sanders-sidenotes · 4 years
Identifying xNTPs
- seem popular when you first look at them, probably attractive (it’s that pouty lip lifestyle)
- then you realize that they don’t talk to people
- then you realize that when they do talk, they talk really loudly
- then you realize, when they talk to their close friends, they won’t shut up
- except for when they’re silent for three months at a time
- then you get slapped w/ the fact that they’re A NERD (and proud of it)
- OR you never find out they’re a nerd and think everyone else is delusional for treating them like they’re the most intelligent person on the planet when clearly, this person is a big dumbass
- probably waiting for someone to do or say something interesting
- might be surrounded by people but always on the outside of the circle or latched onto one person 
- EYE CONTACT. Hands down, the easiest way to know assuming they have already acknowledged your existence. I personally don’t know what to do with my eyes during a conversation so I don’t really look away. Only look at you if they’re interested. 
- “No, oh wait, maybe…” is their go-to response (a conversation btwn INTPs is like so: “no, for this reason-” “no, you’re wrong because-” “no, because-” “no, I’m correct”)
- often really bored by whatever is happening outside of their head so they either won’t engage or will try to start a game or something
- always known as the funny friend
- easily annoyed, famous for glares, sometimes it’s meant as a joke
- in class, they wait for someone else to answer the teacher’s questions first before deciding they’ll take initiative when no one else does  — > applies to most things
- cuddly but in a particular way, likely want to be the one to initiate all forms of bodily contact once they’re close to you
- might not even like cats but 100% of people will read them as a cat-person
- intelligent but forgets a lot of shit because they just don’t care enough or haven’t had to remember that piece of knowledge in 3 yrs. 
- when they’re passionate, they’re all in, the edge of the multiverse is the limit / when they’re not, they’re gonna sleep for the next 100 yrs. and will growl at you if you wake them
- may wake up early but won’t do anything until 7:00PM-4:00 AM because it’s peak performance hour
- great at finding other people’s stuff, great at losing their own
- respond to your questions like a CIA agent, you’re on a need to know basis 
- but also will randomly spill all their secrets at 3 AM
- when someone says they’re friends w/ them they respond either like 1) “we’re friends?” *confusion* or 2) “we’ve been in love since we met” 
- their good friends know who their crush is before they know
- text you immediately but often forget you exist if you don’t constantly remind them (it’s okay, they forget they exist)
- love you lots but are also trying not to be too attached
- kinda nice but also analyzing your every move and storing it in their mental bank 
- they will remember really specific things about you and will either use this to tell when you’re lying or to get you great birthday presents
- don’t trust you but supposedly they should give people the benefit of the doubt
- if you insult them, they will look at you blankly because they’re trying to figure out if you meant that as an insult, if they care about you, and if they care at all
- competitive but unmotivated at the same time
- play hard, play hard some more, continue to play, work non-stop for 22 hrs.  until something is perfect, never work again
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sanders-sidenotes · 5 years
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So yeah this is Star Wars! AU. Or more like Stormpilot AU starring Richie as a Resistance pilot prodigy (despite his poor eyesight) and Eddie (or ED-2314) who was a Stormtrooper and rescued by Richie (and rescue Richie) who immediately named him Eds but Eddie didn’t like the name one bit and renamed himself Eddie lol
This was destined to happened. Btw Richie is not suave in the slightest so the first picture is actually a complete accident
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sanders-sidenotes · 5 years
hey if you’re attached to the characters in the clown movie can y’all reblog this post and tag it with your favourite member of the losers club and whether you’re the oldest/middle/youngest sibling or an only child?? I’m curious to see if there’s a correlation
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sanders-sidenotes · 5 years
oh my GOD me
Me, posting a new chapter: This is worthless my writing is worthless how do I dare expose innocent readers to that worthless rubbish
*gets positive comment*
Me, writing the next chapter: Will this ever live up to the literary masterpiece that was the previous chapter
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sanders-sidenotes · 5 years
i have 0% recollection of writing that
Fander game! Reblog and add what you would represent if you, yourself, were a unique Side. We’re all multiplex human beings, so of course it won’t be all-encompassing, but I can’t wait to see what y’all come up with!
I’ll start:
I’m Curiosity!
