sanchezvrfmp · 5 years
This is the final animation, with all of my cardboard models witha fulklk voice over, glitches, background music, credits and camera angles.
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sanchezvrfmp · 5 years
FMP – VR Extravaganza Final Evaluation:
Did I achieve the outcome I wanted?
Based on the project proposal that was written at the start of the project I have not achieved my outcome, as that idea has been moulded and developed into something else. The original idea (and the current idea) was based around the idea of routine and taking an extract of my life, and developing it into something that you could ‘live in’ yourself through the use of Virtual Reality. These two ideas formed the foundation of my project and where what I carried throughout the entire project, from the first idea – which was all about the construction of a set that was based in my home – too the final idea which is of a life sized set based on a ‘dining room’. This final outcome contains a lot
 Did I plan well?
As my idea changed and developed throughout my project, I had to accompany that with different timetables, which sometimes gave me more or less time, in most cases my timeframe decreased as I had to fit a whole new idea into a smaller amount of time, although having a shorted time frame there was still plenty of time to complete the project to the standard that I aim to with all of my projects. There were some points where I feel behind with my work, but learning from my other FMP, I planned extra/catch-up sections into my timetable to allow for any ‘overrunning’ on the making/construction of the animation. To make the different task of my project less daunting, I split them up into weeks, then in those weeks I split them further into days. Splitting up these different tasks was extremely useful as it assisted me in the construction of all my props as I knew which one had to be started and finished when. As not everything goes to plan, I sometimes changed what I would construct on one day to another day based on whether or not I had more or less time, as I may be able to use my time more efficiently if I start the construction of a prop that may take longer on a day that I have more time on, rather than trying to cram constructing that prop into a day with less time, and instead switching it out with something that takes less time.
 What other approaches did I consider?
At the very start of this project I decided to create a mind map of all the possible ideas that I could use for this project, and which ones would influence my decisions, one of my very first thoughts was an artist that I use in most of my projects, as most of my ideas are influenced from him, the artist being ‘Chris Gilmour’, but as I developed my ideas through this mind map, I knew I wanted to use different references as my main influences, veering off from my usual path in projects. One of my main project ideas for presenting my work was to do an animation, as I had done one of these in the previous FMP, but it had not reached its potential as I did not develop the idea a far as I would have liked. My idea for a project quickly changed as I realised it was not realistic in the time frame as well as not challenging my ideas and potential. I decided to keep some aspects as I hadn’t explored these yet, and carry them over to my next idea. Choosing which materials to work with was not as complicated as expected, as I chose a material I was familiar with (cardboard), but did briefly considering another material, clay/ceramics, as this is one material I hadn’t worked in yet, but not having used it before I dismissed the idea as learning what equipment to use and the proper techniques and would subtract from construction time. Since I had used cardboard before, choosing and using the correct equipment became second nature.
The references that I first started to research were two that I was quite familiar with as they lay down the base for the material that I am working with, these being ‘Chris Gilmour’ and ‘Tom Sachs’, Sachs’ ideas were used more in this project, as I wanted the whole project to have a ‘naff’ and ‘rough around the edges’ look about it. Throughout this project I had encountered many new references, the first one being included in both ideas as it was relevant to my material choice, this reference being ‘The Science of sleep’, the main idea taken from this was the construction of a ‘fictional’ world, this idea stuck with me as there was a lot more freedom with the construction, which is what I was looking for in this project. When realising I should change my project idea, I was directed towards Andy Warhol, as one of his pieces was about routine, mainly eating, the piece called ‘Cheeseburger’, after finding this reference it became the foundation for my final idea as my ‘set’ was constructed around both this and ‘The science of sleep’, as it was a fictional world and about the routine of food, taking the minimalist look from Warhol’s video also as one of my main design choices, as it emphasised the work instead of the background.
 Has my final outcome been successful?
My final outcome, being an animation, has achieved everything I wanted it to as all the way through my project it has been supported by contextual references and therefore changed my project proposal and main idea, as well as following my theme (routine) throughout as well. Even though my idea has changed, my material choice has stayed the same all the way through as it is something which is so versatile and flexible, that wherever my idea my take me, my material can always support it and achieve that idea, allowing me to have the freedom of choosing any ideas that pop into my head and executing them efficiently and effectively.
 What have I learnt for the Future?
