I Am Fwhip, Sanctuary’s Guardian
133 posts
Be it beast, plant, or lost soul; you are safe here (Rp blog for Swap!Fwhip)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
sanctuaryguardianfwhip · 2 years ago
Bye False! Thanks for the froglights and the first aid! If I have anymore visions about this place I’ll come to you! Watch out for a stranger in netherite!
*He waves goodbye, trotting down the road to the bridge, pulling out rockets for the flight back. This time, he doesn’t have to check on his shop on the bridge.*
A meetup for froglights on the bridge is coming up in— approximately five minutes. The sky is clear, fluffy clouds float overhead like waterproof cotton in a lake.
False had gotten finished messaging about trading frog lights from Fwhip in the comms. Ever smiling and excited, she quickly gathered all three colored frog lights in her skulker from her chest and newly revived frog lights trees that Jimmy accidentally kill off in his previous visit. She didn’t know what color Fwhip wanted, False probably should have asked but eh False would pack all three just in case.
It wasn’t long before she was standing on the bridge, waiting for Fwhip.
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sanctuaryguardianfwhip · 2 years ago
I’ve had worse visions but if I have any more about this place I can tell you. We’ll make a day of it. I tell you what I know, you tell me about your face to frying pan surprise of a past.
<I’ll… leave out the past versions of me and the multiverse mess I’m in.>
The assassin is… a problem yes. I’ll head back and check around. Ask any animals if they’ve seen him. And, if I feel like I’m going to be attacked, I’ll find a place to hide. Maybe go visit Sausage or Shelby? Gem was the first time the assassin has ever attacked with someone else nearby.
A meetup for froglights on the bridge is coming up in— approximately five minutes. The sky is clear, fluffy clouds float overhead like waterproof cotton in a lake.
False had gotten finished messaging about trading frog lights from Fwhip in the comms. Ever smiling and excited, she quickly gathered all three colored frog lights in her skulker from her chest and newly revived frog lights trees that Jimmy accidentally kill off in his previous visit. She didn’t know what color Fwhip wanted, False probably should have asked but eh False would pack all three just in case.
It wasn’t long before she was standing on the bridge, waiting for Fwhip.
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sanctuaryguardianfwhip · 2 years ago
I— yeah I did! Geez False, calm down I’m a Changeling not a milkshake.
*He pats False’s arms as she grips his shoulders.*
It was— I took one of the sunflowers in the catacombs because I was cataloguing my visions. But there’s a small statue down there that I found looking for you, that’s what gave me the vision. Don’t ask me why I was looking for you, I don’t remember why.
*He breathes out, staring at his hands. Feeling the faint flashes of heat from fire, the tendrils of corruption, the thudding of his heart like he had been running.*
There was an explosion. I didn’t see it but I knew it happened. There was fire and smoke and I was in different clothes hiding in a room with Saint Oli who uh— was dying in my arms because his home was being burned and corrupted. The church in Sanctuary is to Saint Oli actually, I built it a few weeks after my vision. That’s the only vision I’ve had here.
A meetup for froglights on the bridge is coming up in— approximately five minutes. The sky is clear, fluffy clouds float overhead like waterproof cotton in a lake.
False had gotten finished messaging about trading frog lights from Fwhip in the comms. Ever smiling and excited, she quickly gathered all three colored frog lights in her skulker from her chest and newly revived frog lights trees that Jimmy accidentally kill off in his previous visit. She didn’t know what color Fwhip wanted, False probably should have asked but eh False would pack all three just in case.
It wasn’t long before she was standing on the bridge, waiting for Fwhip.
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sanctuaryguardianfwhip · 2 years ago
False. I hope you know that, sometimes, the words that come out of your mouth are the equivalent to being hit with a frying pan.
*He accepts the froglights with a thankful nod and collects his enderchest with a few swings of his pickaxe.*
I think I get a read on you and then you throw a verbal coconut at my face. I’m saying this in the most positive way possible— but what are you? Who are you? Because you are not just some archeologist who lives with ghosts in an old empire that gave me visions of a god I’d almost forgotten.
