sanrio-witch · 4 years
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sanrio-witch · 4 years
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sanrio-witch · 4 years
Catholic folk magic tip #6
Some will be practical, some will be magical.  - Research novena’s of your saint(s). So when you work with a saint/work with several saints, it would do you good to understand them through their life. What they stood for. Literally, getting to know someone. And it can be- especially when you’re new to it -uncertain where to start/how to make contact. Novenas can help here. Not only can you see the practical way of petitioning, how their patronage is effective, but it can also give you an idea how to put together a personalized prayer. Perhaps even on how to decorate their shrine.  - And it would be good to collect the novena’s in a book. So you don’t have to search endlessly for them. (just saying!) - Signing the cross over virtually anything; from blessing, to charms, to spell-work, to candles, is never a bad idea. - When buying candles/tea-lights (especially those) pay attention to how long they +/- burn. It usually says it on the box/bag they come in. I like to use the longer burning ones for novena’s, or spell-work that requires a steady source. The shorter ones are good for the same thing, but only shorter of course. It just comes down to preference. - Folklore from your own culture, family and region is usually the best way to work magic. You know it, it knows you, and voila, you are good to go! - Prayer is always an acceptable offering when it comes to ancestors.  - If you can’t over-power someone/something, you need to be smart. And the smart thing is to wait, and observe.  - If you want to clean your windows, and give them some extra cleanliness at the same time, add some holy water to it. This with a blessing for whatever you want it to do. Especially windows where a lot of strangers/passers-by walk by, could benefit from this.  You can find the previous Catholic folk magic tip *here* That’s me for now. Hope you are all well.  - Toverij & Spokerij
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sanrio-witch · 4 years
Santa Muerte Blessing for the Marginalized
Blessed Santa Muerte Protect the forgotten, the rejected, the unloved You most holy death, whose love knows no bounds Who truly embraces all regardless of who or what they are You who comes to all equally Let your love and protection flow to those that need it most To those whom society has abandoned and rejected Protect those who are most vulnerable with your might scythe Let those who would take advantage, the bullies and usurpers, know your wrath Protect those with no strength left to protect themselves Protect the ones who need you Oh might Santa Muerte, protect us Most holy Santa Muerte be with us We thank you highest one, Amen
Santa Muerte BendiciĂłn para los Marginados
Bendita Santa Muerte Proteger a los olvidados, los rechazados, los que no aman Altissima Santa Muerte, cuyo amor no conoce límites Que realmente abarca todo, independientemente de quién o qué estån Usted que llega a todos a mismo moda Deje que su amor y el flujo de la protección a los que mås lo necesitan Aquellos a quienes la sociedad ha abandonado y rechazado Proteger a las personas mås vulnerables con su guadaña poderosa Que los que se aprovecharía, los agresores y usurpadores, conocer su ira Proteger a los que no tienen fuerza para protegerse a sí mismos Proteger a los que le necesita Poderosa Santa Muerte, protegernos Santísima Santa Muerte estar con nosotros Le agradecemos Altissima, Amén
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sanrio-witch · 4 years
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Virgencita de Guadalupe, ÂĄruega por nosotros!
Virgin of Guadalupe, pray for us!
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sanrio-witch · 4 years
Santisima Muerte
Te me arrodillo con lĂĄgrimas en mis ojos
Te pido un gran favor con todo mi corazĂłn.[di tu favor]
Te ruego que me mires con ojos de piedad
PerdĂłname por mis faltas y ayĂșdame a ser perdonadas por el Dios Todopoderoso todos mis pecados
sĂĄname de toda enfermedad natural y sobrenatural
protege el mentiroso, del traidor y las malas energias
Concédeme tu justicia en todo momento y protegeme de aquellos que me desean sólo daños y mal
Concédeme tus bendiciones, tus milagros y otorgame las bendiciones de tu diestra poderosa
No hay nada que usted no pueda quitar,
todo lo que tienes que hacer otorgarlo y se concederĂĄ
con todo mi corazón y mi alma os ruego escuches esta oración y concédeme tu bondad
favorecido por el Dios Todopoderoso, amado por el hijo JesĂșs, fiel amigo del EspĂ­ritu Santo
SĂ© en mi corazĂłn que tu nunca me abandonaras
con todo mi amor, fe y devociĂłn a ti te ofrezco esta vela y colocare mi oraciĂłn en tu altar
Te doy las gracias por toda tu bondad y tu protecciĂłn
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sanrio-witch · 4 years
“Holy Death is our savior, our light
 She protects those no one else will protect.”
