not to sound bitter but i hope hurting me haunts you for years
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This is a safe space for whiners, complainers, bellyachers, and the generally unsatisfied
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May 4, 2024 - CNN writes about how the mean anti-genocide protesters silenced a lone counter-protester at the University of Pennsylvania:
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How did they silence him, you ask? They drew a circle around him in chalk, and labeled it "Designated Dingus Area":
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a zionist (who is related to the fascist zionist leader meir kahane) drove a car into a crowd of protesters in nyc today, and the police arrested the protester who was hit by the car and handcuffed them to their hospital bed
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really wish "abolish the police" was trending with all the news, it feels like a lot of ppl have forgotten since the height of blm
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eye of the tiger plays as i enthusiastically jump out of bed and hit my head on an overhead lamp and remain unconscious for the rest of the day
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heavy police presence at columbia, SRG, SWAT and counterterrorism deployed
reports that everyone has been kicked off campus except students barricaded inside hind’s hall
listen to WKCR columbias student radio for live updates
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African Wild Dogs, Tanzania -- 72 x 44 cm. Woodcut. Wolfgang Weber (b. 1936)
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I hope every iof soldier dies in Gaza. I hope they get caught in their own explosions and get sick from their own diseases. I have no sympathy for any single one of them and I hope they rot.
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Im so hot actually. Off to spend at least 40 dollars
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so the house of representatives just passed a bill that will now move to the senate to BAN tik tok completely in the united states and they are expected to argue that “national security risks” outweigh the freedom of speech and first amendment rights. biden has already said that if it gets to him, he will sign it. whether or not you use the app…….this is something to be worried about
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sakizuke // diary of a wimpy kid
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