👩🏻🎨Visual Artist 🎨Acrylic & WaterColour Painting 🇸🇬+65: Singapore 📸Instagram: @sandyjamart 💡[email protected]
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<Happy Birthday Cards / Sept Babies> • Medium: Watercolor • It gives me much joy painting customised birthday cards and I hope the receiver would love the cards as much as I do. ☺️ . . . Like to get one customised for your family and friends too? Do drop me a DM for more details 🍂 . . . #sandyjamart #happybirthdaycards #customisedcards #sgwatercolorist #watercolorfloralwreath (at Asia/Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnswX_jl1sK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ie9kbc25oyvi
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<"How quickly day can become night and love can become hate." - Gemma Troy> • Medium: @daler_rowney Designers Gouache • ⚫️⚪️⚫️ . . . Bought this new tube of white gouache. Lovin' the opaqueness it gives. 🖤 . . . #sandyjamart #noirillustration #blackandwhiteart #gouacheflorals #lovehaterelationship (at Asia/Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnrEi6EFpJs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1npj5tiabkomo
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<Expect Nothing, Appreciate Everything.> • Medium: @royaltalens Ecoline Liquid Watercolor and @prima_watercolor • 💜 . . . #sandyjamart #watercolorflorals #sgwatercolorist #expectnothing #appreciateeverything (at Asia/Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnqLBX6AvlH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vdvkw788kvhu
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<Through The Night> • My Friend @benjychong shared a poster by @samaritansofsingapore on Instagram about Suicide Prevention Week, and felt I'd share a few thoughts about it. #1 - No matter where you are right now, be mindful that there are those who are there to support you. 💓 #2 - There are bound to be obstacles in life; sometimes things may not go your way. Think how can you emerge stronger and better from a less favourable situation and work it to your advantage. 😎 #3 - Confide in someone you trust. Things will get better eventually. Be brave, never give up and keep fighting! . . . #ThroughTheNight #suicideprevention #insupportofsuicidepreventionweek #mentalhealth #sandyjamart (at Asia/Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnjS_9BgusF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bkvccmvjc1dq
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<It's the little things in life> • Medium: Watercolor • 🏃🏼♀️💇🏼 . . . Recently, I've got a new haircut and started jogging. Engage in activities that make you happy. ✌🏻 . . . #sandyjamart #watercolorflorals #sgwatercolorist #sgwatercolor #littlethingsinlifethatmatter (at Asia/Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnYDUPwg7xS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=phu2q18zmwlu
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<"I'm so brutally hard with myself And so unquestionably soft with everyone else." - Gemma Troy> • Medium: @prima_watercolor Tropicals palette • Princeton brush • 🌷 . . . Learn to say "No" and not be a "Yes-Man" always. 😤 . . . #sandyjamart #watercolorflorals #watercolorroses #sayno #nomoreyesman (at Asia/Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnVmtUqAEX5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=idauejylolvr
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<SundayMornings> • Medium: @prima_watercolor Tropicals palette • Princeton brush • 💐☀️ . . . #sandyjamart #watercolorflorals #sgwatercolor #sgwatercolorist #watercolorbouquet (at Asia/Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnNalP5ACqp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1a8w0orypqj50
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<Tropicals Swatch-ing> • Medium: @prima_watercolor • Having fun painting with these vibrant and richly intense Colors 🌈 . . . #sandyjamart #watercolorswatch #primamarketingwatercolor (at Asia/Singapore)
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<Trio of Flamingos> • Medium: Watercolor • Time-Lapse painting of Flamingos ⭐️ . . . #sandyjamart #flamingowatercolor #timelapsewatercolor (at Asia/Singapore)
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<Girl With Red Beret> Inspired by @florialuna YouTube video 😊 . . . #sandyjamart #femaleportraitdrawing #redberet (at Asia/Singapore)
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<Planet Galaxy> 🌌 Medium: Watercolor • Was testing out @3m Blue Painter's tape. This is no ordinary tape. Prior to purchasing this blue tape, I've tried a few different tapes to create a white border for my paintings, but none succeeded. I'm so glad how 3M Blue Painter's tape turned out! 😬 . . . For behind the scenes, check out the "stories" 😉 . . . #sandyjamart #notsponsored #artsuppliesreview #3mpainterstape (at Asia/Singapore)
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<Happy Father's Day 2018> Had the privilege of collaborating with Our Juniors' Schoolhouse to conduct an Art jamming session for the nursery and K1-K2 children 👶🏼👶🏽👶🏻 . . . Special thanks to Florence and Rina 😊 . . . #sandyjamart #ourjuniorschoolhouse #fathersday2018 (at Our Juniors' Schoolhouse)
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<Bring A Smile - 9th June 2018> 🌤 . . . "Project Bring A Smile is a new initiative by the Leng Kee CC YEC with a mission to befriend the residents of United Medicare Centre through a variety of activities once a month." 💛 . . . I'm glad to have been part of this meaningful project; guiding the volunteers how to paint, while they assist the residents of United Medicare Centre. Thankful for the volunteers participation and the Organising committee's efforts in spearheading this project and making it a success. 🎉 . . . Check out @lengkee_youths Facebook page to sign up for July's session and other more events! 🌈 . . #sandyjamart #lengkee_youths #bringasmile2018 #artjamming (at Asia/Singapore)
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<Happy Anniversary> • Medium: Watercolor + @finetec Coliro Pearl Colors (Tibet Gold) ⭐️ . . . #SandyJamArt #happyanniversarycard #happyanniversary (at Asia/Singapore)
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<Thompson's Gazelle> • Medium: Watercolor • Time-lapse painting of a Thompson's Gazelle 🦌 . . . #SandyJamArt #thompsonsgazelle #timelapsewatercolor #animal (at Asia/Singapore)
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<Thompson's Gazelle> • Medium: Watercolor • Time-lapse painting of a Thompson's Gazelle 🦌 . . . #SandyJamArt #thompsonsgazelle #timelapsewatercolor #animal (at Asia/Singapore)
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<Raindrop Leaves> Got inspired by @alounapa to doodle with Måla markers from @ikeasingapore 🌿 . . . What's your favourite type of leaf? Let me know by commenting! 😊 . . . #sandyjamart #målamarkers #ikeasingapore #doodle_art (at Asia/Singapore)
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