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sanders-sidenotes · 5 years
Remus: You know what I always wondered? How do tall people like you sleep when the blankets can't completely cover you from your shoulders to your toes?
Logan: Remus
Remus: So...you can't sleep, huh?
Remus:...is it because of the blanket?
Deceit: Why are you looking at me through a fork?
Virgil: I'm pretending you're in jail.
Virgil: It's surprisingly healing.
Roman: How do you sleep at night?
Remus: On silk sheets, rolling naked in money.
Roman:..can I stab him?
Virgil: Not in public.
Remus: I wish there was somewhere for me to sit.
Logan: *gestures to empty chair beside him*
Remus: *kicks over the chair* If only there was somewhere for me to sit!
Logan: *sighs and gestures towards his lap*
Remus: *sits on his lap* I knew you'd catch on!
Deceit: I've done the best I could to raise you! Have I been perfect? No.
Deceit: Do I know anything about children? No.
Deceit: Should I have picked up a book on parenting? Probably!
Deceit: Where was I going with this? I had a point.
Deceit: When I was your age--
Virgil: When I was your height--
Deceit: Now listen here you little shit.
Logan: Everyone, synchronize your watches.
Patton: I don't know how to do that.
Roman: I don't wear one.
Virgil: Time is a construct.
Logan: You are supposed to bang your fist against mine.
Remus: Why?
Logan: I am told it is a widely accepted gesture for mutual success.
Deceit: I love it when you two impersonate normal people.
Logan & Roman: Can we go to McDonalds?!
Patton: We have food at home, kiddos.
Roman: This family sucks!
[Meanwhile, with the Dark Sides]
Virgil & Remus: Can we go to McDonalds?!
Deceit: [pulls up into a drive thru]
Virgil & Remus: yayyyy!!
Deceit: One small black coffee, please.
Remus: Deceit is a really nice person, underneath the part of him that hates everyone.
Deceit: [taps pen]
Remus: [taps pen in response]
Virgil: Stop that.
Deceit: Stop what?
Virgil: You're talking about me in Morse code.
Deceit: Yes, that's what we're doing. In our very limited free time, we took a class on a very outdated, very unnecessary form of communication just so we could talk about you in front of you.
Remus, to Logan: That's exactly what we did.
Remus: (lying in the hospital, waiting for his appendix to be taken out) If I die during this operation, would you do one thing for me?
Roman: Anything, Remus.
Remus: (grabs Roman by his collar and squeezes eyes) Blow up the fucking hospital.
Remus: Here's a fun Christmas idea: We'll hang up mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it!
Deceit: We're not doing that.
Virgil: Mistelfoe.
Logan: It's very embarrassing...
Logan: You know, having feelings.
Remus: If Patton finds out you disobeyed his orders, he'll blame me!
Roman: Yes, I'll make sure of that.
Deceit, to Virgil: You can't cancel! Remus is even wearing his formal leather jacket!
Remus: It's the one without any blood on it.
Remus: You are what you eat!
Patton, mumbling under his breathe: I don't remember feeding you a huge disappointment.
Deceit: Why is your back all scratched up?
Remus: [flashback to him and Virgil chasing a raccoon after Deceit told them to leave it alone]
Remus:...I killed Roman.
Logan: Can you imagine not being human and living your life as a weeping willow, though? Beautiful? By the water? Unburdened? Ideal.
Remus: I wanna be the one from Harry Potter that beats the shit out of everything and everyone.
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sanders-sidenotes · 5 years
Logan: You know that stuff can kill you, right?
Virgil: *smoking a cigarette* Yup. That’s the point. 
Roman: *drinking wine* We’re trying to speed up the process. 
Patton: *eating raw cookie dough, nodding*
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sanders-sidenotes · 5 years
eddie should have kissed richie to snap him out of the deadlights like ben did with beverly in the first movie and i will die on this hill
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sanders-sidenotes · 5 years
Sanders Sides (and more Thomas Sanders stuff) as things I’ve overheard
or said (tw: swearing, slight dirty humor)
Emile: Give me the pen!
Remy: I’ll trade you the pen for your virginity.
Emile: What?
Remy: What?
Roman, to Patton: Is that a pun?
Teacher!Logan: *points to board* No, that’s a verb chart.
Virgil: *banging his head against a desk*
Deceit: Stop that!
