sarasaurussex · 3 years
You can find all of Sarasaurussex’s works here 
Sarasaurussex is now Javoc Jovian!
That’s right, it’s a name change post!
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I’ve been meaning to do this forever, but I’ve officially changed my tumblr name to Javoc Jovian! 
I go by Javoc everywhere but on tumblr and AO3, so I’ve been trying to figure this out for a while. Sarasaurusrex was a throwaway name that I never expected to use for long but it ended up becoming my main AO3 account, so when I made a tumblr to go along with it I went with Sarasaurussex (heh). Then I signed all of my artwork as Sarasaurussex and ugh… I had no idea how to change all of that.
So… I’m not going to!!!
I’ve decided not to go back and change any of my old signatures, mostly because a lot of that art is for Bangs and other collaborations (and I’m lazy). But from here on my art with be signed as Javoc Jovian. 
Or you know…
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If anyone has tips for this kind of thing, feel free to message me! I’ve added a little note to my sidebar so people can still find me as Sarasaurussex but I’m still a little worried about it.
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