sangdesmartyrs · 9 years
anyway i gotta cut the moment short bc hw and laundry and guess what class i have first tomorrow. 
mmmm quoi de neuf am i right
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sangdesmartyrs · 9 years
if rei shows up hell will break loose and i have class tomorrow morning yall
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sangdesmartyrs · 9 years
SCREAMS @sangdesmartyrs
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sangdesmartyrs · 9 years
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sangdesmartyrs · 9 years
[[ oh man it’s eurovision time okay so idk about everything else but one thing is for certain: france will splendidly lose once again bc nobody likes them enough to vote for them ]]
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sangdesmartyrs · 9 years
[[ and now i must depart, but it was nice seeing you all! ]]
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sangdesmartyrs · 9 years
Honestly, I would have been worried if you had succeeded. Instinct is not so easily erased. 
[Gives a good natured half-smile] Ah see, that was simply me feigning modesty, but I’m glad I will not need cloak my true intentions.
Well, well, just look who’s come out of hiding. I’m almost tempted to ask what you’ve been doing. Making sure your tan is perfect before you show yourself this summer?
Either way, it’s good to see that you’re well.
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sangdesmartyrs · 9 years
[Francis raises an eyebrow, thinking it to be a joke that he perhaps did not get. But the regret on Alfred’s face is almost palpable and then he understands--somewhat-- and his eyes widen, lips quivering as he tries to suppress a laugh. When he speaks, it’s clear he’s swallowed his amusement but it is still stuck in his throat.] 
What is the matter Alfred? Have you gotten a bit drunk on your laissez-faire?  
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[It’s not that he can’t tell he’s merely teasing; jest reaches his ears and doesn’t fail to be noticed from his perception, but it doesn’t change his disdain for the situation in particular.]
Tired of not knowing what the answers to your questions would be? Here’s a brand-spankin’ new offer that’ll be sure to please– it’s called, ‘please don’t ask at all’. Call 1-800-642-DONT why supplies last.
[He regrets everything.]
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sangdesmartyrs · 9 years
It sounds a bit more than ‘almost tempted’ if you are already making assumptions about my absence, hm? 
Oui, my bones were still too reluctant to turn into dust, so here I am wonderfully tanned instead. Good to see you are doing well as well.
Well, well, just look who’s come out of hiding. I’m almost tempted to ask what you’ve been doing. Making sure your tan is perfect before you show yourself this summer?
Either way, it’s good to see that you’re well.
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sangdesmartyrs · 9 years
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Mon Dieu, the eagle really has got your tongue. I suppose I should revel in this as long as I can. But I must know...has the eagle simply had too much of your American slander? I can imagine it must have gotten tired representing an entity not as grand as itself. 
[The teasing in his voice isn’t hidden. He could have meant it seriously, but he’s enjoying this a bit too much not to put his words in a good humored tone.] 
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Well well, and I was just wondering as to what allowed me to have such a joyful day. I seem to have found the cause.
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sangdesmartyrs · 9 years
are you really back. is this real life. am i dreaming. the best france returns from the war.
[[ omg you sweetheart i am blushing ;;;
and well i am not back for good but i am here for the night that’s for sure! i’ve missed you all too!! ]]
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sangdesmartyrs · 9 years
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Well well, and I was just wondering as to what allowed me to have such a joyful day. I seem to have found the cause.
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[He’s done his best not to utter a single word all day.]
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sangdesmartyrs · 9 years
[[ do i not have a say in the materialness of my existence ]]
[[ annuitcoeptis excuse me do i look like a chair ]]
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sangdesmartyrs · 9 years
[[ annuitcoeptis excuse me do i look like a chair ]]
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sangdesmartyrs · 9 years
[[ toma pushed me here ]]
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sangdesmartyrs · 10 years
songofprussia replied to your post: [[ ay ]]
SHYRIA!!! <3 ;v;
hey bun how are u <3
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sangdesmartyrs · 10 years
If the ends justify the means, then by all means, keep biting away at those who deserve it. It is certainly better than barking.
Is this ab’ut me givin’ my brother a bite.
B’cause ‘e ‘ad it coming.
… And besides, are you takin’ ‘is side? I’ll ‘ave to let ‘im know.
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