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my most recent embroidery project, finally done !
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Beautiful Post Office Woman recently got a new coworker who is also very pretty
The other day Beautiful Post Office Coworker told me that I am cute and she is mentally hugging me every time I pick up my mail
normally I Object to being called cute but for some reason I’m okay with this
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today i realized the reason i was so much more comfortable as a teen in loose, unisex clothing than in tighter, feminine clothing had nothing to do with ~modesty~ i was just a baby butch
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I have my diagnosis
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Psalms 27:10
When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up. (King James Version)
It used to be commonplace that when a child came out of the queer closet, their parents would kick them out of the house. Fortunately this is less common than it was in the past, but statistics of homeless youth shows it is something that still happens far too often. For those worried about coming out of the closet and wondering all those scary “what if” questions, this verse is comforting. The Lord won’t abandon us even if our parents do.
I like some of the non-KJV translations of this verse
New International Version - Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.
New Living Translation - Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD will hold me close.
English Standard Version - For my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the LORD will take me in.
New King James Version - When my father and my mother forsake me, Then the LORD will take care of me.
Amplified Bible - Although my father and my mother have abandoned me, Yet the LORD will take me up [adopt me as His child].
Christian Standard Bible - Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD cares for me.
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blessing sixty-two
So far no one has griped about me wearing slacks to sacrament meeting now.
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Number 1 rule of serving God:
If it could compromise your health? DON’T.
Don’t run faster than you have strength, kiddos. Take care of yourself first. Don’t let anyone pressure you.
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hey man i haven’t seen a single similar post (concerning???) so i feel like it’s important to make this.
tomorrow is ramadan. your eating disorder will not magically disappear in ramadan.
allah will not hate you if you relapse in ramadan. be it that you faint or you binge, if you need to break your fast because of your eating disorder THEN YOU BREAK YOUR FAST.
You are not supposed to fast when you are sick. YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO FAST WHEN YOU ARE SICK. IT IS HARAM TO FAST IF YOU ARE SICK BECAUSE IT BRINGS HARM TO YOUR BODY. If you start feeling horribly sick and you know, you haven’t had sufficient suhoor or iftar for a few days or anything of the sort, it is okay to break your fast and even go to the hospital if you need to.
habaybi that have eating disorders, PLEASE take care of yourself during ramadan. It is a month of cleansing and forgiveness, so forgive yourself if you relapse. You can always redo your fast after ramadan.
Jazakallah please reblog this post and ramadan mubarak to you all! ♡
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blessing sixty-one
I stopped hating love songs once I stopped hating my own romantic preferences.
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problem one hundred and fourteen
I feel so weird at Relief Society events now!
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“Optimism is radical. It is the hard choice, the brave choice. And it is, it seems to me, most needed now, in the face of despair—just as a car is most useful when you have a distance to close. Otherwise it is a large, unmovable object parked in the garage. These days, the safest way for someone to appear intelligent is being skeptical by default. We seem sophisticated when we say “we don’t believe” and disingenuous when we say “we do.” History and fable have both proven that nothing is ever entirely lost. David can take Goliath. A beach in Normandy can turn the tide of war. Bravery can topple the powerful. These facts are often seen as exceptional, but they are not. Every day, we all become the balance of our choices—choices between love and fear, belief or despair. No hope is ever too small.”
— Guillermo Del Toro
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Lol, here's a fun one: if you had been born in the medieval era and without access to modern medicine, how long would you have lived? If I managed to survive being born (unlikely) I would have died at age 22 from appendicitis :) hbu?
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- An excerpt from The Journal of Sir Aubrey Herrington, His Majesty’s Chief Huntsman
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