sambloodfreak · 2 hours ago
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Josef Mandl - The Ghost (1898)
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sambloodfreak · 3 hours ago
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Kim Addonizio, “The Singing”, Tell Me
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sambloodfreak · 3 hours ago
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Richard Siken, from Crush; “Wishbone”
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sambloodfreak · 4 hours ago
i need dean to eat sam alive.
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sambloodfreak · 4 hours ago
I think we haven't talk about this one yet...
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Ecstasy of Saint Teresa, Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Interview with the Vampire, season 1 ep. 5
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sambloodfreak · 4 hours ago
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carry on.
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sambloodfreak · 5 hours ago
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spoiling their daughter…
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sambloodfreak · 5 hours ago
thoughts on Hendrickson
he's cute + the roles he assigns to (john-)dean-sam are really interesting to me. it's very patriarchal and structural and classifying in the way the show itself subscribes to despite presenting itself as intending to detach and explore these aspects. <- his character being a cop relates to this also in a very similar way cole from season ten does; being a cop or military brat is just as structure reinforcing as being a hunter so they both make great foils for dean while also accentuating his hero role with the idea that they're third party perspectives: at some point they become The Innocent to be saved. again, structure (dichotomy of monstrosity) reinforcing but even moreso because they're cops; they do the exact same thing, they are dean.
generally i think fandom itself attaches itself to third party authoritative points of view of sam and dean as people on account of said third party and authoritative aspects. as in these characters are characters in the same way that sam and dean are but they have the privilege of seeing sam and dean as people in a way we cannot, so people often tend to cling to their perspectives as having a specific kind of merit to them. unfortunately this has lead to a lot of unfaithful interpretations of sam's character (namely those relating to his college education, which is also brought up by another cop in 2.07) when what these instances do for me, is present a new structural headspace in which to critique the context of whatever role they're trying to create for either brother + how it foils the roles either brother has in both the context of hunting as well as their relationship. <- hendrickson is great for this :3
i think casting him as a black man has the same patriarchal exploratory vibes as casting gordon as a black man. but in an inverse way.*
id say that i think he deserved more time but generally i think supernatural fundamentally changed the way they approached characters like hendrickson, bela, gordon, and even bobby past season three and although it has a lot to do with the enormity of what the plot of supernatural turned into, it's still a fucking tragic loss because you can physically feel that energy die with every character they pluck off when you're rewatching. and i mean really, they all literally die. season four feels like a reboot and these characters wouldn't really have properly fit into it. genuinely, look at what they did with bobby (although delicious, making him an explicit father figure retcons a lot of his original pizzazz i think. whatever. i don't think about him enough to get into it) or even meg. so i think he's perfectly time capsuled.
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sambloodfreak · 5 hours ago
Sam Winchester & Ruby || maps by the front bottoms
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sambloodfreak · 5 hours ago
Sam Winchester & Dean Winchester // jigsaw falling into place by radiohead
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sambloodfreak · 5 hours ago
Sam Winchester & Dean Winchester // jigsaw falling into place by radiohead
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sambloodfreak · 5 hours ago
Sam Winchester & Dean Winchester // jigsaw falling into place by radiohead
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sambloodfreak · 5 hours ago
Sam Winchester & Dean Winchester // inbred by ethel cain
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sambloodfreak · 5 hours ago
Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester // two slow dancers by mitski
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sambloodfreak · 5 hours ago
Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester // two slow dancers by mitski
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sambloodfreak · 5 hours ago
Sam Winchester // sun bleached flies by Ethel Cain
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sambloodfreak · 5 hours ago
Sam Winchester & Dean Winchester // i want you to love me by fiona apple
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