Romantic rociet??? ❤❤❤❤
okay!! n_n 
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roman was a romantic, through and through. his name was in the word, for goodness sake, could anyone really be surprised? this of course meant that his partners could expect to be doted on at any given moment. it was something janus had found off-putting when roman had been trying to woo him. yes, he’d even used the word “woo” and janus wondered if roman was certain of the year. it wasn’t that janus was against being treated to various splendors, it was roman acted like everything was extraordinary, and it was just a bit startling sometimes. 
take, for example, the picnic roman had set up for lunch today. janus had been at work when roman barged in, basket hanging off of his arm and bouquet of flowers tucked in his elbow. 
“i suppose you’ll be back in an hour,” virgil had snarked from behind the register. 
janus rolled his eyes at his coworker and accepted roman’s free arm. roman had led the way to a nearby park. the weather was pleasant, warm but overcast and breezy. they found a nice tree to sit under, roman laying out a blanket and anchoring the corners down with some hardcover books that janus could only assume had come from logan’s “do not touch” collection. 
there were fancy tiny finger sandwiches, chocolate covered strawberries, and bubbly cider. he’d even carefully packed two champagne glasses. it was all so unnecessarily extra. janus really couldn’t complain but it wasn’t like he could flat out tell roman how endearing he found it. instead, he watched patiently while roman went on to tell a story of how just that morning, he’d saved not one but two cats from a tree in his neighborhood. the moment it seemed he was about to move onto another tale, janus caught one of his hands. he pressed a kiss to roman’s knuckles, delighted at how easy it was to make him blush. 
“a hero, truly,” he murmured. 
“stop that,” roman squeaked. “i’m supposed to be treating you!” 
“and you are,” janus assured him. he lowered their hands, keeping them clasped on top of the picnic blanket. “i can’t think of anything sweeter than this.” 
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How does Janus go from this
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To this
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In two seconds?
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y’all know what? fuck it. time for headcanons
so. SO. logan, patton, and janus being the Tired Adult Friends
they are. so fucking tired
they have two brain cells that they share between the three of them in order to keep the other sides in line. patton is least often seen in possession of them, but sometimes he’ll show up with them in hand
they do “boring adult shit” for fun like go drink wine together and talk shit about the others
they’ve each had turns having to stop the other two from getting too into something and doing something monumentally stupid. janus had to stop a sleepless marathon of sherlock holmes audiobooks. patton had to disarm MANY dangerous thought experiments. logan had to prevent the great puppy heist of 2020.
the all listen to the adventure zone together. logan and janus take turns awkwardly reassuring patton when the swearing/innuendos get too much. they all get a little weepy over lucretia. patton dresses up as magnus one day and forces the other two to cosplay with him. they go as john (jan goes ALL OUT with the eye imagery) and barry (logan allegedly didn’t wanna put in the effort, but actually did some very convincing skull makeup) respectively.
they have a group chat and all silently judge each others’ texting styles
patton: check out this cool meme I saw on Facebook!
janus, looking into the camera like he’s on the office before checking out the meme he’s seen 17272818272828 times before: you’re doing amazing, sweetie; I love it
PRANK WARS!!!! but lovingly!!!
patton and logan fill janus’ room with cats. logan denies being a part of the scheme, but he was VERY excited about it. janus walks into the common room covered in cat hair and ready to murder
logan and janus bonding over art theory and shit talking famous artists
logan and janus are science buddies!! it is terrifying! do not let these two be alone together because they will Wreak Havoc!
