sandii-liz · 6 years
“A B.A.P Member has left TS ent.“
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sandii-liz · 6 years
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Something to help babyz get through this comeback
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sandii-liz · 6 years
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Can you guys reblog this post with the cutest picture of youngjae that you have. I’ll start.
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sandii-liz · 6 years
650+ Follower Giveaway!
Hi everyone! So finally, here is my second giveaway as a thank you to all of you lovely people. 
So the items I’m giving away this time around is a set of the Party Baby polaroids, two sheets of B.A.P stickers, a group photocard from Excuse Me Era and a logo keyring.
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All of these are official goods, except for the keyring. The polaroid set is from Kpoptown so I have no idea what set of photos are in there as its brand new and sealed. The photocard is out of my collection so there might me some sign of damage. Also, this is not a sponsored giveaway, it is out of my own pocket as a thank you to all my lovely followers. 
So, how to enter?
You must be following me.
Please, please, reblog this post with your B.A.P bias in the tags. I’m doing this so I can send you one of my illustrations as an extra gift because if you didn’t know I run this mess of an art blog. 
You can reblog this post as much as you want, each reblog will count as an entry.
And that is it!
Likes will NOT count as an entry
Make sure your askbox is open so I can contact you if you win. 
Also, you can reblog this on your sideblog, I don’t mind that. 
You have until the 11th of Feb to reblog this post, with your B.A.P bias (OT6 is valid!) in the tags and you can reblog it as much as you want.
If you win, you will have 24 hours to respond and if you don’t i’ll pick a different winner. 
I’ll be picking a winner with a random name generator at the end so good luck to everyone! If you have any questions, feel free to drop in my ask box or DM me :)
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sandii-liz · 6 years
So true...I might seem fluffy and nice, but you have NO idea
B.A.P stans
shared characteristics of some stans of particular members that I’ve noticed over my time here :)))
Yongguk stans: good kind pure people. determined and hard-working, actually go on hiatuses to focus on school??? aren’t online often but when they are oh boy hello they are Here. have more pictures of himchan on their phones than yongguk. ok maybe not so pure but you get the idea
Himchan stans: proud owners of crack blogs. pretty witty and sharp and forward. seem intimidating but are the softest nicest losers ever who use humour to fool everyone into thinking they’re cool. never run out of memes and reaction pictures. hoes for art and nice food pics. always online
Daehyun stans: suffer daily, hourly, minute-ly, second-ly. usually quite vocal about things. don’t even react with mock outrage at rude!daehyun anymore, just cry softly 25/8 and sigh. can be pretty shameless and intend to drag everyone down with them. at any given point are probably thinking about something u don wanna know
Youngjae stans: snakes. all snakes. they seem sweet and cute and soft but harbour a secret desire to destroy everyone. probably are the mysterious owner of a b.a.p crack sideblog. very approachable but warning: do not approach. now own a choker or turtleneck. strange sleeping habits or schedules. secretly jongup stans
Jongup stans: would protect himchan with their lives. suffer during Soft Jongup Hours, continue suffering during Not So Soft Jongup Hours. can be quite vocal and forward about things but also can do their best to avoid confrontation. can seem distant or intimidating but please talk to them they’re needy and want love. secretly youngjae stans
Junhong stans: either constantly scream in caps lock in the tags or don’t tag at all, there’s no in between. have refined the art of the exasperated but fond sigh. still can’t believe how tall junhong is. reblog deep artsy photos and pics of food and coffee. s o f t. don’t talk to them about matrix era unless you have tissues. please shower them with affection
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sandii-liz · 6 years
Reblog if it is okay to start talking to you.
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sandii-liz · 6 years
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the three troublemaker of BAP holding hands
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sandii-liz · 7 years
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Wishing I could rock that cat eye as good as Moonjongyeup…put that zoom to work BABYz
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sandii-liz · 7 years
For those of you who have not gotten your photo album... (like me...oh where I where are you?? Lost in the mail somewhere 😢😢)
Holiday Follower Giveaway ♥
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Daehdream back at it again with another giveaway cause I love yall ;; But this time its for the holidays and because I love giving presents. So valid reasons. 
Anyways this will be one massive giveaway for one winner and I’m just really excited. Okay!
What you will get
B.A.P photobook unopened  - Comes with Photocards/Bookmarks/Postcards/ and Poster  
Signed Blue (A Or B Versions) Unopened  - Have no idea what photocards since unopened
2 newest albums of your group of choice (: 
Must be following me ._.
Reblog this post! 
Likes do count
No giveaway blogs 
Keep messages open! If you don’t reply within 24 hours of winning I’ll choose someone else .-.
please be 18 or over ;;
And be comfortable with giving me your address! 
Also I will ship worldwide! 