Deceit: You’re not using the right technique.
Virgil: *gets separated from the rest of the class*
Virgil: Segregation’s my favorite.
Roman: Stop bringing up the second amendment.
Logan: That’s the right to bear arms, dumbass.
Logan: American Dad has no place in this room.
Virgil: For my next class, I need my science binder and a will to live.
Thomas: If you call one of the twins Remrom, you’ll always be half right.
Virgil, horrified: Is that the ship name?!
Virgil: That fish looks like Hitler. I’m gonna call him Fishler. 
Roman, in tears: I just asked if you liked the fish tank. 
Patton: I’m a well-respected mother of six.
Remy: You’re a high school boy who can’t even breathe right, sit down Patton.
[“Patton” has asthma]
Teacher!Logan: Alright, everyone, hold up your answers to the math problem on your whiteboards. 
Roman: *holds up YEET*
Teacher!Logan: *talking to Virgil* Yes, but you need to reduce it.
Roman: *squints* How do you reduce a ‘yeet’?
Patton: Make it a yee!
Roman: Brilliant!
Teacher!Logan: *confused sputtering*
Roman: I’m happy. My lowest grade is an 89.
Remus: I’m happy too, my lowest is a 69.
Logan: I have a 92 in science.
Patton: *holds up a paper plane* I have a rocket ship.
Roman and Virgil: *are arguing*
Deceit, making fun of them: I’m getting a divorce and I’m taking the fish!
Virgil: Just gonna Macarena through the anxiety. 
Patton: No–
Patton: Skeeball? More like YEETBALL. 
Logan: Can you think out loud silently?
Remus: Just for that, I’m going to hit Roman. 
Roman, offended: Why me? Why not Virgil? He’s the one who said it in the first place. 
Remus: If I hit Virgil, I’ll face the wrath of Patton, Deceit, and probably you too, so. 
Remus: *punches him*
Logan to Patton: Less dad, more data.
Roman: My collarbones will overthrow you.
Patton: Don’t let anything happen to this! It’s a gift :D
Patton: *hands him a folder*
Logan: What’s this?
Logan: *looks at it*
Logan: Disgusting. 
Patton: *leaves*
Roman: H-
Logan: If you touch the “Was Born To Be A Unicorn” folder, I’ll break your knuckles.
Teacher!Logan to Remus: You can’t just say ‘shit’ in the middle of your presentation!
Logan: You guys are a hot mess.
Roman: Hell yeah I’m hot!
Virgil: And I’m just a mess.
Virgil: High school culture is throwing a pencil at someone, only to have it thrown back, without an eraser and the lead missing. 
Virgil: I don’t like Remus as my father, can I have a new one?
Deceit: Don’t worry, I’ll never marry again. *leaves*
Remus: *calling after him* Is that a good thing or a bad thing - ?!
Remus: I’m totally a good driver.
Deceit: Just last week you almost flipped the car over. 
Remus: God, just let that part gO-
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sanders-sidenotes · 5 years
I'm so bored and I need writer friends.
which unfortunate souls out there would like to be my friends?
also yeah I need writeblrs to follow so reblog to save me from my boredom.
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sanders-sidenotes · 5 years
chapter 2 opened with a hate crime and closed with richie re-carving him and eddies names into lovers bridge while the narration said “be who you want to be. be proud.” really a gay rights rollar coaster
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sanders-sidenotes · 5 years
pluto is a planet too
short lil angsty one-sided (so far) prinxiety fic with background logicality :D if y’all want me to write into this more just lmk
Four inches apart, yet so far away. I might as well be Pluto for how detached I feel from him. From everything. 
But if I’m Pluto, then he’s the sun, glowing and bright, tantalizingly out of reach from my orbit despite my passionate devotion to his extravagant ways. However, Pluto and the sun aren’t four inches apart. The sun isn’t snoring softly, the sun’s feather-light breaths aren’t tickling Pluto’s nose. Although both Pluto and I are awake in the dark to some extent. 
It’s painful, to have Roman so close to me. 
Earlier tonight, I agreed (to a sentence) to a slumber party that forced me into this situation. Part of me had even hoped this would happen - sharing a double mattress on the floor of the living room with the man I’m in love with - but I drowned that thought out like I always do. 