A meetup for froglights on the bridge is coming up in— approximately five minutes. The sky is clear, fluffy clouds float overhead like waterproof cotton in a lake.
False had gotten finished messaging about trading frog lights from Fwhip in the comms. Ever smiling and excited, she quickly gathered all three colored frog lights in her skulker from her chest and newly revived frog lights trees that Jimmy accidentally kill off in his previous visit. She didn’t know what color Fwhip wanted, False probably should have asked but eh False would pack all three just in case.
It wasn’t long before she was standing on the bridge, waiting for Fwhip.
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sanctuaryguardianfwhip · 2 years ago
Oh no, I don’t want that to happen ever again. I thought I was going to die or be kidnapped and executed.
*He pulls out the requested amount of wood— and an extra half a stack from the enderchest and closes the lid. He offers the wood to the archeologist in the froglight tree.*
Three stacks of oak logs! They’re easy to get and you did save me from respawn.
A meetup for froglights on the bridge is coming up in— approximately five minutes. The sky is clear, fluffy clouds float overhead like waterproof cotton in a lake.
False had gotten finished messaging about trading frog lights from Fwhip in the comms. Ever smiling and excited, she quickly gathered all three colored frog lights in her skulker from her chest and newly revived frog lights trees that Jimmy accidentally kill off in his previous visit. She didn’t know what color Fwhip wanted, False probably should have asked but eh False would pack all three just in case.
It wasn’t long before she was standing on the bridge, waiting for Fwhip.
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sanctuaryguardianfwhip · 2 years ago
Oh, I would say I need to pass out on your bridge more often but I really don’t want or need a repeat of that. I need a stack of ochre and half a stack each of pearlescent and verdant. The color variety will be useful for what I have planned. How much do you want for that?
*He puts down his enderchest, wincing as the slash through the lip of the lid. He’ll fix that later.*
A meetup for froglights on the bridge is coming up in— approximately five minutes. The sky is clear, fluffy clouds float overhead like waterproof cotton in a lake.
False had gotten finished messaging about trading frog lights from Fwhip in the comms. Ever smiling and excited, she quickly gathered all three colored frog lights in her skulker from her chest and newly revived frog lights trees that Jimmy accidentally kill off in his previous visit. She didn’t know what color Fwhip wanted, False probably should have asked but eh False would pack all three just in case.
It wasn’t long before she was standing on the bridge, waiting for Fwhip.
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sanctuaryguardianfwhip · 2 years ago
*He nods along with the story, following the best he can.*
So your friend, who was an archeologist and now a blacksmith, wanted to learn about skulk from the first person to discover it in his dreams. Then you time traveled, talked to a fortune telling creeper, harvested the guy who had the skulk dreams organs, went into someone’s dreams, fought slimes made of flesh, your friend got to learn about skulk from the dream, you stabbed a unicorn for some reason, then left? I thought my situation was crazy but you took the cake, the ingredients? AND the crafting table!
A meetup for froglights on the bridge is coming up in— approximately five minutes. The sky is clear, fluffy clouds float overhead like waterproof cotton in a lake.
False had gotten finished messaging about trading frog lights from Fwhip in the comms. Ever smiling and excited, she quickly gathered all three colored frog lights in her skulker from her chest and newly revived frog lights trees that Jimmy accidentally kill off in his previous visit. She didn’t know what color Fwhip wanted, False probably should have asked but eh False would pack all three just in case.
It wasn’t long before she was standing on the bridge, waiting for Fwhip.
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sanctuaryguardianfwhip · 2 years ago
*The expression on his face is akin to walking into a second grade math class and being taught advanced neuroscience instead. He gets to his hooves, shaking his head.*
I can walk but— dude organ? Repeating similar incidents? Blobs? Please explain I’m so lost. He knows I’m fae, he has my top most wings cut into pieces and inlaid in his armor, I’m surprised more people haven’t found out I’m fae but that’s not the point. What are you talking about, False?
A meetup for froglights on the bridge is coming up in— approximately five minutes. The sky is clear, fluffy clouds float overhead like waterproof cotton in a lake.
