sammywinchesterdsm · 4 years
Co Written by
@MidnightRiderDW & @SammyWDSM
Sam was coming back from a hunt on his own. With his friend from college had their kind of thing when His brother was being held in the police station over the murder of his Girlfriend. The cops had CCTV of him murdering his girlfriend at their home when #Steven didn't have a tight alibi on the other side of the town when he was visiting his sister. When he left his sister home twenty minutes early to go come to his home to see his Girlfriend. Unknown to him the neighbours had called in 911 to the police when the arrival of #Steven that they thought was Steven arguing in the home with his girlfriend screaming her head off shouting his name stop please “Steven” Stop you're hurting me. When she screams “someone helps me he's going to kill me”. She runs through the house running upstairs to the bedroom window with the neighbours having a clear view of Steven and his girlfriend. With Steven carrying a knife stabbing her multi-times at the window. Until her screams had gone quiet. A few minutes later Steven had arrived home unlocking the back door, entering the house. “ Hi, babe I'm home. Where are you”. When a few neighbours ran from across the street from their home, bursting the front door down to meet Steven in the hallway calling his girlfriend. and tackle him to the ground. With the police, right behind him. “What is going on,” he asked. Steven was taking away and charged with Murder when he pleats he was with his sister and would never harm a hair on his girlfriend. Sam had taken the call from his bud and something didn't sit right with him and wanted to check it out. Dean and Sam had a conversation about him going on his own but Sam wasn't backing down on his case because of his friend. Dean stayed back and Sam went off on his own. To take on the case. He had said to Dean he would be in touch. During a fight with shift shaper who was going around the town impersonating other people to hurt there loved ones. Sam cellphone was broken and needed to pick up a new phone to get in touch with his brother Dean. He stops at the local phone store to pick up a new handset. After buying the cellphone, he went outside to his car to swap sim cards from the broken smashed up phone that's was in the glove department. Taking a cable to Power the new cell phone up and looking through to his list of numbers for Dean. When a text came through from Dean about him started dating this Julian fella. *He shook his head how long was he away he smirks* going back to find Dean number to call him. He waited for him to answer with the operator “You call can't be taken at this time please check the number and redial”. Sam made a puzzling look on his face “What” when he started to look for Dean second cell number with no signal and he tried his third and fourth. Sam knew something wasn't adding up and something was wrong with Dean. When he opened up his laptop to start making a trace on Dean cellphones with no service coming up on any of his Numbers Sam looked back to the screen that's Dean had seemed to have vanished. “Dean” he shouted.
Dean - Dean has been in this new dimension for a little over a year now. He's got a good steady job that has its perks of hunting, he's gotten engaged and now married. It hasn't been easy settling in here and he still struggles daily. If it wasn't for his husband Dean doesn't know What he'd be doing right now. Colt had explained to him and Julian when they first got here that the rift seems to be a one way portal. They've had their best men at Blackwater try to figure out what exactly it is and how it works but in nearly 20 years they haven't been able To. Which means that Dean and Julian, cowboy, Colt, Jake, Jo, just to name a few can never go back to their own world's so that leaves one option, how can he get his brother to this world. Colt has given Dean access to everything Blackwater has and deans chased down every lead Only to be disappointed that they never go anywhere. Even Julian has been helping him. Is Sam even alive, did their world get sucked into the vortex like the others has been?
Dean doesn't know how but he won't give up on finding a way to get Sam here with him.
Sammy - Sammy when got home and ran into the cabin calling out Dean Name. Checking each room but with no answer. All he saw around each Room, including his brother bedroom was the empty beers bottles but there was no trace of him anywhere. When he sat on Dean’s bed wonder what has happened to his brother. Rubbing his hands back and forth with a sinking feeling of him being alone in this world unknowing what has happened to his brother. Dean just wouldn't go and leave me behind when he put his phone and re-read his message over and over looking for clues in case there was a hidden message in his phone somewhere. Was he in trouble? Did this Julian kidnap his brother? Something didn't add up. He meets and falls for a guy and now he's gone. No matter what was going on I was going to find my brother somehow.
