning. you get out of bed right after the alarm goes off. well-rested you brew yourself a cup of tea.you write your to-do-list. after that you take a seat in your bed and start reading trough the textbook of your fave subject. “i’ll succeed today” you think and take a sip of your tea.
the “oh i’m so gonna prove you wrong” mood: “you can’t do it”, they say. determined you start working early. you read, you write notes, you revise, you discuss, you watch videos. on the test day you walk in with confident, take your test & fully ace it. proudly you turn your back to those bastards.
the “why do i not understand this” mood: papers scattered everywhere, several coffee mugs on your desk. you’ve been doing that same problem the whole day and still can’t solve it. you’ve looked trough the theory, asked your friends & even your teacher. frustrated you pick up your phone and hope someone else has asked the same question on google.
the “omg i get it” mood: you’ve been reading the same theory over and over again, you’ve watched several videos on the topic and googled everything about it. still, you can’t get the hang of it. frustrated you put your book down. later that day you pick up it again and start reading it. slowly but surely you realise that “hey i understand this! it isn’t that hard after all”. excited you read through rest of the theory.
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sarcasticstudyblr · 8 years
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College can be a lot sometimes. Over the past two years I’ve learned some helpful little tricks that help to keep me sane and on top of things, and it’s time I passed them on to all of you! Ahead in part one: scheduling classes, going to them, and homework. Be on the lookout for part two soon!
i. scheduling classes 
Take a full load, but keep it balanced.
Don’t schedule all of the tough classes for one semester. 
Also try to schedule it so that you will have a variety of homework (ie a mix of writing, tests, and worksheet focused classes)
Always speak to your advisor before scheduling classes.
Keep in mind that you will need time for homework and online classes when making your schedule.
Whether it means choosing not to have classes on certain days, putting a two hour break in between classes, or having all your classes in the afternoon so you can study in the mornings.
Keep in mind your personality when picking times.
8AMs are rough. Unless you are the world’s biggest morning person, avoid them if you can. 
Be sure to have a plan for eating meals!
Some schools will let you bring your lunch into class, but I prefer to have a break during lunch so I can relax while I eat. 
Look at a map of campus when scheduling and try to schedule classes in the same building back-to-back, or at least near each other. 
ii. classes
Never go to class without a bottle of water and a pen.
If it’s a workday and you’re given the option to leave class and work elsewhere, actually use that time to work.
Sit wherever you’re comfortable. A lot of posts say to sit up front, but I personally prefer to sit further back so that I can fidget without worrying about distracting others. Figure out what works for you.
After about the third class, seats might as well be assigned. Don’t move and throw everyone else off unless you really have to.
Always be respectful and kind to your teachers and classmates.
Make at least one friend in every class. You don’t have to be bffs, but chat with the person you sit beside before every class so that you have someone to study or share notes with if you need to.
If you need to fidget to pay attention, consider bringing a small container of Play-Doh with you to lectures (you may want to let your teacher know what’s up, they’ll almost definitly be cool with it).
iii. homework
Unlike high school, you really can’t skip homework. Instead of getting lots of small worksheets, your grade will be decided by a few bigger projects or papers. Try to stay on top of things!
Break larger projects up into smaller deadlines.
If a class has a lot of worksheets as homework, start a study group so that you can all work on them together. 
Try to start homework as soon as you get it.
Don’t be afraid to ask from help from teachers, tutors, or classmates.
As soon as you get a syllabus, enter all of the due dates into your planner. If you wanna go the extra mile (hint: you do), go ahead and add in dates to start working on projects, too. 
Work ahead so that you have the flexibility to hang out with your friends at the last minute, instead of being stuck in the library working on a project that’s due first thing in the morning. 
Never plagiarize. It’s the fastest way to get kicked out of a class, or even a whole program. If you’re not sure if it needs a citation, it needs a citation. 
The number one rule is simple: do all your work, and do it the best you can. As long as you follow that, you’ll be golden. 
Happy studying, and be on the lookout for part two coming soon!
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sarcasticstudyblr · 8 years
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sarcasticstudyblr · 8 years
Just because you are lonely does not mean you should invite someone toxic back into your life.
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sarcasticstudyblr · 8 years
me throughout the day: on Tumblr, scrolling through my feed full of aesthetic and motivational posts. getting motivated to be productive after school. makes plans on what to do when I get home. plans to get all of my homework done me when I get home: sleeps
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