— Enriqueta Romero
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sanrio-witch · 4 years
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Santa Muerte - “Saint Death” or “Holy Death”, Santisima Muerte - “Most Holy Death”, La Flaca - “the Skinny Lady”, La Huesuda - “the Bony Lady”,  La Niña Blanca - “the White Girl”, La Hermana Blanca - “the White Sister”, La Niña Bonita - “the Pretty Girl”,  La Dama Poderosa - “the Powerful Lady”, La Madrina - “the Godmother”, Cabrona (affectionately)- “the Bitch” 
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sanrio-witch · 4 years
The Many Different Colors of Death: The Symbolism of Santa Muerte
Each different aspect of Santa Muerte is depicted as a skeleton wearing a robe of her respective color. In the case of a seven-color statue, all seven colors are displayed; below these colors are listed in the order they appear from top to bottom on a typical seven-colored statue: White: This color of Santa Muerte is used principally for purification and is called on at the inception of major projects, both mundane and magical. She is also used for certain types of healing.
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Blue: This color of Santa Muerte is the patroness of the activities of daily living and the relationships on which our lives depend. This aspect increases social wisdom and increases patience. She is used to build long-term relationships and so is used to repair broken family ties, improve business partnerships, and gain new friends.
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Green: This color of Santa Muerte is associated with justice, ethics, and law. She helps restore balance, imposes fairness, and can affect the judgement of both law courts and your peers. Because many people who pass through the criminal justice system are affected by addiction and mental illness, the green aspect of Santa Muerte is petitioned for issues resolving behavioral health issues.
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Gold: Mining gold from deep within the ground is a dangerous occupation that can easily maim or kill; many gods of the underworld are associated with wealth and money for this reason, since mining was seen as taking gold from the pockets of the gods. As a goddess of the underworld, Santa Muerte has this relationship with money, and through it, vitality. The golden Santa Muerte is used to attract money and luck, create fortune in gambling and business, and heal where infusions of vitality are needed.
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Red: The red aspect of Santa Muerte has a definite martial feel, governing issues regarding sex, lust, and passion as well as aggression and physical dominance. She also improves or impairs relationships, being commonly called on for this purpose.
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Purple: The purple aspect of Santa Muerte is that of a goddess of both magic and initiation. She assists not only with spells but also with the direct understanding of magic. This Santa Muerte also acts as a gatekeeper between different ethereal and astral realms.
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Black: This color of Santa Muerte is very Saturnian, overseeing all forms of cessation, negation, decay, dissolution, and denouement. The black Santa Muerte is used to negate bonds and barriers, as well as destroy or dissolve spells, curses, or hexes. She is also used for necromancy, such as speaking with the dead.
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Source: Santa Muerte: The History, Rituals, and Magic of Our Lady of the Holy Death by Tracey Rollin.
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sanrio-witch · 4 years
Ways to Use Crystals
From Crystal Cure
Put them around your home!
Place a protective stone, such as black onyx, hematite, or black obsidian, outside by your front door to prevent negative energies, including burglars, from entering your home.
Place a rose quartz on a table or shelf in a frequently used room, such as a living room, family room, or den, to fill your home with love and harmony.
Decorate with seasonal stone colors.
Put them in your car!
Placing a golden tiger-eye in your car will help to protect you and your car against accidents.  Place the stone in a secure place where it will not roll around or get lost.  I suggest wrapping it in wire, attaching it to a cord or chain, and then hanging it from the rearview mirror.
Bring them to work!
Place a quartz cluster or purple fluorite cluster next to your computer to help protect you from its electromagnetic field.
Place a smoky quartz on your desk or in your work space to protect yourself against the stress and frustration of your coworkers or clients.
Keep a rose quartz or amethyst with you.  When work is stressful, hold it in your hand or rub it with your fingers.
Bring them with you on your next vacation or business trip!
Carry an aquamarine or moonstone with you for protection while traveling.
Clear the air!
To disperse negative energy, use a black or dark stone, such as onyx, obsidian, tourmaline, jet, apache tear, smoky quartz, or hematite.  These stones, when placed about a room, home, or other area, work as environmental cleansers that purify the area and protect it from negative energies.
Fight pain!
Lapis, malachite, and bloodstone are good pain relievers.   Place them on the affected body part or area of the body until the pain lessens.
Tape a carnelian to your lower abdomen to relieve the pain of menstrual cramps.