False had gotten finished messaging about trading frog lights from Fwhip in the comms. Ever smiling and excited, she quickly gathered all three colored frog lights in her skulker from her chest and newly revived frog lights trees that Jimmy accidentally kill off in his previous visit. She didn’t know what color Fwhip wanted, False probably should have asked but eh False would pack all three just in case.
It wasn’t long before she was standing on the bridge, waiting for Fwhip.
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sanctuaryguardianfwhip · 2 years ago
Yes I would love to continue the trade, I really need some froglights for a build I have planned. And to answer your question, yes netherite works as a buffer. Honestly, a thick layer of fabric would work but the jungle is too hot to be completely covered. This is the first time he’s used iron on me though.
*He wrings out the towel and folds it, readjusting his clothes and putting his armor back on.*
A meetup for froglights on the bridge is coming up in— approximately five minutes. The sky is clear, fluffy clouds float overhead like waterproof cotton in a lake.
False had gotten finished messaging about trading frog lights from Fwhip in the comms. Ever smiling and excited, she quickly gathered all three colored frog lights in her skulker from her chest and newly revived frog lights trees that Jimmy accidentally kill off in his previous visit. She didn’t know what color Fwhip wanted, False probably should have asked but eh False would pack all three just in case.
It wasn’t long before she was standing on the bridge, waiting for Fwhip.
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sanctuaryguardianfwhip · 2 years ago
Well— it’s a long story but I’ll tell you the short of it.
*He dunks the towel back into the water, wrings it out, and starts to clean the harsh, red line on his throat.*
The assassin who attacked Gem and I was attacked by a tree in Sanctuary and respawned. So I took his armor and weapons and his— I don’t want to test them but some unlabeled potions that don’t look safe. I locked them in my enderchest so he couldn’t get them but I didn’t realize he wanted them back so badly.
*He points to the burns, most of them healed to shiny scars or bright red marks similar to bruises.*
Iron burns me and he had a full set of armor and a sword made of it. You can probably fill in what happened on the bridge.
A meetup for froglights on the bridge is coming up in— approximately five minutes. The sky is clear, fluffy clouds float overhead like waterproof cotton in a lake.
False had gotten finished messaging about trading frog lights from Fwhip in the comms. Ever smiling and excited, she quickly gathered all three colored frog lights in her skulker from her chest and newly revived frog lights trees that Jimmy accidentally kill off in his previous visit. She didn’t know what color Fwhip wanted, False probably should have asked but eh False would pack all three just in case.
It wasn’t long before she was standing on the bridge, waiting for Fwhip.
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sanctuaryguardianfwhip · 2 years ago
I’ll still take it. The cold will help and it’s smart to clean any injury.
*He takes both the bucket of water and the potions, uncorking one and drinking slowly so he doesn’t choke on the bubbly liquid. The melon almost immediately wiped away by what he can only describe as alcoholic sugar.*
What were your ghost friends talking about?
*He gently cleans the fading burns and grazes.*
A meetup for froglights on the bridge is coming up in— approximately five minutes. The sky is clear, fluffy clouds float overhead like waterproof cotton in a lake.
False had gotten finished messaging about trading frog lights from Fwhip in the comms. Ever smiling and excited, she quickly gathered all three colored frog lights in her skulker from her chest and newly revived frog lights trees that Jimmy accidentally kill off in his previous visit. She didn’t know what color Fwhip wanted, False probably should have asked but eh False would pack all three just in case.
It wasn’t long before she was standing on the bridge, waiting for Fwhip.
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sanctuaryguardianfwhip · 2 years ago
*He blinks as False runs off into the torch lit tunnels. He carefully looks himself over, checking where he’s burned and how much health he’s lost.*
<I’m surprised I’m not at half a heart, three is pretty good.>
*He looks up at the ghosts.*
Uh… hi? Who are you two?
A meetup for froglights on the bridge is coming up in— approximately five minutes. The sky is clear, fluffy clouds float overhead like waterproof cotton in a lake.