Dean - Sitting in his office at Blackwater Dean pinches the bridge of his nose sitting back in his chair after tossing the last folder he'd completed onto the finished pile and called his assistant in to file them
He looks at his watch and opens his laptop to check and see if there Has been any leads sent to his email about the rift or any type of lead. Not seeing anything new he closes his laptop and gets up to refill his coffee mug sighing thinking out loud
"If we got here, he can get here, think Dean...
Sammy - Sammy ran his fingers through his hair while sitting in Dean’s bedroom in the cabin. When he couldn't just work out how Dean just had vanished. No words or communication from Him. This wasn't like Dean, he was always in contact with me. Now he's missing for how long he wasn't sure. When Sam stood up from his brother bed. Walking over to the desk he had in his room, to start Going through his things looking for some clues to wonder what made him leave the cabin. Sammy started to go through his cd’s and tapes selections when this made him feel sad and alone. When he put dean favourite albums back down on his desk. He thought strange. “He never took his music” when he looked at a pile of cases files sitting on his desk. Starting to look through the cases files that Dean might have been looking at before he left. Flipping through the files with nothing major showing up. Sammy moving and walking around his room. Trying to think what was happening in Dean head. When he messed up his bedding and flipping the mattress over to see if he had anything hidden under his bed. Just the normal a few wrappers and his gun and blade. Which set alarm bells going off in Sammy's head. He didn't take his gun and Blade? What was the hurry for him to just take off so quickly? *Sammy ran his hand over his beard and just wondered* what is going on with his Brother was he in trouble. Sammy wasn't going to panic just get about dean when he started to put his brother room back together to the way it was before within a few minutes. When Sammy finished up in his room, walking toward the door to exit the room to think his next step to finding Dean.
Dean - Dean shuts down his office for the night. Turning off his music and shutting off his light but before he leaves he gets ready to close his laptop screen to put it in is bag but ends up sitting down instead. He pulls out his cell and sends his husband a quick text to let him know that he's staying later than he expected because he wants to do some research to see if he can find out any new information on that rift. Anyone who knows Dean knows how badly he hates research so that should tell you how desperate he is to find his brother.
Sammy - It's been a matter of weeks since I found out my brother Dean has been missing or vanish. Whatever you want to call it. This was out of Dean character in every way. Sammy has been hunting high and low for his brother Dean. He's been chasing down every sighting on Dean description and working every case coming up just in case Dean would just show up. Sam couldn't handle the fact his big brother was gone when he packed up the cabin with his clothes ad stuff into his car. Driving town to town hunting for Dean. When he stopped by the local library to use the wifi to scan for any signals on Dean cellphone.
Dean - Getting sucked into this other dimension hasn't been easy. Not knowing if his brothers ok, if he's dead or alive, hell if their world even still exists. The one thing he does know for sure is the fact he will never give up on trying to get his brother here with him.
Sammy - Sammy had been chasing down every lead and fighting the supernatural world with apart of him missing. He had never felt so lonely without his brother since all the years it's always been them against the world. Now every day was a challenge carrying on without him. He just couldn't understand what or why Dean was gone. Not one day would go by without Sammy searching for Dean. No way he was going to give up on Dean. He even went to crossroad demon and torture the red-eye demon to get any news on Dean.
Dean - Dean walks out to the Impala rubbing the back of his head. His birthday is coming up, him. And his brother never really celebrated holidays except for their birthdays. They'd take those two days off and drink, watch movies, go shoot some pool. He's already went his birthday last Year and Sam's and they were damn hard to get thru
He starts up his Baby's engine and pulls out of Blackwater's lot heading down to the bar for a drink but first he goes to the place where that damn rift is. He gets out and leans against the door crossing his arms just looking Out over the street.
Sammy - *Sammy had been driving for the last few hours coming back from a dead lead on Dean. When one of Dean’s songs came on the radio. "Anything goes" Sammy turning the volume dial-up and trying to imagine Dean face while travelling down on the road he was following. *
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