For a headache, place an amethyst, amber, or turquoise stone on your forehead, or, if you have multiple stones, place them around your head.
In the case of a migraine, lapis has been used since the time of the ancient Egyptians, if not longer.
Get a good night’s sleep!
Place an azurite, amethyst, or sugilite on your forehead or under your pillow to increase your dreams.
A garnet or amethyst under your pillow will help you to remember your dreams.
A black tourmaline, smoky quartz, or amethyst will chase away any nightmares.
Can’t sleep?  Place a rose quartz or amethyst by your bed or under your pillow to combat insomnia.
Get in control of your emotions!
Moonstone, chrysocolla, aventurine, rose quartz, and blue lace agate are all stones that help to balance emotions.  You can wear them in jewelry, keep them on your person, or take a bath with them.
Use a rose quartz for emotional healing.
Aquamarine, aventurine, moonstone, rhodonite, and rose quartz are calming stones.  Lie down and place one over your heart, or bathe with them, or massage yourself with them.
To relieve stress, worry, fear, and anxiety, use one of the following: aventurine, black tourmaline, black onyx, lapis, sodalite, chrysocolla, rose quartz, citrine, or snowflake obsidian.  Use one as a “worry stone”.  A worry stone is a stone that you keep with you, and whenever you feel worried, stressed, or anxious, you take it out and rub it with your fingers.  You can also wear it in jewelry, bathe with it, or massage with it.  
For depression, use amber, smoky quartz or citrine in any of the aforementioned ways.
To help control anger, keep a red garnet, amethyst, snowflake obsidian, or sodalite with you.  Take it out, hold it, and rub it whenever you feel the need.
Increase your brain power!
Use citrine, fluorite, lapis, pyrite, or sodalite to stimulate the intellect.
For focusing thoughts and concentration, use citrine, hematite, lapis, black tourmaline, or fluorite.
To bring mental clarity, use sapphire, peridot, or gold (Imperial) topaz.
To increase memory, use citrine, amber, black tourmaline, hematite, or fluorite.
Use amethyst, bloodstone, hematite, or lapis to relieve mental stress.
For help with problem-solving, use green tourmaline, or citrine.
To help with decision-making, use azurite, fluorite, or sodalite.
To use any of these “thinking” stones, wear them as earrings or a pendant, or place them on your desk or workspace.
Spark your creativity!
Carry or wear an amazonite, azurite, carnelian, chrysocolla, or citrine to get your creativity flowing.
Improve your communication skills!
Sodalite, sapphire, aquamarine, blue topaz, and chrysocolla are all great stones for communication.  Use them to bring self-confidence when public speaking, to help you to speak up for yourself, to be able to explain things in an easy to understand way, to overcome shyness, to be able to speak more clearly and freely , to be able to express yourself better emotionally, and to improve your relationships by keeping communication lines open.  These stones work best when worn as a pendant that hangs close to the throat, but they can also be worn as earrings, or held, or carried in your pocket.
Strengthen your intuition!
To do this, hold a moonstone, chrysocolla, or amazonite to your third eye (brow).
Meditation crystals can be held, placed on the third eye, or placed before you as a visual focal point.  These crystals include: clear quartz, amethyst, celestite, apophyllite, charoite, sugilite, azurite, labradorite, and yellow calcite.
To get in touch with your spirituality, use amethyst or charoite.
To gain wisdom, use amethyst, charoite, lapis, sodalite, or sugilite.
To ground yourself (bring yourself back to Earth) after meditating, hold a grounding stone such as, smoky quartz, black obsidian, snowflake obsidian, black onyx, hematite, or jet.
Feel better about yourself!
To increase your self-confidence and feelings of self-worth, use azurite, chrysocolla, aquamarine, ruby, moonstone, or rose quartz.
To raise your self-esteem, use hematite or rose quartz.
To improve your self-image, use moonstone, rose quartz, or pink kunzite.
To learn to love yourself, use rose quartz, rhodochrosite, or pink kunzite.
All of these stones can be held, worn, or carried.
Spread the love!
Rose quartz is THE love stone.  Use it to attract love; to increase romance; to strengthen love between friends, lovers, and family members; to make a friendship blossom; to mend a broken heart; and to keep any relationship balanced, peaceful, and loving.  No matter what the situation, if it has to do with love, rose quartz is the stone that does it all.   But there are, of course, other stones of love.