There were certain aspects of this arrangement that I enjoyed. Seeing Roman in his red and white pajamas was as funny as it was unfairly attractive. Roman being the one to ask if I wanted to share a bed was surprisingly nice. And Roman’s adorable mumble of, “G’night, Virgil,” with the dregs of sleep already weighing down his voice was even cuter than I had dreamed it to be. 
No use trying to sleep with Roman on the brain. I propped my head up on my hand, peering behind Roman, intending to glance at the time but my gaze settled on Logan and Patton instead. 
They had taken the couch because they had both fallen asleep on it during the movie. Patton was nearly on top of Logan, his leg hooked in between the logical side’s, and his arm across Logan’s chest. Logan’s glasses were lopsided on his face and his arm was lovingly cradling Patton’s shoulders. 
Don’t they look all happy and in love, I thought spitefully, but I knew I’d be lying to myself if I masked my sadness with anger. 
I turned back to Roman, watching his chest rise with every intake of breath, only to fall again when he exhaled. Some rebel strands of his sleep-tousled hair drooped in front of his sleeping eye. I delicately combed it back into the wavy brown framework of soft hair. My hand remained there for a moment, longing to just keep it there, but I retracted it when the prince snuffled and moved. 
For one terrifying (yet thrilling) moment, I thought he was going to wake up. 
He didn’t. He did, however, shift closer to me with a sleepy mumble of words I couldn’t quite make out. 
He was now two inches from me. 
Ugh! My imagination has got to stop. Roman is a friend, nothing more, and if I keep this crap up, I’m only going to get hurt. 
But it’s taking every fiber of my being to not softly press my lips to his, to kiss him awake, to hold him in my arms and never let go. 
This isn’t fair. 
Pluto isn’t a planet. 
I turned to sleep on my other side, pulling the white comforter more securely on my shoulders. 
I guess I’ll keep dreaming...
I have other chapters written but I lowkey don’t wanna post anything until I know people actually like this trainwreck of a fanfiction lmao
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sanders-sidenotes · 5 years
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gonna need an f in the chat for this one
(some words and an unused image after the cut)
Keep reading
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sanders-sidenotes · 5 years
*crying noises*
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Is this angst I sense
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sanders-sidenotes · 5 years
why deceit never goes to parties
deceit: *came to the christmas party* 
sides: *taking to each other* 
roman: this year was amazing. we tried our best. but the best one was me i failed everyone i AM the failure
logan: if you were not so emotional your year would be more productive. like mine for example i can’t understand my feelings this hurts me
patton: of course lo you are SO smart i annoy you? i know that i’m just bothering you
logan: i know thanks patton i was so mean to my family i understand why no one likes me
roman: anyway i’m glad that i know you all. and you too, emo nightmare how can he forgive me if i can’t forgive myself? i cause only pain to everybody
virgil: yep i get it princey thanks don’t lie to me i know that all of you still hate me
patton: sometimes always i think that i don’t deserve you kiddos
sides: i do not deserve them
sides: they are better off without me
sides: i only make things worse
deceit: *trying not to cry* h-hey it’s good to see you 
deceit: *crying* *leaves*
deceit: *in his room, still crying* WHY CAN I SEE THE TRUTH? IT HURTS SO MUCH
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sanders-sidenotes · 5 years
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The first time Creativity split, it was unexpected, but all was fine.
The second time Creativity was split…
It would be a long time until they saw each other again.
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sanders-sidenotes · 5 years
Sweep Me Off My Feet
Summary: Virgil knows he’s a side. It takes a little action from the others, however, to show him that he’s family too. 
Warnings: spiraling thoughts and the tiniest bit of angst, but honestly it’s mostly just fluff
Pairings: Platonic Prinxiety and platonic LAMP/CALM 
A/N: So this was entirely inspired by @secondus​’s fanart and @pastel-virgil​‘s post about Roman lifting the other sides princess style. It just wouldn’t leave my brain, so here it is. Mostly just mindless fluff. 
Virgil had seen Roman do it dozens of times. It was actually quite predictable, once he noticed and started keeping track.