False had gotten finished messaging about trading frog lights from Fwhip in the comms. Ever smiling and excited, she quickly gathered all three colored frog lights in her skulker from her chest and newly revived frog lights trees that Jimmy accidentally kill off in his previous visit. She didn’t know what color Fwhip wanted, False probably should have asked but eh False would pack all three just in case.
It wasn’t long before she was standing on the bridge, waiting for Fwhip.
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sanctuaryguardianfwhip · 2 years ago
Thank yo— wait catacombs?
*He glances around at the building and statues as he’s carried past and into the entrance to where he assumes the catacombs are.*
Lovely architecture, I can see why you like it here.
A meetup for froglights on the bridge is coming up in— approximately five minutes. The sky is clear, fluffy clouds float overhead like waterproof cotton in a lake.
False had gotten finished messaging about trading frog lights from Fwhip in the comms. Ever smiling and excited, she quickly gathered all three colored frog lights in her skulker from her chest and newly revived frog lights trees that Jimmy accidentally kill off in his previous visit. She didn’t know what color Fwhip wanted, False probably should have asked but eh False would pack all three just in case.
It wasn’t long before she was standing on the bridge, waiting for Fwhip.
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sanctuaryguardianfwhip · 2 years ago
*He hisses, tail flicking like a bullwhip has he’s moves.*
*Cracking his eyes open, he watches the great gates of the Capital pass by. Like a switch, his mind replays everything like a camera reel. Walking along the bridge, the sharpens iron sword against his throat, iron plating, and a threat of pain greater that death to him and his allies.*
Where did he go?
A meetup for froglights on the bridge is coming up in— approximately five minutes. The sky is clear, fluffy clouds float overhead like waterproof cotton in a lake.
False had gotten finished messaging about trading frog lights from Fwhip in the comms. Ever smiling and excited, she quickly gathered all three colored frog lights in her skulker from her chest and newly revived frog lights trees that Jimmy accidentally kill off in his previous visit. She didn’t know what color Fwhip wanted, False probably should have asked but eh False would pack all three just in case.
It wasn’t long before she was standing on the bridge, waiting for Fwhip.
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sanctuaryguardianfwhip · 2 years ago
*The log like shape on the bridge, with hints of green and amber, looks rather familiar as you approach. His skin is burnt a cruel shade of red on his neck and arms. Maybe a fire aspect sword? Faint wisps of smoke curl off his clothes and hair. He’s breathing, but unconscious and injured.*
A meetup for froglights on the bridge is coming up in— approximately five minutes. The sky is clear, fluffy clouds float overhead like waterproof cotton in a lake.
False had gotten finished messaging about trading frog lights from Fwhip in the comms. Ever smiling and excited, she quickly gathered all three colored frog lights in her skulker from her chest and newly revived frog lights trees that Jimmy accidentally kill off in his previous visit. She didn’t know what color Fwhip wanted, False probably should have asked but eh False would pack all three just in case.
It wasn’t long before she was standing on the bridge, waiting for Fwhip.
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sanctuaryguardianfwhip · 2 years ago
*A mass of black fabric and dark armor dives off the side of the bridge and vanishes into the river. The sun baking the stone bricks of the bridge. There’s a earthen toned shape left prone on the ground like an abandoned log in a forest.*
A meetup for froglights on the bridge is coming up in— approximately five minutes. The sky is clear, fluffy clouds float overhead like waterproof cotton in a lake.
False had gotten finished messaging about trading frog lights from Fwhip in the comms. Ever smiling and excited, she quickly gathered all three colored frog lights in her skulker from her chest and newly revived frog lights trees that Jimmy accidentally kill off in his previous visit. She didn’t know what color Fwhip wanted, False probably should have asked but eh False would pack all three just in case.
It wasn’t long before she was standing on the bridge, waiting for Fwhip.
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sanctuaryguardianfwhip · 2 years ago
Bye Gem, good luck with your kingdom!
*He opens the door and points to the exit.*
Front door is right there.
Gem rested comfortably on the bed she was so gingerly laid on, sleeping almost too soundly. It wouldn't be difficult to mistake her for a corpse if it weren't for the slight rising and falling of her chest. A small sign that she's here when she isn't.
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