 Here are just a few examples:
To attract love, use magnetite or a tantric twin.  A tantric twin (also called a soulmate stone) is a stone in which two crystals, such as clear quartz, amethyst, or citrine, of about the same size are joined together side by side.
To heal the heart, place pink agate, pink kunzite, or pink tourmaline over the heart, or wear as a pendant that hangs close to the heart.
To balance relationships, use peridot or rhodonite.
To increase or enhance loving feelings, use emerald, ruby, garnet, or diamond.
Love stones can be worn, carried, held, or bathed with.  Place them throughout a room or home to create a more loving atmosphere.  Put one next to your bed to increase romance and intimacy.
Add some spice to your sex life!
Use carnelian, garnet, or red tiger-eye to increase passion, sensuality, and eroticism.
To increase sexual energy and stamina, use carnelian, bloodstone, ruby, red garnet, or pink tourmaline.
Use carnelian to stimulate sexuality.
Use red jasper to prolong sexual pleasure.
Pink tourmaline will release inhibitions.
For lack of libido, use fluorite or red garnet.
Place them next to, on, or around the bed, or wear them as jewelry.
Bring abundance, prosperity, wealth, and success into your life!
For prosperity, place a citrine in the “wealth corner” of your home.  This is the corner to the left of and furthest away from the front door.  If this is where your bathroom is, do not put the stone in there, otherwise any wealth that you acquire will go right down the toilet!
Wealth comes in many forms other than money and material things.  Being surrounded by a loving family can make someone feel wealthy.  To bring wealth of any kind, wear or carry green aventurine, peridot, bloodstone, emerald, jade, or pyrite (fool’s gold).
Keep a green aventurine in your wallet or purse to make your money multiply.
Bring good luck!
Wear or carry a green aventurine or golden tiger-eye with you.
Bring a green aventurine with you to the casino.  Wear it in a pouch around your neck, keep it in your pocket, or hold it while you are playing.
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sanrio-witch · 4 years
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Buckland’s Complete Book Of Witchcraft - This book is a most have in every Wiccan’s (If you are) collection because of how informative it is. I highly recommend this book to really every witch who hasn’t read it yet.
The Modern Guide to Witchcraft: Your Complete Guide to Witches, Covens, and Spells - This book is a nice add to a baby witches collection, for how simple of a read it is. Not to mention how aesthetically pleasing it is.
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner - This book is also a very nice read, it has a perfect amount of information where you wont get information overload too quickly. Its unbiased and offers a great first start to starting the craft.
Wicca: by Harmony Nice - If you are a complete newbie to Wicca or the craft, then this is the book for you. This book is easy to swallow, and offers easy to understand information for newbies without being too difficult to process. 
Of Witchcraft and whimsy - I think this is the book for newbies who want to seek the more modern practices of witchcraft. This is a book that focuses more on the craft than Wicca itself. It is also complete with plenty of unique and fun spells perfect for beginner level.
Pastel Spells - A perfect book for newbies looking to try out spells of all types at a beginner level.
The Green Witch - Perfect for a beginning green witch, this book is complete with all the basics of Green magick complete with the correspondences of herbs and food, recipes, and basic practices and morals of a green witch.
Spellcrafting: Strengthen the Power of Your Craft by Creating and Casting Your Own Unique Spells - Perfect for a new witch looking to formulate their own unique spells.
The Modern Herbal Dispensatory: A Medicine-Making Guide - Perfect for new witches looking to expand their knowledge on herbalism.
The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Magickal Herbs: Your Complete Guide to the Hidden Powers of Herbs - Beautifully illustrated guide to herbs and their magickal properties.
The Witch’s Herbal Apothecary:Rituals & Recipes for a Year of Earth Magick and Sacred Medicine Making - Perfect for the beginning witch interested in herbalism, ands its all around a pretty little book.
I love you all! My DMs, mail, and comments are always open! 
xoxo, Angel
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sanrio-witch · 4 years
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sanrio-witch · 4 years
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sanrio-witch · 4 years
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Tips for beginner witches
Where to start? This is the most common question i receive. I understand how overwhelming the craft can be! There are so many different components, and you can rest knowing your education will NEVER be complete. You will continue to learn new things all the time, and there is no rush to the order in which you learn! Cool down, and take some time to really fall into theory before jumping into practice. Its very important to read as much as you can, from as many sources as possible. Here are some of the many things you can research:
Crystals & their uses
Color correspondences
Different kinds of Magic
Different kinds of witches
Moon Phases
Planets/Celestial Bodies
Witch History
Herbs & their uses
Plants that are naturally abundant in your area that you can use in magick
Meditation and Visualisation
Astral Projection
Tarot cards and other forms of divination
Symbols (runes, sigils)
Theban alphabet 
Incense and Oils
Animals and what they represent
Cleansing, charging and consecration of tools
making mundane things magical
There are so many more things, so feel free to add in anything I missed or that you personally find important.