Knowing what I know now about this project and everything I have encountered, there are a couple of aspects that I would keep the same, and some which would change, the ones aspect that I would both change and keep the same it my material choice, as I feel comfortable using cardboard, but if I were to do this project again I would try to be more adventurous with my material choice and try something new, which would allow my ideas to change and develop more as there would be more problems that I would encounter, but also paths that are easier. One aspect that I would keep the same would be the way in which I present my work, which is the animation, the animation allows me to display my construction techniques as well as my creative ideas through the use of the idea of the animation and the techniques used to support that animation. One aspect that I think did work so well was when choosing what my project theme and idea should be based around, I think it’s best to do not research and collect more references to allow me to pick and choose certain aspects, instead of thinking of one idea and sticking with it, as the idea did develop into something worked effectively, but that could have been achieved earlier on in the project with more references. Compiling all of my work and displaying it in an exhibition format was very different as I had not touched this aspect in great detail, which hindered my planning for my exhibition as I had different ideas, but didn’t have the space or resources to a achieve what I would have liked, one these being multiple monitors displaying all the different camera angels of my animation, I didn’t have enough space for all four monitors, as well as the resources to display them how I envisioned, but I planned for unexpected delays and worked around this, by using one monitor and using a split screen format to have all of the camera angles on one monitor.
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sanchezvrfmp · 5 years
W/C 1st April weekly evaluation. This week was pretty hectic as there were many ideas which have been added to my project and have helped my project evolve into something which I think is a lot more interesting and expansive than my first idea.
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sanchezvrfmp · 5 years
This ‘real life’ version of my cardboard set will be used as a basis for the animation, in which the props, clothing and set will be based around and designed from. The music in the background was taken from David Bowie’s ‘Hunky Dory’ album, the song being ‘Andy Warhol’, the reason for this choice in music is quite simple, as Andy Warhol’s ‘Cheeseburger’ is one of my main contextual references, I thought it best to make his presence in my work clear. I chose music to convey this as I wanted the atmosphere to be like a restaurant, where they would usually have music playing in the background. The roughness of the music was used to show a dated and maybe worn out CD or cassette that would be used to play the music off of
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sanchezvrfmp · 5 years
W/C 25th March weekly evaluation. So this week there was quite a bit to talk about as I changed most of my idea because of the time frame in which I had to complete this project, photos of the chair will be put on separately as I once again forgot to take any to accompany my monologue. 
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sanchezvrfmp · 5 years
This video of Andy Warhol accompanies the weekly evaluation which is directly below. This video is the main reference for the evolution of my idea, while still keeping some of my mains ideas, like the VR headset and the idea of being ‘transported’ to a different world, but changing very important parts, for instance, instead of walking around in a set of my house, I decided to create a meal where I would put on the headset then suddenly be taken to a ‘restaurant’, in which I shall simply eat a meal in VR, just like Andy Warhol with his burger from Burger king.
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sanchezvrfmp · 5 years
W/C 18th March weekly evaluation. This week their wasn’t very much to talk about as I was carrying on with the construction of the headset and gloves. Unfortunately I did forget to take photos of the gloves and headset to accompany my monologue, these will have to be added separately at a later date.
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sanchezvrfmp · 6 years
W/C 11th March weekly evaluation. I have shortened down this weeks to about 2 minutes which I thought was achievable, but as I didn’t have as much to say this week, I think it would be quite a rush with the amount that I had to say last week, so I will aim for 2 minutes and it doesn’t matter if it goes over
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sanchezvrfmp · 6 years
W/C 4th March weekly evaluation. I think 4 minutes for these evaluations is too long, so from now on I may make these short and ‘snappy’ to just state my ideas and what I think I can do with them. This is to make them more useful as you go straight to the ideas and problems, and skip all the rambling 
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sanchezvrfmp · 6 years
This advert uses Kiel Johnson’s work, called ‘Cardboard City’, this piece of work is a miniature model of a city (Name is not mentioned). Relating back to the idea of a fictional world from ‘The Science of sleep’ I thought it was best to collect other worlds made out of cardboard, with no prejudice on whatever ‘world’ they have chosen to create, if that’s a life sized world like ‘The Science of Sleep’ or a miniature world like this one of Kiel Johnson’s.
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sanchezvrfmp · 6 years
The Science of sleep is all about one man who finds the love of his life, but he can’t seem to find the right words to talk to her, so in his sleep he creates his own dream world where he can talk and interact with her. This dream world is made entirely out of cardboard. As this is what my set will mostly be made from I thought it best to see what other people have created and use that as inspiration for my own cardboard world.
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