patton: *sticks up for someone who’s hurt*
logan: 👀👀👀👀👀���
janus: 🙄
logan walks into a room and patton starts gushing abt how happy he is to see him and janus is done with this sappy feelings bullshit so he says “wow, glad to see you too, friends of mine” and patton immediately Pouts and does puppy dog eyes and goes in for a hug
*distant explosions* *roman screaming*
logan and janus, in unison: not it
any time patton understands or references a dirty joke/swear word, janus puts a quarter in a jar. it’s half full, but nobody will ever believe him
i would say cuddle piles, but knowing these three dipshits it’s more likely that logan passed out annotating papers on the couch, patton fell asleep beside logan waiting for him to wake back up so he could say hi, and janus just flopped down on top of both of them because he honestly doesn’t give a shit anymore
they do just. the most ridiculous competitions together. patton gets a visitor’s pass to the imagination so he can whip up a wipeout course for them. logan makes them games of jeopardy. janus hosts EXCELLENT murder mystery parties
patton may be bad at most board and card games, but if you try to beat him in uno, you will face death in the face. janus finds this hilarious up until it gets turned on him
in their group chat, patton will yell at the others for being up late, in spite of the fact that he himself is also up late
okay but if you think they don’t gossip about stupid fictional crushes together then You Are Wrong
janus is just as touchy feeley as patton, but he leans more towards arms around shoulders and back claps than hugs
patton, entering the common room, hands dripping red:
janus: oh my god he finally killed somebody
logan: absolutely not. the consistency is all wrong for blood. he stuck his hands in a bucket of kool aid
patton, who’d just returned from helping dye roman’s hair: guys, could you lighten up a little?
patton and janus cry together at 3am over that one time a cornsnake curled around thomas’ arm and it was very cute.
logan and janus shit talk discrepancies in popular media, especially doctor who. patton is generally just there for the good shows and the snacks.
janus: shut up, fives. a ten is talking.
logan: we all have the same face???
god save anyone on the receiving end of the combined powers of patton’s “i’m not mad, I’m just disappointed”, logan’s “explain what exactly you think you’re doing right now”, and janus’ “why are you like this you dumbass” glares
patton makes them friendship bracelets. logan and janus both hide theirs on their person but patton knows they keep them with them at all times
patton tries to convince the entire mindscape to go as the scoobies for halloween one year. he and janus divide and conquer with the core four and the others, and together, they manage to pull it off. remus is a truly horrifying scrappy doo
logan goes through a pirate kick for a little bit and teaches the other two how to duel. patton is surprisingly good at it, and logan dies a bit inside. janus thinks all this is fucking hysterical, and appreciates it immensely
they play calvinball together once. only once.
“sincerely meeeeeeEEEEEEE” “siNCERELY MEE”
yeah don’t even get started on all the musicals they do karaoke of. logan and janus insist it was patton’s idea, which it was, but they’re filthy liars who have just as much fun as patton
janus: *turns on anaconda*
logan: *plays phantom of the opera along to it*
when they get bored they just lie on top of one another, throw wads of paper at the walls of the commons, and play word association games
they fuckin Jam Out to schoolhouse rock. don’t tell me they wouldn’t
anyways I’m back on my sanders sides bullshit, y’all. please feel free to throw some more headcanons out there
( @coconut-cluster : 👀👀👀)
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so, @shortnfantastic added the F this shit im out song to this post and this was my first and only reaction ( @ninjasaiyan9000 thanks for giving us great virge content)
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A doodle request of where Virgil and Remus were during the last episode if it’s not too much trouble?
No time for Moral Dilemmas when you have a whole island of cute animal villagers relying on you !!
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We are still so young, Still learning, Always
Obligatory follow up to the newest episode because my Roceit heart is shattered
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I haven’t made one of these in a while.
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Janus, cautiously peeking into Logan’s bedroom: hey, Logan. i’m sorry for stealing your identity without your permission again
Logan, exhausted, lying face-down on the floor: You Can Keep It
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Sanders sides au were absolutely nothing about them is different except they’re wearing skirts. Thank you for coming to my TED talk, I’ll be here all week.
[Consider commissioning me?]
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Okay but what if in the next episode and Janus shows up Virgil reacts in his usual negative way but then Thomas calls Janus by his name Virgil looks really shocked for a second before letting out a loud sigh and saying something like
“oh finally! I can stop pretending to hate you!”
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I loved this video with my entire heart, idk if y’all could tell
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So, I think that Logan was actually the one to call Janus and just be like: "look, disguise yourself as me if you need to".
And in the very moment things got super out of hand Logan changed his place with good old Jan and let him do his thing.
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He protecc, He attac but most importantly he has Thomas' bacc!
LowKey, my snek boy shines through this new epsiode and I LOVE IT!
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-  @daflangstlairde 
(going off of the Janus spelling)
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