Witchlings, please ask me any questions you may have as i am happy to answer to the best of my knowledge. I will be putting up more educational posts over the next few weeks, so please ask or message me if theres anything specific you’d like me to cover. I’ll more than likely have a post for each of the bullet points above.
Blessed be!
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sanrio-witch · 4 years
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✹My pages on casting runes in my book of shadows/grimoire✹
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sanrio-witch · 4 years
Knot Magic / Money Spell #1
You will need.
13 inch green silk or ribbon cord.
Take the cord and tie 9 knots in the cord as you tie each knot say (I changed the chants completely to suit my desires, feel free to do the same the most important thing when doing this spell is intent)
By knot 1 , my spells begun
By knot 2, my wish will come true
By knot 3 money will come to me.
By knot 4, opportunities come knocking at my door.
By knot 5, my magic comes alive.
By knot 6 this spell is fixed
By knot 7, success is given.
By knot 8, increase is great
By knot 9, Money is mine.
Many Blessings
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sanrio-witch · 4 years
â„ïžđŸ‹Lime working to freeze and banish an enemy from your lifeđŸ‹â„ïž
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❄ A traditional and simple way to get rid of someone in both hoodoo and afrobrujerĂ­a, each practitioner has heard of a different variation of this working so there’s many ways to do it, this one is just mine based on some of my acquired knowledge and experience ❄
❄ Clearing some misconceptions first: 
Just ‘cause it’s called “freezing spell” or “freezing someone” does not mean putting the work itself in the fridge. Period. I’ve seen it going around, and while I understand why people would think so, you don’t want to keep this type of work on yourself, much less on your own fridge, on your own kitchen, on your own house. You want this person gone, the lime has to go. “Freezing” just means you’re freezing their work, their life, making them fragile, making them walk on thin ice. Besides, you wouldn’t want to keep a rotting corpse in your fridge, right? Bad juju in your kitchen? The very core of your house?
I’ve also seen some people say using lemons instead of limes won’t have the same effect: lemons, like oranges, are often associated with cleansing, blessings and sweetness in life, not souring or crossing someone, but in practice? you do with what you have. I personally don’t like lemons, I think they’re sour af and whenever I did need to use one for this kind of work, it always worked perfectly. If all you can get is lemons not limes, you can still make it work. As always, give more importance to your own traditions, beliefs and experiences (and your own ancestral guidance). If life gives you lemons, use them to kick your enemies’ ass.
❄ Onto the work:
Get yourself a lime (or lemon), a knife, powdered alum (or white salt or even hot foot powder or similar), a taglock (an image of your target, a petition with their full name written, etc), 7 or 9 pins (use your own numerology, also, rusty nails could work too), a pair of disposable gloves (protection both physical and spiritual and detaching yourself from the work) and some aluminum foil.
Start by calling on your Ancestors, Spirits, God, whoever you’d normally work with. Light them a candle or keep a glass of water nearby to aid their presence in your work. Put on your gloves and enter the cursing mode (play some music if you feel like it? incense? lay down an altar or black cloth or something to keep the curse from affecting your space? you do you, then think and call on your anger towards them and you’re ready to go)
Place your square of aluminum foil on your working space. Take the knife and cut the lime in two, then place some of your powders in both inner sides of the lime, put the taglock in the middle and close it. I like to hold the lime in standing position of sorts? and pin it together with all pins facing down, as to pin and secure the working to them. 
Finally, place the lime facing outwards in the aluminum foil. Fold the aluminum outwards aswell, until it covers the whole thing. At this moment, I like to say some prayer, psalm or other bible verses to fix the intent. A really nice one is Psalms 37:1-2 as follows:
37 Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.
2 For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.
❄ When you’re done, thank your spirits, give your payment or offerings, and dispose of the work accordingly. Some like to bury it on a cemetery, or on an abandoned crossroads, you could also throw it in a river or let it sink down the sea. Detach yourself from the outcome and go about your days ❄
❄ If ya ain’t black, latine or afrolatine, D.N.I. or tag accordingly if sharing for others, don’t appropriate this practice, thanks ❄
❄With love, Nao❄
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