Giveaway ends December 29th 2017!  (Signed albums have not arrived for anyone yet so those may take a bit longer;;)
**This giveaway is no way affiliated with TS Entertainment or Tumblr blah blah blah! 
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sandii-liz · 7 years
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i label this admin s took too much time on this.
hello! i am doing a small giveaway because christmas is just around the corner and i know that not everybody has a photobook from makestar. so i decided, since i got an extra, i’m just gonna give it away. the giveaway consists of:
one (1) photobook
one (1) poster
the bookmarks
the photocards
special goodies that i will provide
now, keep in mind that it won’t be extravagant, but i do hope that it’ll come to your liking. now, on to the rules.
you do not need to be following me. i’m too lazy to look though my followers to see if you all are following me.
you can reblog and like this as many times. it won’t show up as extra. however, i don’t think your followers appreciate you spamming them with a giveaway.
no giveaway blogs. that’s not fair to the people that want it and it’s definitely not fair to me. don’t be a douche.
giveaway starts on oct 9th at 12pm pst and closes oct 30 at 12pm pst so plenty of time to procrastinate, but not enough time to do it. so reblog wisely.
only one (1) winner. sorry but i only got one and that’s how many will win.
and that’s it. good luck to you all and i’ll see you on the flip side.
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sandii-liz · 7 years
Just so everyone knows, SPREAD THE WORD
Could you explain the differences between Moon Jongup, Jongup, Jonguppie, Jongyeup, Jognip and Our Lord and Savior Moon Jong Up?
Moon Jongup:
a member of B.A.P
extraordinary talent and charm in dance and vocals
kissed himchan in skydive
probably a funny guy
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comedic genius and perfectly timed savage comments
source of joy comes from anime
cares about you quietly. not very talkative (in front of a camera)- so when he does talk you know it holds meaning.
the corners of his lips curl up, but he is oblivious to this soft charm
also known as the boyfriend of Himchan
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aka soft puppy uppie
softest baby with eyes that twinkle as he smiles, often blessing you with a dazzling laugh that will leave you with a warm and full heart
actual angel sent from heaven to pat your head (pat pat!!) and hand you roses to encourage you when you’re feeling down.
also 120% more chance of appearance when drunk
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aka razor sharp jongup
the Guy Your Parents Warned You about
will steal everything you have, your breath your money your whole heart (and break it)
will kill everything in his way if he needs to, skydive part 2
Will Try His Luck
is /annoyingly/ hot when pissed
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hte onen n only jognip
alien whho cmae to sta y
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Our Lord and Savior Moon Jongup
the one who watches from above to shower us with love and warmth
emits a soft glow, moonlight
guides you back home when you are lost and alone
sleeps a lot but only for gathering energy for doing good deeds
the one who will save humanity from the inevitable, exists for the greater good
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sandii-liz · 7 years
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i label this admin s took too much time on this.
hello! i am doing a small giveaway because christmas is just around the corner and i know that not everybody has a photobook from makestar. so i decided, since i got an extra, i’m just gonna give it away. the giveaway consists of:
one (1) photobook
one (1) poster
the bookmarks
the photocards
special goodies that i will provide
now, keep in mind that it won’t be extravagant, but i do hope that it’ll come to your liking. now, on to the rules.
you do not need to be following me. i’m too lazy to look though my followers to see if you all are following me.
you can reblog and like this as many times. it won’t show up as extra. however, i don’t think your followers appreciate you spamming them with a giveaway.
no giveaway blogs. that’s not fair to the people that want it and it’s definitely not fair to me. don’t be a douche.
giveaway starts on oct 9th at 12pm pst and closes oct 30 at 12pm pst so plenty of time to procrastinate, but not enough time to do it. so reblog wisely.
only one (1) winner. sorry but i only got one and that’s how many will win.
and that’s it. good luck to you all and i’ll see you on the flip side.
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sandii-liz · 7 years
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- - - - - - thediebutterfly’s BLUE Giveaway (^^) - - - - - -
In honour of THE COMEBACK by B.A.P - I am holding a speedy giveaway for:
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What to do:
Please reblog this post. Once. Please do not spam your precious followers.
~ I will pick TWO winners using a random generator ~ *new*
*Special note* This is a speedy giveaway to celebrate our boys and will end exactly 1 week + 1 day after the release of BLUE and HONEYMOON 
B.A.P’s 7th single album ‘BLUE’ ( the version of your choice )
Random BLUE photocard ( I’ll try my best to get your bias =D )
Poster ( of your choice )
Little surprise bias gift + OT6 goodie
HOLD UP - we are going to Rewind and turn this All The Way Up and add:
Random BLUE photocard ( I’ll try my best to get your bias =D )
Little surprise bias gift + OT6 goodie
Giveaway ends September 13 11:59PM (KST)
Must be following me
MUST BE A BABY! ( Multi-fandom BAP stans are a-ok ^^)
-No giveaway blogs please-
If you are UNDER 18 you must have your parents permission.
You can reblog on sideblogs, but do let me know what your main blog is.
You MUST have your ask box open. 
The winners will have 48 hours to respond, or new winners will be chosen.
FYI - This isn’t administered, sponsored, or endorsed by Tumblr
Good luck ^^
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sandii-liz · 7 years
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sandii-liz · 7 years
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beret boy
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sandii-liz · 7 years
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“We are B.A.P, heavier than dumbbells, faster than treadmills.“
Some things never change.
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sandii-liz · 7 years
So, I wasn't the only one that thought about it... 😈😈😈
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