When they were both excited, Roman would lift Patton into his arms princess style and spin, both laughing as he did. They’d end up with Patton giggling and blushing and leaning into Roman, saying something like, “my prince!” while Roman beamed proudly. Eventually he’d let Patton down, but more often than not, it was only when Roman began to get tired. Sometimes, especially when he was scared, Patton would throw himself at Roman, usually screaming. Those times, Roman would drop whatever he was holding (too often that was something breakable) and catch Patton, drawing his sword moments later and vowing to “slay the vile beast that dared frighten Patton.” Most of the time, that had Patton giggling again and he’d forget about whatever it was that was scaring him.
With Logan, it was more to annoy him than anything else. Usually, it happened when Roman was walking behind him and he was being slow, or when Logan wasn’t paying enough attention to him. Virgil remembered one particular day when Roman was following Logan down the stairs, groaning because he wasn’t walking fast enough. The groaning stopped, however, and was followed by an indignant squeak.
“Roman, put me down!” Virgil and Patton, who’d been in the living room, turned to see Roman come sauntering down the stairs, Logan struggling in his grasp. The logical trait was blushing profusely and snapping at the prince, but Roman was too busy laughing to let him down. Patton snapped a quick picture, laughing himself. Virgil merely smirked and watched in amusement as Logan struggled to escape.
All of that was fine. Virgil knew it was in good fun. Both enjoyed Roman’s brand of affection, though Logan would never admit it. No one was hurt by it.
But. Of course there was a but.
Virgil hadn’t missed how Roman never lifted him. Thinking such a thing made him feel selfish, but his own anxiety refused to let him ignore it. 
It made sense, really. They’d only just become close; they’d been enemies before and why would Roman lift his enemy? He could explain it logically. Still, it nagged at him. But he couldn’t press it, that would lead to pity, which would lead to resentment, which would put him right back where he’d started and no, no he couldn’t do that again, not after he’d gotten so used to them liking him.
So he settled for laughing along with the others when it happened, content, for the most part, to be a part of their circle and be allowed to just laugh with them.
He was okay just being their friend.
He jumped, startled from his musings by Roman’s loud voice.
“Come in.” He gathered himself quickly, pushing his headphones down around his neck just as his bedroom door burst open and Roman came rushing in.
“Patton has declared it to be a game night and has asked me to bring you by any means necessary!”
“Game night?” Virgil’s stomach churned uneasily. He hadn’t gone to one of those, ever. Sure, he’d been invited since becoming closer with the others, but he’d never felt confident enough to go. Surely they were just being nice. “No thanks, Princey. I’m-”
“I’m afraid it was not a question, my dark and brooding friend.” Roman said, grinning.
“What are you- ah! Roman!” Before he knew it, he was being scooped up and carried, princess style, out of his room.
“Come, we mustn’t make the others wait!”
“Roman!” Virgil gasped, instinctively clinging to Roman’s shirt as he rushed out of the room and down the stairs.
Once they were downstairs and on stable ground, Virgil began squirming, his face heating up as Roman laughed again. “Put me down!” He hissed, voice a touch higher than normal. The heat in his cheeks doubled. 
“Look who I found!” Roman declared, lifting Virgil a little higher in his arms.
“Yay!” Patton cheered, beaming at the pair. Virgil felt his blush deepen and he fought harder against Roman’s grip.
“You didn’t find me, you kidnapped me!” He growled.
“I had to find you to kidnap you.” Roman pointed out, grinning.
“Right. Now can you put me down?”
“Wait, let me take a picture!” Patton squealed, jumping to his feet. “You two are so cute!”
“Patton, no!” Virgil groaned, hiding his face behind the sleeves of his hoodie.
“Patton, yes!” The moral trait shot back. Virgil groaned again. Roman laughed as he did. Alongside the click of a camera, Virgil could hear Patton laughing as well. Hesitantly, he peeked out from behind his sleeves to see Patton grinning, laughing happily as he took more pictures. Even Logan was smiling, his snicker soft and controlled. Roman’s own laugh thundered around the room, full and booming, and… and Virgil couldn’t help it. A shy smile slid across his face and he giggled, hiding behind his sleeves as he lost control.
Eventually, Roman deposited him gently on the couch and game night proceeded as planned. And as they talked and joked and laughed together, a warm ball of belonging settled in Virgil’s stomach. He felt the warmth wash over him and carry him through the rest of the evening, just happy that he finally had a family. He finally belonged.
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